History File 1

  Number of fields:                83
  Write frequency:                 MONTHLY
  Filename specifier:              %c.cam.h%t.%y-%m.nc
  Output precision:                single
  Number of time samples per file: 1

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
AEROD_v 1 1 A Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band
CLDHGH fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated high cloud
CLDICE kg/kg 26 A Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDLIQ kg/kg 26 A Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLDLOW fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated low cloud
CLDMED fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud
CLDTOT fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated total cloud
CLOUD fraction 26 A Cloud fraction
CONCLD fraction 26 A Convective cloud cover
DCQ kg/kg/s 26 A Q tendency due to moist processes
DTCOND K/s 26 A T tendency - moist processes
DTV K/s 26 A T vertical diffusion
EMIS 1 26 A cloud emissivity
FICE fraction 26 A Fractional ice content within cloud
FLDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLNS W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at surface
FLNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at surface
FLNT W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at top of model
FLNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model
FLUT W/m2 1 A Upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FLUTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FSDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDTOA W/m2 1 A Downwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSNS W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at surface
FSNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at surface
FSNT W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of model
FSNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of model
FSNTOA W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSNTOAC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSUTOA W/m2 1 A Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere
ICEFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
ICIMR kg/kg 26 A Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio
ICWMR kg/kg 26 A Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio
LANDFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by land
LHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface latent heat flux
LWCF W/m2 1 A Longwave cloud forcing
OCNFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean
OMEGA Pa/s 26 A Vertical velocity (pressure)
OMEGAT K Pa/s 26 A Vertical heat flux
PBLH m 1 A PBL height
PHIS m2/s2 1 I Surface geopotential
PRECC m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECSC m/s 1 A Convective snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECSL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent)
PS Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PSL Pa 1 A Sea level pressure
Q kg/kg 26 A Specific humidity
QFLX kg/m2/s 1 A Surface water flux
QREFHT kg/kg 1 A Reference height humidity
QRL K/s 26 A Longwave heating rate
QRS K/s 26 A Solar heating rate
RELHUM percent 26 A Relative humidity
SFCLDICE kg/m2/s 1 A CLDICE surface flux
SFCLDLIQ kg/m2/s 1 A CLDLIQ surface flux
SHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface sensible heat flux
SNOWHICE m 1 A Snow depth over ice
SNOWHLND m 1 A Water equivalent snow depth
SOLIN W/m2 1 A Solar insolation
SWCF W/m2 1 A Shortwave cloud forcing
T K 26 A Temperature
TAUX N/m2 1 A Zonal surface stress
TAUY N/m2 1 A Meridional surface stress
TGCLDCWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice)
TGCLDIWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud ice water path
TGCLDLWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud liquid water path
TMQ kg/m2 1 A Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water
TREFHT K 1 A Reference height temperature
TS K 1 A Surface temperature (radiative)
TSMN K 1 M Minimum surface temperature over output period
TSMX K 1 X Maximum surface temperature over output period
U m/s 26 A Zonal wind
U10 m/s 1 A 10m wind speed
UU m2/s2 26 A Zonal velocity squared
V m/s 26 A Meridional wind
VD01 kg/kg/s 26 A Vertical diffusion of Q
VQ m/skg/kg 26 A Meridional water transport
VT K m/s 26 A Meridional heat transport
VU m2/s2 26 A Meridional flux of zonal momentum
VV m2/s2 26 A Meridional velocity squared
Z3 m 26 A Geopotential Height (above sea level)

History File 8

  Number of fields:                15
  Write frequency:                 YEARLY
  Filename specifier:              %c.cam.i.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc
  Output precision:                double
  Number of time samples per file: 1

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
CLDICE&IC kg/kg 26 I Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDLIQ&IC kg/kg 26 I Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
ICEFRAC&IC fraction 1 I Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
PS&IC Pa 1 I Surface pressure
Q&IC kg/kg 26 I Specific humidity
SICTHK&IC m 1 I Sea ice thickness
SNOWHICE&IC m 1 I Water equivalent snow depth
T&IC K 26 I Temperature
TS1&IC K 1 I TS1 subsoil temperature
TS2&IC K 1 I TS2 subsoil temperature
TS3&IC K 1 I TS3 subsoil temperature
TS4&IC K 1 I TS4 subsoil temperature
TSICE&IC K 1 I Ice temperature
US&IC m/s 26 I Zonal wind, staggered
VS&IC m/s 26 I Meridional wind, staggered

Master Field List

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
AEROD_v 1 1 A Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band
ALDIF 1 1 A albedo: longwave, diffuse
ALDIR 1 1 A albedo: longwave, direct
ASDIF 1 1 A albedo: shortwave, diffuse
ASDIR 1 1 A albedo: shortwave, direct
AST fraction 26 A Stratus cloud fraction
ATMEINT J/m2 1 A Vertically integrated total atmospheric energy
BCDEPWET_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
BCPHIDRY_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
BCPHODRY_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
CAPE J/kg 1 A Convectively available potential energy
CBMF kg/m2/s 1 A Cloud base mass flux
CGS s/m2 27 A Counter-gradient coeff on surface kinematic fluxes
CIN J/kg 1 A Convective inhibition
CLDBOT 1 1 I Vertical index of cloud base
CLDHGH fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated high cloud
CLDICE kg/kg 26 A Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDICE&IC kg/kg 26 I Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDICEAP kg/kg 26 A CLDICE after physics
CLDICEBP kg/kg 26 A CLDICE before physics
CLDICECON kg/kg 26 A Convective CLDICE
CLDICESTR kg/kg 26 A Stratiform CLDICE
CLDLIQ kg/kg 26 A Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLDLIQ&IC kg/kg 26 I Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLDLIQAP kg/kg 26 A CLDLIQ after physics
CLDLIQBP kg/kg 26 A CLDLIQ before physics
CLDLIQCON kg/kg 26 A Convective CLDLIQ
CLDLIQSTR kg/kg 26 A Stratiform CLDLIQ
CLDLOW fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated low cloud
CLDMED fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud
CLDST fraction 26 A Stratus cloud fraction
CLDTOP 1 1 I Vertical index of cloud top
CLDTOT fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated total cloud
CLOUD fraction 26 A Cloud fraction
CLOUD&IC fraction 26 I Cloud fraction
CME kg/kg/s 26 A Rate of cond-evap within the cloud
CMEICE kg/kg/s 26 A Rate of cond-evap of ice within the cloud
CMELIQ kg/kg/s 26 A Rate of cond-evap of liq within the cloud
CMFDICE kg/kg/s 26 A Cloud ice tendency - shallow convection
CMFDLIQ kg/kg/s 26 A Cloud liq tendency - shallow convection
CMFDQ kg/kg/s 26 A QV tendency - shallow convection
CMFDQR kg/kg/s 26 A Q tendency - shallow convection rainout
CMFDT K/s 26 A T tendency - shallow convection
CMFLQ W/m2 27 A Moist shallow convection total water flux
CMFMC kg/m2/s 27 A Moist shallow convection mass flux
CMFMCDZM kg/m2/s 27 A Convection mass flux from ZM deep
CMFSL W/m2 27 A Moist shallow convection liquid water static energy flux
CNVCLD fraction 1 A Vertically integrated convective cloud amount
CONCLD fraction 26 A Convective cloud cover
CONCLD&IC fraction 26 I Convective cloud fraction
CUSH&IC m 1 I Convective Scale Height
DCQ kg/kg/s 26 A Q tendency due to moist processes
DISED kg/kg/s 26 A Cloud ice tendency from sedimentation
DLSED kg/kg/s 26 A Cloud liquid tendency from sedimentation
DMECLDICE kg/kg/s 26 A CLDICE dme adjustment tendency (FV)
DMECLDLIQ kg/kg/s 26 A CLDLIQ dme adjustment tendency (FV)
DMEQ kg/kg/s 26 A Q dme adjustment tendency (FV)
DQP kg/kg/s 26 A Specific humidity tendency due to precipitation
DQSED kg/kg/s 26 A Water vapor tendency from cloud sedimentation
DSTX01DD_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
DSTX01WD_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
DSTX02DD_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
DSTX02WD_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
DSTX03DD_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
DSTX03WD_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
DSTX04DD_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
DSTX04WD_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
DTCOND K/s 26 A T tendency - moist processes
DTCOND_12_COS K/s 26 A T tendency - moist processes 12hr. cos coeff.
DTCOND_12_SIN K/s 26 A T tendency - moist processes 12hr. sin coeff.
DTCOND_24_COS K/s 26 A T tendency - moist processes 24hr. cos coeff.
DTCOND_24_SIN K/s 26 A T tendency - moist processes 24hr. sin coeff.
DTCORE K/s 26 A T tendency due to dynamical core
DTV K/s 26 A T vertical diffusion
DTVKE K/s 26 A dT/dt vertical diffusion KE dissipation
DUH K/s 26 A U horizontal diffusive heating
DUV m/s2 26 A U vertical diffusion
DVH K/s 26 A V horizontal diffusive heating
DVV m/s2 26 A V vertical diffusion
EFFCLD fraction 26 A Effective cloud fraction
EFFICE Micron 26 A Prognostic ice effective radius
EFFLIQ Micron 26 A Prognostic droplet effective radius
EFFLIQ_IND Micron 26 A Prognostic droplet effective radius (indirect effect)
EMIS 1 26 A cloud emissivity
ENGYCORR W/m2 26 A Energy correction for over-all conservation
EVAPPREC kg/kg/s 26 A Rate of evaporation of falling precip
EVAPQCM kg/kg/s 26 A Q tendency - Evaporation from Hack convection
EVAPQZM kg/kg/s 26 A Q tendency - Evaporation from Zhang-McFarlane moist convection
EVAPSNOW kg/kg/s 26 A Rate of evaporation of falling snow
EVAPTCM K/s 26 A T tendency - Evaporation/snow prod from Hack convection
EVAPTZM K/s 26 A T tendency - Evaporation/snow prod from Zhang convection
EVSNTCM K/s 26 A T tendency - Snow to rain prod from Hack convection
EVSNTZM K/s 26 A T tendency - Snow to rain prod from Zhang convection
FDL W/m2 27 I Longwave downward flux
FDLC W/m2 27 I Longwave clear-sky downward flux
FDS W/m2 27 I Shortwave downward flux
FDSC W/m2 27 I Shortwave clear-sky downward flux
FICE fraction 26 A Fractional ice content within cloud
FLDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLN200 W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at 200 mb
FLN200C W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at 200 mb
FLNR W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at tropopause
FLNS W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at surface
FLNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at surface
FLNT W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at top of model
FLNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model
FLUT W/m2 1 A Upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FLUTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FRACW fraction 26 A Relative importance of rain accreting liquid
FREQSH fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of shallow convection
FREQZM fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of ZM convection
FSACI fraction 26 A Relative importance of snow accreting ice
FSACW fraction 26 A Relative importance of snow accreting liquid
FSAUT fraction 26 A Relative importance of ice autoconversion
FSDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDTOA W/m2 1 A Downwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSN200 W/m2 1 A Net shortwave flux at 200 mb
FSN200C W/m2 1 A Clearsky net shortwave flux at 200 mb
FSNIRTOA W/m2 1 A Net near-infrared flux (Nimbus-7 WFOV) at top of atmosphere
FSNR W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at tropopause
FSNRTOAC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net near-infrared flux (Nimbus-7 WFOV) at top of atmosphere
FSNRTOAS W/m2 1 A Net near-infrared flux (>= 0.7 microns) at top of atmosphere
FSNS W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at surface
FSNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at surface
FSNT W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of model
FSNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of model
FSNTOA W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSNTOAC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSUTOA W/m2 1 A Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere
FU m/s2 26 A Zonal wind forcing term
FUL W/m2 27 I Longwave upward flux
FULC W/m2 27 I Longwave clear-sky upward flux
FUS W/m2 27 I Shortwave upward flux
FUSC W/m2 27 I Shortwave clear-sky upward flux
FU_S m/s2 26 A Zonal wind forcing term on staggered grid
FV m/s2 26 A Meridional wind forcing term
FV_S m/s2 26 A Meridional wind forcing term on staggered grid
FWAUT fraction 26 A Relative importance of liquid autoconversion
FZSNTCM K/s 26 A T tendency - Rain to snow conversion from Hack convection
FZSNTZM K/s 26 A T tendency - Rain to snow conversion from Zhang convection
GCLDLWP gram/m2 26 A Grid-box cloud water path
HB_ri no 26 A Richardson Number (HB Scheme), I
HCME W/kg 26 A Heating from cond-evap within the cloud
HEVAP W/kg 26 A Heating from evaporation of falling precip
HFREEZ W/kg 26 A Heating rate due to freezing of precip
HKEIHEAT W/kg 26 A Heating by ice and evaporation in HK convection
HKFLXPRC kg/m2/s 27 A Flux of precipitation from HK convection
HKFLXSNW kg/m2/s 27 A Flux of snow from HK convection
HKNTPRPD kg/kg/s 26 A Net precipitation production from HK convection
HKNTSNPD kg/kg/s 26 A Net snow production from HK convection
HMELT W/kg 26 A Heating from snow melt
HPROGCLD W/kg 26 A Heating from prognostic clouds
HR K/s 26 A Heating rate needed for d(theta)/dt computation
HREPART W/kg 26 A Heating from cloud ice/liquid repartitioning
HSED W/kg 26 A Heating from cloud sediment evaporation
ICE2PR kg/kg/s 26 A Rate of conversion of ice to precip
ICECLDF fraction 26 A Stratus ICE cloud fraction
ICEFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
ICEFRAC&IC fraction 1 I Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
ICE_ICLD_VISTAU 1 26 A Ice in-cloud visible sw optical depth
ICIMR kg/kg 26 A Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio
ICINC m-3 26 A Prognostic in-cloud ice number conc
ICLDIWP gram/m2 26 A In-cloud ice water path
ICLDTWP gram/m2 26 A In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice)
ICWMR kg/kg 26 A Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio
ICWNC m-3 26 A Prognostic in-cloud water number conc
IWC kg/m3 26 A Grid box average ice water content
KTOOP K/s 26 A (Kappa*T)*(omega/P)
KVH m2/s 27 A Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture)
KVH&IC m2/s 27 I Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture)
KVM m2/s 27 A Vertical diffusion diffusivities (momentum)
KVM&IC m2/s 27 I Vertical diffusion diffusivities (momentum)
KVT m2/s 27 A Vertical diffusion kinematic molecular conductivity
LANDFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by land
LCWAT&IC kg/kg 26 I Cloud water (ice + liq
LHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface latent heat flux
LIQ2PR kg/kg/s 26 A Rate of conversion of liq to precip
LIQCLDF fraction 26 A Stratus Liquid cloud fraction
LIQ_ICLD_VISTAU 1 26 A Liquid in-cloud visible sw optical depth
LPSTEN Pa/s 1 A Surface pressure tendency
LS_FLXPRC kg/m2/s 27 A ls stratiform gbm interface rain+snow flux
LS_FLXSNW kg/m2/s 27 A ls stratiform gbm interface snow flux
LWC kg/m3 26 A Grid box average liquid water content
LWCF W/m2 1 A Longwave cloud forcing
LWSH m 1 A Liquid water scale height
MQ kg/m2 26 A Water vapor mass in layer
NSTEP timestep 1 A Model timestep
OCDEPWET_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
OCNFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean
OCPHIDRY_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
OCPHODRY_D kg/m2/s 1 A prescribed aero dep
ODV_SSLTA 1 1 A SSLTA optical depth in visible band
ODV_SSLTC 1 1 A SSLTC optical depth in visible band
ODV_bcar1 1 1 A bcar1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_bcar2 1 1 A bcar2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust1 1 1 A dust1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust2 1 1 A dust2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust3 1 1 A dust3 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust4 1 1 A dust4 optical depth in visible band
ODV_ocar1 1 1 A ocar1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_ocar2 1 1 A ocar2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_sulf 1 1 A sulf optical depth in visible band
OMEGA Pa/s 26 A Vertical velocity (pressure)
OMEGA500 Pa/s 1 A Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface
OMEGA850 Pa/s 1 A Vertical velocity at 850 mbar pressure surface
OMEGAQ kgPa/kgs 26 A Vertical water transport
OMEGAT K Pa/s 26 A Vertical heat flux
OMEGAU m Pa/s2 26 A Vertical flux of zonal momentum
OMEGAV m Pa/s2 26 A Vertical flux of meridional momentum
OMGAOMGA Pa2/s2 26 A Vertical flux of vertical momentum
PBLH m 1 A PBL height
PBLH&IC m 1 I PBL height
PCLDBOT 1 1 A Pressure of cloud base
PCLDTOP 1 1 A Pressure of cloud top
PCONVB Pa 1 A convection base pressure
PCONVT Pa 1 A convection top pressure
PCSNOW m/s 1 A Snow fall from prognostic clouds
PDELDRY Pa 26 A Dry pressure difference between levels
PHIS m2/s2 1 I Surface geopotential
PRACWO 1/s 26 A Accretion of cloud water by rain
PRECC m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECCDZM m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate from ZM deep
PRECCav m/s 1 A Average large-scale precipitation (liq + ice)
PRECL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECLav m/s 1 A Average convective precipitation (liq + ice)
PRECSC m/s 1 A Convective snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECSED m/s 1 A Precipitation from cloud sedimentation
PRECSH m/s 1 A Shallow Convection precipitation rate
PRECSL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECT m/s 1 A Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECTMX m/s 1 X Maximum (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq+ice)
PRECZ m/s 1 A total precipitation from ZM convection
PREC_PCW m/s 1 A LS_pcw precipitation rate
PREC_zmc m/s 1 A CV_zmc precipitation rate
PRODPREC kg/kg/s 26 A Rate of conversion of condensate to precip
PS Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PS&IC Pa 1 I Surface pressure
PSACIO 1/s 26 A Accretion of cloud ice by snow
PSACWO 1/s 26 A Accretion of cloud water by snow
PSDRY Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PSL Pa 1 A Sea level pressure
PTECLDICE kg/kg/s 26 A CLDICE total physics tendency
PTECLDLIQ kg/kg/s 26 A CLDLIQ total physics tendency
PTEQ kg/kg/s 26 A Q total physics tendency
PTTEND K/s 26 A T total physics tendency
PTTEND_RESID K/s 26 A T-tendency due to BAB kluge at end of tphysac (diagnostic not part of T-budget)
Q kg/kg 26 A Specific humidity
Q&IC kg/kg 26 I Specific humidity
Q1000 kg/kg 1 A Specific Humidity at 1000 mbar pressure surface
Q200 kg/kg 1 A Specific Humidity at 700 mbar pressure surface
Q850 kg/kg 1 A Specific Humidity at 850 mbar pressure surface
Q925 kg/kg 1 A Specific Humidity at 925 mbar pressure surface
QAP kg/kg 26 A Specific humidity (after physics)
QBOT kg/kg 1 A Lowest model level water vapor mixing ratio
QBP kg/kg 26 A Specific humidity (before physics)
QC kg/kg/s 26 A Q tendency - shallow convection LW export
QCWAT&IC kg/kg 26 I q associated with cloud water
QFLX kg/m2/s 1 A Surface water flux
QPERT kg/kg 1 A Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL)
QPERT&IC kg/kg 1 I Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL)
QQ kg2/kg2 26 A Eddy moisture variance
QREFHT kg/kg 1 A Reference height humidity
QRL K/s 26 A Longwave heating rate
QRLC K/s 26 A Clearsky longwave heating rate
QRS K/s 26 A Solar heating rate
QRSC K/s 26 A Clearsky solar heating rate
QT kg/kg 26 A Total water mixing ratio
QTFLX W/m2 27 A Total water flux
RAINSED m/s 1 A Rain from cloud liquid sedimentation
REI micron 26 A effective ice particle radius
REL micron 26 A effective liquid drop radius
RELHUM percent 26 A Relative humidity
REPARTICE kg/kg/s 26 A Cloud ice tendency from cloud ice/liquid repartitioning
REPARTLIQ kg/kg/s 26 A Cloud liq tendency from cloud ice/liquid repartitioning
RHCFMIP percent 26 A Relative humidity with respect to water above 273 K, ice below 273 K
RHI percent 26 A Relative humidity with respect to ice
RHREFHT fraction 1 A Reference height relative humidity
RHW percent 26 A Relative humidity with respect to liquid
SETLWP gram/m2 26 A Prescribed liquid water path
SFCLDICE kg/m2/s 1 A CLDICE surface flux
SFCLDLIQ kg/m2/s 1 A CLDLIQ surface flux
SGH m 1 I Standard deviation of orography
SGH30 m 1 I Standard deviation of 30s orography
SHDLF kg/kg/s 26 A Detrained liquid water from shallow convection
SHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface sensible heat flux
SICTHK m 1 A Sea ice thickness
SICTHK&IC m 1 I Sea ice thickness
SL J/kg 26 A Liquid water static energy
SLFLX W/m2 27 A Liquid static energy flux
SLV J/kg 26 A Liq wat virtual static energy
SNOWHICE m 1 A Snow depth over ice
SNOWHICE&IC m 1 I Water equivalent snow depth
SNOWHLND m 1 A Water equivalent snow depth
SNOWSED m/s 1 A Snow from cloud ice sedimentation
SOLIN W/m2 1 A Solar insolation
SOLL W/m2 1 A Solar downward near infrared direct to surface
SOLLD W/m2 1 A Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface
SOLS W/m2 1 A Solar downward visible direct to surface
SOLSD W/m2 1 A Solar downward visible diffuse to surface
SSLTA kg/kg 26 A sea salt
SSLTC kg/kg 26 A sea salt
SST K 1 A sea surface temperature
SWCF W/m2 1 A Shortwave cloud forcing
T K 26 A Temperature
T&IC K 26 I Temperature
T010 K 1 A Temperature at 10 mbar pressure surface
T1000 K 1 A Temperature at 1000 mbar pressure surface
T200 K 1 A Temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface
T300 K 1 A Temperature at 300 mbar pressure surface
T500 K 1 A Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface
T700 K 1 A Temperature at 700 mbar pressure surface
T7001000 K 1 A Temperature difference 700 mb - 1000 mb
T850 K 1 A Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface
T8501000 K 1 A Temperature difference 850 mb - 1000 mb
T925 K 1 A Temperature at 925 mbar pressure surface
T9251000 K 1 A Temperature difference 925 mb - 1000 mb
TACLDICE kg/kg/s 26 A CLDICE horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACLDLIQ kg/kg/s 26 A CLDLIQ horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAP K 26 A Temperature (after physics)
TAQ kg/kg/s 26 A Q horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAUGWX N/m2 1 A Zonal gravity wave surface stress
TAUGWY N/m2 1 A Meridional gravity wave surface stress
TAUX N/m2 1 A Zonal surface stress
TAUY N/m2 1 A Meridional surface stress
TBOT K 1 A Lowest model level temperature
TBOT&IC K 1 I Lowest model level temperature
TBP K 26 A Temperature (before physics)
TCWAT&IC kg/kg 26 I T associated with cloud water
TEFIX W/m2 1 A Total energy after fixer
TEINP W/m2 1 A Total energy of physics input
TEOUT W/m2 1 A Total energy of physics output
TFIX K/s 1 A T fixer (T equivalent of Energy correction)
TGCLDCWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice)
TGCLDIWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud ice water path
TGCLDLWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud liquid water path
TH7001000 K 1 A Theta difference 700 mb - 1000 mb
TH8501000 K 1 A Theta difference 850 mb - 1000 mb
TH9251000 K 1 A Theta difference 925 mb - 1000 mb
THE7001000 K 1 A ThetaE difference 700 mb - 1000 mb
THE8501000 K 1 A ThetaE difference 850 mb - 1000 mb
THE9251000 K 1 A ThetaE difference 925 mb - 1000 mb
TKE m2/s2 27 A Turbulent Kinetic Energy
TKE&IC m2/s2 27 I Turbulent Kinetic Energy
TMCLDICE kg/m2 1 A CLDICE column burden
TMCLDLIQ kg/m2 1 A CLDLIQ column burden
TMQ kg/m2 1 A Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water
TOT_CLD_VISTAU 1 26 A Total gbx cloud visible sw optical depth
TOT_ICLD_VISTAU 1 26 A Total in-cloud visible sw optical depth
TPERT K 1 A Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL)
TPERT&IC K 1 I Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL)
TREFHT K 1 A Reference height temperature
TREFHTMN K 1 M Minimum reference height temperature over output period
TREFHTMX K 1 X Maximum reference height temperature over output period
TREFMNAV K 1 A Average of TREFHT daily minimum
TREFMXAV K 1 A Average of TREFHT daily maximum
TROPP_DZ m 26 A Relalive Tropopause Height (primary)
TROPP_FD probability 1 A Tropopause Found (primary)
TROPP_P Pa 1 A Tropopause Pressure (primary)
TROPP_PD probability 26 A Tropopause Distribution (primary)
TROPP_T K 1 A Tropopause Temperature (primary)
TROPP_Z m 1 A Tropopause Height (primary)
TROP_DZ m 26 A Relative Tropopause Height
TROP_FD probability 1 A Tropopause Found
TROP_P Pa 1 A Tropopause Pressure
TROP_PD probability 26 A Tropopause Probabilty
TROP_T K 1 A Tropopause Temperature
TROP_Z m 1 A Tropopause Height
TS K 1 A Surface temperature (radiative)
TS1 K 1 A TS1 subsoil temperature
TS1&IC K 1 I TS1 subsoil temperature
TS2 K 1 A TS2 subsoil temperature
TS2&IC K 1 I TS2 subsoil temperature
TS3 K 1 A TS3 subsoil temperature
TS3&IC K 1 I TS3 subsoil temperature
TS4 K 1 A TS4 subsoil temperature
TS4&IC K 1 I TS4 subsoil temperature
TSICE K 1 A Ice temperature
TSICE&IC K 1 I Ice temperature
TSICERAD&IC K 1 I Radiatively equivalent ice temperature
TSMN K 1 M Minimum surface temperature over output period
TSMX K 1 X Maximum surface temperature over output period
TT K2 26 A Eddy temperature variance
TTEND K/s 26 A Total T tendency (all processes)
TTEND_TOT K/s 26 A Total temperature tendency
TTGWORO K/s 26 A T tendency - orographic gravity wave drag
U m/s 26 A Zonal wind
U010 m/s 1 A Zonal wind at 10 mbar pressure surface
U10 m/s 1 A 10m wind speed
U200 m/s 1 A Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface
U250 m/s 1 A Zonal wind at 250 mbar pressure surface
U850 m/s 1 A Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface
UAP m/s 26 A Zonal wind (after physics)
UBOT m/s 1 A Lowest model level zonal wind
UFLX W/m2 27 A Zonal momentum flux
US m/s 26 A Zonal wind, staggered
US&IC m/s 26 I Zonal wind, staggered
USTAR m/s 1 A Surface friction velocity
UTEND m/s2 26 A U tendency
UTGWORO m/s2 26 A U tendency - orographic gravity wave drag
UU m2/s2 26 A Zonal velocity squared
V m/s 26 A Meridional wind
V200 m/s 1 A Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface
V250 m/s 1 A Meridional wind at 250 mbar pressure surface
V850 m/s 1 A Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface
VAP m/s 26 A Meridional wind (after physics)
VAT K/s 26 A Vertical advective tendency of T
VBOT m/s 1 A Lowest model level meridional wind
VD01 kg/kg/s 26 A Vertical diffusion of Q
VDCLDICE kg/kg/s 26 A Vertical diffusion of CLDICE
VDCLDLIQ kg/kg/s 26 A Vertical diffusion of CLDLIQ
VFLX W/m2 27 A Meridional momentm flux
VQ m/skg/kg 26 A Meridional water transport
VS m/s 26 A Meridional wind, staggered
VS&IC m/s 26 I Meridional wind, staggered
VT K m/s 26 A Meridional heat transport
VTEND m/s2 26 A V tendency
VTGWORO m/s2 26 A V tendency - orographic gravity wave drag
VU m2/s2 26 A Meridional flux of zonal momentum
VV m2/s2 26 A Meridional velocity squared
VZ m2/s 26 A Meridional transport of geopotential energy
WGUSTD m/s 1 A wind gusts from turbulence
WSPDSRFAV m/s 1 A Horizontal total wind speed average at the surface
WSPDSRFMX m/s 1 X Horizontal total wind speed maximum at the surface
WSPEED m/s 26 X Horizontal total wind speed maximum
Z050 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 50 mbar pressure surface
Z100 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 100 mbar pressure surface
Z1000 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 700 mbar pressure surface
Z200 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 200 mbar pressure surface
Z3 m 26 A Geopotential Height (above sea level)
Z300 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 300 mbar pressure surface
Z500 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface
Z700 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 700 mbar pressure surface
ZBOT m 1 A Lowest model level height
ZMDICE kg/kg/s 26 A Cloud ice tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection
ZMDLF kg/kg/s 26 A Detrained liquid water from ZM convection
ZMDLIQ kg/kg/s 26 A Cloud liq tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection
ZMDQ kg/kg/s 26 A Q tendency - Zhang-McFarlane moist convection
ZMDT K/s 26 A T tendency - Zhang-McFarlane moist convection
ZMEIHEAT W/kg 26 A Heating by ice and evaporation in ZM convection
ZMFLXPRC kg/m2/s 27 A Flux of precipitation from ZM convection
ZMFLXSNW kg/m2/s 27 A Flux of snow from ZM convection
ZMICUD m/s 26 A ZM in-cloud U downdrafts
ZMICUU m/s 26 A ZM in-cloud U updrafts
ZMICVD m/s 26 A ZM in-cloud V downdrafts
ZMICVU m/s 26 A ZM in-cloud V updrafts
ZMMD kg/m2/s 26 A ZM convection downdraft mass flux
ZMMTT K/s 26 A T tendency - ZM convective momentum transport
ZMMTU m/s2 26 A U tendency - ZM convective momentum transport
ZMMTV m/s2 26 A V tendency - ZM convective momentum transport
ZMMU kg/m2/s 26 A ZM convection updraft mass flux
ZMNTPRPD kg/kg/s 26 A Net precipitation production from ZM convection
ZMNTSNPD kg/kg/s 26 A Net snow production from ZM convection
ZMUPGD m/s2 26 A zonal force from ZM downdraft pressure gradient term
ZMUPGU m/s2 26 A zonal force from ZM updraft pressure gradient term
ZMVPGD m/s2 26 A merdional force from ZM downdraft pressure gradient term
ZMVPGU m/s2 26 A meridional force from ZM updraft pressure gradient term
ZZ m2 26 A Eddy height variance
a2x_BCPHIDRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophilic black carbon
a2x_BCPHIWET kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of hydrophilic black carbon
a2x_BCPHODRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophobic black carbon
a2x_DSTDRY1 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin1)
a2x_DSTDRY2 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin2)
a2x_DSTDRY3 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin3)
a2x_DSTDRY4 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin4)
a2x_DSTWET1 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin1)
a2x_DSTWET2 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin2)
a2x_DSTWET3 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin3)
a2x_DSTWET4 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin4)
a2x_OCPHIDRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophilic organic carbon
a2x_OCPHIWET kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of hydrophilic organic carbon
a2x_OCPHODRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophobic organic carbon
bcar1_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
bcar2_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
cb_CFC11_c kg/m^2 1 A CFC11 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_CFC12_c kg/m^2 1 A CFC12 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_CH4_c kg/m^2 1 A CH4 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_CO2_c kg/m^2 1 A CO2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_N2O_c kg/m^2 1 A N2O column burden used in climate calculation
cb_O2_c kg/m^2 1 A O2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_Q_c kg/m^2 1 A Q column burden used in climate calculation
cb_SSLTA_c kg/m^2 1 A SSLTA column burden used in climate calculation
cb_SSLTC_c kg/m^2 1 A SSLTC column burden used in climate calculation
cb_bcar1_c kg/m^2 1 A bcar1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_bcar2_c kg/m^2 1 A bcar2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_dust1_c kg/m^2 1 A dust1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_dust2_c kg/m^2 1 A dust2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_dust3_c kg/m^2 1 A dust3 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_dust4_c kg/m^2 1 A dust4 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_ocar1_c kg/m^2 1 A ocar1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_ocar2_c kg/m^2 1 A ocar2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_ozone_c kg/m^2 1 A ozone column burden used in climate calculation
cb_sulf_c kg/m^2 1 A sulf column burden used in climate calculation
dust1_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
dust2_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
dust3_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
dust4_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
hstobie_linoz fraction of mode 26 I Lowest possible Linoz level
hstobie_trop fraction of mode 26 I Lowest level with stratospheric chemsitry
hstobie_tropop fraction of mode 26 I Troposphere boundary calculated in chemistry
m_CFC11_c kg/m^2 26 A CFC11 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_CFC12_c kg/m^2 26 A CFC12 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_CH4_c kg/m^2 26 A CH4 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_CO2_c kg/m^2 26 A CO2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_N2O_c kg/m^2 26 A N2O mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_O2_c kg/m^2 26 A O2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_Q_c kg/m^2 26 A Q mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_SSLTA_c kg/m^2 26 A SSLTA mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_SSLTC_c kg/m^2 26 A SSLTC mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_bcar1_c kg/m^2 26 A bcar1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_bcar2_c kg/m^2 26 A bcar2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_dust1_c kg/m^2 26 A dust1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_dust2_c kg/m^2 26 A dust2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_dust3_c kg/m^2 26 A dust3 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_dust4_c kg/m^2 26 A dust4 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_ocar1_c kg/m^2 26 A ocar1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_ocar2_c kg/m^2 26 A ocar2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_ozone_c kg/m^2 26 A ozone mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_sulf_c kg/m^2 26 A sulf mass per layer used in climate calculation
ocar1_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
ocar2_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
ozone mol/mol 26 I prescribed ozone
qi_aft_Cu kg/kg 26 I qi_afterCU
qi_aft_PBL kg/kg 26 A qi_afterPBL
qi_pre_Cu kg/kg 26 I qi_preCU
qi_pre_PBL kg/kg 26 A qi_prePBL
qiten_PBL kg/kg/s 26 A qi tendency by PBL
ql_aft_Cu kg/kg 26 I ql_afterCU
ql_aft_PBL kg/kg 26 A ql_afterPBL
ql_pre_Cu kg/kg 26 I ql_preCU
ql_pre_PBL kg/kg 26 A ql_prePBL
qlten_PBL kg/kg/s 26 A ql tendency by PBL
qt_aft_Cu kg/kg 26 I qt_afterCU
qt_aft_PBL kg/kg 26 A qt_afterPBL
qt_pre_Cu kg/kg 26 I qt_preCU
qt_pre_PBL kg/kg 26 A qt_prePBL
qtflx_PBL kg/m2/s 27 A qt flux by PBL
qtflx_cg_PBL kg/m2/s 27 A qt_cg flux by PBL
qtten_PBL kg/kg/s 26 A qt tendency by PBL
qv_aft_Cu kg/kg 26 I qv_afterCU
qv_aft_PBL kg/kg 26 A qv_afterPBL
qv_pre_Cu kg/kg 26 I qv_preCU
qv_pre_PBL kg/kg 26 A qv_prePBL
qvten_PBL kg/kg/s 26 A qv tendency by PBL
rei_cloud 1 26 I effective radius of ice in cloud
rel_cloud 1/meter 26 I effective radius of liq in cloud
rh_aft_Cu % 26 I rh_afterCU
rh_aft_PBL % 26 A rh_afterPBL
rh_pre_Cu % 26 I rh_preCU
rh_pre_PBL % 26 A rh_prePBL
rhten_Cu %/s 26 I RH tendency by cumumus convection
rhten_PBL %/s 26 A RH tendency by PBL
sl_aft_Cu J/kg 26 I sl_afterCU
sl_aft_PBL J/kg 26 A sl_afterPBL
sl_pre_Cu J/kg 26 I sl_preCU
sl_pre_PBL J/kg 26 A sl_prePBL
slflx_PBL J/m2/s 27 A sl flux by PBL
slflx_cg_PBL J/m2/s 27 A sl_cg flux by PBL
slten_PBL J/kg/s 26 A sl tendency by PBL
slv_aft_Cu J/kg 26 I slv_afterCU
slv_aft_PBL J/kg 26 A slv_afterPBL
slv_pre_Cu J/kg 26 I slv_preCU
slv_pre_PBL J/kg 26 A slv_prePBL
sslt1_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
sslt2_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
sslt3_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
sslt4_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
sulf_D kg/kg 26 A prescribed aero
t_aft_Cu K 26 I t_afterCU
t_aft_PBL K 26 A t_afterPBL
t_pre_Cu K 26 I t_preCU
t_pre_PBL K 26 A t_prePBL
tten_Cu K/s 26 I Temprtaure tendency by cumulus convection
tten_PBL K/s 26 A T tendency by PBL
u_aft_Cu m/s 26 I u_afterCU
u_aft_PBL m/s 26 A u_afterPBL
u_pre_Cu m/s 26 I u_preCU
u_pre_PBL m/s 26 A u_prePBL
uflx_PBL kg/m/s2 27 A u flux by PBL
uflx_cg_PBL kg/m/s2 27 A u_cg flux by PBL
uten_PBL m/s2 26 A u tendency by PBL
v_aft_Cu m/s 26 I v_afterCU
v_aft_PBL m/s 26 A v_afterPBL
v_pre_Cu m/s 26 I v_preCU
v_pre_PBL m/s 26 A v_prePBL
vflx_PBL kg/m/s2 27 A v flux by PBL
vflx_cg_PBL kg/m/s2 27 A v_cg flux by PBL
vten_PBL m/s2 26 A v tendency by PBL