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CSM Experiment Series g005

Active: sea-ice & ocean
Dummy: atmosphere & land

Models used:

  • the dummy atmosphere+land using CCM history data
  • the NCAR global ocean
  • the NCAR sea-ice model.

    This case used a dummy atmosphere model (based on CCM output data) to spinup the active ice and active ocean models. This spinup provided ice and ocean initial conditions for the b001.nn series, which is the control experiment presented in the May 1996 CSM workshop.

    Some results:

  • From the ice model

    Table of g005.nn runs:

    Date Case Description Start/End Owner
    g005 standard ocn/ice spinup run
    May 96 g005.14 drv: ~nieman/csm/drv-2.e
    atm+lnd: ~ccmproc2/csm/atm-2.e.alb
    ice: ~bettge/csm/FC_version/src3.2
    ocn: /NJN01/CSM/2DEG45L/Spin_up5/G2.5.00c/2x2/4_96b/001/in_core/css/ocean
    MS dir: /KAUFF/csm/g005.14/[atm,ice,ocn,drv,log]/*
    NQS dir: ~nieman/csm/nqs/g005.14
  • IC's are 1 Jan 220 from g005.13
  • atm feeds drv monthly avg data fields, w/ albedo feedback
  • ocn in accel mode w/ dt=4.8-48hr T & S, .8hr (u,v)
  • essentially a continuation of g005.13 except a coding error wrt fresh water flux into ocean was corrected
  • 0220-01-01
    B. Kauffman
    Mar/Apr 96 g005.13 drv: ~nieman/csm/drv-2.e
    atm+lnd: ~ccmproc2/csm/atm-2.e
    ice: ~bettge/csm/FC_version/src3.0
    ocn: /NJN01/CSM/2DEG45L/Spin_up2/G2.2.01c/2x2/2_96b/001/in_core/ocean
    MS dir: /KAUFF/csm/g005.13/[atm,ice,ocn,drv,log]/*
    NQS dir: ~nieman/csm/nqs/g005.13
  • IC's are 0100-Jan-01 from g005.11
  • essentially a continuation of g005.11 except...
  • ...initial ice & ocn source code differs from g005.11
  • ...drv does E+P=0 balance over non-land-locked ocn domain only
  • all source codes have been modified during this run (bug fixes and other tweaks)
  • year 220: ocn accel is turned off
  • year 220: atm data is switched to daily avg fields
  • year 230: provides ocn & ice IC's for case b001.01
  • presented at the 1st CSM Workshop in May 1996
    as part of the g005.11 + g005.13 + b001 series
  • 0100-01-01
    B. Kauffman
    Mar 96 g005.12 drv: drv-2.c.4
    atm+lnd: ~ccmproc2/csm/atm-2.c.monthly
    ice: ~/bettge/csm/FC_version/jw/src2.7.2
    ocn: /NJN01/CSM/2DEG45L/Spin_up2/G2.2.00c/2x2/2_96/005/in_core/ocean
    MS dir: /KAUFF/csm/g005.12/[atm,ice,ocn,drv,log]/*
    NQS dir: ~nieman/csm/nqs/g005.12
  • atm: climatological data model with mean *monthly* CCM fields
  • atm/lnd/ice: dt=2hrs
  • ocn in accel mode w/ dt=4-40hr T & S, .8hr (u,v)
  • drv sets E+P=0 over ocn+ice
  • 0000-09-01
    B. Kauffman
    Feb/Mar 96 g005.11 drv: drv-2.c.4
    atm+lnd: ~ccmproc2/csm/atm-2.c.monthly
    ice: ~bettge/csm/FC_version/src2.7
    ocn: /NJN01/CSM/2DEG45L/Spin_up2/G2.2.00c/2x2/2_96/005/in_core/oce an
    MS dir: /KAUFF/csm/g005.11/[atm,ice,ocn,drv,log]/*
    NQS dir: ~nieman/csm/nqs/g005.11
  • ocn is in accelerated mode
  • atm: climatological data model with mean *monthly* CCM fields
  • drv sets E+P=0 over *all* ocn+ice
  • provides ocn & ice IC's for case g005.13
  • presented at the 1st CSM Workshop in May 1996
    as part of the g005.11 + g005.13 + b001 series
  • 0000-01-01
    B. Kauffman
    Mar 96 g005.00
    drv: drv-2.c.4 (options for diagnostics & E+P=0 flux correction)
    atm+lnd: ~ccmproc2/csm/atm-2.c
    ice: ~bettge/csm/FC_version/src2.7
    ocn: /NJN01/CSM/2DEG45L/Spin_up/G2.1.01c/2x2/Spin_up/001/in_core/ocean
    MS dir: /KAUFF/csm/g005.nn/[atm,ice,ocn,drv,log]/*
    NQS dir: ~nieman/csm/nqs/g005.nn
  • ocn is in accelerated mode
  • atm: climatological data model with mean *daily* CCM fields
  • ocn keeps going unstable: presumeably a problem wrt hi-freq atm forcing combined with an accelerated ocn
  • . B. Kauffman