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The control experiment case name is b20.007. All model output are archived on the NCAR mass storage system. Model output can be found on NCAR's Mass Storage System (MSS) in directories named...
where $component is atm, lnd, ocn, ice, or cpl.
There is a general filenaming convention. Monthly average filenames looks like
where $model is cam1 or cam2, clm2, pop, csim, or cpl5 and yyyy-mm is
the model year and month of the monthly average data. The h? string is
h0 for cam1, cam2, and clm2; h for pop and csim; and ha for cpl5. In
addition to the monthly average files, there are some daily average files
for the atmosphere that are named b20.007.cam1.h1.yyyy-mm-dd.nc or
where yyyy-mm-dd is the first date of the history file. For the atmosphere,
there are 30 days of samples per daily average file.
For example, mass store paths and filenames for the March, year 503 monthly
average file for all components are
Data for case b20.007 exists from January, year 350 onward. At the current
time (May 17, 2002), model output exists to year 600. However, the control
run continues.