Set 4


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DIAG Set 4 - Vertical contour plots of DJF, JJA and ANN zonal means

Basic Variables DJF JJA ANN
OMEGA * Pressure vertical velocity plot plot plot
QRL Longwave heating rate plot plot plot
QRS Shortwave heating rate plot plot plot
RELHUM * Relative humidity plot plot plot
SHUM * Specific humidity plot plot plot
T * Temperature plot plot plot
TDH * Total diabatic heating plot plot plot
TDM * Total diabatic moistening plot plot plot
U * Zonal wind plot plot plot
VQ Meridional moisture transport plot plot plot
VT Meridional heat transport plot plot plot
ZMMSF * Meridional stream function plot plot plot

Eddy Fluxes DJF JJA ANN
EKE * transient eddy kinetic energy plot plot plot
OBSTAR*TBSTAR * stationary eddy vertical heat flux plot plot plot
OPTP BAR * transient eddy vertical heat flux plot plot plot
VBSTAR*QBSTAR * meridional stationary eddy moisture flux plot plot plot
VPQP BAR * meridional transient eddy moisture flux plot plot plot
VBSTAR*TBSTAR * meridional stationary eddy heat flux plot plot plot
VPTP BAR * meridional transient eddy heat flux plot plot plot
VBSTAR*UBSTAR * meridional stationary eddy momentum flux plot plot plot
VPUP BAR * meridional transient eddy momentum flux plot plot plot

Cloud Variables DJF JJA ANN
CLOUD * cloud fraction plot plot plot
CWAT cloud water plot plot plot
GCLDLWP ICE grid-box cloud ice water path plot plot plot
GCLDLWP LIQUID grid-box cloud liquid water path plot plot plot
ICLDLWP in-cloud ice+liquid water path plot plot plot

*WGNE diagnostic variable