CSIM4 Output

Time Series of Ice Volume, Snow Volume and Ice Area NH SH
Monthly Averages plot plot
Annual and Seasonal Means DJF JJA ANN DJF JJA ANN
Annual and Seasonal Anomalies DJF JJA ANN DJF JJA ANN

NH and SH Contour Plots DJF JJA ANN
Ice Thickness plot plot plot
Ice Concentration plot plot plot
Snow Cover plot plot plot
Snow/ice Surface Temperature plot plot plot
Snow/ice Broadband Albedo plot plot plot
Latent Heat Flux plot plot plot
Sensible Heat Flux plot plot plot
Salt Flux ( >0, ocean gains salt) plot plot plot
Basal Ice Growth plot plot plot
Frazil Ice Growth plot plot plot
Snow-ice Conversion plot plot plot
Basal Ice Melt plot plot plot
Top Ice Melt plot plot plot
Lateral Ice Melt plot plot plot
Ice Volume Tendency due to Thermodynamics plot plot plot
Ice Volume Tendency due to Dynamics plot plot plot
Ice Area Tendency due to Thermodynamics plot plot plot
Ice Area Tendency due to Dynamics plot plot plot

NH and SH Vector Plots DJF JJA ANN
Ice Velocity plot plot plot

Page last modified: Monday, 21-Jun-2004 12:50:47 MDT