set 7 b40.coup_carb.004
OBS data

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DIAG Set 7 - Polar contour/vector plots of DJF, JJA and ANN means

IPCC/CRU climatology 1961-90

Northern Hemisphere only DJF JJA ANN
TREFHT 2-meter temperature (land) plot plot plot

Willmott & Matsuura 1950-99

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
TREFHT 2-meter temperature (land) plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
TREFHT 2-meter temperature (land) plot plot plot

NCEP Reanalysis 1979-98

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
PS Surface pressure plot plot plot
PSL Sea-level pressure plot plot plot
SURF WIND Near surface wind plot plot plot
TS Surface temperature plot plot plot
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

PS Surface pressure plot plot plot
PSL Sea-level pressure plot plot plot
SURF WIND Near surface wind plot plot plot
TS Surface temperature plot plot plot
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot

ERA40 Reanalysis 1980-2001

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot

ECMWF Reanalysis 1979-93

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot

JRA25 Reanalysis 1979-04

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
PSL Sea-level pressure plot plot plot
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

PSL Sea-level pressure plot plot plot
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot

Large-Yeager 1984-2004

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux plot plot plot
QFLX Surface water flux plot plot plot
FLNS Surf Net LW flux plot plot plot
FSNS Surf Net SW flux plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux plot plot plot
QFLX Surface water flux plot plot plot
FLNS Surf Net LW flux plot plot plot
FSNS Surf Net SW flux plot plot plot

CERES2 March 2000-October 2005

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
ALBEDO TOA albedo plot plot plot
ALBEDOC TOA claersky albedo plot plot plot
FLUT TOA upward LW flux plot plot plot
FLUTC TOA clearsky upward LW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOA TOA net SW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOAC TOA clearsky net SW flux plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

ALBEDO TOA albedo plot plot plot
ALBEDOC TOA claersky albedo plot plot plot
FLUT TOA upward LW flux plot plot plot
FLUTC TOA clearsky upward LW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOA TOA net SW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOAC TOA clearsky net SW flux plot plot plot

CERES 2000-2003

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
ALBEDO TOA albedo plot plot plot
ALBEDOC TOA claersky albedo plot plot plot
FLUT TOA upward LW flux plot plot plot
FLUTC TOA clearsky upward LW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOA TOA net SW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOAC TOA clearsky net SW flux plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

ALBEDO TOA albedo plot plot plot
ALBEDOC TOA claersky albedo plot plot plot
FLUT TOA upward LW flux plot plot plot
FLUTC TOA clearsky upward LW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOA TOA net SW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOAC TOA clearsky net SW flux plot plot plot

ERBE Feb1985-Apr1989

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
FLUT TOA upward LW flux plot plot plot
FLUTC TOA clearsky upward LW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOA TOA net SW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOAC TOA clearsky net SW flux plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

FLUT TOA upward LW flux plot plot plot
FLUTC TOA clearsky upward LW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOA TOA net SW flux plot plot plot
FSNTOAC TOA clearsky net SW flux plot plot plot

ISCCP FD Jul1983-Dec2000

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
FLDS Surf LW downwelling flux plot plot plot
FLDSC Clearsky Surf LW downwelling flux plot plot plot
FLNS Surf Net LW flux plot plot plot
FLNSC Clearsky Surf Net LW flux plot plot plot
FSDS Surf SW downwelling flux plot plot plot
FSDSC Clearsky Surf SW downwelling flux plot plot plot
FSNS Surf Net SW flux plot plot plot
FSNSC Clearsky Surf Net SW flux plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
FLDS Surf LW downwelling flux plot plot plot
FLDSC Clearsky Surf LW downwelling flux plot plot plot
FLNS Surf Net LW flux plot plot plot
FLNSC Clearsky Surf Net LW flux plot plot plot
FSDS Surf SW downwelling flux plot plot plot
FSDSC Clearsky Surf SW downwelling flux plot plot plot
FSNS Surf Net SW flux plot plot plot
FSNSC Clearsky Surf Net SW flux plot plot plot

ISCCP D2 1983-2001

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
CLDHGH (IR clouds) High cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDHGH (VIS/IR/NIR clouds) High cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDLOW (IR clouds) Low cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDLOW (VIS/IR/NIR clouds) Low cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDMED (IR clouds) Mid cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDMED (VIS/IR/NIR clouds) Mid cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDTOT (IR clouds) Total cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDTOT (VIS/IR/NIR clouds) Total cloud amount plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

CLDHGH (IR clouds) High cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDHGH (VIS/IR/NIR clouds) High cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDLOW (IR clouds) Low cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDLOW (VIS/IR/NIR clouds) Low cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDMED (IR clouds) Mid cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDMED (VIS/IR/NIR clouds) Mid cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDTOT (IR clouds) Total cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDTOT (VIS/IR/NIR clouds) Total cloud amount plot plot plot

Warren Cloud Surface OBS

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
CLDLOW Low cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDTOT Total cloud amount plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
CLDLOW Low cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDTOT Total cloud amount plot plot plot

CLOUDSAT (Radar+Lidar) Sep2006-Nov2008

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
CLDLOW Low cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDMED Medium cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDHGH High cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDTOT Total cloud amount plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
CLDLOW Low cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDMED Medium cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDHGH High cloud amount plot plot plot
CLDTOT Total cloud amount plot plot plot

HadISST/OI.v2 1982-2001

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
ICEFRAC Sea-ice concentration plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

ICEFRAC Sea-ice concentration plot plot plot

SMMR & SSM/I 1979-99

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
ICEFRAC Sea-ice concentration plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

ICEFRAC Sea-ice concentration plot plot plot

GPCP 1979-2003

Northern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
PRECT Precipitation rate plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere DJF JJA ANN
PRECT Precipitation rate plot plot plot