Set 10


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DIAG Set 10 - Annual cycle line plots of global means

Surface Variables
PBLH Planetary boundary layer height plot
PSL Sea level pressure plot
TREFHT 2-meter air temperature plot
TS Surface temperature plot

Constant Pressure Levels
CHI 200 200 mb velocity potential plot
EKE 850 850 mb transient eddy kinetic energy plot
PSI 200 200 mb stream function plot
T 850 850 mb temperature plot
T 200 200 mb temperature plot
U 200 200 mb zonal wind plot
VT 850 850 mb meridional heat transport plot
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot
Z 300 300 mb geopotential height plot

Hydrologic Cycle
EP Evaporation - precipitation plot
ICEFRAC Sea-ice area (Northern) plot
ICEFRAC Sea-ice area (Southern) plot
PRECST Snowfall rate (Northern) plot
PRECST Snowfall rate (Southern) plot
PRECT Precipitation rate plot
PREH2O Total precipitable water plot
QFLX Surface water flux plot
SNOWHICE Snow depth on sea-ice (Northern) plot
SNOWHICE Snow depth on sea-ice (Southern) plot
SNOWHLND Snow depth on land (Northern) plot
SNOWHLND Snow depth on land (Southern) plot

Surface Energy Fluxes
FLDS Downwelling longwave flux plot
FLNS Net longwave flux plot
FLNSC Clearsky net longwave flux plot
FSDS Downwelling shortwave flux plot
FSNS Net shortwave flux plot
FSNSC Clearsky net shortwave flux plot
LHFLX Latent heat flux plot
RESSURF Residual energy flux plot
SHFLX Sensible heat flux plot

Top of Model Energy Fluxes
FLNT Net longwave flux plot
FLNTC Clearsky net longwave flux plot
FSNT Net shortwave flux plot
FSNTC Clearsky net shortwave flux plot
LWCF Longwave cloud forcing plot
SOLIN Incoming solar radiation plot
SWCF Shortwave cloud forcing plot

Cloud Variables
CLDHGH High-level cloud amount plot
CLDLOW Low-level cloud amount plot
CLDMED Mid-level cloud amount plot
CLDTOT Total cloud amount plot
TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path (ice) plot
TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path (liquid) plot