Set 3


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DIAG Set 3 - Line plots of DJF, JJA and ANN zonal means

Surface Variables DJF JJA ANN
PBLH Planetary boundary layer height plot plot plot
PS Surface pressure plot plot plot
PSL * Sea level pressure plot plot plot
TAUX OCEAN * Zonal surface stress (ocean) plot plot plot
TREFHT * 2-meter air temperature plot plot plot
TREFHT LAND * 2-meter air temperature (land) plot plot plot
TS * Surface temperature plot plot plot
TS LAND * Surface temperature (land) plot plot plot

Hydrologic Cycle DJF JJA ANN
EP * Evaporation - precipiation plot plot plot
PRECT * Precipitation rate plot plot plot
PREH2O * Total precipitable water plot plot plot
QFLX * Surface water flux plot plot plot

Surface Energy Fluxes DJF JJA ANN
FLDS Longwave downwelling flux plot plot plot
FLDSC Clearsky longwave downwelling flux plot plot plot
FLNS * Net longwave flux plot plot plot
FLNSC * Clearsky net longwave flux plot plot plot
FSDS Shortwave downwelling flux plot plot plot
FSDSC Clearsky SW downwelling flux plot plot plot
FSNS * Net shortwave flux plot plot plot
FSNSC * Clearsky net shortwave flux plot plot plot
LHFLX * Latent heat flux plot plot plot
RESSURF * Residual energy flux plot plot plot
SHFLX * Sensible heat flux plot plot plot

Top of Model Energy Fluxes DJF JJA ANN
FLNT * Net longwave flux plot plot plot
FLNTC * Clearsky net longwave flux plot plot plot
FSNT * Net shortwave flux plot plot plot
FSNTC * Clearsky net shortwave flux plot plot plot
LWCF * Longwave cloud forcing plot plot plot
RESTOM Residual Flux at TOM (fsnt-flnt) plot plot plot
SOLIN Incoming solar radiation plot plot plot
SWCF * Shortwave cloud forcing plot plot plot

Cloud Variables DJF JJA ANN
CLDHGH High-level cloud cover plot plot plot
CLDLOW Low-level cloud cover plot plot plot
CLDMED Mid-level cloud cover plot plot plot
CLDTOT * Total cloud cover plot plot plot
TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path (ice) plot plot plot
TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path (liquid) plot plot plot
TICLDIWP Total integrated in-cloud ice WP plot plot plot
TICLDLIQWP Total integrated in-cloud liquid WP plot plot plot
TICLDTWP Total integrated in-cloud liquid+ice WP plot plot plot

Meridional Eddy Fluxes DJF JJA ANN
VBSTAR_TBSTAR Stationary Heat Flux plot plot plot
VPTP_BAR Transient Heat Flux plot plot plot
VBSTAR_QBSTAR Stationary Moisture Flux plot plot plot
VPQP_BAR Transient Moisture Flux plot plot plot
VBSTAR_UBSTAR Stationary Momentum Flux plot plot plot
VPUP_BAR Transient Momentum Flux plot plot plot

Aerosols DJF JJA ANN
AODVIS Aerosol Optical Depth plot plot plot

* WGNE diagnostic variable