DIAG SET 5: CLM ANNUAL MEANS OVER LAND TEST CASE (case1): U_HYD (yrs 2404-2460) REFERENCE CASE (case2): U_CON (yrs 2176-2232) Variable case1 case2 TSA(K) 2m air temperature 281.62774658 281.577 PREC(mm/d) ppt: rain+snow 2.04819298 2.048 RNET(W/m^2) net radiation:fsa-fira 64.66834259 65.369 LHEAT(W/m^2) latent heat:FCTR+FCEV+FGEV 35.82309341 36.591 FSH(W/m^2) sensible heat 28.28794670 28.246 FSDS(W/m^2) atmospheric incident solar radiation 188.45542908 188.450 FSA(W/m^2) absorbed solar radiation 124.86302185 125.308 FLDS(W/m^2) atmospheric longwave radiation 312.58996582 312.586 FIRE(W/m^2) emitted infrared (longwave) radiation 372.78363037 372.525 FCTR(W/m^2) canopy transpiration 14.69167423 4.215 FCEV(W/m^2) canopy evaporation 7.14254189 15.292 FGEV(W/m^2) ground evaporation 13.98886967 17.084 FGR(W/m^2) heat flux into snow/soil (includes snow melt) 0.55721110 0.532 TLAI(m2/m2) total one-sided leaf area index 1.14789069 -999.000 TSAI(m2/m2) total one-sided stem area index 0.42525983 -999.000 LAISUN(m^2/m^2) Sunlit Projected Leaf Area Index 0.21631235 -999.000 LAISHA(m^2/m^2) Shaded Projected Leaf Area Index 0.92530590 -999.000 ET(mm/d) Evapotranspiration -999.00000000 -999.000 QOVER(mm/d) surface runoff 0.12412348 0.363 QDRAI(mm/d) sub-surface drainage 0.57904536 0.306 QRGWL(mm/d) surface runoff at glaciers, wetlands, lakes 0.10556286 0.114 WA(mm) water in the unconfined aquifer 4021.65942383 -999.000 WT(mm) total water storage 4383.20410156 -999.000 ZWT(m) water table depth 7.42739296 -999.000 QCHARGE(mm/d) aquifer recharge rate 0.38436896 -999.000 FCOV(unitless [0-1]) fractional area with water table at surface 0.08144756 -999.000