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LND_DIAG Diagnostics Plots Source: /fis/cgd/tss/diag/

Set Description
1 Line plots of annual trends in energy balance, soil water/ice and temperature, runoff, snow water/ice, photosynthesis
2 Horizontal contour plots of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, and ANN means
3 Line plots of monthly climatology: regional air temperature, precipitation, runoff, snow depth, radiative fluxes, and turbulent fluxes
4 (Inactive) Vertical profiles at selected land raobs stations
5 Tables of annual means
6 Line plots of annual trends in regional soil water/ice and temperature, runoff, snow water/ice, photosynthesis
7 Line plots, tables, and maps of RTM river flow and discharge to oceans
8 (Inactive) Line and contour plots of Ocean/Land/Atmosphere CO2 exchange

Click on Plot Type

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 6 Set 7