Set List


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Set 1 Description: Line plots of annual trends in energy balance, soil water/ice and temperature, runoff, snow water/ice, photosynthesis

Lookup Table: Set 1 Variable Definition

2m air temperature (TSA) plot
ppt: rain+snow (PREC) plot
Canopy Evaporation (CANOPY_EVAPORATION) ---
Runoff:qover+qdrai+qrgwl (TOTRUNOFF) plot
soil temperature: layers 1,5,10 (TSOI) plot
photosynthesis (FPSN) plot
exposed one-sided leaf area index (ELAI) plot
exposed one-sided stem area index (ESAI) plot
total one-sided leaf area index (TLAI) plot
total one-sided stem area index (TSAI) plot
Sunlit Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISUN) plot
Shaded Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISHA) plot
Sunlit leaf stomatal resistance (RSSUN) ---
shaded leaf stomatal resistance (RSSHA) ---
transpiration beta factor (BTRAN) plot
infiltration (QINFL) plot
surface runoff (QOVER) plot
surface runoff at glaciers, wetlands, lakes (QRGWL) plot
sub-surface drainage (QDRAI) plot
interception (QINTR) plot
ground evaporation (QSOIL) plot
canopy transpiration (QVEGT) plot
soil liquid water: layers 1,5,10 (SOILLIQ) plot
soil ice: layers 1,5,10 (SOILICE) plot
Soil Water Potential in Each Soil Layer (SOILPSI) plot
snow liquid water (SNOWLIQ) plot
snow ice (SNOWICE) plot
total soil liquid water (TOTSOILLIQ) plot
soil ice (TOTSOILICE) plot
water in the unconfined aquifer (WA) plot
total water storage (WT) plot
water table depth (ZWT) plot
aquifer recharge rate (QCHARGE) plot
fractional area with water table at surface (FCOV) plot
CO2 concentration (CO2_PPMV) plot
net ecosys exchange of C;incl fire flx;pos for source (NEE) plot
net ecosystem production;excl fire flx;pos for sink (NEP) plot
gross primary production (GPP) plot
GPP from Sunlit Canopy (PSNSUN_TO_CPOOL) plot
GPP from Shaded Canopy (PSNSHADE_TO_CPOOL) plot
net primary production (NPP) plot
above ground net primary production (AGNPP) plot
below ground net primary production (BGNPP) plot
maintenance respiration (MR) plot
total growth respiration (GR) plot
autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) (AR) plot
litter hetereotrophic respiration (LITHR) plot
SOM hetereotrophic respiration (SOMHR) plot
total hetereotrophic respiration (HR) plot
root respiration (fine root MR + total root GR) (RR) plot
total soil respiration (HR + root resp) (SR) plot
total ecosystem respiration (AR + HR) (ER) plot
leaf carbon (LEAFC) plot
Soil organic matter C (slow pool) (SOIL3C) plot
Soil organic matter C (slowest pool) (SOIL4C) plot
fine root carbon (FROOTC) plot
live stem C (LIVESTEMC) plot
dead stem carbon (DEADSTEMC) plot
live coarse root carbon (LIVECROOTC) plot
dead coarse root carbon (DEADCROOTC) plot
temporary photosynthate C pool (CPOOL) plot
Temporary Photosynthate C Pool (XSMRPOOL) plot
total vegetation C, excluding cpool (TOTVEGC) plot
coarse woody debris carbon (CWDC) plot
total litter carbon (TOTLITC) plot
total SOM carbon (TOTSOMC) plot
total ecosystem C, incl veg but excl cpool (TOTECOSYSC) plot
total ecosystem C, incl veg and cpool (TOTCOLC) plot
column-level sink for C truncation (COL_CTRUNC) plot
pft-level sink for C truncation (PFT_CTRUNC) plot
fraction of potential GPP (FPG) plot
fraction of potential immobilization (FPI) plot
total ecosystem N (TOTECOSYSN) plot
nitrogen deposition (NDEP_TO_SMINN) plot
nitrogen fixation (NFIX_TO_SMINN) plot
supplement to mineral nitrogen (SUPPLEMENT_TO_SMINN) plot
Nitrogen Leached (SMINN_LEACHED) plot
soil mineral N (SMINN) plot
Mineral N to NPool (SMINN_TO_NPOOL) plot
column-level sink for N truncation (COL_NTRUNC) plot
pft-level sink for N truncation (PFT_NTRUNC) plot
plant pool of retranslocated N (RETRANSN) plot
Retranslocated N to NPool (RETRANSN_TO_NPOOL) plot
Potential Immobilization (POTENTIAL_IMMOB) plot
Actual Immobilization (ACTUAL_IMMOB) plot
Gross N Mineralization (GROSS_NMIN) plot
Net N Mineralization (NET_NMIN) plot
Total N Deployed in New Growth (NDEPLOY) plot
Total Denitrification (DENIT) plot
soil organic matter N (slow pool) (SOIL3N) plot
Soil organic matter N (slowest pool) (SOIL4N) plot
total column-level fire C loss (COL_FIRE_CLOSS) plot
total pft-level fire C loss (PFT_FIRE_CLOSS) plot
total column-level fire N loss (COL_FIRE_NLOSS) plot
total pft-level fire N loss (PFT_FIRE_NLOSS) plot
annual fire season length (FIRESEASONL) plot
daily fire probability (FIRE_PROB) ---
annual total fractional area burned (ANN_FAREA_BURNED) plot
e-folding mean of daily fire probability (MEAN_FIRE_PROB) plot
Coarse Woody Debris C Hetereotrophic respiration (CWDC_HR) plot
Coarse Woody Debris C Loss (CWDC_LOSS) plot
Fine root C allocation (FROOTC_ALLOC) plot
Fine root C Loss (FROOTC_LOSS) plot
Leaf C Allocation (LEAFC_ALLOC) plot
Leaf C Loss (LEAFC_LOSS) plot
Total Litter C (LITTERC) plot
Litter Hetereotrophic Respiration (LITTERC_HR) plot
Litter C Loss (LITTERC_LOSS) plot
soil organic matter C (fast pool) (SOILC) plot
Soil C hetereotrophic respiration (SOILC_HR) plot
Soil C Loss (SOILC_LOSS) plot
Wood C (WOODC) plot
Wood C Allocation (WOODC_ALLOC) plot
Wood C Loss (WOODC_LOSS) plot
heat flux into soil (GROUND) ---
Latent Heat Flux (LATENT) ---
Sensible Heat Flux (SENSIBLE) ---
Sensible Heat Flux from Ground (SENSIBLE_GND) ---
Sensible Heat Flux from Vegetation (SENSIBLE_VEG) ---
Relative Humidity at 2m (REL_HUM) ---
Specific Humidity at 2m (SPEC_HUM_2M) ---
Atmospheric Specific Humidity (SPEC_HUM) ---
atmospheric rain (RAIN) plot
atmospheric snow (SNOW) plot
transpiration beta factor (BTRAN) plot
Canopy Evaporation (CANOPY_EVAPORATION) ---
Subsurface Drainage (DRAINAGE) ---
Evapotranspiration (ET) ---
Canopy Interception (INTERCEPTION) ---
Surface Runoff (RUNOFF) ---
Snow depth (SNOW_DEPTH) ---
Soil Evaporation (SOIL_EVAPORATION) ---
Soil Ice in each soil layer (SOIL_ICE) ---
Soil Liquid Water (SOIL_LIQUID) ---
Soil Water Potential (SOIL_PSI) ---
Total soil ice (TOTAL_SOIL_ICE) ---
total soil liquid water (TOTAL_SOIL_LIQUID) ---
Transpiration (TRANSPIRATION) ---
Volumetric Soil Water (VOL_SOIL_WATER) ---
All-Sky Albedo (ALL_SKY_ALBEDO) ---
Surface Black-Sky Albedo (BLACK_SKY_ALBEDO) ---
Downward Infrared Radiation (IRDOWN) ---
Upward Infrared Radiation (IRUP) ---
Shaded Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISHA) plot
Sunlit Projected Leaf Area Index (LAISUN) plot
Net Infrared (longwave) Radiation (NETIR) ---
Net radiation (NETRAD) ---
Total Reflected Solar Radiation (REFLECT) ---
Snow Fraction (SNOW_FRACTION) ---
Total Incident Solar Radiation (SOLAR) ---
Total Absorbed Solar Radiation (SOLAR_AB) ---
Solar Radiation Absorbed by Ground (SOLAR_ABG) ---
Solar Rad Absorbed by Vegetation (SOLAR_ABV) ---
Accumulated degree days (DEGREE_DAYS) ---
daily minimum of average 2m temperature (TREFMNAV) plot
daily maximum of average 2m temperature (TREFMXAV) plot
2m Air Temperature (TSA2M) ---
soil temperature (TSOIL) ---
Vegetation Temperature (TVEG) ---
exposed one-sided leaf area index (ELAI) plot
exposed one-sided stem area index (ESAI) plot
total one-sided leaf area index (TLAI) plot
total one-sided stem area index (TSAI) plot
Photosynthesis (PHOTOSYNTHESIS) ---
shaded leaf stomatal resistance (RSSHA) ---
Sunlit leaf stomatal resistance (RSSUN) ---
above ground net primary production (AGNPP) plot
autotrophic respiration (MR + GR) (AR) plot
below ground net primary production (BGNPP) plot
Biogenic CO Flux (BIOGENIC_CO) ---
coarse woody debris carbon (CWDC) plot
Coarse Woody Debris C Hetereotrophic respiration (CWDC_HR) plot
Coarse Woody Debris C Loss (CWDC_LOSS) plot
fine root carbon (FROOTC) plot
Fine root C allocation (FROOTC_ALLOC) plot
Fine root C Loss (FROOTC_LOSS) plot
gross primary production (GPP) plot
Gross N Mineralization (GROSS_NMIN) plot
total hetereotrophic respiration (HR) plot
Isoprene Flux (ISOPRENE) ---
leaf carbon (LEAFC) plot
Leaf C Allocation (LEAFC_ALLOC) plot
Leaf C Loss (LEAFC_LOSS) plot
Total Litter C (LITTERC) plot
Litter Hetereotrophic Respiration (LITTERC_HR) plot
Litter C Loss (LITTERC_LOSS) plot
Monoterpene Flux (MONOTERPENE) ---
net ecosys exchange of C;incl fire flx;pos for source (NEE) plot
net ecosystem production;excl fire flx;pos for sink (NEP) plot
Net N Mineralization (NET_NMIN) plot
net primary production (NPP) plot
Other VOC Flux (OTHER_VOC) ---
Other Reactive VOC Flux (OR_VOC) ---
soil organic matter C (fast pool) (SOILC) plot
Soil C hetereotrophic respiration (SOILC_HR) plot
Soil C Loss (SOILC_LOSS) plot
Total VOC flux into Atmosphere (VOCFLXT) ---
Wood C (WOODC) plot
Wood C Allocation (WOODC_ALLOC) plot
Wood C Loss (WOODC_LOSS) plot