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3.4 Mass Store Archiving

Users running CAM on NCAR machines have the option of archiving model history files to the NCAR Mass Storage System (MSS). If history files, restart datasets, and initial conditions datasets are to be archived, they will be transferred (as a background process) to the MSS as they are completed. If namelist variable MSS_IRT is zero, history and restart files will not be archived. Mass Store pathnames for these transfers are generated using the ARCHIVE_DIR namelist setting. By default, ARCHIVE_DIR is set to /$USERNAME/csm/$CASE/atm/hist. As a result history files will be archived in the Mass Store directory


Restart files will be archived in the Mass Store directory


And finally initial files will be archived in the Mass Store directory


$USERNAME is the upper-case equivalent of the user's login name, i.e., the user's root directory on the Mass Store System, and $CASE is the case identifier and is set via the namelist input. It is recommended that the user specify a non-blank write password using the namelist variable MSS_WPASS. File passwords are the only form of security available on the Mass Storage System. If the write password is not set, any other user can overwrite or change the files after they have been archived.

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Jim McCaa 2004-10-22