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B.13 Complete list of CAM namelist variables

Table B.1 displays all supported variables. Most of the variables in CAMEXP are single-valued, but some are array-valued. Included in the table are the following pieces of information:

Table B.1: CAMEXP namelist variables
Name Type Default Ex. Description
Char*256 See Desc. Filename of absorption/emission dataset. This file is a required input dataset. It consists of terms used for determining the absorptivity and emissivity of water vapor in the longwave parameterization of radiation. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Logical .FALSE. If true, do not run model physics, only run the dynamical core. In this mode, water vapor is advected as a passive tracer. Only one of ADIABATIC, IDEAL_PHYS, or AQUA_PLANET can be true.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of dataset for time-invariant aerosol optical properties. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Logical .FALSE. If true, turn on carbon prognostic aerosols.
Logical .FALSE. If true, turn on feedback of carbon prognostic aerosols. May only be true if AERO_CARBON is also true.
Logical .FALSE. If true, turn on feedback of sea salt prognostic aerosols. May only be true if AERO_SEA_SALT is also true.
Logical .FALSE. If true, turn on sea salt prognostic aerosols.
Logical false Run model in "AQUA_PLANET" mode. Only one of ADIABATIC, IDEAL_PHYS, or AQUA_PLANET can be true.
Char*256 See Desc. Head mass store archival directory name. Default is /$USER/csm/caseid/ (where caseid is the caseid from the namelist and $USER is the username converted to uppercase.) CAM history files will be stored under $ARCHIVE_DIR/atm/hist, restart files under $ARCHIVE_DIR/atm/rest, and initial files under $ARCHIVE_DIR/atm/init. Land-model output files will be stored under similar directory names with "lnd" to specify the land-model subdirectory.
Char*1 See Desc. Sets the averaging flag for all variables on a particular history file series. Default is to use default averaging flags for each variable Valid values are A, I, X, and M, indicating Average (A), Instantaneous (I), Maximum (X), and Minimum (M).
Real 0 Set background aerosol scaling factor for radiative forcing calculation. This does not affect mmr's used for the climate integration, and are is used when RADFORCE is true.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for aerosol mass mixing ratios. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for carbon scaling. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for DMS surface emissions. This is used as an input for prognostic sulfate computations. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for greenhouse gas surface values. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for greenhouse loss rates. (required if trace_gas is set to true). Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for oxidants. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant ozone mixing ratios boundary dataset (NetCDF format). Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for solar constant. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for tracer test emissions (required if tracers_flag is set to true). Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for SOx surface emissions. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. [*], [*], [*] Full pathname of time-variant sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration boundary dataset (NetCDF format). Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for stratospheric volcanic aerosol mass mixing ratios. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
logical false If TRUE, use the pre-existing case name for a branch run.
Char*32 NO_LEAP Calendar type 'NO_LEAP' for consistent 365-days per year or 'GREGORIAN' to include leap-years. Note that if "GREGORIAN" is selected although leap-years will be used in the calender manager the calculation of the earth's orbit still assumes 365 day years., Valid values: "NO_LEAP" or "GREGORIAN"
Real 0 Set carbon aerosol scaling factor for radiative forcing calculation. This does not affect mmr's used for the climate integration, and is only used when RADFORCE is true.
Real 1.0 Set carbon aerosol scaling factor for radiative transfer calculations. This may be used to scale the specified or prognostic aerosol mass mixing ratios.
Char*32 camrun [*] Case identifier (saved in history file header record) and normally used as part of the MSS path name (see the ARCHIVE_DIR namelist option). By default also used in output filenames (see the HFILENAME_SPEC namelist option). Setting is Required.
Real 1.714e-6 [*] CH$ _{4}$ volume mixing ratio.
Real 3.550e-4 [*] CO$ _{2}$ volume mixing ratio
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for fossil fuel carbon surface emissions. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Char*80 None [*] Case title
Real See Desc. del$ ^2$ horizontal diffusion coefficient. Default is resolution dependent, e.g. 2.5e5 for T42 EUL. Not used for fv dynamics.
Real See Desc. del$ ^4$ horizontal diffusion coefficient. Default is resolution dependent, e.g. 1.0e16 for T42 EUL. Not used for fv dynamics.
Real 0.0 Number of days (from timestep 0) to run divergence damper. Use only if model becomes dynamicallly unstable during initialization. Suggested value: 2. (Value must be $ >=$ 0.) Not used for fv dynamics.
Logical false If true, the ISCCP cloud simulator will be run, and output added to the monthly history files.
Real See Desc. [*] Length of model timestep in seconds. CAUTION: Changing this variable directly impacts the physical parameterizations in the model and may impact the climate. Changing resolution usually requires a change in DTIME. Defaults are resolution-dependent, e.g 1200. for T42 EUL; 1800 for FV 2x2.5.
Real 0 Set dust aerosol scaling factor for radiative forcing calculation. This does not affect mmr's used for the climate integration, and is only used when RADFORCE is true.
Real 1.0 Set dust aerosol scaling factor for radiative transfer calculations. This may be used to scale the specified or prognostic aerosol mass mixing ratios.
Integer 0 dynamics gather option. (only used with EUL and SLD dycores).
Integer 0 dynamics transpose option. (only used with EUL and SLD dycores).
Real None [*] Earth's eccentricity of orbit. (unitless: typically 0. to 0.1). Setting is Required if IYEAR_AD not set. Not used when running as part of CCSM.
Logical .FALSE. If set don't put any of the variables on the history tapes by default. Only output the variables that the user explicitly lists in the fincl# namelist items.
Real 0.06 Time filter coefficient.
Real 0.280e-9 [*] CFC$ _{11}$ volume mixing ratio.
Real 0.503e-9 [*] CFC$ _{12}$ volume mixing ratio.
Char*8 None [*] List of fields to exclude on the default history files (must be in Master Field List). The default history files include a monthly series and a daily series. For a list of what fields are included on the first history file series by default see tab:mfl.
Char*8 None Specific fields for each history file for which to use the non-default history buffer precision.
Char*8 None [*], [*] List of fields to include on the history files. The added fields must be in Master Field List see tab:mfl for the list of fields that can be added as well as which fields are on the first history file series by default (FINCL1). Using a ":" following a field gives the averaging flag for the output field. Valid flags are: I for instantaneous, A for average, M for minimum, and X for maximum. See Section for more information on the averaging flag.
Char*8 None List of columns or contiguous columns at which the fincl1 fields will be output. Individual columns are specified as a string using a longitude degree (greater or equal to 0.) followed by a single character (e)ast/(w)est identifer, an underscore '_' , and a latitude degree followed by a single character (n)orth/(s)outh identifier. For example, '10e_20n' would pick the model column closest to 10 degrees east longitude by 20 degrees north latitude. A group of contiguous columns can be specified using bounding latitudes and longitudes separated by a colon. For example, '10e:20e_15n:20n' would select the model columns which fall with in the longitude range from 10 east to 20 east and the latitude range from 15 north to 20 north.
Logical See Desc. This namelist variable is only used when running through the flux coupler. In that case, the default value is true. If true, data is sent to the flux coupler only on radiation time steps.
Integer 0 option to force transpose computation for 1D decomp. (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Char*8 None Specific fields for each history file which will be written using the non-default precision.
Integer 0 Geopotential method (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Char*256 See Desc. Array of history filename specifiers. Defaults are "%c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m", "%c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m-%d-%s", "%c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m-%d-%s", ... Filename, specifiers give generic formats for the filenames with the specific dates, file-series number, and caseid, filled in when the files are created. The following strings are expanded when the filename is created:
  • %c = caseid
  • %t = tape series number (0-5)
  • %y = year (normally 4 digits, more digits if needed)
  • %m = month
  • %d = day
  • %s = seconds into current day
  • %% = % symbol
For example, for a simulation with caseid="test" and current date of 0000/12/31 0:00UT, the monthly average files with a filename specifier of "" expand into "", daily files with a filename specifier of "" expand to """. Spaces are not allowed in filename specifiers. Although the character "/" is allowed in the specifier, it will be interpreted as a directory name and the corresponding directories will have to be created in the model execution directory (directory given to configure with -cam_exedir option) before model execution.
Integer 0 This is not used only when running as part of CCSM. If n $ >$ 0, sea ice global energy checking will be done every n timesteps. If n $ <$ 0, sea ice global energy checking will be done every n days.
Logical false If true, Run ONLY the "idealized" dynamical core of the model (dynamics + Held&Suarez-specified physics). Only one of ADIABATIC, IDEAL_PHYS, or AQUA_PLANET can be true.
Logical false If true, include the indirect radiative effects of sulfate aerosols.
Char*8 YEARLY Frequency that initial files will be output: 6-hourly, daily, monthly, yearly, or never. Valid values: 'NONE', '6-HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'MONTHLY', 'YEARLY'
Integer 4 East-west transport scheme (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Integer -12 Frequency of absorptivity/emissivity calculations in time steps (if positive) or model hours (if negative). To avoid having the abs/ems values saved on the restart output, this variable should divide evenly into MFILT(1)*NHTFRQ(1).
Integer -1 Frequency of long-wave radiation calculation in timesteps (if positive) or model hours (if negative).
Integer -1 Frequency of short-wave radiation calculation in timesteps (if positive) or model hours (if negative).
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-invariant dataset used by the ISCCP cloud simulator. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Integer 1 Frequency of SST update in timesteps.
Integer 1950 [*], [*] Year (AD) used to compute earth's orbital parameters. If not set, then use the values from the eccen, mvelp, and obliq namelist parameters. If only IYEAR_AD is set, orbital parameters will be computed automatically (based on Berger, 1977). If one of OBLIQ, ECCEN, OR MVELP is set, all three must be set. If all four of the above are set by the user, IYEAR_AD takes precedence. Setting is Required unless ECCEN, OBLIQ and MVELP are set. Not used when running as part of CCSM.
Integer 4 North-south transport scheme (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Integer 5 Number of levels over which to apply Courant limiter, starting at top of model.
Integer 4 Vertical mapping (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Logical .FALSE. [*] If true, force buffer flush of stdout with each new-line generated (useful for debugging).
Integer 30, 30, 30, ... [*], [*], [*] Array of number of time samples to write to each history files series (a time sample is the history output from a given timestep).
Integer 0 mod_comm geopk method (varies with mpi/mpi2 choice) (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Integer 0 mod_comm transpose method (varies with mpi/mpi2 choice) (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Integer 365 [*], [*], [*], [*] Retention period in days for history and restart files stored on NCAR Mass Store. If MSS_IRT=0, no history or restart files will be archived.
Char*8 None [*], [*] NCAR Mass Store write password for all output datasets. Must remain the same throughout a case run, or a continuation run will not update original history files.
Real None [*] Earth's moving vernal equinox at perihelion (degrees: 0. to 360.0). Setting is Required if IYEAR_AD not set. Not used when running as part of CCSM.
Real 0.311e-6 [*] N$ _{2}$O volume mixing ratio.
Char*256 See Desc. [*], [*] Full pathname of initial atmospheric state dataset (NetCDF format). See Section 2.5.1 for details. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Integer 2, 2, 2, ... [*], [*], [*] Array specifying output format for each history file series. Valid values are 1 or 2. "1" implies output to be written out in 64-bit NetCDF format, and "2" writes data out in 32-bit NetCDF format.
Integer None Elapsed time to run. In time steps (positive) or days (negative) to run. May be entered instead of NESTEP or STOP_YMD and STOP_TOD. Note, NESTEP is not required or used when running as part of CCSM. Setting is Required if NESTEP or STOP_YMD not set.
Integer None Ending timestep. If positive the ending absolute timestep (from the start of the initial run). If negative the ending absolute number of days to process (from the start of the initial run). Either NELAPSE, NESTEP or (STOP_YMD,STOP_TOD) must be set if not running through flux coupler. (STOP_YMD,STOP_TOD) take precedence if set. Note, NESTEP is not required or used when running as part of CCSM. Setting is Required if NELAPSE and STOP_YMD not set.
Real 8, 8, 8, ... Default history buffer precision (8 or 4 bytes) for each history file.
Integer 0, -24, -24, -24, ... [*], [*], [*] Array of write frequencies for each history files series. If NHTFRQ(1)=0, the file will be a monthly average. Only the first file series may be a monthly average. If NHTFRQ(i)$ >$0, frequency is input as number of timesteps. If NHTFRQ(i)$ <$0, frequency is input as number of hours. Note that NHTRFQ(1) also controls the frequency of restart dataset writes if NREFRQ = 1.
Integer 3 Number of layers from the top of the model over which to do dry convective adjustment. Must be less than plev (the number of vertical levels).
Integer 0, 0, 0, 0 YZ and XY decompositions (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Integer 1 Controls whether restart datasets are written. This variable can only be 1 or 0. If 1, restart files are written and archived for every archive of the first history file series. If this variable is 0, then no restarts are written.
Char*256 None Full pathname of master restart file from which to branch. Setting is Required for branch run.
Integer 0 Lagrangian time splits when using Finite-Volume dynamics. If zero, a best-estimate will be automatically calculated.
Integer 0 [*], [*], [*] Run type: 0=initial , 1=restart , 3=branch
Integer 0 number of user defined advected tracers
Integer 0 number of user defined non-advected tracers
Real None [*] Earth's orbital angle of obliquity (degrees: -90. to +90., typically 22. to 26.). Setting is Required if IYEAR_AD not set. Not used when running as part of CCSM.
Integer 0 Option for nested openmp (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Logical .TRUE. Flag for yearly cycling of ozone data. If set to .FALSE., a multi-year dataset is assumed, otherwise a single-year dataset is assumed, and ozone will be cycled over the first 12 values in the file.
Logical false Set to .true. to specify that the run will use a perpetual calendar. If perpetual_ymd is not set then the perpetual date will be read from the initial file.
Logical false Perpetual date specified as (year*1000 + month*100 + day). This date overrides the date from the initial file. If aqua_planet=.true. then perpetual_ymd is ignored and the perpetual date is set to 321.
Real 0.0 Perturb the initial conditions for temperature randomly by up to the given amount. Only applied for initial simulations.
Integer 0 Dynamics/physics transpose option.
Integer 1 Select target number of chunks per thread. Must be positive
Integer 0 Select different options for organization of physics chunks. Each uses a different scheme for static load balancing.
Real 0.1 mm/hr Precipitation threshhold for use with the PRECCINT and PRECCFRQ fields for history files.
Real 0.05 mm/hr Precipitation threshhold for use with the PRECLINT and PRECLFRQ fields for history files.
char*16 direct Control radiative interaction of prescribed sulfur. May be set to "passive" or "direct". passive = prescribed sulfur has no radiative interaction direct = prescribed sulfur drives radiative interaction
Logical .FALSE. If true, print CPU timing per model timestep.
Logical .TRUE. Accumulate snow over sea-ice (with a 0.5m maximum). If .FALSE. then use a climatology for snow depth.
char*16 off Control prognostic sulfur calculations. May be set to "off", "passive", or "direct". off = no prognostic sulfur (default) passive = prognostic sulfur computed with no radiative interaction direct = prognostic sulfur computed and drives radiative interaction
Logical false Compute forcing from aerosols
integer 0 Ramped gases fixed at this year if set to a value greater than zero. Only used if SCENARIO_GHG is set to RAMPED.
integer none This variable is reserved for future use. No value is permitted.
integer none Set to YYYY in order to cycle that year of sox emissions.
integer 0 Ramped scon fixed at this year if set to a value greater than zero. Only used if SCENARIO_SCON is set to RAMPED.
real 1.0 percentage amount of co2 ramping per year
real See Desc. co2 cap if rate $ >$ 0, floor otherwise; specified as multiple or fraction of inital value; e.g. setting to 4.0 will cap at 4x initial co2 setting; default is boundless if rate $ >$ 0, zero otherwise
integer 0 date on which ramping of co2 begins; REQUIRED to be set for scenario_ghg='RAMP_CO2_ONLY'
Logical .TRUE. If true, initialize data for all consituents found on the initial conditions dataset. Otherwise data will be initialized using internally-specified default values.
Integer See Desc. Reference time-of-day (seconds). Default is to use starting time of day
Integer Reference date for run as yyyymmdd. Default is to use starting date. The reference date is the reference for the time variable output on the history files.
Logical .FALSE. Reset the CSIM ice-model properties. Snow-cover is set to zero, and ice-temperatures are all set to freezing. This is important when starting from an initial dataset that isn't in equilibrium. This is used, for example, when starting from initial conditions that are interpolated from a different resolution.
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of restart pointer file. Default is $HOME/ cam2.CASEID.rpointer
char*16 FIXED Controls carbon scaling. May be set to 'FIXED' or 'RAMPED'. FIXED means use the value specified by CARSCL. RAMPED means use data from file specified by BNDTVCARBONSCALE.
char*16 FIXED Controls treatment of specified co2,ch4,n2o,cfcf11,cfc12 volume mixing ratios. May be set to 'FIXED' or 'RAMPED' or 'RAMP_CO2_ONLY'. FIXED = volume mixing ratios are fixed and have either default or namelist input values RAMPED = volume mixing ratios are ramped RAMP_CO2_ONLY = only co2 mixing ratios are ramped
char*16 FIXED Controls prescribed sulfur amounts. Can only be set to 'FIXED'! FIXED = uses climatology
char*16 RAMPED Sets so2 and so4 surface fluxes. May only be set to 'RAMPED'! RAMPED = uses boundary data set bndtvsox. Only used if PROGNOSTIC_SULFUR is set to PASSIVE or DIRECT.
char*16 FIXED Controls the solar constant. Can be set to 'FIXED' or 'RAMPED'. FIXED = scon is fixed and can have either the default or namelist value. RAMPED = scon is ramped.
Real 1.367E6 [*] Solar constant (CGS)
Char*256 See Desc. Full pathname of time-variant boundary dataset for soil erodibility factors. Default is set in DefaultCAMEXPNamelist.xml.
Integer 0 This is used only when running with the slab ocean model. If n $ >$ 0, SOM global energy checking will be done every n timesteps. If n $ <$ 0, SOM global energy checking will be done every n days.
Real 0 Set sea salt aerosol scaling factor for radiative forcing calculation. This does not affect mmr's used for the climate integration, and is only used when RADFORCE is true.
Real 1.0 Set sea salt aerosol scaling factor for radiative transfer calculations. This may be used to scale the specified or prognostic aerosol mass mixing ratios.
Logical .TRUE. [*] Flag for yearly cycling of SST data. If set to .FALSE., a multi-year dataset is assumed, otherwise a single-year dataset is assumed, and SSTs will be cycled over the first 12 values in the file. Not used if running with CCSM.
Integer See Desc. Starting time-of-day (seconds). Default is to use time of day from initial condition dataset. If not input, value is set to NCSEC from initial dataset header.
Integer See Desc. Starting date for run as yyyymmdd. Default is to Use date from initial condition dataset. If not input, value is set to NCDATE from initial dataset header.
Integer 0 Stopping time of day for run in seconds since 0Z. Not used when running through flux coupler.
Integer None Stopping date for run encoded in yearmmdd format. Either NELAPSE, NESTEP or STOP_YMD (and possibly STOP_TOD) must be set if not running through flux coupler. (STOP_YMD,STOP_TOD) takes precedence if set. STOP_YMD is not required or used when running as part of CCSM. Setting is Required if NELAPSE and NESTEP not set.
Logical false Use stratospheric volcanic aerosols masses and couple with radiative forcing computations.
Real 0 Set sulfur aerosol scaling factor for radiative forcing calculation. This does not affect mmr's used for the climate integration, and is only used when RADFORCE is true.
Real 1.0 Set sulfur aerosol scaling factor for radiative transfer calculations. This may be used to scale the specified or prognostic aerosol mass mixing ratios.
Integer 0 Performance tuning option for swap communication. (only used with EUL and SLD dycores).
Integer 0 Performance tuning option for swap communication. (only used with EUL and SLD dycores).
Real 0.0 Optical depth of (rh = 0.8, sulfate-like) background aerosol.
Real 0.14 Visible optical depth.
Integer 0 Number of simultaneously transposed tracers (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Logical false If true, turn on prognostic greenhouse gas calculations for CH4, N2O, CFC11 and CFC12. This requires adding the option ``-nadv 7'' when running configuration.
Logical .FALSE. If TRUE, use the vertical coordinate (eta) values defined in the finite volume dynamical core code rather than the values defined on the input dataset (used with Finite-Volume dynamical core only).
Real 0 Set volcanic aerosol scaling factor for radiative forcing calculation. This does not affect mmr's used for the climate integration, and is only used when RADFORCE is true.
Real 1.0 Set volcanic aerosol scaling factor for radiative transfer calculations. This may be used to scale the specified or prognostic aerosol mass mixing ratios.

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Jim McCaa 2004-10-22