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D.2 misc.h

Contains a list of resolution-independent cpp directives. The following cpp tokens must either be defined or undefined (i.e. preceded by #define or #undef).

Table D.1: misc.h pre-processor tokens
token Synopsis
COUP_CSM Define if the flux-coupled ocean configuration will be used. COUP_CSM is always undefined for stand-alone mode.
PERGRO Define if you want to make error growth tests with your model simulation. This token turns off parts of the prognostic cloud water parameterization so that the error growth happens at a reasonable rate.

Default setting is with PERGRO undefined.

USEFFTLIB Define if you want to use a intrinsic FFT package rather than the ECMWF FFT package provided with the code in the "models/atm/cam/src/utils" directory.

Default setting is USEFFTLIB undefined.

SPMD Enables the distributed memory (SPMD) implementation.
STAGGERED Enables staggered grid processing. Required for use with the Lin-Rood dynamical core, otherwise undefined.

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Jim McCaa 2004-10-22