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5.3 Evaluation of the Ocean $ Q$ Flux

The ocean $ Q$ flux is generally evaluated using a CAM 3.0 control simulation driven by prescribed sea surface temperature and sea ice distributions. Let

$\displaystyle F_{net} = FS - FL - LH - SH$ (5.12)

over ocean (regardless of whether the ocean surface is open or ice covered), for each of 12 ensemble mean months (n=1,...,12). The Q flux distribution for each month n is then evaluated: (note that here we use the CAM 3.0 sign convention on the Q flux).

$\displaystyle Q = Q_{ocean} - Q_{ice} - F_{net}$ (5.13)


$\displaystyle Q_{ocean} = (\rho_o C_o h_o/\texttt{daysmonth}(m)) {\{(1-A(m+1)) T_o(m+1) - (1-A(m-1)) T_o(m-1)\}}$ (5.14)

$\displaystyle Q_{ice} = L_i {\{A(m+1)h_i(m+1) - A(m-1)h_i(m-1)\}}/\texttt{daysmonth}(m)$ (5.15)

where $ \texttt{daysmonth}$ is the number of days in each month, $ L_i$ is the latent heat of fusion for ice, and $ h_i$ is the regionally specified ice thickness. We then define an annual average using the monthly mean data:

$\displaystyle \overline{Q} = \sum_{m=1,12} \texttt{daysmonth}(m) Q(m)/365$ (5.16)

By definition

$\displaystyle \overline{Q_{ocean}} = 0$ (5.17)

$\displaystyle \overline{Q_{ice}} = 0$ (5.18)

so that

$\displaystyle \overline{Q} = -\overline{F_{net}}$ (5.19)

Since $ F_{net}$ is the monthly mean flux into the ocean directly from the control, $ Q$ must be constrained to ensure that the actual $ Q$ applied in the SOM configuration has the same annual mean as $ -\overline{F_{net}}$. Otherwise, the application of the $ Q$ flux would introduce a source or sink of heat with respect to the control.

The actual $ Q$ applied in the SOM configuration is based on linear interpolation between monthly means, taken as midpoints. Since the months have different lengths, in general the annual mean of the $ Q$ flux applied to the SOM will not equal $ -\overline{F_{net}}$. Thus, we must define another annual mean, based on the time interpolated $ Q$, to ensure that the SOM applied Q has the identical annual mean as the fluxes $ F_{net}$ from the control run.

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Jim McCaa 2004-06-22