SCAM User's Guide
Version 1.4
June 2004

J. J. Hack, J. E. Truesdale, J. A. Pedretti and J. C. Petch


1. Introduction

Numerical modeling of the climate system and its sensitivity to anthropogenic forcing is a highly complex scientific problem. Progress toward accurately representing our climate system using global numerical models is primarily paced by uncertainties in the representation of non resolvable physical processes, most often treated by what is known as physical parameterization. A principal example of the parameterization problem is how to accurately include the overall effects of moist processes, i.e., the various components of the hydrologic cycle, into the governing meteorological equations. Since water in any phase is a strongly radiatively active atmospheric constituent, and since changes in water phase are a major source of diabatic heating in the atmosphere, the large-scale moisture field plays a fundamental role in the maintenance of the general circulation and climate. Clouds themselves are a central component in the physics of the hydrologic cycle since they directly couple dynamical and hydrological processes in the atmosphere through the release of the latent heat of condensation and evaporation, through precipitation, and through the vertical redistribution of sensible heat, moisture and momentum. They play a comparable role in the large-scale thermodynamic budget through the reflection, absorption, and emission of radiation and also play an important role in the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere. Evaluating the many parametric approaches which attempt to represent these types of processes in atmospheric models can be both scientifically complex and computationally expensive.

An alternative approach to testing climate model parameterizations in global atmospheric models is in what are called single column models or SCMs. As the name suggests, an SCM is analogous to a grid column of a more complete global climate model, where the performance of the parameterized physics for the column is evaluated in isolation from the rest of the large-scale model. Various forms of "observations" can be used to specify the effects of neighboring columns, as well as selected effects of parameterized processes (other than those being tested) within the column, such as surface energy exchanges. The SCM approach lacks the more complete feedback mechanisms available to an atmospheric column imbedded in a global model, and therefore cannot provide a sufficiently thorough framework for evaluating competing parametric techniques. It can, however, provide an inexpensive first look at the characteristics of a particular parameterization approach without having to sort out all the complex nonlinear feedback processes that would occur in a global model.

Because of the large computational expense associated with evaluating new parameterizations using a complete atmospheric general circulation model, we have developed a highly flexible and computationally inexpensive single column modeling environment for the investigation of parameterized physics targeted for global climate models. In particular, this framework is designed to facilitate the development and evaluation of physical parameterizations for the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). The SCM modeling environment provides a framework for making initial assessments of physical parameterization packages and allows for the incorporation of both in situ forcing datasets [e.g., Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) data] and synthetic, user specified, forcing datasets, to help guide the refinement of parameterizations under development. Diagnostic data which can be used to evaluate model performance can also be trivially incorporated. The computational design of the SCM framework allows assessments of both the scientific and computational aspects of the physics parameterizations for the NCAR CAM because the coding structures at the physics module levels are identical. We believe that this framework will have widespread utility and will help to enrich the pool of researchers working on the problem of physical parameterization since few have access to or can afford to test new approaches in atmospheric GCMs. Another strength of our approach is that it will provide a common framework in which to investigate the scientific requirements for the successful parameterization of subgrid-scale processes.

1.1 Basic description of the NCAR CAM SCAM Framework

The NCAR single column CAM (SCAM) is a one-dimensional time dependent model in which the local time-rate-of-change of the large-scale state variables (e.g., temperature, moisture, momentum, cloud water, etc.) depends on specified horizontal flux divergences, a specified vertical motion field (from which the large-scale vertical advection terms are evaluated), and subgrid-scale sources, sinks and eddy transports. The subgrid-scale contributions are determined by the particular collection of physical parameterizations being investigated. Because an SCM lacks the horizontal feedbacks that occur in complete three-dimensional models of the atmosphere, the governing equations are only coupled (incompletely) through the parameterized physics. In a practical sense this means that the thermodynamic and momentum components of the governing equations are generally independent of one another, where typical configurations of SCAM would consider each of these budgets independently. The thermodynamic configuration consists of


where the terms SLS and QLS schematically denote the large-scale horizontal flux divergence forcing terms. The terms Qphysics and Sphysics schematically denote the collection of parameterized physics terms. Similarly, the momentum equations take the form


where the large-scale horizontal flux divergence and parameterized physics terms are denoted by , and .

The SCAM numerically integrates these equations starting from "user specified" initial conditions. We will discuss the initialization process shortly. The right-hand side of equations (1) - (4) are either evaluated numerically or arbitrarily specified. The terms , and  are specified quantities, as is the vertical motion profile, , since they represent a degree of freedom which is not available to a single column modeling framework. The vertical advection terms (e.g., ) are explicitly evaluated by the SCM using either the CAM Eulerian advection formalism, the CAM semi-Lagrangian advection formalism, or some combination of the two. The default configuration is analogous to the CAM, where water vapor and other constituents are advected using the semi-Lagrangian procedure, while temperature and momentum are advected with the CAM Eulerian finite-differences. Alternatively, if the large-scale vertical advection terms are available in any of the SCAM forcing datasets, the user can modify the SCAM dynamical driver to use these terms in place of the default large-scale vertical advection calculation. Note, all large-scale terms on the right-hand side of eq. (1) - (4) are defined as a positive tendency in any of the datasets provided with the SCAM. For example, the large-scale vertical advection term  would be defined exactly as it appears on the right hand side of equation (2) in all datasets. This sign convection is consistent with the way in which the large-scale advection information is provided for ARM Intensive Observing Period observations used for single column modeling applications.

Finally, the remaining physical parameterization terms are explicitly evaluated using the standard CAM physics packages or an alternative physical parameterization package as configured by the user. The coding constructs (e.g., calling tree, parameter lists, etc.) are identical to what is contained in the CAM. The SCAM operates in one of two standard modes. The first mode allows the user to select an arbitrary atmospheric column from anywhere on the globe. The SCAM will build an initial condition for this column (along with all the necessary boundary datasets, such as surface properties, ozone path lengths, etc.) from one of two data sources. Presently these data sources are monthly average climatological properties from ECMWF analyses or from model generated (i.e., CAM) results. At this point in time, the horizontal flux divergence forcing tendencies are specified to be zero when using this configuration of the SCAM. There are some important modeling implications for the solutions when specifying a zero horizontal forcing. They will be discussed in future versions of this document, along with alternative ways of treating these terms. The second mode of operation makes use of what we refer to as Intensive Observing Period (IOP) data. This data provides transient forcing information to SCAM physics, where the source of such data will most frequently be from observational field programs such as GATE, ARM, and TOGA COARE. An alternative to field program data might be a synthetically generated dataset designed to stress certain aspects of a parameterization technique. We expect that such datasets would generally incomplete when it comes to providing all the data required to initialize and integrate the SCAM. Therefore, when using the IOP option, the SCAM first builds an initial condition using the appropriate climatological profiles and surface quantities using global analysis data, and incorporates the appropriate model specific boundary condition data for the column closest to where the IOP data is located. It then overwrites this data with whatever IOP data is available. In this way the model is guaranteed to have all the data necessary to perform a numerical integration. This procedure may introduce inconsistencies in the initial and boundary value states which could result in undesirable systematic errors in the solution. Once again, this puts the burden on the user to completely understand what has been assumed for the purpose of integrating the SCAM using IOP data. At the moment, the IOP datasets consist of the GATE dataset, a TOGA COARE dataset (ascii data for both were obtained from the CSU single column modeling web site:, and an ARM dataset (for which the ascii data was obtained from the from the ARM intercomparison web site: Over time, we will assemble additional IOP forcing datasets from new field experiments, revisions of existing IOP datasets, and will explore the use of GCM and analysis generated forcing in regions where detailed observational data may not exist. See Table 1 for a summary of the format of the SCAM NetCDF datasets.

1.2 Potential for solution differences across physics program libraries

There have been several releases of the single column model, some of which have incorporated changes to the GUI only, and  others that have included GUI updates along with changes to the the latest physics program library.  Generally speaking, there are two types of updates made to the physics algorithms: minor changes causing round off differences and major parameterization updates.  Experience has shown that even small round off changes can introduce nontrivial differences in the solutions produced by the single column model.  For example, the old and new solutions will track each other to a high degree of accuracy and suddenly diverge, resulting in fundamentally different solution characteristics.  This is a property of branch points in the physics codes that can result in non deterministic solutions, and should not necessarily be cause for alarm.   Once a significant difference is introduced in a solution because of a branch point, the lack of dynamical feedbacks can limit the chances that the solutions will once again converge.  Below are plots showing solution difference attributable to minor algorithmic changes (compare temperature errors for ccm3.2 and ccm3.6) and major changes to physical parameterizations (compare temperature differences between ccm3.6 and cam2.0)  The solutions represent the temperature error time series for the CCM3.2, CCM3.6, and CAM2 physics algorithms when forced with the ARM Summer 1995 IOP dataset.
Although it can be argued that CAM2 solution has the same large scale structure and biases for the major convective events, it includes fundamental changes to the atmospheric physics and is expected to produce a different solution than either the ccm3.2 or ccm3.6 physics.



2. Building SCAM

2.1 Preliminary Setup

SCAM is now a part of the CAM distribution.  To run CAM in single column mode requires a fortran compiler and all of the libraries needed to compile CAM.  Additionally you will also need the QT library which is freely available for the Linux platform from  Most distributions of Linux already have a minimal version of QT installed but these installations normally lack the development header files
and binaries to build a QT GUI.  You can check if the QT 'moc' and 'uic' binaries are available by using your distribution's package manager or by using the locate utility. (Ex. typing 'locate uic | grep bin' will list all files containing the letters uic and residing in a bin directory.)  If you don't have QT installed or are lacking the required QT binaries you can download and build the QT library from trolltech.  SCAM also requires the NCAR Graphics library to enable plotting.  You can download the NCAR Graphics library from .

Building SCAM depends on the following utilities: Except for the fortran compiler all of them should already exist on your platform.

  • cpp - the C preprocessor; standard on every unix system.
  • Gnu make - Gnu's freely available version of make. This may be installed variously as gnumake, gmake, or make. To find out if a particular version of make is the Gnu version, type `make -v'. In case it is not installed on your system, information on obtaining the source code for Gnu make is available at
  • C and FORTRAN90 compilers - standard on most systems (NB:  Linux users must purchase either the Portland Group or Layhe compiler.  At the time of this writing Intel was also providing an unsupported C++ and Fortran 90 compiler.  Users have reported success compiling CAM using this free alternative compiler.  Although the Intel compiler is currently unsupported the modification needed to make it work with SCAM should be minor. 
  • 2.2 Obtaining the Source Code and Datasets

    Use Netscape or your favorite web browser to download the CAM source code and datasets. The following link will take you to a registration page for obtaining the CAM source code.

    Follow the links for downloading the source and datasets. The size of the complete distribution, including datasets, is approximately xx mb. Once you have downloaded the file to your local machine you will need to extract them. The file cam-<version>.tar.gz contains CAM/SCAM source code for compiling the model and SCAM GUI. This file is a compressed tar file which must be uncompressed and "untarred" as follows:

    gunzip -c scam-<version>.<system>.tar.gz | tar xvf -

    This will create the directory `cam-<version>' containing the CAM/SCAM source code and configuration files.

    The datasets needed to run scam are in a separate tar file.  Once they are installed locally please set the environment variable CSMDATA to point to the root directory of the installation.  The SCAM configure script will use this environment variable to create the proper links to the SCAM datasets.

    2.3 Explanation of the SCAM Sub directory Organization

    After untarring the source distribution change directory to the SCAM root directory located under
    cam1/models/atm/cam/tools/scam.  The SCAM root directory will contain the files `configure', `INSTALL', and `GNUmakefile' and the sub directories described below.

  • scm_init - model initialization code shared between the different model versions.
  • mymods - default location for your modified model code
  • obj - configuration file, object files
  • userdata - default location for data files generated by scam
  • lib - files needed by NCAR Graphics routines
  • html - location of SCAM User's Guide (this document) and home page in html format.
  • utils - separate stand-alone utilities.
  • data - directory which will contain SCAM datasets
  • Users will mainly be concerned with the model directories, the userdata directory, and the configure shell script.

    2.4 Building SCAM Executable and GUI

    The user must configure the Makefiles for the desired target architecture. Currently the only supported architecture is Intel PC/Linux.

    Before trying to configure and build SCAM you should set the following environment variables

    All of the site specific configuration is done by executing gmake from the scam root directory (type `./gmake').  You will be asked to supply values for a few parameters as described below.  In most cases the configure scripts should be able to identify the proper packages, just type return to select the default value.  The configure process will then test your system's FORTRAN and C compilers to make certain they work properly together.

    During the configuration you will be queried about the following variables.

    If the configure process completes without errors the model and gui code should start compiling.  Depending on how strict your FORTRAN compiler is, you may see several warning messages during the compilation; these can (usually) be safely ignored. If the final link fails due to errors, see Section 2.9, "Troubleshooting" for suggestions on what may have gone wrong. The output of this process will be the scam and scamgui executables.

    2.5 Recompiling the SCAM Executable

    To recompile the model, after changing source just type `gmake'

    If you wish to recompile the fortran source from scratch type `gmake clean'  and `gmake' in the root directory.  `gmake clean' will remove all scam object files.  typing `gmake' then starts a fresh compilation.
    If you wish to recompile both the SCAM executable and SCAM GUI from scratch type `gmake realclean' followed by  `gmake'.  This will remove all intermediate files as well as allow the user to reconfigure
    the model.

    2.6 Running SCAM

    Congratulations! If you have made it this far, you have successfully built SCAM. If you have installed the datasets as suggested, you're done. (If the datasets have been installed in a different location, you need to edit one more file, ".scam_defaults", to change the paths to the datasets; see Section 2.8, "Optional Configurations".) Just type `./scam' in the scam root directory and you should be off and running. See Section 3., "The User Interface", for detailed instructions on how to use the model.

    2.7 Changing Between CAM versions

    Although previous versions of SCAM allowed you to switch between current and previous version of the Community Climate Model physics, the current version only supports the CAM3.0 physics code.

    2.8 Optional Configurations

    The file ".scam_defaults" is used by SCAM at startup to set some application defaults, including where to look for the initialization datasets. If the initialization datasets have been installed in a location other than "../data/" relative to the SCAM root directory, you will need to edit the variables "globaldatadir", "boundarydatadir" and "iopdatadir" which define the directories containing the initialization datasets before you start SCAM for the first time. Another variable you may want to edit is "./userdatadir", which defines the directory which will be used when showing file open or save dialogs. The initial value for this is "userdata" which refers to the directory of the same name in the scam root directory.

    Note that the ".scam_defaults" file is regenerated by SCAM by selecting "Save Defaults" from within the Options dialog ( see Section 3.4, "Setting Options" ), so other than this one-time modification, you normally won't need to edit this file again since you can specify all of the values through SCAM (except for the two "datadir" variables).

    2.9 Troubleshooting

    Because of the complexity of SCAM it is possible for problems to occur at several junctures. Below is a collection of commonly encountered problems and suggested solutions.

    Problems with configuration

    Problem: When you execute the configure script, the script will not accept your choice of a NetCDF directory even though you know that it contains "libnetcdf.a" and ""

    Solution: Most likely, the problem is with the naming of the directories which contain the library and include file. The configure script is expecting the library to be in a sub directory called "lib" and the include file to be in a sub directory called "include."  If your particular installation has a different directory structure, just make a directory called "netcdf" in the directory that contains the scam root directory, make two sub directories called "lib" and "include" and copy the files "libnetcdf.a" and "" into the two new sub directories "lib" and "include" respectively (or make symbolic links). Execute "./configure" again, and this time it will find them automatically.

    Problems with Makefiles Problem: When you execute make, you get an error message along the lines of: "make: Fatal error: No arguments to build."   Solution: The error message indicates that you are not using the Gnu version of make. To check if a particular version of make is a Gnu version, try typing `make -v' (or `gmake -v', etc.). You should get a message saying, "GNU Make version ...". If you don't, then ask your system administrator for help. Note that the makefile in the root directory is named GNUmakefile. This is because the syntax of the makefile can only be interpreted by Gnu make.

    Problem: When you execute make, you get an error "*** No rule to make target `header.h', needed by `file.d'.  Stop."

    Solution: The dependency files in the obj directory are inconsistent with your file system and you need to force them to be reconstructed. Execute  `rm obj/*.d' and then `make'.

    Problem: When building on Linux platforms, you get unresolved reference errors at the final link stage that refer to netCDF library functions (e.g., nf_open, nf_close, etc.).

    Solution: The error message indicates that you have the wrong version of the netCDF library "libnetcdf.a" installed. The precompiled version of the library that is available on the Unidata ftp site was built using a compiler which is incompatible with pgf77. You can download a compatible version here.

    Problems with execution

    Problem: On startup, SCAM shows a warning message, "Error encountered while loading SCAM startup defaults file .scam_defaults" followed by the message, "Fatal: Couldn't load start-up defaults file .scam_defaults," and then quits.

    Solution: This usually indicates that there is a problem with the paths to the datasets in the defaults file; a more explicit message is written to the terminal. You may need to edit the file .scam_defaults to change the paths/filenames to reflect the location of the datasets on your systems.

    Problem: SCAM seems to start, but nothing appears on your monitor.

    Solution: This may be a problem with your DISPLAY environment variable. If it is set to ":0.0" or ":0" you need to change this to "unix:0" (using `setenv DISPLAY unix:0').

    Problem: When attempting to use the post-plotting function, SCAM generates a number of error messages regarding failed GKS color requests, and then aborts.

    Solution: There is a bug in some versions of NCAR graphics that causes it to abort when there are not enough colors available to display the requested colors. One solution is to reduce the number of colors that your workstation is using. Many workstations only have 256 colors available, and some applications grab a very large number of them, e.g., Netscape. Try quitting from these applications and trying the post-plot again.

    Problem: SCAM is in the middle of a model run when it suddenly crashes without generating any error message.

    Solution: There is probably more than one condition that could trigger this problem, but certainly one cause could be a bad data value in your dataset. SCAM performs only modest data integrity checking while it is reading in datasets. Non-physical data values will usually be input to the model without generating errors. The result of this is often a floating point division error somewhere in the model code, many levels removed from where the bad data value is first used. One method of tracking down the problem is to use the diagnostic features of SCAM's user interface: bring up plot windows showing T, Q, etc., and during a run and look for strange values appearing. Also, the CAM model code may generate error messages on the standard output that can point you in the right direction.

    Problem: SCAM crashes on startup with a bus error.

    Solution: An incorrectly formed call to addfield() can cause this. If you pass the wrong number or kind of arguments to addfield(), the compiler and linker won't catch it because there is no type checking of parameters in FORTRAN. Use a debugger to track down exactly where SCAM is crashing, and if it is in a call to addfield(), there is likely to be a problem with the parameters. See Section 4.2, "Adding New Fields to View or Save"   for more details on the addfield() call syntax.

    Problem: SCAM does not seem to be using the correct source files.

    Solution: This might be caused by an incorrectly specified ALT_SOURCE_PATH variable (set by the configure script). Make uses this variable to find the source files to compile by searching the list in order to find the first occurrence of a given file. To see the list of directories that make is searching, type `make showpath'. To see the list of source files with paths that are being used, type `make showsrc'. Try rerunning the configure script.

    Problem: SCAM will not save the history file in the directory that you specified.

    Solution: This can be caused by specifying a directory that does not exist; that you don't have write permission in; that is full; or that is on a separate file system. Try specifying a different pathname.

    ***Note: In addition to the problems and solutions given below, occasionally problems occur that have no easily explainable cause, often when parts of the code have been recompiled. At this point you should try to rebuild everything from scratch by typing `make clean' and then `make'.

    3. The User Interface

    3.1 Overview

    The SCAM interface is meant to provide the user with an intuitive tool for dataset selection and modification, model execution and post plotting of model output. Typically, an SCAM session consists of the following tasks:

  • Loading Datasets
  • Selecting Save Fields
  • Monitoring/Modifying a Field
  • Saving Initial Conditions
  • Running the Model
  • Plotting Saved Data
  • SCAM also has the ability to "restart" the model from a previously loaded set of data. The following sections describe these tasks.

    3.2 Starting SCAM / The Main Window

    When SCAM is started the main window (shown in figure 1) will appear, although the list of fields will be blank until the model is initialized by loading datasets.  The top row of buttons provide access to the main functions of SCAM. Beneath these are the model control buttons that control the starting and stopping of the model code - they are only active when data has been loaded. To the right of the model controls is the time display area, showing the current step the model is executing, and the user setable ending step. The user can also select hours or days from the pull down menu to change the units in which the time is displayed. Below the controls is a list of data fields that the model is outputting. Selecting fields from this list causes a continuously updated plot of that field to be displayed. To scroll quickly to a particular field, start typing the name of the field. Fields that appear in red are modifiable.

    Figure 1. SCAM Main

    3.3 Loading Datasets

    Press the "Load" button in the main window to popup a Data Type Selection dialog (shown in figure 2). This dialog allow you to specify the type of the datasets you want to load: Global Model Data, Global Analysis Data, IOP Data, Initial Conditions Data, User Data, or Quick-Start. (See Section 1.1, "Basic description of the NCAR CAM SCAM Framework" for a discussion of the different dataset types, and Section 3.4, "Setting Options" for a description of Quick-Start files.) Depending on the type of dataset you selected, you will be presented with another dialog that will allow you to specify more details about the data to be loaded; each of the different possibilities is discussed separately below. In all cases, once the datasets have been successfully loaded, the main window will be updated and the Model Controls and the list of viewable fields will become active.

    Figure 2. Data Selection Dialog

    Global Data

    If you select Global Analysis Data or Global Model Data a window (shown in figure 3) will popup with a map of the world overlaid with a grid of lines corresponding to the available columns in the datasets. Click on any of the grid points to select the column of data to use (a default column will already be selected); alternatively, you may enter a latitude or longitude directly by editing the values displayed - when you press "return", the nearest latitude and longitude available in the datasets will be displayed. The selected column will appear highlighted in red. You may select a date and time from which to start the run using the pull down menus to the right of the latitude and longitude entries.

    Figure 3. Global Datasets Selection

    IOP Data

    If you select IOP Data from the Datasets Selection Dialog, a Date Selection Dialog (shown in figure 4) will popup containing a scrollable list of the observation time points available in the dataset. The name of the dataset is shown at the top. The format of each item in the list is the index of the time slice, followed by the date (in YYMMDD format), followed by the number of hours from midnight GMT.

    Select a starting time for the run by clicking on one of the timepoints in the scrollable list, then press "OK." The dataset will be loaded with the starting time point set to your selection. To change the dataset, press the "Select New Dataset" button to get a file selection dialog. SCAM will verify that all the necessary data fields are present in the file. Note that IOP datasets generally do not contain all of the information needed to run the model; SCAM uses the default Global Analysis initial conditions dataset to retrieve the rest of the information needed. If you want to use different initial conditions or boundary datasets, you can change them in the Options dialog (see Section 3.4, "Setting Options" for details).

    Figure 4. IOP Date Selection Dialog

    User Data

    User datasets are similar to IOP datasets, but only provide data for an arbitrary number of fields. Like IOP datasets, they may contain a time series of values to force the model, or they may contain only a single time point to provide an initial condition. Forcing data for fields that are required by the model that are not provided in the User Data will be extracted from the Global Analysis dataset.

    If you select User Data from the Datasets Selection Dialog, a standard file selection dialog will popup to allow you to select a user created file to use. The IOP date selection dialog will pop up to allow you to select a starting date within the user dataset, assuming there is more than one time point in the file.

    3.4 Setting Options

    From the main window, click on Options to pop up the Options tab dialog (shown in figure 5) from where you control all of the customizable features of SCAM. The various options are organized into the four categories listed below. When you click `OK', the model will be reinitialized with the new settings. Clicking cancel will close the dialog without making any changes. Note that you can only change options after a dataset has been chosen, and at the start of a run.

    Figure 5. Options Dialog - History Output

    3.5 Monitoring and Modifying a Field

    Fields to be monitored can be selected from the alphabetically sorted field list in the main window. All fields in the list can be monitored. Select a field to be monitored by clicking on the desired field name or by starting to type the name and then pressing enter when you see the desired field highlighted. This will pop up a Field Plot window displaying a plot of the column of data and a set of buttons labeled "Autoscale", "Points", "Reset", "Save", and "Dismiss" (shown in Figure 6). Any number of Field Plot windows may be open simultaneously, with each plot being  updated at each time step as the model is running; however, having too many fields displayed at the same time will degrade performance.

    Some fields can be directly modified: these fields appear in red in the field list. They represent initial conditions for selected prognostic variables and some selected user specified forcing functions; they can only be modified at time step zero. Non modifiable (Diagnostic) fields are generated via diagnostic calculations in the CAM model code; these fields will always have an initial value of zero.

    A modifiable field may be changed by:

    Modifications can only take place before the model has been started. Any modifications can be immediately undone by clicking on the "Reset" button. This resets the field to its original state before editing.

    Point lists are updated at each time step. Consequently having multiple Point List windows open while running the model can significantly degrade performance. They are most useful when stepping the model one step at a time.

    The range of the X-axis (or Y-axis in the case of one-dimensional fields) may be set for both modifiable and diagnostic field plots. Click on the push button labeled "Autoscale" to automatically change the scale to fit all the points within the viewable area. For more control, you can set the scale and units of both axes separately by double clicking just to the left of the vertical axis, and just below the horizontal axis. This will popup a dialog where you can set the range and the multiplier for each axis. An example of using the multiplier would be if the data was expressed in units of kg/sec but you wanted to see the plot in units of g/sec: you would enter a value of 1000 in the "Multiplier" field and change the "Units" field to "g/sec". For one-dimensional fields you can also change the time window over which data is displayed; the default is 24 hours. For two-dimensional fields, you can also change the vertical coordinates from millibars to kilometers.

    Clicking on the "Save" button will save the image of the field plot to an XBM format file. The resulting file can then be viewed with a number of image display tools, including the freeware image manipulation tool "xv."

    Figure 6. Plot Window

    3.6 Running the Model

    Any time after the data is loaded the model can be run. To start the model, push the button labeled "Run" in the main window (shown in Figure 1). The model will start time stepping and will continue until the value of the current time reaches the ending time. To stop the model before it reaches the end press the button again and the model will halt. It is also possible to advance the model one step at a time by clicking on the "Step" button; continuing to depress the "Step" button will result in the model single stepping repeatedly until the button is released.

    3.7 Saving Data

    SCAM always saves the output of the model to the "userdata" sub directory with the name ".scamhist.tmp.nnnn" where "nnnn" is the process id. At any time after the model has stopped running, whether it stops by itself after reaching the end time or because you pressed the Run/Stop button, you can change the name and location of the the history file by clicking the "Save Data" button in the main window. You will be asked to provide a filename for the history file, with the default location of the userdata directory. It is suggested that you use one ending in ".nc" because the post-plotting dialog filters files to choose from using the filter "*.nc". If you continue to run the model after saving the data, the saved history file will continue to be updated until the model stops. Note that if you do not change the filename from its default, it will be overwritten on the next run. Also see the comments about saving data in Section 4.2, "Adding New Fields to View or Save."

    3.8 Post-Run Analysis

    SCAM utilizes NCAR graphics to produce contour plots of saved field data. Post plots are produced from field data that has been saved to a history file. Press the "Post Plot" button in the SCAM main window (shown in Figure 1) to pop up the "Post Plotting" window (shown in Figure 7). Select the fields for which you want to create plots from the popup menu labeled "Field", then click on the "Show Plots" button; a window will pop up for each field selected, displaying a color contour plot or line plot of the field (shown in Figure 8). You may resize the windows, change the time range which will be displayed, or show the average value at each level over the selected time interval; in all cases, press "Show Plots" to update the windows. To close a window, deselect it from the list, and press the "Show Plots" button. More than one history file may be viewed at the same time: just click on the Post Plot button again, open up another file, and select the fields you want to see; this feature is helpful if you want to compare the results from two different runs. You may also save the plots in CGM or Postscript format: just click on either of the "Save Plot to  <format> File" buttons.

    Figure 7. Post Plotting

    Figure 8. Plot Window

    3.9 Restarting

    To restart the model at time step zero, press the "Restart Button" in the main window. This will cause the model to be initialized with the same conditions it was started with, including any changes that were made to modifiable fields. If you save a history file at the end of a run, restarting will not affect it; you may save as many history files as you like (useful if you change the value of one of the Model Logical Switches between runs).

    3.10 Command Line Options

    SCAM supports the following command line options: scam [-ng [-o<outputfile>] [-t<timesteps>]] [<start-up file>]

    4. Modifying the Code

    4.1 Adding New Files to the Model directories

    Add files containing new or user modified code in the mymods directory, or place it in a new directory of your choosing (providing that you have added it to the ALT_SOURCE_PATH variable described in Section 2.4, "Configuring the Makefile"). All that remains to do is to type `make'.  Make will search the mymods directory first for any source code and then search the standard cam directory path for needed

    4.2 Adding New Fields to View or Save

    To add a new field to the list of fields that you can view or save requires creating the appropriate addfld and outfld calls.  The addfield call in added to the bldfld subroutine of history.F90. The format is as follows:

     call addfld('field_name',field_units, number of model levels,'A',phys_decomp)


    field_name = (Character  String) Abbreviated name of the field you want to add (must not contain any spaces).
    field_units = (Character String) Units of field
    number of model levels = (Integer) If surface field use 1, otherwise use plev for fields reported on full levels, and plevp for fields reported on interface levels.
    'A' = (Character  String) This field is averaged over the reporting interval.  The reporting interval defaults to every time step.
     decomposition type = phys_decomp or dyn_decomp

    The outfld call is place in the model code.  Its syntax follows the standard CAM outfld call.

    4.3 Model Initialization

    Initialization of the model in SCAM differs somewhat from the standard CAM initialization. It has been slightly simplified due to the different nature of SCAM compared to the full CAM.  In CAM, the calls to the major initialization routines "inital," "inti," "initext" and "intht"  occur in the main program cam.F;  they are called just once per run.  In contrast, in SCAM the calls to the above routines occur in init_model.F in the same order, but they may be  called repeatedly, once for each time the model is initialized via the user interface (e.g., after selecting new datasets, or restarting). Additionally, some of the initialization routines found in CAM are absent from SCAM, primarily those relating to initialization of file input/output devices, and the decomposition of space into latitudes and longitudes.  As a general rule, if some initialization of the model needs to be performed before the time stepping routine is invoked, init_model.F is the best place to put the necessary initialization code.

    5. Using SCAM with an IOP Dataset

    5.1 Introduction

    This section describes the contents and standard format of the Intensive Observation Period (IOP) datasets available for SCAM, and a typical example of how the model is used with this type of data. In this section it is assumed that the IOP dataset has already been created; sample IOP datasets are distributed with SCAM.

    An IOP dataset can provide a large amount of information for use with a single column model. For many users it is likely that some of the available data will not be used to force the model, in which case it may be used as a method of validating SCAM output. For example, the ground temperature within SCAM can be constrained to the value measured during the IOP or it can be predicted. If the model predicts the ground temperature then the value in the IOP dataset can be used to `validate' the models prediction. In general the less data used to constrain the model the more validating diagnostics will be available.It may be the case that some fields required for forcing SCAM are not available in the IOP dataset; if this is the case then the user should decide on the best method for dealing with this situation. For example, if the horizontal wind speed is not available the user must decide if this field will have a strong influence on their investigation; if so, then the dataset is not suitable for their use. If, however, the horizontal wind speed is of only secondary importance, then they may decide to use a climatological value which should be included in the dataset or read into the model at the relevant time.

    5.2 The Standard IOP Dataset for SCAM

    As a general guide, the terms used to force or constrain SCAM can be separated into the 3 following categories.

    For some users, some of the essential fields may be replaced with a climatology or other prescribed values. This depends on validation techniques and the principles being investigated by the user.

    Table 2 shows the essential, important and optional forcing terms for a typical SCAM IOP dataset. This dataset can be expanded upon by the user to contain any number of other fields but the list is complete for any currently available datasets. The datasets used in SCAM must be in NetCDF format (Rew et al., 1993) and Table 2 describes the NetCDF long and short names which should be used (when creating a dataset for use in SCAM it is essential that short name used is identical to that shown). Surface values such as ground temperature should be a function of time only, profiles such as temperature should be a function of pressure level (top down) and time respectively. If any of the essential [E] terms are missing then the dataset can not be used in the IOP format.

    If any of the important [I] terms are missing then the model will display a warning and replace these with a default value. For pt, u and v zero will be used; a missing pt will influence the interpolation of omega onto model levels and interfaces, a missing u or v will influence parts of SCAM physics. If the Tg or Ts are missing then they will be set to the temperature at the lowest level; a missing Ts will influence the temperature interpolation onto the lowest model level, a missing Tg will influence some of the model physics such as radiation. If any of the substitutions described here are not suitable for a users experiments then the user should include the values required in the IOP dataset.

    The optional [O] terms, shflx and lhflx can be included to constrain the surface physics in the model (the ground temperature can be used in this way but is categorized as important [I] because it is required as an initial condition). The hydrometeor terms are rarely available in IOP datasets but may be included if a bulk microphysical scheme is incorporated into SCAM.  

    5.3 A Detailed Example Using SCAM With an IOP Dataset.

    In the following example we will make 2 versions of the model, run SCAM using IOP data, and compare the results.

    5.3.1 Changing and Initializing the Model

    Here it is assumed that we have a working version of the standard SCAM and we are going to modify it. In this example we will add a new condensation scheme called `foobar.F', which for one experiment will replace the standard `cond.F'. The file foobar.F contains a tracer which should be advected, and a variable `acr', the auto conversion rate which we will use as a diagnostic. The auto conversion rate is a function of height and time and has SI units of (s-1). To do this the following steps should be taken:

    5.3.2 Running the Model

    Once we have the new code in place under the control of the `foobar switch' we can then run the model. For this example we will use the ARM IOP dataset which is distributed with SCAM. This is the Summer 1995 IOP from the ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) site. For this example we will choose a 10 day period beginning on the 20th of July. We will concentrate on Temperature, and Specific Humidity as diagnostics.

    The following is a brief guide to running the model:

    Once the model has finished the postplotting routine can be used to examine the two history files, or you can quit from SCAM and use a tool of preference to examine the data. Differencing the files `' and `' (using some netCDF tool) can provide information on the influence foobar.F had on SCAM.

    6. Acknowledgments


    The authors wish to acknowledge contributions to earlier versions of the SCAM modeling tool made by Mike Hoswell, David Ence, John Pedretti, and Karen Swett. This work has been supported by the Computer Hardware Advanced Mathematics Model Physics (CHAMMP) program and the Climate Change Prediction Program (CCPP) which are administered by the Office of Energy Research under the Office of Health and Environmental Research in the Department of Energy Environmental Sciences Division.


    Appendix A: Format of SCAM NetCDF Datasets
    Table 1: Required Dimensions and Variables in SCAM NetCDF Datasets
    Dataset Type
    Required Variables
    Global Model lon, lev, lat, time lon, lat, lev, time, date, datesec, hyam, hyai, hybi, hybm, PHIS, U, V, T, PS, ORO, TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4, OMEGA
    Global Analysis lon, lev, lat, time lon, lat, lev, time, date, datesec, hyam, hyai, hybi, hybm, PHIS, U, V, T, PS, ORO, OMEGA
    IOP lon, lev, lat, time lon, lat, lev, phis, tsec, T, q, bdate, divT, divq, Ps, omega
    LSM lon, lat, time numlon, latixy, longxy, surf2d, soic2d, silt2d, clay2d, pctlak, pctwet
    Ozone lon, lev, lat, time lat, lev, time, date, datesec, OZONE
    Pressure lev hyam, hyai, hybi, hybm
    Time Variant  lon, lev, lat, time date, datesec, SST
    User lon, lev, lat, time bdate, lon, lat, lev, tsec
    Table 2: The Various Terms Included in the Standard IOP Datasets Used for Forcing SCAM
    Short Name
    Long Name
    nbdate [E] Base Date  long yymmdd
    time [E] Time after 0Z on nbdate  long s
    lev [E] Pressure Levels float Pa
    lat [E] Latitude float deg N
    lon [E] Longitude float deg E
    phis [E] Surface Geopotential float m/s2
    t [E] Temperature float K
    divt [E] Horizontal T Advective Tendency float K/s
    vertdivt [O] Vertical T Advective Tendency float K/s
    q [E] Specific Humidity float kg/kg
    divq [E] Horizontal Q Advective Tendency float kg/kg/s
    vertdivq [O] Verical Q Advective Tendency float kg/kg/s
    ps [E] Surface Pressure float Pa
    omega [E] Vertical Pressure Velocity float Pa/s
    Ptend [I] Surface Pressure Tendency  float Pa/s
    u [I] U Windspeed float m/s
    v [I] V Windspeed float m/s
    tg [O] Ground Temperature float K
    ts [O] Surface Air Temperature float K
    shflx [O] Surface Sensible Heat Flux float W/m2
    lhflx [O] Surface Latent Heat Flux float W/m2

    This document last updated February 5, 2003.
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