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C. CLM namelist variables

This appendix describes a small subset of the namelist variables recognized by CLM 3.0. For more information, please see the CLM User's Guide.

A CAM model run is controlled using the build-namelist facility described in Section 2.2. The focus of this appendix is to provide a reference for select CLM variables that may be set through the use of build-namelist's -namelist option.

Table C.1: CLMEXP namelist variables
Name Type Default Ex. Description
FINIDAT Char*256 None Initial dataset of the land surface model state (initial temperatures, soil water content etcetera). If this dataset is not provided the model will use reasonable values to start from. Note, that some features of the land-surface model take several simulation years to "spin-up" before they reach equilibrium.
FPTFTCON Char*256 None Dataset of plant-function types. Setting is Required
FSURDAT Char*256 None Time invariant surface dataset for this resolution. If this dataset is not provided on an initial run the high resolution datasets MKSRF_FVEGTYP, MKSRF_FSOITEX, MKSRF_FSOICOL, MKSRF_FLANWAT, MKSRF_FURBAN, MKSRF_FGLACIER, and MKSRF_FLAI must be provided, and will be used to create the surface dataset. On a continuation run (branch or restart) this dataset MUST be provided.
MKSRF_FVEGTYP Char*256 None High resolution Vegetation Type dataset needed to determine the time-invariant surface dataset (FSURDAT). (Required if FSURDAT not defined)
MKSRF_FSOITEX Char*256 None High resolution Soil Texture dataset needed to determine the time-invariant surface dataset (FSURDAT). (Required if FSURDAT not defined)
MKSRF_FSOICOL Char*256 None High resolution Soil Color dataset needed to determine the time-invariant surface dataset (FSURDAT). (Required if FSURDAT not defined)
MKSRF_FLANWAT Char*256 None High resolution Land water (lake and river) dataset needed to determine the time-invariant surface dataset (FSURDAT). (Required if FSURDAT not defined)
MKSRF_FURBANP Char*256 None High resolution Urban Area dataset needed to determine the time-invariant surface dataset (FSURDAT). (Required if FSURDAT not defined)
MKSRF_FGLACIER Char*256 None High resolution Glacier dataset needed to determine the time-invariant surface dataset (FSURDAT). (Required if FSURDAT not defined)
MKSRF_FLAI Char*256 None High resolution Leaf Area Index (LAI) dataset needed to determine the time-invariant surface dataset (FSURDAT). (Required if FSURDAT not defined)

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Jim McCaa 2004-10-22