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D.3 params.h

Contains a list of resolution-dependent cpp directives for the atmosphere model.

Table D.2: params.h pre-processor tokens
token Synopsis
PCNST Number of advected constituents including water vapor and cloud-water.

Default setting is 1 (for water vapor).

PNATS Number of non-advected constituents.

Default setting is 1 (for cloud water).

PLEV Number of vertical levels.

Default setting is 26.

PLEVR Number of vertical levels over which radiation calculations are performed. Use of separate vertical coordinate for the radiation calculation has not been tested. Therefore this directive must currently be set to the same value as PLEV.
PLON Number of longitudes on the transform grid. Default setting is 128.
PLAT Number of Gaussian latitudes on the CAM2.0 transform grid. Default setting is 64.
PCOLS Maximum number of columns to use for the physics. This value can be tuned for different computer architectures in order to increase performance. Default setting is 16.
PTRM Spectral truncation of the zonal wavenumber m. Default setting is 42.
PTRN Spectral truncation of the total wavenumber n for zonal wavenumber 0. Default setting is 42.
PTRK Maximum total wavenumber k, for any zonal wavenumber m. Default setting is 42.

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Jim McCaa 2004-10-22