set 10 eul64x128_d50amip
OBS data

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DIAG Set 10 - Annual cycle line plots of global means

HadISST/OI.v2 1982-2001
ICEFRAC Sea-ice area (Northern) plot
ICEFRAC Sea-ice area (Southern) plot
SST Sea surface temperature plot

SMMR & SSM/I 1979-1999
ICEFRAC Sea-ice area (Northern) plot
ICEFRAC Sea-ice area (Southern) plot

Legates & Willmott 1920-80
PRECT Precipitation rate plot
TREFHT 2-meter air temperature plot

Willmott & Matsuura 1950-99
TREFHT 2-meter air temperature (land) plot

NCEP Reanalysis 1979-98
PREH2O Total precipitable water plot
PSL Sea-level pressure plot
SHFLX Surface sensible heat flux plot
T 850 850 mb temperature plot
T 200 200 mb temperature plot
TS Surface temperature plot
U 200 200 mb zonal wind plot
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot
Z 300 300 mb geopotential height plot

ECMWF Reanalysis 1979-93
EP Evaporation - precipitation plot
LHFLX Surface latent heat flux plot
PREH2O Precipitable water plot
QFLX Surface water flux plot
T 850 850 mb temperature plot
T 200 200 mb temperature plot
U 200 200 mb zonal wind plot
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot
Z 300 300 mb geopotential height plot

NVAP 1988-1999
PREH2O Total precipitable water plot
TGCLDLWP Cloud liquid water (ocean) plot

GPCP 1979-2002
PRECT Precipitation rate plot

CMAP (Xie-Arkin) 1979-98
PRECT Precipitation rate plot

SSM/I (Wentz) 1987-2000
PRECT Precipitation rate (ocean) plot
PREH2O Precipitable water (ocean) plot
TGCLDLWP cloud liquid water (ocean) plot

TRMM (3B-43) Jan1998-Aug2003
PRECT Precipitation rate (38S-38N) plot

ERBE Feb1985-Apr1989
FLUT TOA upward longwave flux plot
FLUTC TOA clearsky upward longwave flux plot
FSNTOA TOA net shortwave flux plot
FSNTOAC TOA clearsky net shortwave flux plot
LWCF TOA longwave cloud forcing plot
RESTOA TOA residual energy flux plot
SWCF TOA shortwave cloud forcing plot

ISCCP FD Jul1983-Dec2000
FLDS Surface LW downwelling flux plot
FLNS Surface Net LW flux plot
FSDS Surface SW downwelling flux plot
FSNS Surface Net SW flux plot

ISCCP D2 Jul1983-Sep2001
CLDHGH High-level cloud amount plot
CLDLOW Low-level cloud amount plot
CLDMED Medium-level cloud amount plot
CLDTOT Total cloud amount plot