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4.4 Model Input Datasets

The D configuration requires several datasets, many of which are grid-dependent. The following example is for the supported T42_gx1v3 grid. When building the D configuration with datm5, the following files will be copied to the $EXEROOT directory from the input data directory:


The files in the coupler (cpl) directory map information between the T42 and the gx1v3 grids. Some of the files listed above have been renamed in the process of being moved to the $EXEROOT directory. To find the name of the original file, look in the setup script of the appropriate component.

To run the M configuration with latm5 and the ocean mixed layer within the ice model on the T62_gx1v3 grid using one year of forcing data from 1985, the following files will be copied to the $EXEROOT directory:


Note that this is only one particular example of using latm5. See the data model User's Guide for more information. The input files required for CSIM4 are as follows:

Depending on ${ICE_GRID} selected in the main driver script, the appropriate global* files will be copied and renamed in $EXEROOT/ice. The restart file will be copied to $EXEDIR/rest which is set in the ice setup script. Currently, only gx3v4 and gx1v3 grids are supported for the ice and ocean models.

To run the prescribed ice model, an additional data file is necessary and depends on the chosen grid. For the high resolution grid:

is required and for the low resolution grid is required.

These datasets contain one year of monthly averaged Hurrell-modified Hadley SST climatology, 1949-2001. PRESCRIBED_ICE = .true. and PRESCRIBED_ICE_CLIM = .true. must be set at the top of ice.setup.csh for this data set to be used.

Another data file is necessary to use the ocean mixed layer within the ice model, depending on the specified grid:

This file is renamed when it is copied into $EXEROOT/ice.

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