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3.1 Graphical User Interface

The easiest way to set up the scripts for a particular configuration is to use the graphical user interface (GUI) that comes with the CCSM2 source code. The GUI is a Perl/Tk script that resides in /scripts/gui_run and is very easy to use. It has been tested on Sun computers and generates scripts for any of the supported CCSM2 model configurations. To start the GUI, type A menu will come up with choices for platforms and grid resolution. Boxes are available to fill in source code base directory, case name, input data directory and executable directory. The scripts generated from the GUI will be put in the directory $CSMROOT/scripts/CASENAME. This directory will contain the set of scripts from /scripts/test.a1 with the appropriate modifications for the desired configuration. The file called is the script for a one month startup run. The configurations most relevant for the ice model are B, D, M and F and are discussed next.

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