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3.3 Running the Active Ice Only (D) Configuration at NCAR

The D configuration consists of the active ice model CSIM4 and data atmosphere, ocean and land components. This configuration runs quickly and is used for testing the software engineering aspects of the model. This configuration will not result in the best sea ice simulation, since docn5 does not allow ice growth in open ocean regions or leads, and the data read in by datm5 is from previous atmospheric model (CCM) simulations. If you are not using the GUI to set up the scripts, you will need to change the following variables in the main script in scripts/

# @ task_geometry = {(0,1,10)(2,3,4,5)(6,7,8,9)(11)}

setenv CASESTR 'ccsm2 T42 gx1v3 datm dlnd ice docn cpl' # short descriptive text string

setenv CSMROOT  /fs/cgd/home0/$LOGNAME/ccsm2            # root directory of source
setenv CSMDATA  /fs/cgd/csm/inputdata                   # base dir for input data
setenv EXEROOT  /ptmp/$LOGNAME/$CASE                    # run model here

set SETUPS = (  datm dlnd  ice docn  cpl )              # setup script name 

set NTASKS = (     1    1    8    1    1 )  # use NTASK = 1 for data model 
set NTHRDS = (     1    1    1    1    4 )  # use NTHRD = 1 for data model

If you execute, a 5 day startup run will begin. Changes to the batch system information discussed in section 3.2 may also be necessary. Modifications to a variety of input variables are discussed in section 4.6. Details on changing the number of processors are given in section 4.6.2. Changing the grid resolution is described in section 4.6.1.

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