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2 Input Datasets

The data ice model requires two input netCDF datasets: a domain dataset specifying the model grid domain and an ice fraction dataset. The ice fraction dataset contains 12 months of climatological data.

2.1 Ice Data

The ice model state variable ice fraction (equivalently, ice extent) is read in from a data file. On startup, this model reads in ice fraction data from a netCDF file containing 12 months of monthly mean ice fraction data on a global lat/lon grid (x(i),y(j)). A data file is provided with the CCSM2.0.1 distribution. The file provided can be replaced by any other ice fraction data file that is in the same format. Because netCDF files are self describing, one can query the file itself for specifics about the file format.

Note: if a CCSM configuration consists of a dummy ocean and a dummy ice model (e.g. coupled to active atmosphere and land models), normally one would coordinate the ice model's ice fraction data with the ocean model's SST data so that the SST's and ice extent are consistent. The data file provided contains a coordinated set of SST and ice fraction data.

2.2 Domain Data

On startup, this model reads in domain data from a netCDF file. Data exchanged with the coupler will be on this model domain. This file contains x & y coordinate arrays as well as a cell areas and a domain mask. The domain must be a rectilinear grid, but needn't be a latitude/longitude grid. A mask value of 0 indicates land points (i.e. not in the model's domain). The ice data described above is interpolated onto the domain specified by the domain data file - all data exchanged with the coupler is on the domain specified by the domain data file.

2.3 Namelist

On startup, the model reads an input namelist parameter file from stdin. The model has very few input namelist parameters. Typically the only input parameters that are required are those that specify how often the model will communicate with the coupler, and those that specify the input data files. Some can also alter the fluxes sent to the coupler. See the section on input namelist variables for a complete list and description of namelist parameters.

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