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4.1 Fortran: Module Interface icemodel - main ice model program (Source File: ice.F)

The NCAR Community Climate System Model Version 2 - Sea Ice (CCSM2-SI) is intended for use by the climate modeling community, and its development has been a true community effort. The list of physics to be included in CCSM2-SI was developed by the CCSM Polar Climate Working Group (PCWG) in a series of meetings during 1997-1999. The specific parameterizations and codes to be implemented were identified and agreed upon at a meeting of ice model developers from the PCWG, held at NCAR in September, 1999.

A brief description of the development of the CCSM2-SI code is as follows:

o The code originated from the LANL CICE model (version of September, 1999). CCSM2-SI retains the following elements from this original code: Elastic-viscous-plastic dynamics (EVP), MPDATA transport scheme, and much of the original code structure.

o Later in autumn of 1999, the code was changed as follows: (1) the MPI parallelization routines were updated; (2) a multi-category ice thickness distribution was added; (3) a new thermodynamic code with explicit treatment of brine pockets was added.

o In late 1999/early 2000, changes were made to the history output.

o During winter-spring 2000, the Active Ice Only (AIO) framework was developed, together with datasets to be used as forcing within this framework. The model was tested within this AIO framework.

o In the fall of 2000, the code was streamlined, checked, standardized, and updated to Fortran 90. Documentation is currently being written.

The development team for the model described above is:

Elizabeth Hunke, LANL
Cecilia Bitz, U. WA.
Bruce Briegleb, NCAR
Tony Craig, NCAR
Marika Holland, NCAR
Bill Lipscomb, LANL
Julie Schramm, NCAR

Numerous others have contributed to this effort also-thanks to all!


       program icemodel
       use ice_timers
       use ice_mpi_internal
       use ice_albedo
       use ice_vthermo
       use ice_mechred
       use ice_scaling
       use ice_diagnostics
       use ice_history
       use ice_coupling
       use ice_grid
       use ice_calendar
       use ice_dyn_evp
       use ice_itd
       use ice_itd_linear
       use ice_transport
       use ice_therm_driver
       use ice_init
       use shr_msg_mod,only:shr_msg_chdir,shr_msg_dirio,shr_sys_flush
       use ice_prescribed
       use ice_ocean
       use ice_prnpnt
      February 2001 - E.Hunke (LANL) provided original 
      May 2001      - Final form settled (M.Holland, J.Schramm and 
                      B.Briegleb, NCAR)

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