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4.26 Fortran: Module Interface ice_state - primary state variables (Source File: ice_state.F)

Primary state variables in various configurations
Note: other state variables are at the end of this... The primary state variable names are:

main---single-column-single column,--aggregated--units
----------------single category--over cats

vicen(i,j,n)--vin(n)----vi or hi----vice(i,j)---m
vsnon(i,j,n)--vsn(n)----vs or hs----vsno(i,j)---m

Area is dimensionless because aice is the fractional area
(normalized so that the sum over all categories, including open water, is one). That is why vice/vsno have units of m instead of m3, and eice/esno have units of J/m2 instead of J.

Note that variable names follow 2 simple rules:

(1) If a variable has dimensions i and j, write 'ice' or 'sno' or 'sfc'; else abbreviate as 'i' or 's' or 'sf'.
(2) If a variable has dimension n, add an 'n'; else omit the 'n'.

We will also use the variables hice = vice/aice, hsno = vsno/aice,
qice = eice/vice, and qsno = esno/vsno. These variables will follow the same naming convention. They will not be state variables but will be computed as needed in individual subroutines.


   authors C. M. Bitz, UW
           Elizabeth C. Hunke, LANL
       module ice_state
       use ice_kinds_mod
       use ice_model_size
       use ice_domain

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