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3.6 Running CSIM4 Off Site

There is a directory called scripts/tools that contains some supporting scripts. A description of all the scripts in this directory can be found in the CCSM2.0 User's Guide. Two sets of these scripts are of interest for running the model off site. The first set is modules.*.*. These are machine specific setup scripts that are called by the main script. The second set of scripts is test.a1.mods.*. These files contain notes about how to change the main setup script to get it running on other machines. For example, to run CCSM2.0 on nirvana at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) see test.a1.mods.nirvana. The following job control language will need to be added to the top of the main script:

#BSUB -L /bin/tcsh
#BSUB -n 36                # Specify threads/processes
#BSUB -R "span[ptile=36]"  # all processors on 1 machine
#BSUB -q csmq              # Specify queue
#BSUB -J test.a1           # Specify the job name

The following environment variables should be changed in the main script:

setenv CSMROOT  /users/$LOGNAME/ccsm2             # root directory of source
setenv CSMDATA  /n/n07/scratch/$LOGNAME/inputdata # base dir for input data
setenv EXEROOT  /n/n07/scratch/$LOGNAME/$CASE     # run model here
setenv ARCROOT  /n/n07/scratch/$LOGNAME/archive/$CASE   # archive root direct

set NTASKS = (     1    1    4    16    1 )  # use NTASK = 1 for data model use
NTASK = 1 for data model
set NTHRDS = (     8    2    1     1    2 )  # use NTHRD = 1 for data model use
NTHRD = 1 for data model

unsetenv _DSM_VERBOSE         ; setenv _DSM_PLACEMENT ROUND_ROBIN

It is possible to use the GUI to set up the model to run on an SGI (select SGI under the Select Platform options). More details on the GUI are in section 3.1.

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