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5.1 Enabling the Debugger

This section explains how to set some compiler options for debugging the ice component on the NCAR IBM. Modifications need to be made to two files. In ice.setup.csh, the line setenv DEBUG TRUE needs to be added. In the first gmake command line, add DEBUG=$DEBUG after THREAD=$THREAD. Comment out the second gmake command line so that the *.f files are not deleted.

In the /models/bld/Macros.AIX file there is a line with compiler options for the ice model under csim. Add the options -g and -qsigtrap=xl__trcedump to the FFLAGS macro under csim. Before running the model, be sure to delete the files in the $OBJROOT/ice/obj directory so that the ice code will be recompiled.

If a core file is created, it will be in the $EXEROOT directory, and the executable will be in $EXEROOT/ice. To look at the core file, type 'dbx $EXEROOT/ice/ice core' in the directory where the executable file is located, replacing $EXEROOT with the appropriate path name. Useful information may also appear in the poe.stderr* file in the directory where the main setup script is located.

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