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2.1 Downloading the Source Code and Input Data

The source code and input datasets are available on the World Wide Web under the URL:

The source code comes in 3 different forms:

To untar, tar -xvf ccsm2.0.tar. The input datasets for CCSM2.0 are available at the same URL.

The resolution independent dataset, ccsm2.0.inputdata.RES_INDP.tar, is required for all configurations. If the coarse resolution grid is desired, ccsm2.0.inputdata.T31_gx3.tar should be downloaded;
ccsm2.0.inputdata.T42_gx1v3.tar should be downloaded for the fine resolution grid. If latm5 is used, ccsm2.0.inputdata.T62_gx1v3.tar is required in addition to ccsm2.0.inputdata.T42_gx1v3.tar and