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3 Namelist

The model reads an input namelist from stdin at runtime. 
Following is a list and description of available namelist input parameters.

     Type: character(len=16)
     Default: " "
     Required: no, but highly recommended
     Description: This is the case name text string that appears in output files
     to help identify the model run.  

     Type: character(len=64)
     Default: " "
     Required: no, but highly recommended
     Description: This is a short text string which is included in output files
     to help identify the model run.

     Type: character(len=16)
     Default: "continue"
     Required: no (but default is of limited usefulness)
     Description: This selects the run type.  
     Valid choices are: "startup", "hybrid", "continue", or "branch".  
     Selecting "branch" makes rest_bfile a required input.

     Type: character(len=256)
     Default: "./rpointer"
     Required: no
     Description: This is the complete path and name of the restart "pointer
     file."  This must include an existing, NFS mounted directory. All run
     types will update this file (and create it, if necessary), but only a
     continuation runs requires that this file exists prior to the start of
     the run.

     Type: character(len=256)
     Default: "null"
     Required: required if rest_type = "branch", ignored otherwise.
     Description: This is the file name of the "branch file" (the IC data file).
     Note that a prefix like "mss:" is used to indicate a file archival device,
     Valid prefix options are: 
     * "cp:" or no-prefix indicates a normal unix file copy from an NFS mounted
        file system.
     * "mss:" indicates a file on NCAR's MSS 
     * "null:" indicates no archival -- the file name, stripped of any directory
        information, indicates a file in the current working directory.

     Type: integer
     Default: 00010101 (year 1, month 1, day 1, encoded yyyymmdd)
     Required: no (ignored for "continuation" runs, optional for others).
     Description: This is the restart date.
     * On startup and hybrid runs, rest_date is the initial date of the 
     * On branch runs, if rest_date > 0, it will over-ride the date contained
       in the rest_bfile IC restart file. Otherwise the date from the
       rest_bfile data file is used.
     * On continuation runs rest_date is not used (the date contained in the IC
       file is used).

     Type: integer
     Default: 24
     Required: no
     Description: This specifies how many times per day the model communicates 
     (exchanges data) with the coupler.

     Type: character(len=256)
     Default: "local"
     Required: no
     Description: This specifies where input SST data can be found.
     Currently there is no option here, the data must be found in the local
     directory, ie. the SST data must be prepositioned into the model's 
     execution directory prior to exectution.

     Type: integer boolean
     Default: 0 (false/off)
     Required: no
     Description: If activated, the dice5 model accumulates ice formed in the
     ocean component -- this a flux field sent from the ocean to the ice.  This
     accumulated ice can subsequently be melted back into the ocean component
     if and when there is sufficient melting potential.  Melting potential is
     also a field sent from the ocean to the ice component.

     Type: real
     Default: 0.0
     Required: no
     Description: This is the "short-wave penetrating factor".  This is the
     fraction of net solar absorbed by the ice model the penetrates through
     the ice and ends up being absorbed into the ocean below.

     Type: character(len=256)
     Default: "null"
     Required: yes
     Description: This is a file archival directory name including the 
     specification of an archival device.  Restart and history files go into 
     this directory.  For continuation runs, the initial condition restart file
     must also be in this directory.  A "prefix" is all the characters up to
     and including the first occurrence of ":".  The prefix of the file 
     indicates a storage device.  Valid prefix options are: 
     * "cp:"   or no-prefix indicates a normal unix file copy to an NFS mounted
               file system.
     * "mss:"  indicates archival onto NCAR's MSS 
     * "null:" indicates no archival of any sort.
     Some of the following mss_xxx options are only meaningful when the
     archival device is NCAR's MSS.  With code modification, more archival
     devices could be implemented (eg. "hpss:").

     Type: integer
     Default: 365
     Required: no
     Description: Retention period, in days, for data files sent to the MSS.
     See the mswrite man pages at NCAR for more details.

     Type: character(len=16)
     Default: " "  (no password)
     Required: no
     Description: Mswrite write password string for files sent to the MSS. 
     Read passwords are not an option with the Coupler.
     See the mswrite man pages at NCAR for more details. 

     Type: integer
     Default: 1
     Required: no
     Description: Debugging information level: 0, 1, 2, or 3.
     * 0 => write the least amount of debugging information to stdout
     * 1 => write a  small  amount of debugging information to stdout
     * 2 => write a  medium amount of debugging information to stdout
     * 3 => write a  large  amount of debugging information to stdout