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15 Data Exchanged with Component Models

Each component model exchanges data with the Coupler only. Component models have no direct connection with each other - all data is routed through the Coupler. Most data is in the form of 2D fields. This data is accompanied by certain timing and control information (arrays of scalar real or integer values), such as the current simulation data and time.

15.1 Units Convention

All data exchanged conforms to the following sign convention:

\fbox{positive value $\Longleftrightarrow$\ downward flux}
And these unit conventions:
$N/m^2 = Pa$
air density
momentum flux
heat flux
water flux
salt flux
degrees north or east
domain mask
$0 \Longleftrightarrow$ an inactive grid cell

15.2 Time Invariant Data

This section provides a list of the time invariant data exchanged between the Coupler and each component model. Generally this data is the "domain" data: coordinate arrays, domain mask, cell areas, etc. It is assumed that the domain of all models is represented by a 2D array (although not necessarily a latitude/longitude grid).

15.2.1 Data sent to Coupler

domain data

time coordination data

other information

15.2.2 Data sent to Component Models

time coordination data

15.3 Time Variant Data

This section provides a list of the time-evolving data sent exchanged between the Coupler and each component model. This list is also contained in the cpl_fields_mod module in cpl6. Generally a quantity is a state or a flux. Some state variables are used only as diagnostics and are denoted with a *.

Each component model provides the Coupler with a set of output fields. Output fields from a model include output states (which can be used by another component to compute fluxes) and output fluxes (fluxes that were computed within the model and which need to be exchanged with another component model.

The Coupler provides each component model with input fields. Input fields sent to a model include input states (the state variables of other models, which are needed to do a flux calculation) and input fluxes (a forcing fields computed by some other component).

Flux fields sent to, or received from, the Coupler are understood to apply over the communication interval beginning when the data was received and ending when the next message is received. The component models must insure that fluxes sent to the Coupler are computed with this in mind - failure to do so may result in the non-conservation of fluxes. For example, if the atmosphere component communicates with the Coupler once per hour, but takes three internal time steps per hour, then the precipitation (water flux) sent to the Coupler should be the average precipitation over an hour (the average precipitation over three internal time steps). Similarly, if the ocean component has a communication interval of one day, but takes 50 internal time steps per day, then the precipitation flux field it receives from the Coupler should be applied as ocean boundary condition forcing for all 50 time steps during the next communication interval.

15.3.1 Atmosphere Model

Data sent to Coupler (* = diagnostic)



Data received from Coupler (* = diagnostic)



15.3.2 Ice Model

Data sent to Coupler (* = diagnostic)



Data received from Coupler



15.3.3 Land Model

Data sent to Coupler (* = diagnostic)



Data received from Coupler



15.3.4 Ocean Model

Data sent to Coupler



Data received from Coupler



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