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6.1 Making a Control Run

Before new code is put into CSIM, a control run using the latest tagged version of CCSM may need to be done to document the effects of the new code on model performance and the simulated climate. If newly developed code is being put into a tagged version of CCSM, output from a standard control run may already be available, in which case, this set of steps can be skipped. If output from a control run is not available, here are the steps to create it:

  1. Get a tagged version of CCSM via one of the following options:
    1. At NCAR:
      1. Check it out from CVS: cvs co -r ccsm_tag_name
      2. Copy it from /fs/cgd/csm/collections
    2. Off site:
      1. Download it from
      2. Contact the PCWG liaison or a co-chair for a copy.
    If you have questions regarding the appropriate CCSM tag name to use, contact a PCWG co-chair or the liaison.

  2. See the CCSM User's Guide on how to set up the scripts for the M component set (latm, dlnd, docn, csim (mixed layer ocean mode), cpl).

  3. Modify the latm source code and setup script to use your favorite forcing. The PCWG can provide reasonable input datasets if needed.

  4. Do a 10-15 year simulation to get a control run case, saving output in a permanent disk location.

  5. Document performance by saving the timing information at the bottom of a log file, and put plots of output on web if necessary. A graphics package is available for plotting output.

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