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5.1 Atmospheric Forcing

The uncoupled ice model will run without atmospheric forcing. It will use the fluxes set in subroutine init_flux. For atmospheric forcing, the following datasets are available on the gx3v5 grid, and can be read in using the module ice_flux_in.F. The directory where the data is located will have to be set in this module, and not in the scripts. The files are as follows:


These files are in direct access binary files, and the source is evident from the path names. cldf.1997.dat and swdn.1997.dat contain the monthly averaged cloud fraction and downwelling shortwave. prec.1997.dat is the monthly averaged precipitation in mm/month. The remaining files are the atmospheric density, specific humidity, air temperature, and wind fields. Note that these datasets are meant for testing the model and are not the best observational data for research. Users are advised not to publish results based on these datasets. To use this forcing, the following lines in ice.F need to be uncommented:

call init_getflux
call getflux

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