This error is written from ice_transport_remap.F when the ice model is checking for negative ice areas. If it happens well into a model integration, it can be indicative of a CFL violation. The output looks like:
60: New area < 0, istep = 119588 60: (my_task,i,j,n) = 4 21 380 1 60: Old area = 0.960675000975677174E-05 60: New area = -0.161808948357841311E-06 60: Net flux = -0.976855895811461324E-05 60:(shr_sys_abort) ERROR: remap transport: negative area 60:(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping 60:(shr_mpi_abort):remap transport: negative area 0
The dynamics timestep should be reduced to integrate past this problem. Set
, ndyn_dt = 2
in the namelist and restart the model. When the job completes set the value back to 1.