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2.2 Downloading Source Code and Input Datasets

The source code to run CSIM fully coupled or uncoupled and the required datasets can be obtained via a web download. The source code, input datasets, and documentation for CCSM are available via the web at:
Instructions for downloading and untarring the CCSM3.0 distribution are in the CCSM3 User's Guide. If you have the source code for CCSM, you also have all the source code to run CSIM uncoupled. If you only need the source code and input files for the uncoupled model, it is available at:
The source code, input data and atmospheric forcing for the uncoupled ice model come in the following form:

To uncompress and untar these files, use the following Unix gunzip and tar commands:

gunzip -c csim5_code.tar.gz | tar -xf -

gunzip -c csim5_inputdata_gx3v5.tar.gz | tar -xf -

gunzip -c csim5_atmforcing_gx3v5.tar.gz | tar -xf -

The atmospheric forcing datasets for uncoupled CSIM5 are available at the same URL, but are not necessary to get the model set up and running.

For both coupled and uncoupled models, the source code should be extracted from the tar file in a small, permanent disk, such as your home directory or a cross-mounted file system. If possible, the data input files should also be extracted on a large, permanent cross-mounted disk. These files are copied to the temporary disk during the build stage.

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