The model reads an input namelist from stdin at runtime. Following is a list and description of available namelist input parameters. case_name Type: character(len=16) Default: " " Required: no, but highly recommended Description: This is the case name text string that appears in output files to help identify the model run. case_desc Type: character(len=256) Default: " " Required: no, but highly recommended Description: This is a short text string (typically less than 80 chars) which is included in output files to help identify the model run. ncpl Type: integer Default: 24 Required: no Description: This specifies how many times per day the model communicates (exchanges data) with the coupler. data_format Type: character(len=64) Default: 'null' Required: no Description: Generally not used. If data_format = "dlnd5.0" then the model expects input data to be in the same format as was used in version 5.0 and previous versions. Note: the 5.0 version was part of the ccsm2.0 package. This backward compatiblity is a depreciated feature that is unlikely to be supported in future releases. data_dir Type: character(len=256) Default: 'null' Required: yes Description: This specifies where the land data input file sequence is found. Examples: (1) data_dir = "cp:~jdoe/data " => look for input data in user djoe's home directory in the data subdirectory. (2) data_dir = "mss:/JDOE/data " => look for input data on NCAR's Mass Storage System archival device. data_fname Type: character(len=256) Default: 'null' Required: yes Description: This specifies file names of the input data files. The data files are assumed to contain 12 months worth of mean monthly data. The file name can be any valid unix file name. This is a template file name, that is, somewhere in the file name must be the text substring "yyyy" which will be replaced by a specific year to create the actual file name. For example, if data_fname = "" and the dlnd model needs data for year 750, it will construct the file name "b30.004.cpl6.ha.0750-xx.040520nc". This file must be located in the data_dir described above. data_year0 Type: integer Default: 1 Required: no Description: This specifies the first year in the input data file sequence. data_nyear Type: integer Default: 1 Required: no Description: This specifies the number of years in the input data file sequence. data_oyear Type: integer Default: 1 Required: no Description: This specifies the "offset year" for the input data file sequence. The data file for data_year0 will coincide with the simulation year data_oyear. data_aroff Type: character(len=256) Default: "null" Required: no Description: This can be used to specify an "auxilliary" (non-standard) runoff data file. This option is for power-users only. By default, dlnd5 reads runoff data from the same data files it uses for all other data. In this case the runoff data is on a 1/2 degree grid that is the standard runoff grid for CCSM2.0. It is possible, however, to replace this standard runoff data with "auxiliary" runoff data from a separate data file. This alternate data can even be on a non-standard grid (for example the 19-basins-of-runoff grid used in CCSM1.x codes). * data_aroff = "null" => the runoff data sent to the coupler is on the standard 1/2 degree runoff grid used in CCSM2.0 * data_aroff = "zero" => the runoff data sent to the coupler is on the standard 1/2 degree runoff grid used in CCSM2.0, but the runoff data is set to 0.0 everywhere. This option doesn't require a new runoff data file, it merely sends all-zero runoff data to the coupler. * data_aroff = "UserCreatedFile" => the runoff data sent to the coupler is found in a user created data file (an "auxiliary" data file). See the source code file called "runoff_aux.F90" for details of how this works. info_dbug Type: integer Default: 1 Required: no Description: Debugging information level: 0, 1, 2, or 3. * 0 => write the least amount of debugging information to stdout * 1 => write a small amount of debugging information to stdout * 2 => write a medium amount of debugging information to stdout * 3 => write a large amount of debugging information to stdout