Appendix E. env_conf.xml variables

The following table lists all the possible environment variables that can be set in the env_conf.xml file. Because some of these variables are dependent on the components selected, only a subset of these will appear in $CASEROOT. Default values, where appropriate, are given in parentheses.

Table E-1. env_conf.xml variables

NameTypeDefaultDescription [Valid Values]
BRNCH_RETAIN_CASENAMElogicalFALSEallow same branch casename as reference casename [TRUE,FALSE]
CAM_CONFIG_OPTSchar CAM configure options, see CAM configure utility for details
CAM_DYCOREcharfvCAM dynamical core [eul,fv,homme]
CAM_NAMELIST_OPTSchar CAM specific namelist settings for -namelist option
CAM_NML_USE_CASEcharUNSETCAM namelist use_case
CCSM_BGCcharnoneBGC flag [none,CO2A,CO2B,CO2C,CO2_DMSA]
CCSM_CO2_PPMVreal379.000CO2 ppmv
CICE_CONFIG_OPTSchar-ntr_aero 3 -ntr_pond 1 -ntr_iage 1 -ntr_FY 1CICE configure options, see CICE configure utility for details
CICE_MODEcharprognosticcice mode [prognostic,prescribed,thermo_only]
CICE_NAMELIST_OPTSchar CICE specific namelist settings for -namelist option
CICE_PRESAERO_TYPEchardata_clim_2000cice prescribed aerosol type, only used if not obtained from atmosphere [data_clim_2000,data_clim_1850,data_clim_1990,transient]
CLM_CO2_TYPEcharconstantclm CO2 type, constant means value in CLM namelist, diagnostic or prognostic mean use the value sent from the atmosphere model [constant,diagnostic,prognostic]
CLM_CONFIG_OPTSchar Options to send to CLM configure (see models/lnd/clm/bld/configure -h for list of options)
CLM_FORCE_COLDSTARTcharoffValue of 'on' forces model to spinup from a cold-start (arbitrary initial conditions) [on,off]
CLM_NAMELIST_OPTSchar Namelist settings to add to the clm_inparm namelist Note, use ' around character values, as XML parser can't handle quotes inside strings. (list of item=value settings, see models/lnd/clm/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml)
CLM_NML_USE_CASEcharUNSETCLM namelist use_case (for a list see models/lnd/clm/bld/build-namelist -use_case list)
CLM_PT1_NAMEcharUNSETName of single point resolution dataset to be used in I compset only (for a list see models/lnd/clm/bld/build-namelist -res list)
CLM_USRDAT_NAMEcharUNSETData identifier name for CLM user-created datasets (see Quickstart.userdatasets)
CPL_ALBAVlogicalfalseOnly used for C,G compsets: if true, compute albedos to work with daily avg SW down [true,false]
CPL_EPBALcharoffOnly used for C,G compsets: if ocn, ocn provides EP balance factor for precip [off,ocn]
DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_ALIGNinteger1year align (simulation year corresponding to starting year) for CLM_QIAN mode
DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_ENDinteger2004ending year to loop data over for CLM_QIAN mode
DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_STARTinteger2002starting year to loop data over for CLM_QIAN mode
DICE_MODEcharssmiDICE mode [ssmi]
DOCN_MODEcharprescribedDOCN mode [prescribed,som]
DOCN_SSTDATA_FILENAMEcharUNSETSets sst/ice_cov filename for amip runs, only used in F compset
DOCN_SSTDATA_YEAR_ENDinteger-999Sets year end of sst/ice_cov for amip runs, only used in F compset
DOCN_SSTDATA_YEAR_STARTinteger-999Sets year start of sst/ice_cov for amip runs, only used in F compset
GET_REFCASElogicalFALSEflag for automatically prestaging the refcase restart dataset [TRUE,FALSE]
MAP_A2LF_FILEcharUNSETatm to land mapping file for fluxes
MAP_A2LS_FILEcharUNSETatm to land mapping file for states
MAP_A2OF_FILEcharUNSETatm to ocn flux mapping file for fluxes (currently first order conservative)
MAP_A2OS_FILEcharUNSETatm to ocn state mapping file for states (currently bilinear)
MAP_L2AF_FILEcharUNSETland to atm mapping file for fluxes
MAP_L2AS_FILEcharUNSETland to atm mapping file for states
MAP_O2AF_FILEcharUNSETocn to atm mapping file for fluxes (currently first order conservative)
MAP_O2AS_FILEcharUNSETocn to atm mapping file for states
MAP_R2O_FILE_R05charUNSETrunoff (.5 degree) to ocn mapping file
MAP_R2O_FILE_R19charUNSETrunoff (19 basin) to ocn mapping file
MAP_R2O_FILE_RX1charUNSETrunoff (1 degree) to ocn mapping file
MPISERIAL_SUPPORTlogicalFALSETRUE implies this machine supports the use of the mpiserial lib. Not all machines support the use of the mpiserial lib [TRUE,FALSE]
OCN_CHL_TYPEchardiagnosticprovenance of surface Chl for radiative penetration computations [diagnostic,prognostic]
OCN_CO2_TYPEcharconstantprovenance of atmospheric CO2 for gas flux computation [constant,prognostic]
OCN_COUPLINGcharfullsurface heat and freshwater forcing, partial is consistent with coupling to a data atm model [full,partial]
OCN_ICE_FORCINGcharactiveunder ice forcing, inactive is consistent with coupling to a data ice model [active,inactive]
OCN_TRANSIENTcharunsetspecification of transient forcing datasets [unset,1850-2000]
RUN_REFCASEcharcase.stdReference case for hybrid or branch runs
RUN_REFDATEchar0001-01-01Reference date for hybrid or branch runs (yyyy-mm-dd). Used to determine the component dataset that the model starts from. Ignored for startup runs
RUN_STARTDATEchar0001-01-01Run start date (yyyy-mm-dd). Only used for startup or hybrid runs Ignored for branch runs.
RUN_TYPEcharstartupRun initialization type [startup,hybrid,branch]
USE_MPISERIALlogicalFALSETRUE implies code is built using the mpiserial library. If TRUE, the MPISERIAL_SUPPORT must also be TRUE. FALSE (default) implies that code is built with a real MPI library. If a job uses only one MPI task (e.g. single-column CAM and CLM), the mpiserial lib may be an alternative to real mpi lib [TRUE,FALSE]