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Fortran: Module Interface CASAPhenologyMod (Source File: CASAPhenologyMod.F90)

Initialize and run the CASA vegetation phenology.

replaces pheno_params.h, pheno_paramsi.F, phenotci.F, phenoinit.F, phenology.F, phenotcdyn.h, phenotvdyn.h from LSM-CASA code


    use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
    use clm_varpar  , only : numpft
    implicit none
   ! define parameters and constants used in Phenology
   integer , parameter :: nsecbeg  = 0    ! seconds at start of a day
   real(r8), parameter :: ngrowmin = 30.0_r8 ! minimum growing season of 30 days
   integer  :: evergreen(0:numpft) ! evergreen flag (0 or 1), 1 = evergreen 
   real(r8) :: tbase(0:numpft)     ! base temperature (deg C)
   real(r8) :: ddcrit(0:numpft)    ! degree days for start of growing season (deg C)
   real(r8) :: tdaycrit(0:numpft)  ! daily temp threshold for dropping leaves (deg C)
    tbase     min temperature for starting growth (degrees C)
          = 5C if not crops, use 10C if crops
          = 40F for wheat, barley, rye, oats...              (not used)
          = 45F for sunflower, potato...                     (not used)
          = 50F for corn, sorghym, rice, soybeans, tomato ...(not used)
    ddcrit    cumulative degree days threshold for start of
              growing season (deg C)
          = tbase until better info
    tdaycrit  daily temperature threshold for dropping leaves (deg C)
          = tbase until better info
     data tbase/ 999.00_r8,                                                  &
                   5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8, &
                   5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8, 10.00_r8, 10.00_r8/
     data ddcrit/ 999.00_r8,                                                  &
                    5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8, &
                    5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8, 10.00_r8, 10.00_r8/
     data tdaycrit/ 999.00_r8,                                                  &
                      5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8, &
                      5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8,  5.00_r8, 10.00_r8, 10.00_r8/
   public :: initCASAPhenology              ! Initialize CASA phenology
   public :: CASAPhenology                  ! Compute CASA phenology
   2004.06.08 Vectorized and reformatted by Forrest Hoffman


Erik Kluzek 2010-06-21