Known Bugs in CLM4.0 Apr/23/2010 ==================================================================================== Bug Number: 1147 mkgriddata regional grids can't straddle over Greenich mkgriddata is not able to run for any domain that has Eastern edge > Western edge, because it straddles across the 0 degree longitude line. ==================================================================================== Bug Number: 1127 interpinic not tested for CNDV, yet; expected not to work Interpinic has not worked for the old dgvm since probably before clm3.5. Interpinic has not been tested, yet, for CNDV. Therefore, we assume that it does not work. ==================================================================================== Bug Number: 1125 T85, qtr-degree and urban pt datasets need new surface datasets. With the new VOC code we need new surface datasets for T85, qtr-degree and the urban point resolutions: camdenNJ, asphaltjungleNJ, urbanc_alpha, vancouver, mexicocity. ==================================================================================== Bug Number: 1124 Reported energy for grid-cell is not quite right for pftdyn The amount of water is conserved correctly in pftdyn mode, but the energy isn't reported quite accurately. ==================================================================================== Bug Number: 1101 Supln mode is over-productive -supln on mode is over-productive. Fixing it requires using fnitr from the pft-physiology file, a different pft-physiology file with fnitr scaled appropriately and some code modifications to get this all to work. We expect to fix this with the CESM release. ==================================================================================== Bug Number: 1100 Trouble compiling with pgi7 The model does NOT compile using PGI7.2.2. It DOES compile with later versions of the PGI compiler, such as 9.0.4. ==================================================================================== Bug Number: 1092 Problems running in debug mode on dublin with datm8 Running clm test suite with the latest datm8 I get the following... (seq_timemgr_clockPrint) Intervl yms = 9999 0 0 (seq_mct_drv) : Initialize each component: atm, lnd, ocn, and ice (seq_mct_drv) : Initialize atm component The variable (sendbuf(18162)) has an undefined value. Error occurs at or near line 566 of m_fccomms.fc_gatherv_fp_ Called from or near line 536 of m_attrvectcomms.gm_gather__ Called from or near line 755 of m_attrvectcomms.gsm_gather__ Called from or near line 771 of shr_dmodel_mod.shr_dmodel_ggridcompare_ Called from or near line 262 of shr_strdata_mod.shr_strdata_init_ Called from or near line 380 of datm_comp_mod.datm_comp_init_ Called from or near line 61 of atm_comp_mct.atm_init_mct_ Called from or near line 615 of MAIN__ ==================================================================================== Bug Number: 1063 Problems restarting for CCSM spinup data mode Exact restarts for the 1850 CN spinup compset fail on bluefire... ERS.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire also the ERB test fails, and the ERB_D test fails with optimization set to zero. (note ERS for the I1850CN compset passes, it's just the SPINUP case that fails) In the coupler log file there's a single field that is different... The good thing is that it's a single field from the land model that's causing trouble... Comparing initial log file with second log file Error: /ptmp/erik/ERS.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire.124426/run/cpl.log.091029-130401 and /ptmp/erik/ERS.f09_g16.I1850SPINUPCN.bluefire.124426/run/cpl.log.091029-130648 are different. >comm_diag xxx sorr 1 4.5555498624818352000E+16 recv lnd Sl_t 9999. Having dates of Y10K or more is sometimes useful for paleo simulations. For clm to get past the Y10K barrier -- it needs the subroutines set_hist_filename restFile_filename set_dgvm_filename changed to allow 5 or 6 digit years rather than just 4-digit ones. scripts, drv, and csm_share also have problems with Y10K as well. ==================================================================================== Bug number: 652 Output different for different number of threads PGF90 PGI Version 6.1.6, and NetCDF Version 3.6.2. Works on other platforms/compilers and also works with PGI-7.0-7. ==================================================================================== Bug Number: 498 problems creating .1 degree surface dataset mksurfdata can NOT create surface datasets at .1 degree resolution or higher. We've been successful with 0.23x0.31, but NOT higher resolutions. ==================================================================================== Bug Number: 452 Problem with support of number of soil-colors NOT equal to 8 or 20 The mksurfdata tools file mksoicol.F90 sets nsoicol to the max value found in the input soilcolor file: nsoicol = maxval(soil_color_i) However, the code will fail if nsoicol does not equal 20 or 8 (which it might in paleo cases). perhaps the code should be extended to handle a case where nsoicol is not 20 or 8. ====================================================================================