CCSM4 Data Model v8: User's Guide | ||
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The default science mode of the data model is the COPYALL mode. COPYALL mode will examine the fields found in all input data streams, if any input field names match the field names used internally, they are copied into the export array and passed directly to the coupler without any special user code. There are several other scientific modes supported by the model, they are listed below. The mode is selected by a character string set in the strdata namelist variable dataMode.
dataMode = "NULL"
NULL mode turns off the data model as a provider of data to the coupler. The atm_present flag will be set to false and the coupler will assume no exchange of data to or from the data model.
dataMode = "COPYALL"
COPYALL mode copies all fields directly from the input data streams Any required fields not found on an input stream will be set to zero except for aerosol deposition fields which will be set to a special value.
dataMode = "CPLHIST"
CPLHIST mode is the same as COPYALL mode.
dataMode = "CORE2"
CORE2 mode, in conjunction with with CORE Version 2 atmospheric forcing data, provides the atmosphere forcing favored by the Ocean Model Working Group when coupling an active ocean model with observed atmospheric forcing. This mode and associated data sets implement the CORE-IAF Version 2 forcing data, as developed by Large and Yeager (2008) at NCAR. See the documentation for CORE version 2 datasets at Also see W.G.Large, S.G.Yeager (2008), The global climatology of an interannually varying air-sea flux data set. Clm Dyn doi 10.1007/s00382-008-0441-3.
dataMode = "CLMNCEP"
CLMNCEP mode, in conjunction with NCEP climatological atmosphere data, provides the atmosphere forcing favored by the Land Model Working Group when coupling an active land model with observed atmospheric forcing. This mode replicates code previously found in CLM (circa 2005), before the LMWG started using the CCSM flux coupler and data models to do active-land-only simulations.
The data atmosphere specific namelist input is as follows. The namelist input filename is hardwired in the data model code to "datm_in". The namelist group is called "datm_nml". The variable formats are character string (char), integer (int), double precision real (r8), or logical (log) or one dimensional arrays of any of those things (array of ...).
atm_in (char)
sets the filename for the data atmosphere strdata namelist. this must be set. default='unset'.
decomp (char)
set the decomposition option for the data model. valid options are placing the global array on the root task or a simple stride-one load balanced one-dimensional decomposition. other decompositions may be added in the future. valid values are ['root','1d']. default='1d'.
iradsw (int)
radiation setting used to compute the next shortwave Julian date. values greater than 1 set the next radiation to the present time plus 2 timesteps every iradsw. values less than 0 turn set the next radiation to the present time plus two timesteps every -iradsw hours. if iradsw is zero, the next radiation time is the present time plus 1 timestep. default=0.
factorFn (char)
filename containing correction factors. use with TN460 and CORE2 modes. default='unset'.
restfilm (char)
restart filename for the data atmosphere model data. this is optional. if this is unset, the restart filename will be read from the rpointer.atm file. default='unset'.
restfils (char)
restart filename for the data atmosphere stream data. this is optional. if this is unset, the restart filename will be read from the rpointer.atm file. default='unset'.
The pre-defined internal field names in the data atmosphere model are as follows. In general, the stream input file should translate the input variable names into these names for use within the data atmosphere model.
(/"z ","u ","v ","tbot ", & "ptem ","shum ","dens ","pbot ", & "pslv ","lwdn ","rainc ","rainl ", & "snowc ","snowl ","swndr ","swvdr ", & "swndf ","swvdf ","swnet ","co2prog ", & "co2diag ","bcphidry ","bcphodry ","bcphiwet ", & "ocphidry ","ocphodry ","ocphiwet ","dstwet1 ", & "dstwet2 ","dstwet3 ","dstwet4 ","dstdry1 ", & "dstdry2 ","dstdry3 ","dstdry4 ", & "tref ","qref ","avsdr ","anidr ", & "avsdf ","anidf ","ts ","to ", & "snowh ","lfrac ","ifrac ","ofrac ", & "taux ","tauy ","lat ","sen ", & "lwup ","evap ","co2lnd ","co2ocn ", & "dms " /) (/"tbot ","wind ","z ","pbot ", & "shum ","tdew ","rh ","lwdn ", & "swdn ","swdndf ","swdndr ","precc ", & "precl ","precn ","co2prog ","co2diag ", & "swup ","prec " /) |