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Make Procedure

The LANL stand-alone POP make procedure consists of several steps that are governed by options in an architecture-specific archdir.gnu file. The correct .gnu file is chosen based on an environment variable called ARCHDIR, which is a combination of vendor name and communication paradigm. For example, if you are compiling for an SGI Origin you will have the choice of sgi_serial, sgi_mpi, sgi_shmem, sgi_omp, or sgi_mpiomp depending on whether you want to run serially, in parallel using message-passing (MPI or SHMEM), in parallel using thread-based parallelism (OpenMP) or in parallel using a hybrid of threads and message-passing. The archdir.gnu file contains the proper paths and compiler options for the particular architecture chosen. A variety of these .gnu files have been provided with the standard distribution in the input_templates directory. If a archdir.gnu file does not exist for your choice, a file generic.gnu exists with comments on how to configure it for your particular machine and environment. Also, if your site has an unusual setup for locations of compilers and various other tools like netCDF, you may have to edit the archdir.gnu file to reflect the different setup.

POP version 2.0 or later requires version 3.5 or later of the netCDF library. If not already installed on your system, the netCDF package can be obtained free of charge from

Once the ARCHDIR environment variable has been set, typing gmake should start the make process. The make process includes a step which runs scripts to generate dependencies for the makefile. After the dependencies are generated, the source code passes through a preprocessor and the resulting routines are finally compiled into an executable named pop.

If you wish to compile a version of POP suitable for debugging or wish to turn all optimizations off, typing

gmake OPTIMIZE=no

will create an exectutable named pop_db for this purpose.

CCSM4 Notes

CCSM4 POP2 users should consult the CCSM4 User's Guide for information regarding the make procedure. Individual CCSM4 POP2 C-preprocessor settings, which are automatically set by the CCSM4 POP2 scripts, are described on the following pages.

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