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Sea-ice emulation parameters

If ice_freq_opt is not 'never', the code will create ice whenever the ocean temperature drops below freezing at levels higher then kmxice. This ice formation will be computed at frequencies determined by the ice_freq in ice_freq_opt units. If the model is being run in coupled mode, ice_freq_opt should be set to 'coupled' to compute ice formation on coupling timesteps. In coupled mode, the heat and water fluxes associated with ice formation are saved and sent to the flux coupler for use in the ice model.

Table: Ice formation namelist
&ice_nml LANL default CCSM4 default Valid values parameters used to emulate sea-ice
ice_freq_opt 'never' 'coupled' 'never', 'coupled', 'nyear', 'nmonth', 'nday', 'nhour', 'nsecond', 'nstep' frequency units for computing ice formation
ice_freq 1 100000 integer frequency in above units for computing ice formation
kmxice 1 1 [1,1-km] compute ice formation above this vertical level
lactive_ice N/A automatically prefilled by CCSM4 scripts .true., .false. if .true., model is running with CCSM4 active ice model

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