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shf_formulation options:

a simple restoring of the top layer potential temperature in the model to a data value, dT/dt = (Tdata - Tmodel) / τ, where τ is a constant time scale. Tdata represents a space- and possibly time-dependent array of values of sea-surface temperature (SST) and is the only necessary forcing field.  If this option is chosen, then a value for the space- and time-independent restoring time-scale variable shf_restore_tau (in days) also needs to be specified.

use the ECMWF heat flux analysis of [2] arranged in restoring form.  Necessary forcing fields consist of (in order) an effective SST, spatially varying restoring time scale, sea ice mask, and net downward short-wave radiation.  If this option is chosen, then it is also necessary to specify the namelist variable jerlov_water_type to calculate the depth of short-wave penetration.

calculate fluxes based on atmospheric state variables and radiation similar to a fully-coupled model (and using bulk flux formulations extracted from the NCAR flux coupler).  Necessary forcing fields consist of (in order) SST, air temperature, air humidity, downward short-wave radiation, cloud fraction, and wind speed.  If this option is chosen, then it is also necessary to specify the namelist variable jerlov_water_type to calculate the depth of short-wave penetration. This option also expects the name of a file used to define different regions of the ocean (including marginal seas) specified by the namelist variable region_mask_filename in the grid namelist.

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