7 September 2010 - Perturbation growth simulation. source code: CAM-5.0 (CESM-1.0) platform: NCAR-bluefire (IBM POWER6) uname -a: AIX be1105en 3 5 00CBB5014C00 fortran : IBM XL Fortran for AIX, V12.1 CAM configuration: % configure -dyn fv -hgrid 1.9x2.5 -ntasks 16 -nthreads 4 -phys cam4 -ocn aquaplanet -pergro Control run: The parallel configuration is hybrid mpi/omp. The run was done using 1 node (32-way w/ SMT) with 16 tasks per node, and 4 threads per task. % build-namelist -s -case cam4.0_control -runtype startup \ -namelist "&camexp stop_option='ndays', stop_n=2 nhtfrq=1 ndens=1 \ mfilt=97 hfilename_spec='h%t.nc' empty_htapes=.true. \ fincl1='T:I','PS:I' /" The history file was renamed to f1.9ph_ibm_5.0.nc. Perturbation run: % build-namelist -s -case cam4.0_control -runtype startup \ -namelist "&camexp stop_option='ndays', stop_n=2 nhtfrq=1 ndens=1 \ mfilt=97 hfilename_spec='h%t.nc' empty_htapes=.true. \ fincl1='T:I','PS:I' pertlim=1.e-14 /" The RMS temperature differences between the control and perturbation runs were generated by the utility cprncdf, and written to the output file RMST_f1.9ph_ibm_aqpgro_5.0.