History File 1

  Number of fields:                286
  Write frequency:                 MONTHLY
  Filename specifier:              %c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m.nc
  History buffer precision:        double
  Output precision:                single
  Number of time samples per file: 1

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
AEROD_v 1 1 A Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band
AOA1 kg/kg 66 A Age-of_air tracer 1
AOA1SRC kg/kg/s 66 A AOA1 source/sink
AOA2 kg/kg 66 A Age-of_air tracer 2
AOA2SRC kg/kg/s 66 A AOA2 source/sink
BR mol/mol 66 A BR concentration
BRCL mol/mol 66 A BRCL concentration
BRO mol/mol 66 A BRO concentration
BRONO2 mol/mol 66 A BRONO2 concentration
BROX mol/mol 66 A brox volume mixing ratio
BROY mol/mol 66 A total inorganic bromine (Br+BrO+HOBr+BrONO2+HBr+BrCl)
BTAUE Pa 67 A Beres Eastward Reynolds stress
BTAUN Pa 67 A Beres Northward Reynolds stress
BTAUS Pa 67 A Beres Southward Reynolds stress
BTAUW Pa 67 A Beres Westward Reynolds stress
BUTEND1 m/s2 66 A U tendency c < -40
BUTEND2 m/s2 66 A U tendency -40 < c < -15
BUTEND3 m/s2 66 A U tendency -15 < c < 15
BUTEND4 m/s2 66 A U tendency 15 < c < 40
BUTEND5 m/s2 66 A U tendency 40 < c
BUTGWSPEC m/s2 66 A Beres U tendency
BVTGWSPEC m/s2 66 A Beres V tendency
CCL4 mol/mol 66 A CCL4 concentration
CF2CLBR mol/mol 66 A CF2CLBR concentration
CF3BR mol/mol 66 A CF3BR concentration
CFC11 mol/mol 66 A CFC11 concentration
CFC113 mol/mol 66 A CFC113 concentration
CFC11STAR kg/kg 66 A cfc11star for radiation
CFC12 mol/mol 66 A CFC12 concentration
CH2O mol/mol 66 A CH2O concentration
CH3BR mol/mol 66 A CH3BR concentration
CH3CCL3 mol/mol 66 A CH3CCL3 concentration
CH3CL mol/mol 66 A CH3CL concentration
CH3O2 mol/mol 66 A CH3O2 concentration
CH3OOH mol/mol 66 A CH3OOH concentration
CH4 mol/mol 66 A CH4 concentration
CL mol/mol 66 A CL concentration
CL2 mol/mol 66 A CL2 concentration
CL2O2 mol/mol 66 A CL2O2 concentration
CLDHGH fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated high cloud
CLDICE kg/kg 66 A Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDLIQ kg/kg 66 A Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLDLOW fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated low cloud
CLDMED fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud
CLDTOT fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated total cloud
CLO mol/mol 66 A CLO concentration
CLONO2 mol/mol 66 A CLONO2 concentration
CLOUD fraction 66 A Cloud fraction
CLOX mol/mol 66 A clox volume mixing ratio
CLOY mol/mol 66 A total inorganic chlorine (Cl+ClO+2Cl2+2Cl2O2+OClO+HOCl+ClONO2+HCl+BrCl)
CMFDQ kg/kg/s 66 A QV tendency - shallow convection
CMFDQR kg/kg/s 66 A Q tendency - shallow convection rainout
CMFDT K/s 66 A T tendency - shallow convection
CMFMC kg/m2/s 67 A Moist shallow convection mass flux
CMFMCDZM kg/m2/s 67 A Convection mass flux from ZM deep
CO mol/mol 66 A CO concentration
CO2 mol/mol 66 A CO2 concentration
CONCLD fraction 66 A Convective cloud cover
DTCOND K/s 66 A T tendency - moist processes
DTCORE K/s 66 A T tendency due to dynamical core
DTV K/s 66 A T vertical diffusion
DUV m/s2 66 A U vertical diffusion
DVV m/s2 66 A V vertical diffusion
EKGWSPEC M2/S 67 A effective Kzz due to gw spectrum
EPOTEN V 1 A Electric Potential
FICE fraction 66 A Fractional ice content within cloud
FLDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLNS W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at surface
FLNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at surface
FLNT W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at top of model
FLNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model
FLUT W/m2 1 A Upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FLUTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FREQSH fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of shallow convection
FREQZM fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of ZM convection
FRONTGF K^2/M^2/S 66 I Frontogenesis function at gws src level
FRONTGFA K^2/M^2/S 66 A Frontogenesis function at gws src level
FSDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDTOA W/m2 1 A Downwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSNS W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at surface
FSNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at surface
FSNT W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of model
FSNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of model
FSNTOA W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSNTOAC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSUTOA W/m2 1 A Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere
GCLDLWP gram/m2 66 A Grid-box cloud water path
H mol/mol 66 A H concentration
H2 mol/mol 66 A H2 concentration
H2O mol/mol 66 A water vapor concentration
H2O2 mol/mol 66 A H2O2 concentration
HBR mol/mol 66 A HBR concentration
HCFC22 mol/mol 66 A HCFC22 concentration
HCL mol/mol 66 A HCL concentration
HDEPTH km 1 A Heating Depth
HNO3 mol/mol 66 A HNO3 concentration
HNO3_CD1 mol/mol 66 A STS condensed HNO3
HNO3_CD3 mol/mol 66 A large-mode NAT condensed HNO3
HNO3_GAS mol/mol 66 A gas-phase hno3
HO2 mol/mol 66 A HO2 concentration
HO2NO2 mol/mol 66 A HO2NO2 concentration
HOBR mol/mol 66 A HOBR concentration
HOCL mol/mol 66 A HOCL concentration
HORZ kg/kg 66 A horizontal tracer
HORZSRC kg/kg/s 66 A HORZ source/sink
ICEFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
ICIMR kg/kg 66 A Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio
ICLDIWP gram/m2 66 A In-cloud ice water path
ICLDTWP gram/m2 66 A In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice)
ICWMR kg/kg 66 A Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio
LANDFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by land
LHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface latent heat flux
LWCF W/m2 1 A Longwave cloud forcing
MAXQ0 K/day 1 A Max column heating rate
MSKtem unitless 1 A TEM mask
N mol/mol 66 A N concentration
N2D mol/mol 66 A N(2D) concentration
N2O mol/mol 66 A N2O concentration
N2O5 mol/mol 66 A N2O5 concentration
N2p mol/mol 66 A N2+ concentration
NETDT K/s 66 A Net heating rate
NO mol/mol 66 A NO concentration
NO2 mol/mol 66 A NO2 concentration
NO3 mol/mol 66 A NO3 concentration
NOX mol/mol 66 A nox volume mixing ratio
NOY mol/mol 66 A noy volume mixing ratio
NO_Aircraft molec/cm3/s 66 A aircraft NO source
NO_Lightning molec/cm3/s 66 A lightning NO source
NOp mol/mol 66 A NO+ concentration
Np mol/mol 66 A N+ concentration
O mol/mol 66 A O concentration
O1D mol/mol 66 A O1D concentration
O2 mol/mol 66 A O2 concentration
O2_1D mol/mol 66 A O2(1-delta) concentration
O2_1S mol/mol 66 A O2(1-sigma) concentration
O2p mol/mol 66 A O2+ concentration
O3 mol/mol 66 A O3 concentration
OCLO mol/mol 66 A OCLO concentration
OCNFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean
ODV_H2SO4M 1 1 A H2SO4M optical depth in visible band
ODV_SSLTA 1 1 A SSLTA optical depth in visible band
ODV_SSLTC 1 1 A SSLTC optical depth in visible band
ODV_bcar1 1 1 A bcar1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_bcar2 1 1 A bcar2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust1 1 1 A dust1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust2 1 1 A dust2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust3 1 1 A dust3 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust4 1 1 A dust4 optical depth in visible band
ODV_ocar1 1 1 A ocar1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_ocar2 1 1 A ocar2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_sulf 1 1 A sulf optical depth in visible band
OH mol/mol 66 A OH concentration
OMEGA Pa/s 66 A Vertical velocity (pressure)
OMEGAT K Pa/s 66 A Vertical heat flux
OMEGA_12_COS Pa/s 66 A vertical pressure velocity 12hr. cos coeff.
OMEGA_12_SIN Pa/s 66 A vertical pressure velocity 12hr. sin coeff.
OMEGA_24_COS Pa/s 66 A vertical pressure velocity 24hr. cos coeff.
OMEGA_24_SIN Pa/s 66 A vertical pressure velocity 24hr. sin coeff.
Op mol/mol 66 A O+ concentration
PBLH m 1 A PBL height
PCONVB Pa 1 A convection base pressure
PCONVT Pa 1 A convection top pressure
PHIS m2/s2 1 A Surface geopotential
PRECC m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECCDZM m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate from ZM deep
PRECL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECSC m/s 1 A Convective snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECSH m/s 1 A Shallow Convection precipitation rate
PRECSL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECT m/s 1 A Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PS Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PSL Pa 1 A Sea level pressure
PS_12_COS Pa 1 A surface pressure 12hr. cos coeff.
PS_12_SIN Pa 1 A surface pressure 12hr. sin coeff.
PS_24_COS Pa 1 A surface pressure 24hr. cos coeff.
PS_24_SIN Pa 1 A surface pressure 24hr. sin coeff.
Q kg/kg 66 A Specific humidity
QBOTEND M/S/S 66 A Wind tendency from QBO relaxation
QBO_U0 M/S 66 A Specified wind used for QBO
QC kg/kg/s 66 A Q tendency - shallow convection LW export
QCP K/s 66 A chem pot heating rate
QFLX kg/m2/s 1 A Surface water flux
QJOULE K/s 66 A Joule Heat
QNO K/s 66 A NO cooling
QPERT kg/kg 1 A Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL)
QREFHT kg/kg 1 A Reference height humidity
QRL K/s 66 A Longwave heating rate
QRLNLTE K/s 66 A Non-LTE LW heating (includes QNO)
QRL_TOT K/s 66 A Merged LW heating: QRL+QRLNLTE
QRS K/s 66 A Solar heating rate
QRS_AUR K/s 66 A total auroral heating rate
QRS_CO2NIR K/s 66 A co2 nir heating rate
QRS_EUV K/s 66 A total euv heating rate
QTHERMAL K/s 66 A non-euv photolysis heating rate
RELHUM percent 66 A Relative humidity
RHREFHT fraction 1 A Reference height relative humidity
SAD_ICE cm2/cm3 66 A water-ice aerosol SAD
SAD_LNAT cm2/cm3 66 A large-mode NAT aerosol SAD
SAD_SULFC cm2/cm3 66 A chemical sulfate aerosol SAD
SFCH2O kg/m2/s 1 A CH2O surface flux
SFCLDICE kg/m2/s 1 A CLDICE surface flux
SFCLDLIQ kg/m2/s 1 A CLDLIQ surface flux
SFCO kg/m2/s 1 A CO surface flux
SFNO kg/m2/s 1 A NO surface flux
SHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface sensible heat flux
SNOWHICE m 1 A Water equivalent snow depth
SNOWHLND m 1 A Water equivalent snow depth
SOLIN W/m2 1 A Solar insolation
SRFRAD W/m2 1 A Net radiative flux at surface
SWCF W/m2 1 A Shortwave cloud forcing
T K 66 A Temperature
TAUE Pa 67 A CM Eastward Reynolds stress
TAUGWX N/m2 1 A Zonal gravity wave surface stress
TAUGWY N/m2 1 A Meridional gravity wave surface stress
TAUN Pa 67 A CM Northward Reynolds stress
TAUNET Pa 67 A CM E+W Reynolds stress
TAUS Pa 67 A CM Southward Reynolds stress
TAUTMSX N/m2 1 A Zonal turbulent mountain surface stress
TAUTMSY N/m2 1 A Meridional turbulent mountain surface stress
TAUW Pa 67 A CM Westward Reynolds stress
TAUX N/m2 1 A Zonal surface stress
TAUY N/m2 1 A Meridional surface stress
TCLY mol/mol 66 A total Cl volume mixing ratio
TGCLDIWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud ice water path
TGCLDLWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud liquid water path
TH K 67 A Potential Temperature
TMQ kg/m2 1 A Total (vertically integrated) precipitatable water
TOTH mol/mol 66 A total H2 volume mixing ratio
TREFHT K 1 A Reference height temperature
TREFMNAV K 1 A Average of TREFHT daily minimum
TREFMXAV K 1 A Average of TREFHT daily maximum
TROPP_FD probability 1 A Tropopause Found (primary)
TROP_P Pa 1 A Tropopause Pressure
TROP_T K 1 A Tropopause Temperature
TROP_Z m 1 A Tropopause Height
TS K 1 A Surface temperature (radiative)
TSMN K 1 A Minimum surface temperature over output period
TSMX K 1 A Maximum surface temperature over output period
TTGW K/s 66 A T tendency - gravity wave drag
TTPXMLC K/S 1 A Top interf. temp. flux: molec. viscosity
T_12_COS K 66 A Temperature 12hr. cos coeff.
T_12_SIN K 66 A Temperature 12hr. sin coeff.
T_24_COS K 66 A Temperature 24hr. cos coeff.
T_24_SIN K 66 A Temperature 24hr. sin coeff.
U m/s 66 A Zonal wind
UE m/s 1 A Zonal ExB drift
UIONTEND M/S2 66 A u-tendency due to ion drag
US m/s 66 A Zonal wind, staggered
UTEND1 m/s2 66 A U tendency c < -40
UTEND2 m/s2 66 A U tendency -40 < c < -15
UTEND3 m/s2 66 A U tendency -15 < c < 15
UTEND4 m/s2 66 A U tendency 15 < c < 40
UTEND5 m/s2 66 A U tendency 40 < c
UTGWORO m/s2 66 A U tendency - orographic gravity wave drag
UTGWSPEC m/s2 66 A U tendency - gravity wave spectrum
UU m2/s2 66 A Zonal velocity squared
UV3d M2/S2 67 A Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean
UW3d M2/S2 67 A Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean
U_12_COS m/s 66 A Zonal wind 12hr. cos coeff.
U_12_SIN m/s 66 A Zonal wind 12hr. sin coeff.
U_24_COS m/s 66 A Zonal wind 24hr. cos coeff.
U_24_SIN m/s 66 A Zonal wind 24hr. sin coeff.
V m/s 66 A Meridional wind
VD01 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of Q
VE m/s 1 A Meridional ExB drift
VERT kg/kg 66 A vertical tracer
VERTSRC kg/kg/s 66 A VERT source/sink
VIONTEND M/S2 66 A v-tendency due to ion drag
VQ m/skg/kg 66 A Meridional water transport
VS m/s 66 A Meridional wind, staggered
VT K m/s 66 A Meridional heat transport
VTGWORO m/s2 66 A V tendency - orographic gravity wave drag
VTGWSPEC m/s2 66 A V tendency - gravity wave spectrum
VTH3d MK/S 67 A Meridional Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean
VU m2/s2 66 A Meridional flux of zonal momentum
VV m2/s2 66 A Meridional velocity squared
V_12_COS m/s 66 A Meridional wind 12hr. cos coeff.
V_12_SIN m/s 66 A Meridional wind 12hr. sin coeff.
V_24_COS m/s 66 A Meridional wind 24hr. cos coeff.
V_24_SIN m/s 66 A Meridional wind 24hr. sin coeff.
WTH3d MK/S 67 A Vertical Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean
Z3 m 66 A Geopotential Height (above sea level)
e mol/mol 66 A electron concent concentration

History File 2

  Number of fields:                90
  Write frequency:                 480
  Filename specifier:              %c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc
  History buffer precision:        double
  Output precision:                single
  Number of time samples per file: 10

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
AOA1 kg/kg 66 I Age-of_air tracer 1
AOA2 kg/kg 66 I Age-of_air tracer 2
ASDIR 1 1 I albedo: shortwave, direct
BR mol/mol 66 I BR concentration
BRCL mol/mol 66 I BRCL concentration
BRO mol/mol 66 I BRO concentration
BRONO2 mol/mol 66 I BRONO2 concentration
BROX mol/mol 66 I brox volume mixing ratio
BROY mol/mol 66 I total inorganic bromine (Br+BrO+HOBr+BrONO2+HBr+BrCl)
CCL4 mol/mol 66 I CCL4 concentration
CF2CLBR mol/mol 66 I CF2CLBR concentration
CF3BR mol/mol 66 I CF3BR concentration
CFC11 mol/mol 66 I CFC11 concentration
CFC113 mol/mol 66 I CFC113 concentration
CFC12 mol/mol 66 I CFC12 concentration
CH2O mol/mol 66 I CH2O concentration
CH3BR mol/mol 66 I CH3BR concentration
CH3CCL3 mol/mol 66 I CH3CCL3 concentration
CH3CL mol/mol 66 I CH3CL concentration
CH3OOH mol/mol 66 I CH3OOH concentration
CH4 mol/mol 66 I CH4 concentration
CL mol/mol 66 I CL concentration
CL2 mol/mol 66 I CL2 concentration
CL2O2 mol/mol 66 I CL2O2 concentration
CLDICE kg/kg 66 I Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDLIQ kg/kg 66 I Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLO mol/mol 66 I CLO concentration
CLONO2 mol/mol 66 I CLONO2 concentration
CLOUD fraction 66 I Cloud fraction
CLOX mol/mol 66 I clox volume mixing ratio
CLOY mol/mol 66 I total inorganic chlorine (Cl+ClO+2Cl2+2Cl2O2+OClO+HOCl+ClONO2+HCl+BrCl)
CO mol/mol 66 I CO concentration
CO2 mol/mol 66 I CO2 concentration
CONCLD fraction 66 I Convective cloud cover
FLNT W/m2 1 I Net longwave flux at top of model
FSDS W/m2 1 I Downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDSC W/m2 1 I Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface
H mol/mol 66 I H concentration
H2 mol/mol 66 I H2 concentration
H2O mol/mol 66 I water vapor concentration
H2O2 mol/mol 66 I H2O2 concentration
HBR mol/mol 66 I HBR concentration
HCFC22 mol/mol 66 I HCFC22 concentration
HCL mol/mol 66 I HCL concentration
HNO3 mol/mol 66 I HNO3 concentration
HO2 mol/mol 66 I HO2 concentration
HO2NO2 mol/mol 66 I HO2NO2 concentration
HOBR mol/mol 66 I HOBR concentration
HOCL mol/mol 66 I HOCL concentration
MSKtem unitless 1 I TEM mask
N mol/mol 66 I N concentration
N2O mol/mol 66 I N2O concentration
N2O5 mol/mol 66 I N2O5 concentration
NO mol/mol 66 I NO concentration
NO2 mol/mol 66 I NO2 concentration
NO3 mol/mol 66 I NO3 concentration
NOX mol/mol 66 I nox volume mixing ratio
NOY mol/mol 66 I noy volume mixing ratio
O mol/mol 66 I O concentration
O1D mol/mol 66 I O1D concentration
O2 mol/mol 66 I O2 concentration
O3 mol/mol 66 I O3 concentration
OCLO mol/mol 66 I OCLO concentration
OH mol/mol 66 I OH concentration
OMEGA Pa/s 66 I Vertical velocity (pressure)
PS Pa 1 I Surface pressure
PSL Pa 1 I Sea level pressure
SAD_ICE cm2/cm3 66 I water-ice aerosol SAD
SAD_LNAT cm2/cm3 66 I large-mode NAT aerosol SAD
SAD_SULFC cm2/cm3 66 I chemical sulfate aerosol SAD
SNOWHICE m 1 I Water equivalent snow depth
SNOWHLND m 1 I Water equivalent snow depth
T K 66 I Temperature
TCLY mol/mol 66 I total Cl volume mixing ratio
TH K 67 I Potential Temperature
U m/s 66 I Zonal wind
UV2d M2/S2 1 I Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 2D prj of zon. mean
UW2d M2/S2 1 I Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum; 2D prj of zon. mean
V m/s 66 I Meridional wind
VTH2d MK/S 1 I Meridional Heat Flux: 2D prj of zon. mean
WTH2d MK/S 1 I Vertical Heat Flux: 2D prj of zon. mean
Z3 m 66 I Geopotential Height (above sea level)
jcl2o2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jhocl /s 66 I photolysis rate
jno3_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jo2_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jo2_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jo3_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jo3_b /s 66 I photolysis rate

History File 3

  Number of fields:                42
  Write frequency:                 480
  Filename specifier:              %c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc
  History buffer precision:        double
  Output precision:                single
  Number of time samples per file: 20

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
BRO mol/mol 66 B BRO concentration
CL2O2 mol/mol 66 B CL2O2 concentration
CLO mol/mol 66 B CLO concentration
CO mol/mol 66 B CO concentration
CO2 mol/mol 66 B CO2 concentration
DTCORE K/s 66 B T tendency due to dynamical core
DTV K/s 66 B T vertical diffusion
H mol/mol 66 B H concentration
H2 mol/mol 66 B H2 concentration
H2O mol/mol 66 B water vapor concentration
HO2 mol/mol 66 B HO2 concentration
N mol/mol 66 B N concentration
N2D mol/mol 66 B N(2D) concentration
N2p mol/mol 66 B N2+ concentration
NO mol/mol 66 B NO concentration
NO2 mol/mol 66 B NO2 concentration
NO3 mol/mol 66 B NO3 concentration
NOp mol/mol 66 B NO+ concentration
Np mol/mol 66 B N+ concentration
O mol/mol 66 B O concentration
O1D mol/mol 66 B O1D concentration
O2 mol/mol 66 B O2 concentration
O2_1D mol/mol 66 B O2(1-delta) concentration
O2_1S mol/mol 66 B O2(1-sigma) concentration
O2p mol/mol 66 B O2+ concentration
O3 mol/mol 66 B O3 concentration
OH mol/mol 66 B OH concentration
OMEGA Pa/s 66 B Vertical velocity (pressure)
Op mol/mol 66 B O+ concentration
PS Pa 1 B Surface pressure
QJOULE K/s 66 B Joule Heat
QRL_TOT K/s 66 B Merged LW heating: QRL+QRLNLTE
T K 66 B Temperature
TTGW K/s 66 B T tendency - gravity wave drag
U m/s 66 B Zonal wind
V m/s 66 B Meridional wind
Z3 m 66 B Geopotential Height (above sea level)
e mol/mol 66 B electron concent concentration
jcl2o2 /s 66 B photolysis rate
jno3_a /s 66 B photolysis rate
jno3_b /s 66 B photolysis rate

History File 4

  Number of fields:                9
  Write frequency:                 48
  Filename specifier:              %c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc
  History buffer precision:        double
  Output precision:                single
  Number of time samples per file: 73

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
FRONTGF K^2/M^2/S 66 I Frontogenesis function at gws src level
OMEGA Pa/s 66 A Vertical velocity (pressure)
PHIS m2/s2 1 A Surface geopotential
PS Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PSL Pa 1 A Sea level pressure
T K 66 A Temperature
U m/s 66 A Zonal wind
V m/s 66 A Meridional wind
Z3 m 66 A Geopotential Height (above sea level)

History File 5

  Number of fields:                11
  Write frequency:                 48
  Filename specifier:              %c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc
  History buffer precision:        double
  Output precision:                single
  Number of time samples per file: 365

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
MSKtem unitless 1 A TEM mask
PHIS m2/s2 1 A Surface geopotential
PS Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PSL Pa 1 A Sea level pressure
TH2d K 1 A Zonal-Mean potential temp
U2d M/S 1 A Zonal-Mean zonal wind
UV2d M2/S2 1 A Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 2D prj of zon. mean
UW2d M2/S2 1 A Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum; 2D prj of zon. mean
V2d M/S 1 A Zonal-Mean meridional wind
VTH2d MK/S 1 A Meridional Heat Flux: 2D prj of zon. mean
W2d M/S 1 A Zonal-Mean vertical wind

History File 7

  Number of fields:                77
  Write frequency:                 YEARLY
  Filename specifier:              %c.cam2.i.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc
  History buffer precision:        double
  Output precision:                double
  Number of time samples per file: 1

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
AOA1&IC kg/kg 66 I Age-of_air tracer 1
AOA2&IC kg/kg 66 I Age-of_air tracer 2
BR&IC kg/kg 66 I BR
BRCL&IC kg/kg 66 I BRCL
BRO&IC kg/kg 66 I BRO
BRONO2&IC kg/kg 66 I BRONO2
BRY&IC kg/kg 66 I BRY
CCL4&IC kg/kg 66 I CCL4
CF3BR&IC kg/kg 66 I CF3BR
CFC11&IC kg/kg 66 I CFC11
CFC113&IC kg/kg 66 I CFC113
CFC12&IC kg/kg 66 I CFC12
CH2O&IC kg/kg 66 I CH2O
CH3BR&IC kg/kg 66 I CH3BR
CH3CCL3&IC kg/kg 66 I CH3CCL3
CH3CL&IC kg/kg 66 I CH3CL
CH3O2&IC kg/kg 66 I CH3O2
CH3OOH&IC kg/kg 66 I CH3OOH
CH4&IC kg/kg 66 I CH4
CL&IC kg/kg 66 I CL
CL2&IC kg/kg 66 I CL2
CL2O2&IC kg/kg 66 I CL2O2
CLDICE&IC kg/kg 66 I Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDLIQ&IC kg/kg 66 I Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLO&IC kg/kg 66 I CLO
CLONO2&IC kg/kg 66 I CLONO2
CLY&IC kg/kg 66 I CLY
CO&IC kg/kg 66 I CO
CO2&IC kg/kg 66 I CO2
H&IC kg/kg 66 I H
H2&IC kg/kg 66 I H2
H2O2&IC kg/kg 66 I H2O2
HBR&IC kg/kg 66 I HBR
HCFC22&IC kg/kg 66 I HCFC22
HCL&IC kg/kg 66 I HCL
HNO3&IC kg/kg 66 I HNO3
HO2&IC kg/kg 66 I HO2
HO2NO2&IC kg/kg 66 I HO2NO2
HOBR&IC kg/kg 66 I HOBR
HOCL&IC kg/kg 66 I HOCL
HORZ&IC kg/kg 66 I horizontal tracer
ICEFRAC&IC fraction 1 I Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
N&IC kg/kg 66 I N
N2D&IC kg/kg 66 I N(2D)
N2O&IC kg/kg 66 I N2O
N2O5&IC kg/kg 66 I N2O5
N2p&IC kg/kg 66 I N2+
NO&IC kg/kg 66 I NO
NO2&IC kg/kg 66 I NO2
NO3&IC kg/kg 66 I NO3
NOp&IC kg/kg 66 I NO+
Np&IC kg/kg 66 I N+
O&IC kg/kg 66 I O
O1D&IC kg/kg 66 I O1D
O2&IC kg/kg 66 I O2
O2_1D&IC kg/kg 66 I O2(1-delta)
O2_1S&IC kg/kg 66 I O2(1-sigma)
O2p&IC kg/kg 66 I O2+
O3&IC kg/kg 66 I O3
OCLO&IC kg/kg 66 I OCLO
OH&IC kg/kg 66 I OH
Op&IC kg/kg 66 I O+
PS&IC Pa 1 I Surface pressure
Q&IC kg/kg 66 I Specific humidity
SICTHK&IC m 1 I Sea ice thickness
SNOWHICE&IC m 1 I Water equivalent snow depth
T&IC K 66 I Temperature
TS1&IC K 1 I TS1 subsoil temperature
TS2&IC K 1 I TS2 subsoil temperature
TS3&IC K 1 I TS3 subsoil temperature
TS4&IC K 1 I TS4 subsoil temperature
TSICE&IC K 1 I Ice temperature
US&IC m/s 66 I Zonal wind, staggered
VERT&IC kg/kg 66 I vertical tracer
VS&IC m/s 66 I Meridional wind, staggered
e&IC kg/kg 66 I electron concentration

Master Field List

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
ACTNI Micron 1 A Average Cloud Top ice number
ACTNL Micron 1 A Average Cloud Top droplet number
ACTREI Micron 1 A Average Cloud Top ice effective radius
ACTREL Micron 1 A Average Cloud Top droplet effective radius
AEROD_v 1 1 A Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band
AG1 K/s 66 I O2_1S -> O2 + 762nm airglow loss
AG2 K/s 66 I O2_1D -> O2 + 1.27 micron airglow loss
AGTOT K/s 66 I airglow total loss
ALATM RADIANS 1 I Magnetic latitude at each geographic coordinate
ALDIF 1 1 A albedo: longwave, diffuse
ALDIR 1 1 A albedo: longwave, direct
ALONM RADIANS 1 I Magnetic longitude at each geographic coordinate
AOA1 kg/kg 66 A Age-of_air tracer 1
AOA1&IC kg/kg 66 I Age-of_air tracer 1
AOA1SRC kg/kg/s 66 A AOA1 source/sink
AOA2 kg/kg 66 A Age-of_air tracer 2
AOA2&IC kg/kg 66 I Age-of_air tracer 2
AOA2SRC kg/kg/s 66 A AOA2 source/sink
AREA m2 1 A area of grid box
AREI Micron 66 A Average ice effective radius
AREL Micron 66 A Average droplet effective radius
ASDIF 1 1 A albedo: shortwave, diffuse
ASDIR 1 1 A albedo: shortwave, direct
AST fraction 66 A Stratus cloud fraction
AWNC m-3 66 A Average cloud water number conc
AWNI m-3 66 A Average cloud ice number conc
BCDEPWET kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
BCPHIDRY kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
BCPHODRY kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
BEMF Pa 66 A Beres Eastward MF
BERGO 1/s 66 A Conversion of cloud water to cloud ice from bergeron
BERGSO 1/s 66 A Conversion of cloud water to snow from bergeron
BNMF Pa 66 A Beres Northward MF
BR mol/mol 66 A BR concentration
BR&IC kg/kg 66 I BR
BRCL mol/mol 66 A BRCL concentration
BRCL&IC kg/kg 66 I BRCL
BRCL_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
BRCL_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
BRCL_SRF mol/mol 1 A BRCL in bottom layer
BRO mol/mol 66 A BRO concentration
BRO&IC kg/kg 66 I BRO
BRONO2 mol/mol 66 A BRONO2 concentration
BRONO2&IC kg/kg 66 I BRONO2
BRONO2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
BRONO2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
BRONO2_SRF mol/mol 1 A BRONO2 in bottom layer
BROX mol/mol 66 A brox volume mixing ratio
BROY mol/mol 66 A total inorganic bromine (Br+BrO+HOBr+BrONO2+HBr+BrCl)
BRO_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
BRO_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
BRO_SRF mol/mol 1 A BRO in bottom layer
BRY mol/mol 66 A BRY concentration
BRY&IC kg/kg 66 I BRY
BRY_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
BRY_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
BRY_SRF mol/mol 1 A BRY in bottom layer
BR_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
BR_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
BR_SRF mol/mol 1 A BR in bottom layer
BSMF Pa 66 A Beres Southward MF
BTAUE Pa 67 A Beres Eastward Reynolds stress
BTAUN Pa 67 A Beres Northward Reynolds stress
BTAUS Pa 67 A Beres Southward Reynolds stress
BTAUW Pa 67 A Beres Westward Reynolds stress
BTAUXSn01 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -2.50 m/s
BTAUXSn02 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -5.00 m/s
BTAUXSn03 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -7.50 m/s
BTAUXSn04 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -10.00 m/s
BTAUXSn05 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -12.50 m/s
BTAUXSn06 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -15.00 m/s
BTAUXSn07 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -17.50 m/s
BTAUXSn08 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -20.00 m/s
BTAUXSn09 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -22.50 m/s
BTAUXSn10 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -25.00 m/s
BTAUXSn11 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -27.50 m/s
BTAUXSn12 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -30.00 m/s
BTAUXSn13 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -32.50 m/s
BTAUXSn14 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -35.00 m/s
BTAUXSn15 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -37.50 m/s
BTAUXSn16 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -40.00 m/s
BTAUXSn17 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -42.50 m/s
BTAUXSn18 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -45.00 m/s
BTAUXSn19 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -47.50 m/s
BTAUXSn20 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -50.00 m/s
BTAUXSn21 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -52.50 m/s
BTAUXSn22 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -55.00 m/s
BTAUXSn23 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -57.50 m/s
BTAUXSn24 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -60.00 m/s
BTAUXSn25 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -62.50 m/s
BTAUXSn26 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -65.00 m/s
BTAUXSn27 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -67.50 m/s
BTAUXSn28 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -70.00 m/s
BTAUXSn29 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -72.50 m/s
BTAUXSn30 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -75.00 m/s
BTAUXSn31 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -77.50 m/s
BTAUXSn32 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -80.00 m/s
BTAUXSp00 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 0.00 m/s
BTAUXSp01 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 2.50 m/s
BTAUXSp02 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 5.00 m/s
BTAUXSp03 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 7.50 m/s
BTAUXSp04 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 10.00 m/s
BTAUXSp05 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 12.50 m/s
BTAUXSp06 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 15.00 m/s
BTAUXSp07 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 17.50 m/s
BTAUXSp08 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 20.00 m/s
BTAUXSp09 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 22.50 m/s
BTAUXSp10 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 25.00 m/s
BTAUXSp11 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 27.50 m/s
BTAUXSp12 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 30.00 m/s
BTAUXSp13 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 32.50 m/s
BTAUXSp14 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 35.00 m/s
BTAUXSp15 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 37.50 m/s
BTAUXSp16 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 40.00 m/s
BTAUXSp17 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 42.50 m/s
BTAUXSp18 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 45.00 m/s
BTAUXSp19 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 47.50 m/s
BTAUXSp20 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 50.00 m/s
BTAUXSp21 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 52.50 m/s
BTAUXSp22 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 55.00 m/s
BTAUXSp23 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 57.50 m/s
BTAUXSp24 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 60.00 m/s
BTAUXSp25 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 62.50 m/s
BTAUXSp26 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 65.00 m/s
BTAUXSp27 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 67.50 m/s
BTAUXSp28 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 70.00 m/s
BTAUXSp29 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 72.50 m/s
BTAUXSp30 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 75.00 m/s
BTAUXSp31 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 77.50 m/s
BTAUXSp32 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 80.00 m/s
BTAUYSn01 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -2.50 m/s
BTAUYSn02 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -5.00 m/s
BTAUYSn03 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -7.50 m/s
BTAUYSn04 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -10.00 m/s
BTAUYSn05 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -12.50 m/s
BTAUYSn06 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -15.00 m/s
BTAUYSn07 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -17.50 m/s
BTAUYSn08 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -20.00 m/s
BTAUYSn09 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -22.50 m/s
BTAUYSn10 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -25.00 m/s
BTAUYSn11 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -27.50 m/s
BTAUYSn12 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -30.00 m/s
BTAUYSn13 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -32.50 m/s
BTAUYSn14 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -35.00 m/s
BTAUYSn15 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -37.50 m/s
BTAUYSn16 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -40.00 m/s
BTAUYSn17 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -42.50 m/s
BTAUYSn18 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -45.00 m/s
BTAUYSn19 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -47.50 m/s
BTAUYSn20 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -50.00 m/s
BTAUYSn21 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -52.50 m/s
BTAUYSn22 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -55.00 m/s
BTAUYSn23 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -57.50 m/s
BTAUYSn24 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -60.00 m/s
BTAUYSn25 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -62.50 m/s
BTAUYSn26 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -65.00 m/s
BTAUYSn27 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -67.50 m/s
BTAUYSn28 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -70.00 m/s
BTAUYSn29 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -72.50 m/s
BTAUYSn30 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -75.00 m/s
BTAUYSn31 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -77.50 m/s
BTAUYSn32 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= -80.00 m/s
BTAUYSp00 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 0.00 m/s
BTAUYSp01 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 2.50 m/s
BTAUYSp02 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 5.00 m/s
BTAUYSp03 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 7.50 m/s
BTAUYSp04 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 10.00 m/s
BTAUYSp05 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 12.50 m/s
BTAUYSp06 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 15.00 m/s
BTAUYSp07 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 17.50 m/s
BTAUYSp08 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 20.00 m/s
BTAUYSp09 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 22.50 m/s
BTAUYSp10 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 25.00 m/s
BTAUYSp11 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 27.50 m/s
BTAUYSp12 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 30.00 m/s
BTAUYSp13 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 32.50 m/s
BTAUYSp14 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 35.00 m/s
BTAUYSp15 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 37.50 m/s
BTAUYSp16 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 40.00 m/s
BTAUYSp17 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 42.50 m/s
BTAUYSp18 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 45.00 m/s
BTAUYSp19 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 47.50 m/s
BTAUYSp20 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 50.00 m/s
BTAUYSp21 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 52.50 m/s
BTAUYSp22 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 55.00 m/s
BTAUYSp23 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 57.50 m/s
BTAUYSp24 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 60.00 m/s
BTAUYSp25 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 62.50 m/s
BTAUYSp26 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 65.00 m/s
BTAUYSp27 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 67.50 m/s
BTAUYSp28 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 70.00 m/s
BTAUYSp29 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 72.50 m/s
BTAUYSp30 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 75.00 m/s
BTAUYSp31 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 77.50 m/s
BTAUYSp32 Pa 66 A Beres tau at c= 80.00 m/s
BUTEND1 m/s2 66 A U tendency c < -40
BUTEND2 m/s2 66 A U tendency -40 < c < -15
BUTEND3 m/s2 66 A U tendency -15 < c < 15
BUTEND4 m/s2 66 A U tendency 15 < c < 40
BUTEND5 m/s2 66 A U tendency 40 < c
BUTGWSPEC m/s2 66 A Beres U tendency
BVTGWSPEC m/s2 66 A Beres V tendency
BWMF Pa 66 A Beres Westward MF
CAPE J/kg 1 A Convectively available potential energy
CBMF kg/m2/s 1 A Cloud base mass flux
CCL4 mol/mol 66 A CCL4 concentration
CCL4&IC kg/kg 66 I CCL4
CCL4_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CCL4_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CCL4_SRF mol/mol 1 A CCL4 in bottom layer
CDNUMC #/m2 1 A Vertically-integrated droplet concentration
CF2CLBR mol/mol 66 A CF2CLBR concentration
CF2CLBR_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CF2CLBR_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CF2CLBR_SRF mol/mol 1 A CF2CLBR in bottom layer
CF3BR mol/mol 66 A CF3BR concentration
CF3BR&IC kg/kg 66 I CF3BR
CF3BR_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CF3BR_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CF3BR_SRF mol/mol 1 A CF3BR in bottom layer
CFC11 mol/mol 66 A CFC11 concentration
CFC11&IC kg/kg 66 I CFC11
CFC113 mol/mol 66 A CFC113 concentration
CFC113&IC kg/kg 66 I CFC113
CFC113_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CFC113_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CFC113_SRF mol/mol 1 A CFC113 in bottom layer
CFC11STAR kg/kg 66 A cfc11star for radiation
CFC11_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CFC11_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CFC11_SRF mol/mol 1 A CFC11 in bottom layer
CFC12 mol/mol 66 A CFC12 concentration
CFC12&IC kg/kg 66 I CFC12
CFC12_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CFC12_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CFC12_SRF mol/mol 1 A CFC12 in bottom layer
CGIC RATIO 1 I ratio of cloud-ground/intracloud discharges
CGS s/m2 67 A Counter-gradient coeff on surface kinematic fluxes
CH2O mol/mol 66 A CH2O concentration
CH2O&IC kg/kg 66 I CH2O
CH2O_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CH2O_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CH2O_SRF mol/mol 1 A CH2O in bottom layer
CH3BR mol/mol 66 A CH3BR concentration
CH3BR&IC kg/kg 66 I CH3BR
CH3BR_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CH3BR_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CH3BR_SRF mol/mol 1 A CH3BR in bottom layer
CH3CCL3 mol/mol 66 A CH3CCL3 concentration
CH3CCL3&IC kg/kg 66 I CH3CCL3
CH3CCL3_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CH3CCL3_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CH3CCL3_SRF mol/mol 1 A CH3CCL3 in bottom layer
CH3CL mol/mol 66 A CH3CL concentration
CH3CL&IC kg/kg 66 I CH3CL
CH3CL_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CH3CL_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CH3CL_SRF mol/mol 1 A CH3CL in bottom layer
CH3O2 mol/mol 66 A CH3O2 concentration
CH3O2&IC kg/kg 66 I CH3O2
CH3O2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CH3O2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CH3O2_SRF mol/mol 1 A CH3O2 in bottom layer
CH3OOH mol/mol 66 A CH3OOH concentration
CH3OOH&IC kg/kg 66 I CH3OOH
CH3OOH_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CH3OOH_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CH3OOH_SRF mol/mol 1 A CH3OOH in bottom layer
CH4 mol/mol 66 A CH4 concentration
CH4&IC kg/kg 66 I CH4
CH4_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CH4_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CH4_SRF mol/mol 1 A CH4 in bottom layer
CIN J/kg 1 A Convective inhibition
CL mol/mol 66 A CL concentration
CL&IC kg/kg 66 I CL
CL2 mol/mol 66 A CL2 concentration
CL2&IC kg/kg 66 I CL2
CL2O2 mol/mol 66 A CL2O2 concentration
CL2O2&IC kg/kg 66 I CL2O2
CL2O2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CL2O2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CL2O2_SRF mol/mol 1 A CL2O2 in bottom layer
CL2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CL2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CL2_SRF mol/mol 1 A CL2 in bottom layer
CLDBOT 1 1 I Vertical index of cloud base
CLDHGH fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated high cloud
CLDHGT KM 1 I cloud top height
CLDICE kg/kg 66 A Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDICE&IC kg/kg 66 I Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDICEADJ kg/kg/s 66 A CLDICE adjustment tendency - Revised macrophysics
CLDICEAP kg/kg 66 A CLDICE after physics
CLDICEBP kg/kg 66 A CLDICE before physics
CLDICEDET kg/kg/s 66 A Detrainment of conv cld ice into envrionment - Revised macrophysics
CLDICELIM kg/kg/s 66 A CLDICE limiting tendency - Revised macrophysics
CLDLIQ kg/kg 66 A Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLDLIQ&IC kg/kg 66 I Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLDLIQADJ kg/kg/s 66 A CLDLIQ adjustment tendency - Revised macrophysics
CLDLIQAP kg/kg 66 A CLDLIQ after physics
CLDLIQBP kg/kg 66 A CLDLIQ before physics
CLDLIQDET kg/kg/s 66 A Detrainment of conv cld liq into envrionment - Revised macrophysics
CLDLIQLIM kg/kg/s 66 A CLDLIQ limiting tendency - Revised macrophysics
CLDLOW fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated low cloud
CLDMED fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud
CLDST fraction 66 A Stratus cloud fraction
CLDTOP 1 1 I Vertical index of cloud top
CLDTOT fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated total cloud
CLDVAPADJ kg/kg/s 66 A Q tendency associated with liq/ice adjustment - Revised macrophysics
CLO mol/mol 66 A CLO concentration
CLO&IC kg/kg 66 I CLO
CLONO2 mol/mol 66 A CLONO2 concentration
CLONO2&IC kg/kg 66 I CLONO2
CLONO2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CLONO2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CLONO2_SRF mol/mol 1 A CLONO2 in bottom layer
CLOUD fraction 66 A Cloud fraction
CLOUD&IC fraction 66 I Cloud fraction
CLOX mol/mol 66 A clox volume mixing ratio
CLOY mol/mol 66 A total inorganic chlorine (Cl+ClO+2Cl2+2Cl2O2+OClO+HOCl+ClONO2+HCl+BrCl)
CLO_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CLO_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CLO_SRF mol/mol 1 A CLO in bottom layer
CLY mol/mol 66 A CLY concentration
CLY&IC kg/kg 66 I CLY
CLY_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CLY_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CLY_SRF mol/mol 1 A CLY in bottom layer
CL_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CL_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CL_SRF mol/mol 1 A CL in bottom layer
CME kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of cond-evap within the cloud
CMEICE kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of cond-evap of ice within the cloud
CMEIOUT kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of deposition/sublimation of cloud ice
CMELIQ kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of cond-evap of liq within the cloud
CMFDICE kg/kg/s 66 A Cloud ice tendency - shallow convection
CMFDLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A Cloud liq tendency - shallow convection
CMFDQ kg/kg/s 66 A QV tendency - shallow convection
CMFDQR kg/kg/s 66 A Q tendency - shallow convection rainout
CMFDT K/s 66 A T tendency - shallow convection
CMFLQ W/m2 67 A Moist shallow convection total water flux
CMFMC kg/m2/s 67 A Moist shallow convection mass flux
CMFMCDZM kg/m2/s 67 A Convection mass flux from ZM deep
CMFSL W/m2 67 A Moist shallow convection liquid water static energy flux
CNVCLD fraction 1 A Vertically integrated convective cloud amount
CO mol/mol 66 A CO concentration
CO&IC kg/kg 66 I CO
CO2 mol/mol 66 A CO2 concentration
CO2&IC kg/kg 66 I CO2
CO2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CO2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CO2_SRF mol/mol 1 A CO2 in bottom layer
CO2_tgcm kg/kg 1 I upper boundary mmr
CONCLD fraction 66 A Convective cloud cover
CONCLD&IC fraction 66 I Convective cloud fraction
CO_Aircraft molec/cm3/s 66 A aircraft CO source
CO_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
CO_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
CO_SRF mol/mol 1 A CO in bottom layer
CO_tgcm kg/kg 1 I upper boundary mmr
CPAIR J/K/kg 66 I specific heat cap air
CPH1 K/s 66 I O + O3 -> 2*O2 + 93.46 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH10 K/s 66 I HO2 + HO2 -> H2O2 + O2 + 39.08 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH11 K/s 66 I OH + O3 -> HO2 + O2 + 39.49 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH12 K/s 66 I NO + O3 -> NO2 + O2 + 47.55 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH13 K/s 66 I NO2 + O -> NO + O2 + 45.91 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH14 K/s 66 I OH + HO2 -> H2O + O2 + 69.99 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH15 K/s 66 I H + HO2 -> H2 + O2 + 55.4 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH16 K/s 66 I O1D + O2 -> O + O2_1S + 7.63 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH17 K/s 66 I O1D + N2 -> O + N2 + 45.14 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH18 K/s 66 I O2_1S + O -> O2_1D + O + 14.97 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH19 K/s 66 I O2_1S + O2 -> O2_1D + O2 + 14.97 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH2 K/s 66 I O + O + M -> O2 + M + 119.12 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH20 K/s 66 I O2_1S + N2 -> O2_1D + N2 + 14.97 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH21 K/s 66 I O2_1S + O3 -> O2_1D + O3 + 14.97 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH22 K/s 66 I O2_1D + O -> O2 + O + 22.54 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH23 K/s 66 I O2_1D + O2 -> 2*O2 + 22.54 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH24 K/s 66 I O2_1D + N2 -> O2 + N2 + 22.54 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH25 K/s 66 I N2D + O2 -> NO + O1D + 42.43 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH26 K/s 66 I N2D + O -> N + O + 54.88 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH27 K/s 66 I N + O2 -> NO + O + 32.28 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH28 K/s 66 I N + NO -> N2 + O + 61.8 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH29 K/s 66 I O1D + O2 -> O + O2 + 45.14 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH3 K/s 66 I O + OH -> H + O2 + 16.35 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH30 K/s 66 I Op + O2 -> O2p + O + 35.878 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH31 K/s 66 I Op + N2 -> NOp + N + 25.105 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH32 K/s 66 I N2p + O -> NOp + N2D + 16.140 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH33 K/s 66 I O2p + N -> NOp + O + 97.073 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH34 K/s 66 I O2p + NO -> NOp + O2 + 64.862 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH35 K/s 66 I Np + O2 -> O2p + N + 57.322 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH36 K/s 66 I Np + O2 -> NOp + O + 154.46 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH37 K/s 66 I Np + O -> Op + N + 22.597 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH38 K/s 66 I N2p + O2 -> O2p + N2 + 81.164 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH39 K/s 66 I NOp + e -> 19.691 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH4 K/s 66 I O + HO2 -> OH + O2 + 53.97 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH40 K/s 66 I O2p + e -> 121.65 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH41 K/s 66 I N2p + e -> 84.807 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH5 K/s 66 I H + O2 + M -> HO2 + M + 48.8 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH6 K/s 66 I O + O2 + M -> O3 + M + 25.66 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH7 K/s 66 I H + O3 -> OH + O2 + 46.27 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH8 K/s 66 I HO2 + NO -> NO2 + OH + 8.06 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH9 K/s 66 I HO2 + O3 -> 2*O2 + OH + 28.31 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CT_BR kg/kg/s 66 A BR source/sink
CT_BRCL kg/kg/s 66 A BRCL source/sink
CT_BRO kg/kg/s 66 A BRO source/sink
CT_BRONO2 kg/kg/s 66 A BRONO2 source/sink
CT_BRY kg/kg/s 66 A BRY source/sink
CT_CCL4 kg/kg/s 66 A CCL4 source/sink
CT_CF2CLBR kg/kg/s 66 A CF2CLBR source/sink
CT_CF3BR kg/kg/s 66 A CF3BR source/sink
CT_CFC11 kg/kg/s 66 A CFC11 source/sink
CT_CFC113 kg/kg/s 66 A CFC113 source/sink
CT_CFC12 kg/kg/s 66 A CFC12 source/sink
CT_CH2O kg/kg/s 66 A CH2O source/sink
CT_CH3BR kg/kg/s 66 A CH3BR source/sink
CT_CH3CCL3 kg/kg/s 66 A CH3CCL3 source/sink
CT_CH3CL kg/kg/s 66 A CH3CL source/sink
CT_CH3O2 kg/kg/s 66 A CH3O2 source/sink
CT_CH3OOH kg/kg/s 66 A CH3OOH source/sink
CT_CH4 kg/kg/s 66 A CH4 source/sink
CT_CL kg/kg/s 66 A CL source/sink
CT_CL2 kg/kg/s 66 A CL2 source/sink
CT_CL2O2 kg/kg/s 66 A CL2O2 source/sink
CT_CLO kg/kg/s 66 A CLO source/sink
CT_CLONO2 kg/kg/s 66 A CLONO2 source/sink
CT_CLY kg/kg/s 66 A CLY source/sink
CT_CO kg/kg/s 66 A CO source/sink
CT_CO2 kg/kg/s 66 A CO2 source/sink
CT_H kg/kg/s 66 A H source/sink
CT_H2 kg/kg/s 66 A H2 source/sink
CT_H2O kg/kg/s 66 A H2O source/sink
CT_H2O2 kg/kg/s 66 A H2O2 source/sink
CT_H2O_GHG kg/kg/s 66 A ghg-chem h2o source/sink
CT_HBR kg/kg/s 66 A HBR source/sink
CT_HCFC22 kg/kg/s 66 A HCFC22 source/sink
CT_HCL kg/kg/s 66 A HCL source/sink
CT_HNO3 kg/kg/s 66 A HNO3 source/sink
CT_HO2 kg/kg/s 66 A HO2 source/sink
CT_HO2NO2 kg/kg/s 66 A HO2NO2 source/sink
CT_HOBR kg/kg/s 66 A HOBR source/sink
CT_HOCL kg/kg/s 66 A HOCL source/sink
CT_N kg/kg/s 66 A N source/sink
CT_N2D kg/kg/s 66 A N2D source/sink
CT_N2O kg/kg/s 66 A N2O source/sink
CT_N2O5 kg/kg/s 66 A N2O5 source/sink
CT_N2p kg/kg/s 66 A N2p source/sink
CT_NO kg/kg/s 66 A NO source/sink
CT_NO2 kg/kg/s 66 A NO2 source/sink
CT_NO3 kg/kg/s 66 A NO3 source/sink
CT_NOp kg/kg/s 66 A NOp source/sink
CT_Np kg/kg/s 66 A Np source/sink
CT_O kg/kg/s 66 A O source/sink
CT_O1D kg/kg/s 66 A O1D source/sink
CT_O2 kg/kg/s 66 A O2 source/sink
CT_O2_1D kg/kg/s 66 A O2_1D source/sink
CT_O2_1S kg/kg/s 66 A O2_1S source/sink
CT_O2p kg/kg/s 66 A O2p source/sink
CT_O3 kg/kg/s 66 A O3 source/sink
CT_OCLO kg/kg/s 66 A OCLO source/sink
CT_OH kg/kg/s 66 A OH source/sink
CT_Op kg/kg/s 66 A Op source/sink
CT_e kg/kg/s 66 A e source/sink
CUSH&IC m 1 I Convective Scale Height
DBRCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DBRCLCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DBROCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DBRONO2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DBRYCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCCL4CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCF2CLBRCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCF3BRCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCFC113CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCFC11CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCFC12CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCH2OCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCH3BRCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCH3CCL3CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCH3CLCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCH3O2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCH3OOHCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCH4CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCHGZONE KM 1 I depth of discharge zone
DCL2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCL2O2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCLCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCLOCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCLONO2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCLYCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCO2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DCOCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DF_BR kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_BRCL kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_BRO kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_BRONO2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_BRY kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CCL4 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CF2CLBR kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CF3BR kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CFC11 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CFC113 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CFC12 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CH2O kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CH3BR kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CH3CCL3 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CH3CL kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CH3O2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CH3OOH kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CH4 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CL kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CL2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CL2O2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CLO kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CLONO2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CLY kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CO kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_CO2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_H kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_H2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_H2O kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_H2O2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_HBR kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_HCFC22 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_HCL kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_HNO3 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_HO2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_HO2NO2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_HOBR kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_HOCL kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_N kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_N2D kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_N2O kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_N2O5 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_N2p kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_NHX kg/m2/s 1 I NHx dry deposition flux
DF_NO kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_NO2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_NO3 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_NOY kg/m2/s 1 I NOy dry deposition flux
DF_NOp kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_Np kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_O kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_O1D kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_O2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_O2_1D kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_O2_1S kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_O2p kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_O3 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_OCLO kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_OH kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_Op kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_SOX kg/m2/s 1 I SOx dry deposition flux
DF_e kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DH2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DH2O2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DH2OCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DHBRCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DHCFC22CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DHCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DHCLCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DHNO3CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DHO2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DHO2NO2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DHOBRCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DHOCLCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DISED kg/kg/s 66 A Cloud ice tendency from sedimentation
DLSED kg/kg/s 66 A Cloud liquid tendency from sedimentation
DMECLDICE kg/kg/s 66 A CLDICE dme adjustment tendency (FV)
DMECLDLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A CLDLIQ dme adjustment tendency (FV)
DMEQ kg/kg/s 66 A Q dme adjustment tendency (FV)
DN2DCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DN2O5CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DN2OCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DN2pCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DNCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DNO2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DNO3CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DNOCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DNOpCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DNpCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DO1DCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DO2CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DO2_1DCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DO2_1SCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DO2pCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DO3CHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DOCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DOCLOCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DOHCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DOpCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
DPDLFICE kg/kg/s 66 A Detrained ice from deep convection
DPDLFLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A Detrained liquid water from deep convection
DPDLFT K/s 66 A T-tendency due to deep convective detrainment
DP_CLD fraction 66 A Deep convective cloud cover
DQP kg/kg/s 66 A Specific humidity tendency due to precipitation
DQSED kg/kg/s 66 A Water vapor tendency from cloud sedimentation
DSTX01DD kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
DSTX01WD kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
DSTX02DD kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
DSTX02WD kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
DSTX03DD kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
DSTX03WD kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
DSTX04DD kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
DSTX04WD kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
DTANT 1 I photolysis diagnostic NH4SO4 OD
DTCBS 1 I photolysis diagnostic black carbon OD
DTCOND K/s 66 A T tendency - moist processes
DTCORE K/s 66 I T tendency due to dynamical core
DTDUST 1 I photolysis diagnostic dust OD
DTOCS 1 I photolysis diagnostic organic carbon OD
DTSAL 1 I photolysis diagnostic salt OD
DTSO4 1 I photolysis diagnostic SO4 OD
DTSOA 1 I photolysis diagnostic SOA OD
DTTOTAL 1 I photolysis diagnostic total aerosol OD
DTV K/s 66 A T vertical diffusion
DTVKE K/s 66 A dT/dt vertical diffusion KE dissipation
DUH K/s 66 A U horizontal diffusive heating
DUV m/s2 66 A U vertical diffusion
DVH K/s 66 A V horizontal diffusive heating
DVV m/s2 66 A V vertical diffusion
DV_BR cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_BRCL cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_BRO cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_BRONO2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_BRY cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CCL4 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CF2CLBR cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CF3BR cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CFC11 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CFC113 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CFC12 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CH2O cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CH3BR cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CH3CCL3 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CH3CL cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CH3O2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CH3OOH cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CH4 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CL cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CL2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CL2O2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CLO cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CLONO2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CLY cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CO cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_CO2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_H cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_H2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_H2O cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_H2O2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_HBR cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_HCFC22 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_HCL cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_HNO3 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_HO2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_HO2NO2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_HOBR cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_HOCL cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_N cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_N2D cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_N2O cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_N2O5 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_N2p cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_NO cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_NO2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_NO3 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_NOp cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_Np cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_O cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_O1D cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_O2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_O2_1D cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_O2_1S cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_O2p cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_O3 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_OCLO cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_OH cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_Op cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_e cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DeCHM kg/s 66 A net tendency from chem
EFFCLD fraction 66 A Effective cloud fraction
EFFICE Micron 66 A Prognostic ice effective radius
EFFLIQ Micron 66 A Prognostic droplet effective radius
EFFLIQ_IND Micron 66 A Prognostic droplet effective radius (indirect effect)
EKGWSPEC M2/S 67 A effective Kzz due to gw spectrum
ELECDEN CM-3 66 I NE (ion sum)
EMF Pa 66 A Eastward MF
EMIS 1 66 A cloud emissivity
ENGYCORR W/m2 66 A Energy correction for over-all conservation
EPOTEN V 1 I Electric Potential
EVAPPREC kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of evaporation of falling precip
EVAPQCM kg/kg/s 66 A Q tendency - Evaporation from Hack convection
EVAPQZM kg/kg/s 66 A Q tendency - Evaporation from Zhang-McFarlane moist convection
EVAPSNOW kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of evaporation of falling snow
EVAPTCM K/s 66 A T tendency - Evaporation/snow prod from Hack convection
EVAPTZM K/s 66 A T tendency - Evaporation/snow prod from Zhang convection
EVSNTCM K/s 66 A T tendency - Snow to rain prod from Hack convection
EVSNTZM K/s 66 A T tendency - Snow to rain prod from Zhang convection
FCTI fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of cloud top ice
FCTL fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of cloud top liquid
FDL W/m2 67 I Longwave downward flux
FDLC W/m2 67 I Longwave clear-sky downward flux
FDS W/m2 67 I Shortwave downward flux
FDSC W/m2 67 I Shortwave clear-sky downward flux
FICE fraction 66 A Fractional ice content within cloud
FLASHENGY 1 I lighting flash rate
FLASHFRQ 1/MIN 1 I lighting flash rate
FLDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLN200 W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at 200 mb
FLN200C W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at 200 mb
FLNS W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at surface
FLNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at surface
FLNT W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at top of model
FLNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model
FLUT W/m2 1 A Upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FLUTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FRACDAY 1 I photolysis diagnostic fraction of day
FRACW fraction 66 A Relative importance of rain accreting liquid
FREQI fraction 66 A Fractional occurance of ice
FREQL fraction 66 A Fractional occurance of liquid
FREQSH fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of shallow convection
FREQZM fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of ZM convection
FRONTGF K^2/M^2/S 66 A Frontogenesis function at gws src level
FRONTGFA K^2/M^2/S 66 A Frontogenesis function at gws src level
FRZRDT W/kg 66 A Latent heating rate due to homogeneous freezing of rain
FSACI fraction 66 A Relative importance of snow accreting ice
FSACW fraction 66 A Relative importance of snow accreting liquid
FSAUT fraction 66 A Relative importance of ice autoconversion
FSDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDTOA W/m2 1 A Downwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSN200 W/m2 1 A Net shortwave flux at 200 mb
FSN200C W/m2 1 A Clearsky net shortwave flux at 200 mb
FSNIRTOA W/m2 1 A Net near-infrared flux (Nimbus-7 WFOV) at top of atmosphere
FSNRTOAC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net near-infrared flux (Nimbus-7 WFOV) at top of atmosphere
FSNRTOAS W/m2 1 A Net near-infrared flux (>= 0.7 microns) at top of atmosphere
FSNS W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at surface
FSNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at surface
FSNT W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of model
FSNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of model
FSNTOA W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSNTOAC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSUTOA W/m2 1 A Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere
FU m/s2 66 A Zonal wind forcing term
FUL W/m2 67 I Longwave upward flux
FULC W/m2 67 I Longwave clear-sky upward flux
FUS W/m2 67 I Shortwave upward flux
FUSC W/m2 67 I Shortwave clear-sky upward flux
FU_S m/s2 66 A Zonal wind forcing term on staggered grid
FV m/s2 66 A Meridional wind forcing term
FV_S m/s2 66 A Meridional wind forcing term on staggered grid
FWAUT fraction 66 A Relative importance of liquid autoconversion
FZSNTCM K/s 66 A T tendency - Rain to snow conversion from Hack convection
FZSNTZM K/s 66 A T tendency - Rain to snow conversion from Zhang convection
GCLDLWP gram/m2 66 A Grid-box cloud water path
H mol/mol 66 A H concentration
H&IC kg/kg 66 I H
H2 mol/mol 66 A H2 concentration
H2&IC kg/kg 66 I H2
H2O mol/mol 66 A water vapor concentration
H2O2 mol/mol 66 A H2O2 concentration
H2O2&IC kg/kg 66 I H2O2
H2O2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
H2O2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
H2O2_SRF mol/mol 1 A H2O2 in bottom layer
H2O_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
H2O_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
H2O_SRF mol/mol 1 A water vapor in bottom layer
H2SO4MMR kg/kg 66 I radiative sulfate aerosol mmr
H2SO4M_C ug/m3 66 I chemical sulfate aerosol mass
H2SO4M_R ug/m3 66 I radiative sulfate aerosol mass
H2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
H2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
H2_SRF mol/mol 1 A H2 in bottom layer
H2_tgcm kg/kg 1 I upper boundary mmr
HBR mol/mol 66 A HBR concentration
HBR&IC kg/kg 66 I HBR
HBR_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
HBR_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
HBR_SRF mol/mol 1 A HBR in bottom layer
HCFC22 mol/mol 66 A HCFC22 concentration
HCFC22&IC kg/kg 66 I HCFC22
HCFC22_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
HCFC22_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
HCFC22_SRF mol/mol 1 A HCFC22 in bottom layer
HCL mol/mol 66 A HCL concentration
HCL&IC kg/kg 66 I HCL
HCL_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
HCL_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
HCL_SRF mol/mol 1 A HCL in bottom layer
HCME W/kg 66 A Heating from cond-evap within the cloud
HDEPTH km 1 A Heating Depth
HEIGHT m 67 A geopotential height above surface at interfaces (m)
HEVAP W/kg 66 A Heating from evaporation of falling precip
HFREEZ W/kg 66 A Heating rate due to freezing of precip
HKEIHEAT W/kg 66 A Heating by ice and evaporation in HK convection
HKFLXPRC kg/m2/s 67 A Flux of precipitation from HK convection
HKFLXSNW kg/m2/s 67 A Flux of snow from HK convection
HKNTPRPD kg/kg/s 66 A Net precipitation production from HK convection
HKNTSNPD kg/kg/s 66 A Net snow production from HK convection
HMELT W/kg 66 A Heating from snow melt
HNO3 mol/mol 66 A HNO3 concentration
HNO3&IC kg/kg 66 I HNO3
HNO3_CD1 mol/mol 66 I STS condensed HNO3
HNO3_CD2 mol/mol 66 I condensed hno3 concentration
HNO3_CD3 mol/mol 66 I large-mode NAT condensed HNO3
HNO3_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
HNO3_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
HNO3_GAS mol/mol 66 I gas-phase hno3
HNO3_SRF mol/mol 1 A HNO3 in bottom layer
HO2 mol/mol 66 A HO2 concentration
HO2&IC kg/kg 66 I HO2
HO2NO2 mol/mol 66 A HO2NO2 concentration
HO2NO2&IC kg/kg 66 I HO2NO2
HO2NO2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
HO2NO2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
HO2NO2_SRF mol/mol 1 A HO2NO2 in bottom layer
HO2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
HO2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
HO2_SRF mol/mol 1 A HO2 in bottom layer
HOBR mol/mol 66 A HOBR concentration
HOBR&IC kg/kg 66 I HOBR
HOBR_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
HOBR_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
HOBR_SRF mol/mol 1 A HOBR in bottom layer
HOCL mol/mol 66 A HOCL concentration
HOCL&IC kg/kg 66 I HOCL
HOCL_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
HOCL_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
HOCL_SRF mol/mol 1 A HOCL in bottom layer
HOMOO 1/s 66 A Homogeneous freezing of cloud water
HORZ kg/kg 66 A horizontal tracer
HORZ&IC kg/kg 66 I horizontal tracer
HORZSRC kg/kg/s 66 A HORZ source/sink
HPROGCLD W/kg 66 A Heating from prognostic clouds
HR K/s 66 A Heating rate needed for d(theta)/dt computation
HREPART W/kg 66 A Heating from cloud ice/liquid repartitioning
HSED W/kg 66 A Heating from cloud sediment evaporation
H_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
H_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
H_SRF mol/mol 1 A H in bottom layer
ICE2PR kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of conversion of ice to precip
ICECLDF fraction 66 A Stratus ICE cloud fraction
ICEFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
ICEFRAC&IC fraction 1 I Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
ICIMR kg/kg 66 A Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio
ICIMRCU kg/kg 66 A Convection in-cloud ice mixing ratio
ICIMRST kg/kg 66 A Prognostic in-stratus ice mixing ratio
ICIMRTOT kg/kg 66 A Total in-cloud ice mixing ratio
ICINC m-3 66 A Prognostic in-cloud ice number conc
ICLDIWP gram/m2 66 A In-cloud ice water path
ICLDTWP gram/m2 66 A In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice)
ICLMRCU kg/kg 66 A Convection in-cloud liquid mixing ratio
ICLMRTOT kg/kg 66 A Total in-cloud liquid mixing ratio
ICWMR kg/kg 66 A Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio
ICWMRDP kg/kg 66 A Deep Convection in-cloud water mixing ratio
ICWMRSH kg/kg 66 A Shallow Convection in-cloud water mixing ratio
ICWMRST kg/kg 66 A Prognostic in-stratus water mixing ratio
ICWNC m-3 66 A Prognostic in-cloud water number conc
IWC kg/m3 66 A Grid box average ice water content
JO2_EUV /s 66 I total jo2 euv photolysis rate
J_001 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_002 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_003 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_004 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_005 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_006 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_007 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_008 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_009 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_010 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_011 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_012 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_013 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_014 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_015 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_016 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_017 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_018 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_019 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_020 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_021 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_022 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_023 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_024 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_025 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_026 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_027 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_028 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_029 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_030 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_031 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_032 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_033 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_034 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_035 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_036 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_037 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_038 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_039 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_040 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_041 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_042 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_043 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_044 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_045 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_046 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_047 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_048 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_049 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_050 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_051 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_052 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_053 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_054 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_055 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_056 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_057 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_058 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_059 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_060 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_061 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_062 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_063 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_064 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_065 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_066 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_067 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_068 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_069 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_070 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_071 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_072 /s 66 I photolysis rate
J_073 /s 66 I photolysis rate
KTOOP K/s 66 A (Kappa*T)*(omega/P)
KVH m2/s 67 A Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture)
KVH&IC m2/s 67 I Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture)
KVM m2/s 67 A Vertical diffusion diffusivities (momentum)
KVM&IC m2/s 67 I Vertical diffusion diffusivities (momentum)
LANDFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by land
LCWAT&IC kg/kg 66 I Cloud water (ice + liq
LHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface latent heat flux
LIQ2PR kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of conversion of liq to precip
LIQCLDF fraction 66 A Stratus Liquid cloud fraction
LNO_COL_PROD TG N/YR 1 I lighting column NO source
LNO_PROD /cm3/s 66 I lighting insitu NO source
LPSTEN Pa/s 1 A Surface pressure tendency
LWC kg/m3 66 A Grid box average liquid water content
LWCF W/m2 1 A Longwave cloud forcing
LWSH m 1 A Liquid water scale height
LXX S-1 66 I LXX
LXY S-1 66 I LXY
LYX S-1 66 I LYX
LYY S-1 66 I LYY
MACPDICE kg/kg/s 66 A CLDICE tendency - Revised macrophysics
MACPDLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A CLDLIQ tendency - Revised macrophysics
MACPDQ kg/kg/s 66 A Q tendency - Revised macrophysics
MACPDT W/kg 66 A Heating tendency - Revised macrophysics
MASS kg 66 A mass of grid box
MAXQ0 K/day 1 A Max column heating rate
MELTO 1/s 66 A Melting of cloud ice
MELTSDT W/kg 66 A Latent heating rate due to melting of snow
MNUCCCO 1/s 66 A Immersion freezing of cloud water
MNUCCRO 1/s 66 A Heterogeneous freezing of rain to snow
MNUCCTO 1/s 66 A Contact freezing of cloud water
MPDI2P kg/kg/s 66 A Ice <--> Precip tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDI2V kg/kg/s 66 A Ice <--> Vapor tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDI2W kg/kg/s 66 A Ice <--> Water tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDICE kg/kg/s 66 A CLDICE tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A CLDLIQ tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDQ kg/kg/s 66 A Q tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDT W/kg 66 A Heating tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDW2I kg/kg/s 66 A Water <--> Ice tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDW2P kg/kg/s 66 A Water <--> Precip tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDW2V kg/kg/s 66 A Water <--> Vapor tendency - Morrison microphysics
MQ kg/m2 66 A Water vapor mass in layer
MSACWIO 1/s 66 A Conversion of cloud water from rime-splintering
MSKtem unitless 1 A TEM mask
N mol/mol 66 A N concentration
N&IC kg/kg 66 I N
N2D mol/mol 66 A N(2D) concentration
N2D&IC kg/kg 66 I N(2D)
N2D_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
N2D_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
N2D_SPE molec/cm3/s 66 I solar proton event N(2S) source
N2D_SRF mol/mol 1 A N(2D) in bottom layer
N2O mol/mol 66 A N2O concentration
N2O&IC kg/kg 66 I N2O
N2O5 mol/mol 66 A N2O5 concentration
N2O5&IC kg/kg 66 I N2O5
N2O5_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
N2O5_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
N2O5_SRF mol/mol 1 A N2O5 in bottom layer
N2O_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
N2O_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
N2O_SRF mol/mol 1 A N2O in bottom layer
N2p mol/mol 66 A N2+ concentration
N2p&IC kg/kg 66 I N2+
N2p_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
N2p_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
N2p_SRF mol/mol 1 A N2+ in bottom layer
N4S_SPE molec/cm3/s 66 I solar proton event N(4S) source
NETDT K/s 66 A Net heating rate
NHX_mmr kg/kg 66 A NHx mass mixing ratio
NMF Pa 66 A Northward MF
NO mol/mol 66 A NO concentration
NO&IC kg/kg 66 I NO
NO2 mol/mol 66 A NO2 concentration
NO2&IC kg/kg 66 I NO2
NO2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
NO2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
NO2_SRF mol/mol 1 A NO2 in bottom layer
NO3 mol/mol 66 A NO3 concentration
NO3&IC kg/kg 66 I NO3
NO3_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
NO3_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
NO3_SRF mol/mol 1 A NO3 in bottom layer
NOX mol/mol 66 A nox volume mixing ratio
NOY mol/mol 66 A noy volume mixing ratio
NOY_mmr kg/kg 66 A NOy mass mixing ratio
NO_Aircraft molec/cm3/s 66 A aircraft NO source
NO_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
NO_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
NO_Lightning molec/cm3/s 66 A lightning NO source
NO_SRF mol/mol 1 A NO in bottom layer
NOp mol/mol 66 A NO+ concentration
NOp&IC kg/kg 66 I NO+
NOp_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
NOp_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
NOp_SRF mol/mol 1 A NO+ in bottom layer
NSTEP timestep 1 A Model timestep
N_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
N_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
N_SRF mol/mol 1 A N in bottom layer
Np mol/mol 66 A N+ concentration
Np&IC kg/kg 66 I N+
Np_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
Np_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
Np_SRF mol/mol 1 A N+ in bottom layer
O mol/mol 66 A O concentration
O&IC kg/kg 66 I O
O1D mol/mol 66 A O1D concentration
O1D&IC kg/kg 66 I O1D
O1D_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
O1D_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
O1D_SRF mol/mol 1 A O1D in bottom layer
O2 mol/mol 66 A O2 concentration
O2&IC kg/kg 66 I O2
O2_1D mol/mol 66 A O2(1-delta) concentration
O2_1D&IC kg/kg 66 I O2(1-delta)
O2_1D_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
O2_1D_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
O2_1D_SRF mol/mol 1 A O2(1-delta) in bottom layer
O2_1S mol/mol 66 A O2(1-sigma) concentration
O2_1S&IC kg/kg 66 I O2(1-sigma)
O2_1S_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
O2_1S_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
O2_1S_SRF mol/mol 1 A O2(1-sigma) in bottom layer
O2_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
O2_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
O2_SRF mol/mol 1 A O2 in bottom layer
O2p mol/mol 66 A O2+ concentration
O2p&IC kg/kg 66 I O2+
O2p_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
O2p_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
O2p_SRF mol/mol 1 A O2+ in bottom layer
O3 mol/mol 66 A O3 concentration
O3&IC kg/kg 66 I O3
O3_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
O3_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
O3_SRF mol/mol 1 A O3 in bottom layer
OCDEPWET kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
OCLO mol/mol 66 A OCLO concentration
OCLO&IC kg/kg 66 I OCLO
OCLO_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
OCLO_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
OCLO_SRF mol/mol 1 A OCLO in bottom layer
OCNFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean
OCPHIDRY kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
OCPHODRY kg/m2/sec 1 I prescribed aero dep
ODV_H2SO4M 1 1 A H2SO4M optical depth in visible band
ODV_SSLTA 1 1 A SSLTA optical depth in visible band
ODV_SSLTC 1 1 A SSLTC optical depth in visible band
ODV_bcar1 1 1 A bcar1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_bcar2 1 1 A bcar2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust1 1 1 A dust1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust2 1 1 A dust2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust3 1 1 A dust3 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dust4 1 1 A dust4 optical depth in visible band
ODV_ocar1 1 1 A ocar1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_ocar2 1 1 A ocar2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_sulf 1 1 A sulf optical depth in visible band
OH mol/mol 66 A OH concentration
OH&IC kg/kg 66 I OH
OH_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
OH_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
OH_SPE molec/cm3/s 66 I solar proton event HOx source
OH_SRF mol/mol 1 A OH in bottom layer
OMEGA Pa/s 66 A Vertical velocity (pressure)
OMEGA500 Pa/s 1 A Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface
OMEGA850 Pa/s 1 A Vertical velocity at 850 mbar pressure surface
OMEGAQ kgPa/kgs 66 A Vertical water transport
OMEGAT K Pa/s 66 A Vertical heat flux
OMEGAU m Pa/s2 66 A Vertical flux of zonal momentum
OMEGAV m Pa/s2 66 A Vertical flux of meridional momentum
OMEGA_12_COS Pa/s 66 A vertical pressure velocity 12hr. cos coeff.
OMEGA_12_SIN Pa/s 66 A vertical pressure velocity 12hr. sin coeff.
OMEGA_24_COS Pa/s 66 A vertical pressure velocity 24hr. cos coeff.
OMEGA_24_SIN Pa/s 66 A vertical pressure velocity 24hr. sin coeff.
OMGAOMGA Pa2/s2 66 A Vertical flux of vertical momentum
O_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
O_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
O_SRF mol/mol 1 A O in bottom layer
Op mol/mol 66 A O+ concentration
Op&IC kg/kg 66 I O+
Op_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
Op_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
Op_SRF mol/mol 1 A O+ in bottom layer
PBLH m 1 A PBL height
PBLH&IC m 1 I PBL height
PCLDBOT 1 1 A Pressure of cloud base
PCLDTOP 1 1 A Pressure of cloud top
PCONVB Pa 1 A convection base pressure
PCONVT Pa 1 A convection top pressure
PCSNOW m/s 1 A Snow fall from prognostic clouds
PDELDRY Pa 66 A Dry pressure difference between levels
PEUV1 /cm^3/s 66 I (j1+j2+j3)*o
PEUV1e /cm^3/s 66 I (j14+j15+j16)*o
PEUV2 /cm^3/s 66 I j4*n
PEUV3 /cm^3/s 66 I (j5+j7+j8+j9)*o2
PEUV3e /cm^3/s 66 I (j17+j19+j20+j21)*o2
PEUV4 /cm^3/s 66 I (j10+j11)*n2
PEUV4e /cm^3/s 66 I (j22+j23)*n2
PEUVN2D /cm^3/s 66 I (j11+j13)*n2
PEUVN2De /cm^3/s 66 I (j23+j25)*n2
PHIS m2/s2 1 I Surface geopotential
PION_EUV /cm^3/s 66 I total euv ionization rate
PJNO /cm^3/s 66 I jno*no
PJNO_I /cm^3/s 66 I jno_i*no
PRACSO 1/s 66 A Accretion of rain by snow
PRAIO 1/s 66 A Accretion of cloud ice by rain
PRAO 1/s 66 A Accretion of cloud water by rain
PRCIO 1/s 66 A Autoconversion of cloud ice
PRCO 1/s 66 A Autoconversion of cloud water
PRECC m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECCDZM m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate from ZM deep
PRECCav m/s 1 A Average large-scale precipitation (liq + ice)
PRECL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECLav m/s 1 A Average convective precipitation (liq + ice)
PRECSC m/s 1 A Convective snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECSED m/s 1 A Precipitation from cloud sedimentation
PRECSH m/s 1 A Shallow Convection precipitation rate
PRECSL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECT m/s 1 A Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECTMX m/s 1 X Maximum (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq+ice)
PRECZ m/s 1 A total precipitation from ZM convection
PRODPREC kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of conversion of condensate to precip
PS Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PS&IC Pa 1 I Surface pressure
PSACWSO 1/s 66 A Accretion of cloud water by snow
PSDRY Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PSL Pa 1 A Sea level pressure
PS_12_COS Pa 1 A surface pressure 12hr. cos coeff.
PS_12_SIN Pa 1 A surface pressure 12hr. sin coeff.
PS_24_COS Pa 1 A surface pressure 24hr. cos coeff.
PS_24_SIN Pa 1 A surface pressure 24hr. sin coeff.
PTECLDICE kg/kg/s 66 A CLDICE total physics tendency
PTECLDLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A CLDLIQ total physics tendency
PTEQ kg/kg/s 66 A Q total physics tendency
PTTEND K/s 66 A T total physics tendency
PTTEND_RESID K/s 66 A T-tendency due to BAB kluge at end of tphysac (diagnostic not part of T-budget)
P_IONS /s 66 I total ion production
P_N2p /s 66 I production n2+
P_Np /s 66 I production n+
P_O2p /s 66 I production o2+
P_Op /s 66 I production o+
Q kg/kg 66 A Specific humidity
Q&IC kg/kg 66 I Specific humidity
Q200 kg/kg 1 A Specific Humidity at 700 mbar pressure surface
Q850 kg/kg 1 A Specific Humidity at 850 mbar pressure surface
QAP kg/kg 66 A Specific humidity (after physics)
QBOT kg/kg 1 A Lowest model level water vapor mixing ratio
QBOTEND M/S/S 66 A Wind tendency from QBO relaxation
QBO_U0 M/S 66 A Specified wind used for QBO
QBP kg/kg 66 A Specific humidity (before physics)
QC kg/kg/s 66 A Q tendency - shallow convection LW export
QCP K/s 66 I chem pot heating rate
QCRESO 1/s 66 A Residual condensation term for cloud water
QCSEDTEN kg/kg/s 66 A Cloud water mixing ratio tendency from sedimentation
QCSEVAP kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of evaporation of falling cloud water
QCWAT&IC kg/kg 66 I q associated with cloud water
QDCHEM /s 66 I water vapor chemistry delta
QDSAD /s 66 I water vapor sad delta
QDSETT /s 66 I water vapor settling delta
QFLX kg/m2/s 1 A Surface water flux
QIONSUM S-1 66 I Ion prod sum
QIRESO 1/s 66 A Residual deposition term for cloud ice
QISEDTEN kg/kg/s 66 A Cloud ice mixing ratio tendency from sedimentation
QISEVAP kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of sublimation of falling cloud ice
QJOULE K/s 66 I Joule Heat
QNO K/s 66 A NO cooling
QPERT kg/kg 1 A Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL)
QPERT&IC kg/kg 1 I Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL)
QQ kg2/kg2 66 A Eddy moisture variance
QREFHT kg/kg 1 A Reference height humidity
QRL K/s 66 A Longwave heating rate
QRLC K/s 66 A Clearsky longwave heating rate
QRLNLTE K/s 66 A Non-LTE LW heating (includes QNO)
QRL_TOT K/s 66 A Merged LW heating: QRL+QRLNLTE
QRS K/s 66 A Solar heating rate
QRSC K/s 66 A Clearsky solar heating rate
QRS_AUR K/s 66 I total auroral heating rate
QRS_CO2NIR K/s 66 I co2 nir heating rate
QRS_EUV K/s 66 I total euv heating rate
QRS_LO2B K/s 66 I O2 + hv -> 2*O3P solar heating rate > 200nm
QRS_LO3 K/s 66 I Total O3 solar heating > 200nm
QRS_LO3A K/s 66 I O3 + hv -> O1D + O2_1S solar heating rate > 200nm
QRS_LO3B K/s 66 I O3 + hv -> O3P + O2 solar heating rate > 200nm
QRS_SO2A K/s 66 I O2 + hv -> O1D + O3P solar heating rate < 200nm
QRS_SO2B K/s 66 I O2 + hv -> O3P + O3P solar heating rate < 200nm
QRS_SO3A K/s 66 I O3 + hv -> O1D + O2_1S solar heating rate < 200nm
QRS_SO3B K/s 66 I O3 + hv -> O3P + O2 solar heating rate < 200nm
QSUM /s 66 I total ion production
QT kg/kg 66 A Total water mixing ratio
QTFLX W/m2 67 A Total water flux
QTHERMAL K/s 66 I non-euv photolysis heating rate
QVRES kg/kg/s 66 A Rate of residual condensation term
RAD_ICE cm 66 I sad ice
RAD_LNAT cm 66 I large nat radius
RAD_SNAT cm 66 I small nat radius
RAD_SULFC cm 66 I chemical sad sulfate
RAD_SULFR cm 66 I radiative sad sulfate
RAINSED m/s 1 A Rain from cloud liquid sedimentation
REI micron 66 A effective ice particle radius
REL micron 66 A effective liquid drop radius
RELHUM percent 66 A Relative humidity
REPARTICE kg/kg/s 66 A Cloud ice tendency from cloud ice/liquid repartitioning
REPARTLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A Cloud liq tendency from cloud ice/liquid repartitioning
RHI percent 66 A Relative humidity with respect to ice
RHREFHT fraction 1 A Reference height relative humidity
RHW percent 66 A Relative humidity with respect to liquid
R_001 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_002 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_003 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_004 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_005 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_006 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_007 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_008 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_009 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_010 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_011 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_012 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_013 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_014 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_015 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_016 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_017 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_018 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_019 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_020 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_021 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_022 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_023 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_024 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_025 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_026 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_027 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_028 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_029 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_030 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_031 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_032 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_033 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_034 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_035 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_036 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_037 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_038 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_039 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_040 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_041 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_042 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_043 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_044 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_045 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_046 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_047 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_048 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_049 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_050 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_051 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_052 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_053 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_054 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_055 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_056 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_057 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_058 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_059 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_060 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_061 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_062 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_063 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_064 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_065 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_066 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_067 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_068 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_069 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_070 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_071 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_072 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_073 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_074 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_075 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_076 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_077 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_078 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_079 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_080 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_081 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_082 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_083 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_084 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_085 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_086 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_087 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_088 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_089 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_090 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_091 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_092 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_093 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_094 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_095 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_096 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_097 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_098 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_099 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_100 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_101 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_102 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_103 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_104 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_105 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_106 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_107 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_108 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_109 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_110 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_111 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_112 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_113 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_114 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_115 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_116 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_117 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_118 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_119 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_120 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_121 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_122 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_123 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_124 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_125 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_126 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_127 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_128 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_129 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_130 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_131 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_132 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_133 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_134 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_135 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_136 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_137 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_138 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_139 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_140 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_141 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_142 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_143 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_144 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_145 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_146 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_147 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_148 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_149 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_150 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_151 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_152 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_153 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_154 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_155 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_156 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_157 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_158 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
R_159 /cm3/s 66 I reaction rate
SAD cm2/cm3 66 I sulfate aerosol SAD
SAD_ICE cm2/cm3 66 I water-ice aerosol SAD
SAD_LNAT cm2/cm3 66 I large-mode NAT aerosol SAD
SAD_SNAT /cm 66 I small nat sad
SAD_SULFC cm2/cm3 66 I chemical sulfate aerosol SAD
SAD_SULFR cm2/cm3 66 I radiative sulfate aerosol SAD
SETLWP gram/m2 66 A Prescribed liquid water path
SFBR kg/m2/s 1 A BR surface flux
SFBRCL kg/m2/s 1 A BRCL surface flux
SFBRO kg/m2/s 1 A BRO surface flux
SFBRONO2 kg/m2/s 1 A BRONO2 surface flux
SFBRY kg/m2/s 1 A BRY surface flux
SFCCL4 kg/m2/s 1 A CCL4 surface flux
SFCF2CLBR kg/m2/s 1 A CF2CLBR surface flux
SFCF3BR kg/m2/s 1 A CF3BR surface flux
SFCFC11 kg/m2/s 1 A CFC11 surface flux
SFCFC113 kg/m2/s 1 A CFC113 surface flux
SFCFC12 kg/m2/s 1 A CFC12 surface flux
SFCH2O kg/m2/s 1 A CH2O surface flux
SFCH3BR kg/m2/s 1 A CH3BR surface flux
SFCH3CCL3 kg/m2/s 1 A CH3CCL3 surface flux
SFCH3CL kg/m2/s 1 A CH3CL surface flux
SFCH3O2 kg/m2/s 1 A CH3O2 surface flux
SFCH3OOH kg/m2/s 1 A CH3OOH surface flux
SFCH4 kg/m2/s 1 A CH4 surface flux
SFCL kg/m2/s 1 A CL surface flux
SFCL2 kg/m2/s 1 A CL2 surface flux
SFCL2O2 kg/m2/s 1 A CL2O2 surface flux
SFCLDICE kg/m2/s 1 A CLDICE surface flux
SFCLDLIQ kg/m2/s 1 A CLDLIQ surface flux
SFCLO kg/m2/s 1 A CLO surface flux
SFCLONO2 kg/m2/s 1 A CLONO2 surface flux
SFCLY kg/m2/s 1 A CLY surface flux
SFCO kg/m2/s 1 A CO surface flux
SFCO2 kg/m2/s 1 A CO2 surface flux
SFH kg/m2/s 1 A H surface flux
SFH2 kg/m2/s 1 A H2 surface flux
SFH2O2 kg/m2/s 1 A H2O2 surface flux
SFHBR kg/m2/s 1 A HBR surface flux
SFHCFC22 kg/m2/s 1 A HCFC22 surface flux
SFHCL kg/m2/s 1 A HCL surface flux
SFHNO3 kg/m2/s 1 A HNO3 surface flux
SFHO2 kg/m2/s 1 A HO2 surface flux
SFHO2NO2 kg/m2/s 1 A HO2NO2 surface flux
SFHOBR kg/m2/s 1 A HOBR surface flux
SFHOCL kg/m2/s 1 A HOCL surface flux
SFN kg/m2/s 1 A N surface flux
SFN2D kg/m2/s 1 A N2D surface flux
SFN2O kg/m2/s 1 A N2O surface flux
SFN2O5 kg/m2/s 1 A N2O5 surface flux
SFN2p kg/m2/s 1 A N2p surface flux
SFNO kg/m2/s 1 A NO surface flux
SFNO2 kg/m2/s 1 A NO2 surface flux
SFNO3 kg/m2/s 1 A NO3 surface flux
SFNOp kg/m2/s 1 A NOp surface flux
SFNp kg/m2/s 1 A Np surface flux
SFO kg/m2/s 1 A O surface flux
SFO1D kg/m2/s 1 A O1D surface flux
SFO2 kg/m2/s 1 A O2 surface flux
SFO2_1D kg/m2/s 1 A O2_1D surface flux
SFO2_1S kg/m2/s 1 A O2_1S surface flux
SFO2p kg/m2/s 1 A O2p surface flux
SFO3 kg/m2/s 1 A O3 surface flux
SFOCLO kg/m2/s 1 A OCLO surface flux
SFOH kg/m2/s 1 A OH surface flux
SFOp kg/m2/s 1 A Op surface flux
SFe kg/m2/s 1 A e surface flux
SGH m 1 I Standard deviation of orography
SGH30 m 1 I Standard deviation of 30s orography
SHDLFICE kg/kg/s 66 A Detrained ice from shallow convection
SHDLFLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A Detrained liquid water from shallow convection
SHDLFT K/s 66 A T-tendency due to shallow convective detrainment
SHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface sensible heat flux
SH_CLD fraction 66 A Shallow convective cloud cover
SICTHK m 1 A Sea ice thickness
SICTHK&IC m 1 I Sea ice thickness
SIGMAHAL siemens/m 66 I Hall conductivity
SIGMAPED siemens/m 66 I Pederson conductivity
SL J/kg 66 A Liquid water static energy
SLFLX W/m2 67 A Liquid static energy flux
SLV J/kg 66 A Liq wat virtual static energy
SMF Pa 66 A Southward MF
SNOWHICE m 1 A Water equivalent snow depth
SNOWHICE&IC m 1 I Water equivalent snow depth
SNOWHLND m 1 A Water equivalent snow depth
SNOWSED m/s 1 A Snow from cloud ice sedimentation
SOLIN W/m2 1 A Solar insolation
SOLL W/m2 1 A Solar downward near infrared direct to surface
SOLLD W/m2 1 A Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface
SOLS W/m2 1 A Solar downward visible direct to surface
SOLSD W/m2 1 A Solar downward visible diffuse to surface
SOX_mmr kg/kg 66 A SOx mass mixing ratio
SRFRAD W/m2 1 A Net radiative flux at surface
SSLTA kg/kg 66 A sea salt
SSLTC kg/kg 66 A sea salt
SST K 1 A sea surface temperature
SWCF W/m2 1 A Shortwave cloud forcing
T K 66 A Temperature
T&IC K 66 I Temperature
T200 K 1 A Temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface
T300 K 1 A Temperature at 300 mbar pressure surface
T500 K 1 A Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface
T850 K 1 A Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface
TAAOA1 kg/kg/s 66 A AOA1 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAAOA2 kg/kg/s 66 A AOA2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TABR kg/kg/s 66 A BR horz + vert + fixer tendency
TABRCL kg/kg/s 66 A BRCL horz + vert + fixer tendency
TABRO kg/kg/s 66 A BRO horz + vert + fixer tendency
TABRONO2 kg/kg/s 66 A BRONO2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TABRY kg/kg/s 66 A BRY horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACCL4 kg/kg/s 66 A CCL4 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACF2CLBR kg/kg/s 66 A CF2CLBR horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACF3BR kg/kg/s 66 A CF3BR horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACFC11 kg/kg/s 66 A CFC11 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACFC113 kg/kg/s 66 A CFC113 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACFC12 kg/kg/s 66 A CFC12 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACH2O kg/kg/s 66 A CH2O horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACH3BR kg/kg/s 66 A CH3BR horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACH3CCL3 kg/kg/s 66 A CH3CCL3 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACH3CL kg/kg/s 66 A CH3CL horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACH3O2 kg/kg/s 66 A CH3O2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACH3OOH kg/kg/s 66 A CH3OOH horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACH4 kg/kg/s 66 A CH4 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACL kg/kg/s 66 A CL horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACL2 kg/kg/s 66 A CL2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACL2O2 kg/kg/s 66 A CL2O2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACLDICE kg/kg/s 66 A CLDICE horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACLDLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A CLDLIQ horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACLO kg/kg/s 66 A CLO horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACLONO2 kg/kg/s 66 A CLONO2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACLY kg/kg/s 66 A CLY horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACO kg/kg/s 66 A CO horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACO2 kg/kg/s 66 A CO2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAH kg/kg/s 66 A H horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAH2 kg/kg/s 66 A H2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAH2O2 kg/kg/s 66 A H2O2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAHBR kg/kg/s 66 A HBR horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAHCFC22 kg/kg/s 66 A HCFC22 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAHCL kg/kg/s 66 A HCL horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAHNO3 kg/kg/s 66 A HNO3 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAHO2 kg/kg/s 66 A HO2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAHO2NO2 kg/kg/s 66 A HO2NO2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAHOBR kg/kg/s 66 A HOBR horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAHOCL kg/kg/s 66 A HOCL horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAHORZ kg/kg/s 66 A HORZ horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAN kg/kg/s 66 A N horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAN2D kg/kg/s 66 A N2D horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAN2O kg/kg/s 66 A N2O horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAN2O5 kg/kg/s 66 A N2O5 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAN2p kg/kg/s 66 A N2p horz + vert + fixer tendency
TANO kg/kg/s 66 A NO horz + vert + fixer tendency
TANO2 kg/kg/s 66 A NO2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TANO3 kg/kg/s 66 A NO3 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TANOp kg/kg/s 66 A NOp horz + vert + fixer tendency
TANp kg/kg/s 66 A Np horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAO kg/kg/s 66 A O horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAO1D kg/kg/s 66 A O1D horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAO2 kg/kg/s 66 A O2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAO2_1D kg/kg/s 66 A O2_1D horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAO2_1S kg/kg/s 66 A O2_1S horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAO2p kg/kg/s 66 A O2p horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAO3 kg/kg/s 66 A O3 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAOCLO kg/kg/s 66 A OCLO horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAOH kg/kg/s 66 A OH horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAOp kg/kg/s 66 A Op horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAP K 66 A Temperature (after physics)
TAQ kg/kg/s 66 A Q horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAUE Pa 67 A CM Eastward Reynolds stress
TAUGWX N/m2 1 A Zonal gravity wave surface stress
TAUGWY N/m2 1 A Meridional gravity wave surface stress
TAUN Pa 67 A CM Northward Reynolds stress
TAUNET Pa 67 A CM E+W Reynolds stress
TAUS Pa 67 A CM Southward Reynolds stress
TAUTMSX N/m2 1 A Zonal turbulent mountain surface stress
TAUTMSY N/m2 1 A Meridional turbulent mountain surface stress
TAUW Pa 67 A CM Westward Reynolds stress
TAUX N/m2 1 A Zonal surface stress
TAUXSn01 Pa 66 A tau at c= -5.00 m/s
TAUXSn02 Pa 66 A tau at c= -10.00 m/s
TAUXSn03 Pa 66 A tau at c= -15.00 m/s
TAUXSn04 Pa 66 A tau at c= -20.00 m/s
TAUXSn05 Pa 66 A tau at c= -25.00 m/s
TAUXSn06 Pa 66 A tau at c= -30.00 m/s
TAUXSn07 Pa 66 A tau at c= -35.00 m/s
TAUXSn08 Pa 66 A tau at c= -40.00 m/s
TAUXSn09 Pa 66 A tau at c= -45.00 m/s
TAUXSn10 Pa 66 A tau at c= -50.00 m/s
TAUXSn11 Pa 66 A tau at c= -55.00 m/s
TAUXSn12 Pa 66 A tau at c= -60.00 m/s
TAUXSn13 Pa 66 A tau at c= -65.00 m/s
TAUXSn14 Pa 66 A tau at c= -70.00 m/s
TAUXSn15 Pa 66 A tau at c= -75.00 m/s
TAUXSn16 Pa 66 A tau at c= -80.00 m/s
TAUXSn17 Pa 66 A tau at c= -85.00 m/s
TAUXSn18 Pa 66 A tau at c= -90.00 m/s
TAUXSn19 Pa 66 A tau at c= -95.00 m/s
TAUXSn20 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn21 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn22 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn23 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn24 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn25 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn26 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn27 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn28 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn29 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn30 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn31 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSn32 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUXSp00 Pa 66 A tau at c= 0.00 m/s
TAUXSp01 Pa 66 A tau at c= 5.00 m/s
TAUXSp02 Pa 66 A tau at c= 10.00 m/s
TAUXSp03 Pa 66 A tau at c= 15.00 m/s
TAUXSp04 Pa 66 A tau at c= 20.00 m/s
TAUXSp05 Pa 66 A tau at c= 25.00 m/s
TAUXSp06 Pa 66 A tau at c= 30.00 m/s
TAUXSp07 Pa 66 A tau at c= 35.00 m/s
TAUXSp08 Pa 66 A tau at c= 40.00 m/s
TAUXSp09 Pa 66 A tau at c= 45.00 m/s
TAUXSp10 Pa 66 A tau at c= 50.00 m/s
TAUXSp11 Pa 66 A tau at c= 55.00 m/s
TAUXSp12 Pa 66 A tau at c= 60.00 m/s
TAUXSp13 Pa 66 A tau at c= 65.00 m/s
TAUXSp14 Pa 66 A tau at c= 70.00 m/s
TAUXSp15 Pa 66 A tau at c= 75.00 m/s
TAUXSp16 Pa 66 A tau at c= 80.00 m/s
TAUXSp17 Pa 66 A tau at c= 85.00 m/s
TAUXSp18 Pa 66 A tau at c= 90.00 m/s
TAUXSp19 Pa 66 A tau at c= 95.00 m/s
TAUXSp20 Pa 66 A tau at c= 100.00 m/s
TAUXSp21 Pa 66 A tau at c= 105.00 m/s
TAUXSp22 Pa 66 A tau at c= 110.00 m/s
TAUXSp23 Pa 66 A tau at c= 115.00 m/s
TAUXSp24 Pa 66 A tau at c= 120.00 m/s
TAUXSp25 Pa 66 A tau at c= 125.00 m/s
TAUXSp26 Pa 66 A tau at c= 130.00 m/s
TAUXSp27 Pa 66 A tau at c= 135.00 m/s
TAUXSp28 Pa 66 A tau at c= 140.00 m/s
TAUXSp29 Pa 66 A tau at c= 145.00 m/s
TAUXSp30 Pa 66 A tau at c= 150.00 m/s
TAUXSp31 Pa 66 A tau at c= 155.00 m/s
TAUXSp32 Pa 66 A tau at c= 160.00 m/s
TAUY N/m2 1 A Meridional surface stress
TAUYSn01 Pa 66 A tau at c= -5.00 m/s
TAUYSn02 Pa 66 A tau at c= -10.00 m/s
TAUYSn03 Pa 66 A tau at c= -15.00 m/s
TAUYSn04 Pa 66 A tau at c= -20.00 m/s
TAUYSn05 Pa 66 A tau at c= -25.00 m/s
TAUYSn06 Pa 66 A tau at c= -30.00 m/s
TAUYSn07 Pa 66 A tau at c= -35.00 m/s
TAUYSn08 Pa 66 A tau at c= -40.00 m/s
TAUYSn09 Pa 66 A tau at c= -45.00 m/s
TAUYSn10 Pa 66 A tau at c= -50.00 m/s
TAUYSn11 Pa 66 A tau at c= -55.00 m/s
TAUYSn12 Pa 66 A tau at c= -60.00 m/s
TAUYSn13 Pa 66 A tau at c= -65.00 m/s
TAUYSn14 Pa 66 A tau at c= -70.00 m/s
TAUYSn15 Pa 66 A tau at c= -75.00 m/s
TAUYSn16 Pa 66 A tau at c= -80.00 m/s
TAUYSn17 Pa 66 A tau at c= -85.00 m/s
TAUYSn18 Pa 66 A tau at c= -90.00 m/s
TAUYSn19 Pa 66 A tau at c= -95.00 m/s
TAUYSn20 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn21 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn22 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn23 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn24 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn25 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn26 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn27 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn28 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn29 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn30 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn31 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSn32 Pa 66 A tau at c= ****** m/s
TAUYSp00 Pa 66 A tau at c= 0.00 m/s
TAUYSp01 Pa 66 A tau at c= 5.00 m/s
TAUYSp02 Pa 66 A tau at c= 10.00 m/s
TAUYSp03 Pa 66 A tau at c= 15.00 m/s
TAUYSp04 Pa 66 A tau at c= 20.00 m/s
TAUYSp05 Pa 66 A tau at c= 25.00 m/s
TAUYSp06 Pa 66 A tau at c= 30.00 m/s
TAUYSp07 Pa 66 A tau at c= 35.00 m/s
TAUYSp08 Pa 66 A tau at c= 40.00 m/s
TAUYSp09 Pa 66 A tau at c= 45.00 m/s
TAUYSp10 Pa 66 A tau at c= 50.00 m/s
TAUYSp11 Pa 66 A tau at c= 55.00 m/s
TAUYSp12 Pa 66 A tau at c= 60.00 m/s
TAUYSp13 Pa 66 A tau at c= 65.00 m/s
TAUYSp14 Pa 66 A tau at c= 70.00 m/s
TAUYSp15 Pa 66 A tau at c= 75.00 m/s
TAUYSp16 Pa 66 A tau at c= 80.00 m/s
TAUYSp17 Pa 66 A tau at c= 85.00 m/s
TAUYSp18 Pa 66 A tau at c= 90.00 m/s
TAUYSp19 Pa 66 A tau at c= 95.00 m/s
TAUYSp20 Pa 66 A tau at c= 100.00 m/s
TAUYSp21 Pa 66 A tau at c= 105.00 m/s
TAUYSp22 Pa 66 A tau at c= 110.00 m/s
TAUYSp23 Pa 66 A tau at c= 115.00 m/s
TAUYSp24 Pa 66 A tau at c= 120.00 m/s
TAUYSp25 Pa 66 A tau at c= 125.00 m/s
TAUYSp26 Pa 66 A tau at c= 130.00 m/s
TAUYSp27 Pa 66 A tau at c= 135.00 m/s
TAUYSp28 Pa 66 A tau at c= 140.00 m/s
TAUYSp29 Pa 66 A tau at c= 145.00 m/s
TAUYSp30 Pa 66 A tau at c= 150.00 m/s
TAUYSp31 Pa 66 A tau at c= 155.00 m/s
TAUYSp32 Pa 66 A tau at c= 160.00 m/s
TAVERT kg/kg/s 66 A VERT horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAe kg/kg/s 66 A e horz + vert + fixer tendency
TBOT K 1 A Lowest model level temperature
TBOT&IC K 1 I Lowest model level temperature
TBP K 66 A Temperature (before physics)
TCLY mol/mol 66 A total Cl volume mixing ratio
TCWAT&IC kg/kg 66 I T associated with cloud water
TEFIX W/m2 1 A Total energy after fixer
TEINP W/m2 1 A Total energy of physics input
TEOUT W/m2 1 A Total energy of physics output
TFIX K/s 1 A T fixer (T equivalent of Energy correction)
TGCLDCWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice)
TGCLDIWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud ice water path
TGCLDLWP gram/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud liquid water path
TH K 67 A Potential Temperature
TH2d K 1 A Zonal-Mean potential temp
TKE m2/s2 67 A Turbulent Kinetic Energy
TKE&IC m2/s2 67 I Turbulent Kinetic Energy
TMAOA1 kg/m2 1 A AOA1 column burden
TMAOA2 kg/m2 1 A AOA2 column burden
TMBR kg/m2 1 A BR column burden
TMBRCL kg/m2 1 A BRCL column burden
TMBRO kg/m2 1 A BRO column burden
TMBRONO2 kg/m2 1 A BRONO2 column burden
TMBRY kg/m2 1 A BRY column burden
TMCCL4 kg/m2 1 A CCL4 column burden
TMCF2CLBR kg/m2 1 A CF2CLBR column burden
TMCF3BR kg/m2 1 A CF3BR column burden
TMCFC11 kg/m2 1 A CFC11 column burden
TMCFC113 kg/m2 1 A CFC113 column burden
TMCFC12 kg/m2 1 A CFC12 column burden
TMCH2O kg/m2 1 A CH2O column burden
TMCH3BR kg/m2 1 A CH3BR column burden
TMCH3CCL3 kg/m2 1 A CH3CCL3 column burden
TMCH3CL kg/m2 1 A CH3CL column burden
TMCH3O2 kg/m2 1 A CH3O2 column burden
TMCH3OOH kg/m2 1 A CH3OOH column burden
TMCH4 kg/m2 1 A CH4 column burden
TMCL kg/m2 1 A CL column burden
TMCL2 kg/m2 1 A CL2 column burden
TMCL2O2 kg/m2 1 A CL2O2 column burden
TMCLDICE kg/m2 1 A CLDICE column burden
TMCLDLIQ kg/m2 1 A CLDLIQ column burden
TMCLO kg/m2 1 A CLO column burden
TMCLONO2 kg/m2 1 A CLONO2 column burden
TMCLY kg/m2 1 A CLY column burden
TMCO kg/m2 1 A CO column burden
TMCO2 kg/m2 1 A CO2 column burden
TMH kg/m2 1 A H column burden
TMH2 kg/m2 1 A H2 column burden
TMH2O2 kg/m2 1 A H2O2 column burden
TMHBR kg/m2 1 A HBR column burden
TMHCFC22 kg/m2 1 A HCFC22 column burden
TMHCL kg/m2 1 A HCL column burden
TMHNO3 kg/m2 1 A HNO3 column burden
TMHO2 kg/m2 1 A HO2 column burden
TMHO2NO2 kg/m2 1 A HO2NO2 column burden
TMHOBR kg/m2 1 A HOBR column burden
TMHOCL kg/m2 1 A HOCL column burden
TMHORZ kg/m2 1 A HORZ column burden
TMN kg/m2 1 A N column burden
TMN2D kg/m2 1 A N2D column burden
TMN2O kg/m2 1 A N2O column burden
TMN2O5 kg/m2 1 A N2O5 column burden
TMN2p kg/m2 1 A N2p column burden
TMNO kg/m2 1 A NO column burden
TMNO2 kg/m2 1 A NO2 column burden
TMNO3 kg/m2 1 A NO3 column burden
TMNOp kg/m2 1 A NOp column burden
TMNp kg/m2 1 A Np column burden
TMO kg/m2 1 A O column burden
TMO1D kg/m2 1 A O1D column burden
TMO2 kg/m2 1 A O2 column burden
TMO2_1D kg/m2 1 A O2_1D column burden
TMO2_1S kg/m2 1 A O2_1S column burden
TMO2p kg/m2 1 A O2p column burden
TMO3 kg/m2 1 A O3 column burden
TMOCLO kg/m2 1 A OCLO column burden
TMOH kg/m2 1 A OH column burden
TMOp kg/m2 1 A Op column burden
TMQ kg/m2 1 A Total (vertically integrated) precipitatable water
TMVERT kg/m2 1 A VERT column burden
TMe kg/m2 1 A e column burden
TOTH mol/mol 66 A total H2 volume mixing ratio
TPERT K 1 A Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL)
TPERT&IC K 1 I Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL)
TREFHT K 1 A Reference height temperature
TREFHTMN K 1 M Minimum reference height temperature over output period
TREFHTMX K 1 X Maximum reference height temperature over output period
TREFMNAV K 1 A Average of TREFHT daily minimum
TREFMXAV K 1 A Average of TREFHT daily maximum
TROPP_FD probability 1 A Tropopause Found (primary)
TROPP_P Pa 1 A Tropopause Pressure (primary)
TROPP_PD probability 66 A Tropopause Distribution (primary)
TROPP_T K 1 A Tropopause Temperature (primary)
TROPP_Z m 1 A Tropopause Height (primary)
TROP_FD probability 1 A Tropopause Found
TROP_P Pa 1 A Tropopause Pressure
TROP_PD probability 66 A Tropopause Probabilty
TROP_T K 1 A Tropopause Temperature
TROP_Z m 1 A Tropopause Height
TS K 1 A Surface temperature (radiative)
TS1 K 1 A TS1 subsoil temperature
TS1&IC K 1 I TS1 subsoil temperature
TS2 K 1 A TS2 subsoil temperature
TS2&IC K 1 I TS2 subsoil temperature
TS3 K 1 A TS3 subsoil temperature
TS3&IC K 1 I TS3 subsoil temperature
TS4 K 1 A TS4 subsoil temperature
TS4&IC K 1 I TS4 subsoil temperature
TSICE K 1 A Ice temperature
TSICE&IC K 1 I Ice temperature
TSICERAD&IC K 1 I Radiatively equivalent ice temperature
TSMN K 1 M Minimum surface temperature over output period
TSMX K 1 X Maximum surface temperature over output period
TT K2 66 A Eddy temperature variance
TTEND K/s 66 A T tendency
TTGW K/s 66 A T tendency - gravity wave drag
TTGWSDF K/s 66 A t tendency - gw spec: diffusion term
TTGWSKE K/s 66 A t tendency - gw spec: kinetic energy conversion term
TTPXMLC K/S 1 A Top interf. temp. flux: molec. viscosity
T_12_COS K 66 A Temperature 12hr. cos coeff.
T_12_SIN K 66 A Temperature 12hr. sin coeff.
T_24_COS K 66 A Temperature 24hr. cos coeff.
T_24_SIN K 66 A Temperature 24hr. sin coeff.
U m/s 66 A Zonal wind
U200 m/s 1 A Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface
U250 m/s 1 A Zonal wind at 250 mbar pressure surface
U2d M/S 1 A Zonal-Mean zonal wind
U850 m/s 1 A Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface
UAP m/s 66 A Zonal wind (after physics)
UBOT m/s 1 A Lowest model level zonal wind
UE m/s 1 I Zonal ExB drift
UFLX W/m2 67 A Zonal momentum flux
UIONTEND M/S2 66 A u-tendency due to ion drag
US m/s 66 A Zonal wind, staggered
US&IC m/s 66 I Zonal wind, staggered
USTAR m/s 1 A Surface friction velocity
UTEND m/s2 66 A U tendency
UTEND1 m/s2 66 A U tendency c < -40
UTEND2 m/s2 66 A U tendency -40 < c < -15
UTEND3 m/s2 66 A U tendency -15 < c < 15
UTEND4 m/s2 66 A U tendency 15 < c < 40
UTEND5 m/s2 66 A U tendency 40 < c
UTGWORO m/s2 66 A U tendency - orographic gravity wave drag
UTGWSPEC m/s2 66 A U tendency - gravity wave spectrum
UU m2/s2 66 A Zonal velocity squared
UV2d M2/S2 1 A Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 2D prj of zon. mean
UV3d M2/S2 67 A Meridional Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean
UW2d M2/S2 1 A Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum; 2D prj of zon. mean
UW3d M2/S2 67 A Vertical Flux of Zonal Momentum: 3D zon. mean
U_12_COS m/s 66 A Zonal wind 12hr. cos coeff.
U_12_SIN m/s 66 A Zonal wind 12hr. sin coeff.
U_24_COS m/s 66 A Zonal wind 24hr. cos coeff.
U_24_SIN m/s 66 A Zonal wind 24hr. sin coeff.
V m/s 66 A Meridional wind
V200 m/s 1 A Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface
V250 m/s 1 A Meridional wind at 250 mbar pressure surface
V2d M/S 1 A Zonal-Mean meridional wind
V850 m/s 1 A Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface
VAP m/s 66 A Meridional wind (after physics)
VAT K/s 66 A Vertical advective tendency of T
VBOT m/s 1 A Lowest model level meridional wind
VD01 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of Q
VDAOA1 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of AOA1
VDAOA2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of AOA2
VDBR kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of BR
VDBRCL kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of BRCL
VDBRO kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of BRO
VDBRONO2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of BRONO2
VDBRY kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of BRY
VDCCL4 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CCL4
VDCF2CLBR kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CF2CLBR
VDCF3BR kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CF3BR
VDCFC11 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CFC11
VDCFC113 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CFC113
VDCFC12 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CFC12
VDCH2O kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CH2O
VDCH3BR kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CH3BR
VDCH3CCL3 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CH3CCL3
VDCH3CL kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CH3CL
VDCH3O2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CH3O2
VDCH3OOH kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CH3OOH
VDCH4 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CH4
VDCL kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CL
VDCL2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CL2
VDCL2O2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CL2O2
VDCLDICE kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CLDICE
VDCLDLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CLDLIQ
VDCLO kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CLO
VDCLONO2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CLONO2
VDCLY kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CLY
VDCO kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CO
VDCO2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of CO2
VDH kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of H
VDH2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of H2
VDH2O2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of H2O2
VDHBR kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of HBR
VDHCFC22 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of HCFC22
VDHCL kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of HCL
VDHNO3 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of HNO3
VDHO2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of HO2
VDHO2NO2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of HO2NO2
VDHOBR kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of HOBR
VDHOCL kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of HOCL
VDHORZ kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of HORZ
VDN kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of N
VDN2D kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of N2D
VDN2O kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of N2O
VDN2O5 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of N2O5
VDN2p kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of N2p
VDNO kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of NO
VDNO2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of NO2
VDNO3 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of NO3
VDNOp kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of NOp
VDNp kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of Np
VDO kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of O
VDO1D kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of O1D
VDO2 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of O2
VDO2_1D kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of O2_1D
VDO2_1S kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of O2_1S
VDO2p kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of O2p
VDO3 kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of O3
VDOCLO kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of OCLO
VDOH kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of OH
VDOp kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of Op
VDVERT kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of VERT
VDe kg/kg/s 66 A Vertical diffusion of e
VE m/s 1 I Meridional ExB drift
VEL_NAT1 cm/s 66 I small nat settling velocity
VEL_NAT2 cm/s 66 I large nat settling velocity
VERT kg/kg 66 A vertical tracer
VERT&IC kg/kg 66 I vertical tracer
VERTSRC kg/kg/s 66 A VERT source/sink
VFLX W/m2 67 A Meridional momentm flux
VIONTEND M/S2 66 A v-tendency due to ion drag
VQ m/skg/kg 66 A Meridional water transport
VS m/s 66 A Meridional wind, staggered
VS&IC m/s 66 I Meridional wind, staggered
VT K m/s 66 A Meridional heat transport
VTEND m/s2 66 A V tendency
VTGWORO m/s2 66 A V tendency - orographic gravity wave drag
VTGWSPEC m/s2 66 A V tendency - gravity wave spectrum
VTH2d MK/S 1 A Meridional Heat Flux: 2D prj of zon. mean
VTH3d MK/S 67 A Meridional Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean
VTRMC m/s 66 A Mass-weighted cloud water fallspeed
VTRMI m/s 66 A Mass-weighted cloud ice fallspeed
VU m2/s2 66 A Meridional flux of zonal momentum
VV m2/s2 66 A Meridional velocity squared
VZ m2/s 66 A Meridional transport of geopotential energy
V_12_COS m/s 66 A Meridional wind 12hr. cos coeff.
V_12_SIN m/s 66 A Meridional wind 12hr. sin coeff.
V_24_COS m/s 66 A Meridional wind 24hr. cos coeff.
V_24_SIN m/s 66 A Meridional wind 24hr. sin coeff.
W2d M/S 1 A Zonal-Mean vertical wind
WDR_BRONO2 /s 66 A BRONO2 wet deposition rate
WDR_CH2O /s 66 A CH2O wet deposition rate
WDR_CH3OOH /s 66 A CH3OOH wet deposition rate
WDR_CLONO2 /s 66 A CLONO2 wet deposition rate
WDR_H2O2 /s 66 A H2O2 wet deposition rate
WDR_HBR /s 66 A HBR wet deposition rate
WDR_HCL /s 66 A HCL wet deposition rate
WDR_HNO3 /s 66 A HNO3 wet deposition rate
WDR_HO2NO2 /s 66 A HO2NO2 wet deposition rate
WDR_HOBR /s 66 A HOBR wet deposition rate
WDR_HOCL /s 66 A HOCL wet deposition rate
WDR_N2O5 /s 66 A N2O5 wet deposition rate
WD_BRONO2 kg/s 1 A BRONO2 wet deposition
WD_CH2O kg/s 1 A CH2O wet deposition
WD_CH3OOH kg/s 1 A CH3OOH wet deposition
WD_CLONO2 kg/s 1 A CLONO2 wet deposition
WD_H2O2 kg/s 1 A H2O2 wet deposition
WD_HBR kg/s 1 A HBR wet deposition
WD_HCL kg/s 1 A HCL wet deposition
WD_HNO3 kg/s 1 A HNO3 wet deposition
WD_HO2NO2 kg/s 1 A HO2NO2 wet deposition
WD_HOBR kg/s 1 A HOBR wet deposition
WD_HOCL kg/s 1 A HOCL wet deposition
WD_N2O5 kg/s 1 A N2O5 wet deposition
WD_NHX kg/s 1 A NHx wet deposition
WD_NOY kg/s 1 A NOy wet deposition
WD_SOX kg/s 1 A SOx wet deposition
WGUSTD m/s 1 A wind gusts from turbulence
WMF Pa 66 A Westward MF
WSPEED m/s 66 X Horizontal total wind speed
WSUB m/s 66 A Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity
WSUBI m/s 66 A Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity for ice
WTH2d MK/S 1 A Vertical Heat Flux: 2D prj of zon. mean
WTH3d MK/S 67 A Vertical Heat Flux: 3D zon. mean
Z050 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 50 mbar pressure surface
Z100 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 100 mbar pressure surface
Z200 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 200 mbar pressure surface
Z3 m 66 A Geopotential Height (above sea level)
Z300 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 300 mbar pressure surface
Z500 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface
Z700 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 700 mbar pressure surface
ZBOT m 1 A Lowest model level height
ZMDICE kg/kg/s 66 A Cloud ice tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection
ZMDLF kg/kg/s 66 A Detrained liquid water from ZM convection
ZMDLIQ kg/kg/s 66 A Cloud liq tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection
ZMDQ kg/kg/s 66 A Q tendency - Zhang-McFarlane moist convection
ZMDT K/s 66 A T tendency - Zhang-McFarlane moist convection
ZMEIHEAT W/kg 66 A Heating by ice and evaporation in ZM convection
ZMFLXPRC kg/m2/s 67 A Flux of precipitation from ZM convection
ZMFLXSNW kg/m2/s 67 A Flux of snow from ZM convection
ZMICUD m/s 66 A ZM in-cloud U downdrafts
ZMICUU m/s 66 A ZM in-cloud U updrafts
ZMICVD m/s 66 A ZM in-cloud V downdrafts
ZMICVU m/s 66 A ZM in-cloud V updrafts
ZMMD kg/m2/s 66 A ZM convection downdraft mass flux
ZMMTT K/s 66 A T tendency - ZM convective momentum transport
ZMMTU m/s2 66 A U tendency - ZM convective momentum transport
ZMMTV m/s2 66 A V tendency - ZM convective momentum transport
ZMMU kg/m2/s 66 A ZM convection updraft mass flux
ZMNTPRPD kg/kg/s 66 A Net precipitation production from ZM convection
ZMNTSNPD kg/kg/s 66 A Net snow production from ZM convection
ZMUPGD m/s2 66 A zonal force from ZM downdraft pressure gradient term
ZMUPGU m/s2 66 A zonal force from ZM updraft pressure gradient term
ZMVPGD m/s2 66 A merdional force from ZM downdraft pressure gradient term
ZMVPGU m/s2 66 A meridional force from ZM updraft pressure gradient term
ZZ m2 66 A Eddy height variance
a2x_BCPHIDRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophilic black carbon
a2x_BCPHIWET kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of hydrophilic black carbon
a2x_BCPHODRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophobic black carbon
a2x_DSTDRY1 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin1)
a2x_DSTDRY2 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin2)
a2x_DSTDRY3 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin3)
a2x_DSTDRY4 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin4)
a2x_DSTWET1 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin1)
a2x_DSTWET2 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin2)
a2x_DSTWET3 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin3)
a2x_DSTWET4 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin4)
a2x_OCPHIDRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophilic organic carbon
a2x_OCPHIWET kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of hydrophilic organic carbon
a2x_OCPHODRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophobic organic carbon
ag1 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ag2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
bcar1 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
bcar2 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
cb_CFC11STAR_c kg/m^2 1 A CFC11STAR column burden used in climate calculation
cb_CFC12_c kg/m^2 1 A CFC12 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_CH4_c kg/m^2 1 A CH4 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_CO2_c kg/m^2 1 A CO2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_H2SO4M_c kg/m^2 1 A H2SO4M column burden used in climate calculation
cb_N2O_c kg/m^2 1 A N2O column burden used in climate calculation
cb_O2_c kg/m^2 1 A O2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_O3_c kg/m^2 1 A O3 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_Q_c kg/m^2 1 A Q column burden used in climate calculation
cb_SSLTA_c kg/m^2 1 A SSLTA column burden used in climate calculation
cb_SSLTC_c kg/m^2 1 A SSLTC column burden used in climate calculation
cb_bcar1_c kg/m^2 1 A bcar1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_bcar2_c kg/m^2 1 A bcar2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_dust1_c kg/m^2 1 A dust1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_dust2_c kg/m^2 1 A dust2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_dust3_c kg/m^2 1 A dust3 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_dust4_c kg/m^2 1 A dust4 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_ocar1_c kg/m^2 1 A ocar1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_ocar2_c kg/m^2 1 A ocar2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_sulf_c kg/m^2 1 A sulf column burden used in climate calculation
cph1 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph11 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph12 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph13 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph14 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph15 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph16 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph17 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph18 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph19 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph20 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph21 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph22 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph23 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph24 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph25 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph26 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph27 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph28 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph29 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph3 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph4 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph5 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph7 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph8 /s 66 I photolysis rate
cph9 /s 66 I photolysis rate
dust1 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
dust2 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
dust3 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
dust4 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
e mol/mol 66 A electron concent concentration
e&IC kg/kg 66 I electron concentration
e_CHML /cm3/s 66 I chemical loss rate
e_CHMP /cm3/s 66 I chemical production rate
e_SRF mol/mol 1 A electron concent in bottom layer
elec1 /s 66 I photolysis rate
elec2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
elec3 /s 66 I photolysis rate
extfrc_01 66 I ext frcing
extfrc_02 66 I ext frcing
extfrc_03 66 I ext frcing
extfrc_04 66 I ext frcing
extfrc_05 66 I ext frcing
extfrc_06 66 I ext frcing
extfrc_07 66 I ext frcing
extfrc_08 66 I ext frcing
extfrc_09 66 I ext frcing
extfrc_10 66 I ext frcing
extfrc_11 66 I ext frcing
het1 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het10 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het11 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het12 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het13 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het14 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het15 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het16 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het17 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het3 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het4 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het5 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het6 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het7 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het8 /s 66 I photolysis rate
het9 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ion1 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ion11 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ion2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ion3 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ion4 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ion5 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ion6 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ion7 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ion8 /s 66 I photolysis rate
ion9 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jbrcl /s 66 I photolysis rate
jbro /s 66 I photolysis rate
jbrono2_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jbrono2_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jccl4 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jcf2cl2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jcf2clbr /s 66 I photolysis rate
jcf3br /s 66 I photolysis rate
jcfc113 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jcfcl3 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jch2o_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jch2o_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jch3br /s 66 I photolysis rate
jch3ccl3 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jch3cl /s 66 I photolysis rate
jch3ooh /s 66 I photolysis rate
jch4_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jch4_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jcl2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jcl2o2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jclo /s 66 I photolysis rate
jclono2_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jclono2_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jco2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_1 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_10 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_11 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_12 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_13 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_14 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_15 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_16 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_17 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_18 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_19 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_20 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_21 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_22 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_23 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_24 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_25 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_3 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_4 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_5 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_6 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_7 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_8 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jeuv_9 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jh2o2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jh2o_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jh2o_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jh2o_c /s 66 I photolysis rate
jhcfc22 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jhcl /s 66 I photolysis rate
jhno3 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jho2no2_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jho2no2_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jhobr /s 66 I photolysis rate
jhocl /s 66 I photolysis rate
jn2o /s 66 I photolysis rate
jn2o5_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jn2o5_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jno /s 66 I photolysis rate
jno2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
jno3_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jno3_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jno_i /s 66 I photolysis rate
jo2_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jo2_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
jo3_a /s 66 I photolysis rate
jo3_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
joclo /s 66 I photolysis rate
m_CFC11STAR_c kg/m^2 66 A CFC11STAR mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_CFC12_c kg/m^2 66 A CFC12 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_CH4_c kg/m^2 66 A CH4 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_CO2_c kg/m^2 66 A CO2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_H2SO4M_c kg/m^2 66 A H2SO4M mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_N2O_c kg/m^2 66 A N2O mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_O2_c kg/m^2 66 A O2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_O3_c kg/m^2 66 A O3 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_Q_c kg/m^2 66 A Q mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_SSLTA_c kg/m^2 66 A SSLTA mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_SSLTC_c kg/m^2 66 A SSLTC mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_bcar1_c kg/m^2 66 A bcar1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_bcar2_c kg/m^2 66 A bcar2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_dust1_c kg/m^2 66 A dust1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_dust2_c kg/m^2 66 A dust2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_dust3_c kg/m^2 66 A dust3 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_dust4_c kg/m^2 66 A dust4 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_ocar1_c kg/m^2 66 A ocar1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_ocar2_c kg/m^2 66 A ocar2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_sulf_c kg/m^2 66 A sulf mass per layer used in climate calculation
ocar1 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
ocar2 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
qi_aft_Cu kg/kg 66 I qi_afterCU
qi_aft_PBL kg/kg 66 A qi_afterPBL
qi_pre_Cu kg/kg 66 I qi_preCU
qi_pre_PBL kg/kg 66 A qi_prePBL
qiten_PBL kg/kg/s 66 A qi tendency by PBL
ql_aft_Cu kg/kg 66 I ql_afterCU
ql_aft_PBL kg/kg 66 A ql_afterPBL
ql_pre_Cu kg/kg 66 I ql_preCU
ql_pre_PBL kg/kg 66 A ql_prePBL
qlten_PBL kg/kg/s 66 A ql tendency by PBL
qt_aft_Cu kg/kg 66 I qt_afterCU
qt_aft_PBL kg/kg 66 A qt_afterPBL
qt_pre_Cu kg/kg 66 I qt_preCU
qt_pre_PBL kg/kg 66 A qt_prePBL
qtflx_PBL kg/m2/s 67 A qt flux by PBL
qtflx_cg_PBL kg/m2/s 67 A qt_cg flux by PBL
qtten_PBL kg/kg/s 66 A qt tendency by PBL
qv_aft_Cu kg/kg 66 I qv_afterCU
qv_aft_PBL kg/kg 66 A qv_afterPBL
qv_pre_Cu kg/kg 66 I qv_preCU
qv_pre_PBL kg/kg 66 A qv_prePBL
qvten_PBL kg/kg/s 66 A qv tendency by PBL
rh_aft_Cu % 66 I rh_afterCU
rh_aft_PBL % 66 A rh_afterPBL
rh_pre_Cu % 66 I rh_preCU
rh_pre_PBL % 66 A rh_prePBL
rhten_Cu %/s 66 I RH tendency by cumumus convection
rhten_PBL %/s 66 A RH tendency by PBL
sl_aft_Cu J/kg 66 I sl_afterCU
sl_aft_PBL J/kg 66 A sl_afterPBL
sl_pre_Cu J/kg 66 I sl_preCU
sl_pre_PBL J/kg 66 A sl_prePBL
slflx_PBL J/m2/s 67 A sl flux by PBL
slflx_cg_PBL J/m2/s 67 A sl_cg flux by PBL
slten_PBL J/kg/s 66 A sl tendency by PBL
slv_aft_Cu J/kg 66 I slv_afterCU
slv_aft_PBL J/kg 66 A slv_afterPBL
slv_pre_Cu J/kg 66 I slv_preCU
slv_pre_PBL J/kg 66 A slv_prePBL
sslt1 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
sslt2 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
sslt3 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
sslt4 kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
sulf kg/kg 66 I prescribed aero
t_aft_Cu K 66 I t_afterCU
t_aft_PBL K 66 A t_afterPBL
t_pre_Cu K 66 I t_preCU
t_pre_PBL K 66 A t_prePBL
tag_CLO_CLO /s 66 I photolysis rate
tag_NO2_HO2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
tag_NO2_NO3 /s 66 I photolysis rate
tten_Cu K/s 66 I Temprtaure tendency by cumulus convection
tten_PBL K/s 66 A T tendency by PBL
u_aft_Cu m/s 66 I u_afterCU
u_aft_PBL m/s 66 A u_afterPBL
u_pre_Cu m/s 66 I u_preCU
u_pre_PBL m/s 66 A u_prePBL
uflx_PBL kg/m/s2 67 A u flux by PBL
uflx_cg_PBL kg/m/s2 67 A u_cg flux by PBL
usr_CL2O2_M /s 66 I photolysis rate
usr_CO_OH_b /s 66 I photolysis rate
usr_HNO3_OH /s 66 I photolysis rate
usr_HO2NO2_M /s 66 I photolysis rate
usr_HO2_HO2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
usr_N2O5_M /s 66 I photolysis rate
usr_O_O /s 66 I photolysis rate
usr_O_O2 /s 66 I photolysis rate
uten_PBL m/s2 66 A u tendency by PBL
v_aft_Cu m/s 66 I v_afterCU
v_aft_PBL m/s 66 A v_afterPBL
v_pre_Cu m/s 66 I v_preCU
v_pre_PBL m/s 66 A v_prePBL
vflx_PBL kg/m/s2 67 A v flux by PBL
vflx_cg_PBL kg/m/s2 67 A v_cg flux by PBL
vten_PBL m/s2 66 A v tendency by PBL