History File 1

  Number of fields:                189
  Write frequency:                 MONTHLY
  Filename specifier:              %c.cam2.h%t.%y-%m.nc
  Output precision:                single
  Number of time samples per file: 1

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
ABSORB /m 30 A Aerosol absorption
AEROD_v 1 1 A Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band
ANRAIN m-3 30 A Average rain number conc
ANSNOW m-3 30 A Average snow number conc
AODABS 1 A Aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm
AODDUST1 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 1 from dust
AODDUST2 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 2 from dust
AODDUST3 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 3 from dust
AODMODE1 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 1
AODMODE2 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 2
AODMODE3 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 3
AODVIS 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm
AQRAIN kg/kg 30 A Average rain mixing ratio
AQSNOW kg/kg 30 A Average snow mixing ratio
AREI Micron 30 A Average ice effective radius
AREL Micron 30 A Average droplet effective radius
ATMEINT J/m2 1 A Vertically integrated total atmospheric energy
AWNC m-3 30 A Average cloud water number conc
AWNI m-3 30 A Average cloud ice number conc
BURDEN1 kg/m2 1 A Aerosol burden mode 1
BURDEN2 kg/m2 1 A Aerosol burden mode 2
BURDEN3 kg/m2 1 A Aerosol burden mode 3
CCN3 #/cm3 30 A CCN concentration at S=0.1%
CDNUMC #/m2 1 A Vertically-integrated droplet concentration
CLDHGH fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated high cloud
CLDICE kg/kg 30 A Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDLIQ kg/kg 30 A Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLDLOW fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated low cloud
CLDMED fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud
CLDTOT fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated total cloud
CLOUD fraction 30 A Cloud fraction
CMFDQ kg/kg/s 30 A QV tendency - shallow convection
CMFDQR kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency - shallow convection rainout
CMFDT K/s 30 A T tendency - shallow convection
CMFMC kg/m2/s 31 A Moist shallow convection mass flux
CMFMCDZM kg/m2/s 31 A Convection mass flux from ZM deep
CONCLD fraction 30 A Convective cloud cover
DCQ kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency due to moist processes
DMS kg/kg 30 A DMS
DSTODXC Tau 1 A Optical depth for diagnostics
DSTSFDRY kg/m2/s 1 A Dry deposition flux at surface
DSTSFMBL kg/m2/s 1 A Mobilization flux at surface
DSTSFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
DTCOND K/s 30 A T tendency - moist processes
DTV K/s 30 A T vertical diffusion
EXTINCT /m 30 A Aerosol extinction
FICE fraction 30 A Fractional ice content within cloud
FLDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLNS W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at surface
FLNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at surface
FLNT W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at top of model
FLNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model
FLUT W/m2 1 A Upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FLUTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FREQI fraction 30 A Fractional occurance of ice
FREQL fraction 30 A Fractional occurance of liquid
FREQR fraction 30 A Fractional occurance of rain
FREQS fraction 30 A Fractional occurance of snow
FREQSH fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of shallow convection
FREQZM fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of ZM convection
FSDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface
FSNS W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at surface
FSNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at surface
FSNT W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of model
FSNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of model
FSNTOA W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSNTOAC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSUTOA W/m2 1 A Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere
H2O2 kg/kg 30 A H2O2
H2SO4 kg/kg 30 A H2SO4
ICEFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
ICIMR kg/kg 30 A Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio
ICWMR kg/kg 30 A Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio
IWC kg/m3 30 A Grid box average ice water content
KVH m2/s 31 A Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture)
KVM m2/s 31 A Vertical diffusion diffusivities (momentum)
LANDFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by land
LCLOUD 30 A Liquid cloud fraction
LHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface latent heat flux
LND_MBL frac 1 A Soil erodibility factor
LWCF W/m2 1 A Longwave cloud forcing
NUMICE kg/kg 30 A Grid box averaged cloud ice number
NUMLIQ kg/kg 30 A Grid box averaged cloud liquid number
OCNFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean
OMEGA Pa/s 30 A Vertical velocity (pressure)
OMEGAT K Pa/s 30 A Vertical heat flux
ORO frac 1 A ORO
PBLH m 1 A PBL height
PCONVB Pa 1 A convection base pressure
PCONVT Pa 1 A convection top pressure
PHIS m2/s2 1 I Surface geopotential
PRECC m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECCDZM m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate from ZM deep
PRECL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECSC m/s 1 A Convective snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECSH m/s 1 A Shallow Convection precipitation rate
PRECSL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECT m/s 1 A Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PS Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PSL Pa 1 A Sea level pressure
Q kg/kg 30 A Specific humidity
QC kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency - shallow convection LW export
QFLX kg/m2/s 1 A Surface water flux
QREFHT kg/kg 1 A Reference height humidity
QRL K/s 30 A Longwave heating rate
QRS K/s 30 A Solar heating rate
QT kg/kg 30 A Total water mixing ratio
QTFLX W/m2 31 A Total water flux
RELHUM percent 30 A Relative humidity
RHREFHT fraction 1 A Reference height relative humidity
SFCLDICE kg/m2/s 1 A CLDICE surface flux
SFCLDLIQ kg/m2/s 1 A CLDLIQ surface flux
SFNUMICE kg/m2/s 1 A NUMICE surface flux
SFNUMLIQ kg/m2/s 1 A NUMLIQ surface flux
SHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface sensible heat flux
SL J/kg 30 A Liquid water static energy
SLFLX W/m2 31 A Liquid static energy flux
SLV J/kg 30 A Liq wat virtual static energy
SNOWHICE m 1 A Water equivalent snow depth
SNOWHLND m 1 A Water equivalent snow depth
SO2 kg/kg 30 A SO2
SOAG kg/kg 30 A SOAG
SOLIN W/m2 1 A Solar insolation
SRFRAD W/m2 1 A Net radiative flux at surface
SSAVIS 1 A Aerosol singel-scatter albedo
SSTODXC Tau 1 A Optical depth for diagnostics
SSTSFDRY kg/m2/s 1 A Dry deposition flux at surface
SSTSFMBL kg/m2/s 1 A Mobilization flux at surface
SSTSFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
SWCF W/m2 1 A Shortwave cloud forcing
T K 30 A Temperature
T700 K 1 A Temperature at 700 mbar pressure surface
T850 K 1 A Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface
TAUTMSX N/m2 1 A Zonal turbulent mountain surface stress
TAUTMSY N/m2 1 A Meridional turbulent mountain surface stress
TAUX N/m2 1 A Zonal surface stress
TAUY N/m2 1 A Meridional surface stress
TGCLDCWP kg/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice)
TGCLDIWP kg/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud ice water path
TGCLDLWP kg/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud liquid water path
TKE m2/s2 31 A Turbulent Kinetic Energy
TMQ kg/m2 1 A Total (vertically integrated) precipitatable water
TOT_CLD_VISTAU 1 30 A Total gbx cloud extinction visible sw optical depth
TOT_ICLD_VISTAU 1 30 A Total in-cloud extinction visible sw optical depth
TREFHT K 1 A Reference height temperature
TREFMNAV K 1 A Average of TREFHT daily minimum
TREFMXAV K 1 A Average of TREFHT daily maximum
TROP_P Pa 1 A Tropopause Pressure
TROP_T K 1 A Tropopause Temperature
TROP_Z m 1 A Tropopause Height
TS K 1 A Surface temperature (radiative)
TSMN K 1 M Minimum surface temperature over output period
TSMX K 1 X Maximum surface temperature over output period
U m/s 30 A Zonal wind
U10 m/s 1 A 10m wind speed
UFLX W/m2 31 A Zonal momentum flux
US m/s 30 A Zonal wind, staggered
UU m2/s2 30 A Zonal velocity squared
V m/s 30 A Meridional wind
VD01 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of Q
VFLX W/m2 31 A Meridional momentm flux
VQ m/skg/kg 30 A Meridional water transport
VS m/s 30 A Meridional wind, staggered
VT K m/s 30 A Meridional heat transport
VU m2/s2 30 A Meridional flux of zonal momentum
VV m2/s2 30 A Meridional velocity squared
WGUSTD m/s 1 A wind gusts from turbulence
WSUB m/s 30 A Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity
WTKE m/s 30 A Standard deviation of updraft velocity
Z3 m 30 A Geopotential Height (above sea level)
bc_a1 kg/kg 30 A bc_a1
dst_a1 kg/kg 30 A dst_a1
dst_a1SF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a1 dust surface emission
dst_a3 kg/kg 30 A dst_a3
dst_a3SF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a3 dust surface emission
ncl_a1 kg/kg 30 A ncl_a1
ncl_a2 kg/kg 30 A ncl_a2
ncl_a3 kg/kg 30 A ncl_a3
num_a1 kg/kg 30 A num_a1
num_a2 kg/kg 30 A num_a2
num_a3 kg/kg 30 A num_a3
pom_a1 kg/kg 30 A pom_a1
so4_a1 kg/kg 30 A so4_a1
so4_a2 kg/kg 30 A so4_a2
so4_a3 kg/kg 30 A so4_a3
soa_a1 kg/kg 30 A soa_a1
soa_a2 kg/kg 30 A soa_a2

History File 8

  Number of fields:                37
  Write frequency:                 YEARLY
  Filename specifier:              %c.cam2.i.%y-%m-%d-%s.nc
  Output precision:                double
  Number of time samples per file: 1

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
CLDICE&IC kg/kg 30 I Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDLIQ&IC kg/kg 30 I Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
DMS&IC kg/kg 30 I DMS
H2O2&IC kg/kg 30 I H2O2
H2SO4&IC kg/kg 30 I H2SO4
ICEFRAC&IC fraction 1 I Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
NUMICE&IC kg/kg 30 I Grid box averaged cloud ice number
NUMLIQ&IC kg/kg 30 I Grid box averaged cloud liquid number
PS&IC Pa 1 I Surface pressure
Q&IC kg/kg 30 I Specific humidity
SICTHK&IC m 1 I Sea ice thickness
SNOWHICE&IC m 1 I Water equivalent snow depth
SO2&IC kg/kg 30 I SO2
SOAG&IC kg/kg 30 I SOAG
T&IC K 30 I Temperature
TS1&IC K 1 I TS1 subsoil temperature
TS2&IC K 1 I TS2 subsoil temperature
TS3&IC K 1 I TS3 subsoil temperature
TS4&IC K 1 I TS4 subsoil temperature
TSICE&IC K 1 I Ice temperature
US&IC m/s 30 I Zonal wind, staggered
VS&IC m/s 30 I Meridional wind, staggered
bc_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I bc_a1
dst_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I dst_a1
dst_a3&IC kg/kg 30 I dst_a3
ncl_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I ncl_a1
ncl_a2&IC kg/kg 30 I ncl_a2
ncl_a3&IC kg/kg 30 I ncl_a3
num_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I num_a1
num_a2&IC kg/kg 30 I num_a2
num_a3&IC kg/kg 30 I num_a3
pom_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I pom_a1
so4_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I so4_a1
so4_a2&IC kg/kg 30 I so4_a2
so4_a3&IC kg/kg 30 I so4_a3
soa_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I soa_a1
soa_a2&IC kg/kg 30 I soa_a2

Master Field List

Field name Units NLEV Time avg Long name
ABSORB /m 30 A Aerosol absorption
ACSRFL DBz 30 A Average 94 GHz radar reflectivity (CloudSat thresholds)
ACTNI Micron 1 A Average Cloud Top ice number
ACTNL Micron 1 A Average Cloud Top droplet number
ACTREI Micron 1 A Average Cloud Top ice effective radius
ACTREL Micron 1 A Average Cloud Top droplet effective radius
ADRAIN Micron 30 A Average rain effective Diameter
ADSNOW Micron 30 A Average snow effective Diameter
AEROD_v 1 1 A Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band
ALDIF 1 1 A albedo: longwave, diffuse
ALDIR 1 1 A albedo: longwave, direct
ANRAIN m-3 30 A Average rain number conc
ANSNOW m-3 30 A Average snow number conc
AODABS 1 A Aerosol absorption optical depth 550 nm
AODDUST1 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 1 from dust
AODDUST2 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 2 from dust
AODDUST3 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm model 3 from dust
AODMODE1 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 1
AODMODE2 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 2
AODMODE3 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm mode 3
AODVIS 1 A Aerosol optical depth 550 nm
AQRAIN kg/kg 30 A Average rain mixing ratio
AQSNOW kg/kg 30 A Average snow mixing ratio
AQSO4_H2O2 kg/m2/s 1 A SO4 aqueous phase chemistry due to H2O2
AQSO4_O3 kg/m2/s 1 A SO4 aqueous phase chemistry due to O3
AQ_DMS kg/m2/s 1 A DMS aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_H2O2 kg/m2/s 1 A H2O2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_H2SO4 kg/m2/s 1 A H2SO4 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_SO2 kg/m2/s 1 A SO2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_SOAG kg/m2/s 1 A SOAG aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_bc_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A bc_a1 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_dst_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a1 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_dst_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a3 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_ncl_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_ncl_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_ncl_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a3 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_num_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A num_a1 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_num_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A num_a2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_num_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A num_a3 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_pom_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A pom_a1 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_so4_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_so4_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_so4_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a3 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_soa_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AQ_soa_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 aqueous chemistry (for gas species)
AREA m2 1 A area of grid box
AREFL DBz 30 A Average 94 GHz radar reflectivity
AREFLZ mm^6/m^3 30 A Average 94 GHz radar reflectivity
AREI Micron 30 A Average ice effective radius
AREL Micron 30 A Average droplet effective radius
ASDIF 1 1 A albedo: shortwave, diffuse
ASDIR 1 1 A albedo: shortwave, direct
AST fraction 30 A Stratus cloud fraction
ATMEINT J/m2 1 A Vertically integrated total atmospheric energy
AWNC m-3 30 A Average cloud water number conc
AWNI m-3 30 A Average cloud ice number conc
BCPHO m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
BERGO kg/kg/s 30 A Conversion of cloud water to cloud ice from bergeron
BERGSO kg/kg/s 30 A Conversion of cloud water to snow from bergeron
BPROD M2/S3 31 A Buoyancy Production
BROX mol/mol 30 A brox volume mixing ratio
BROY mol/mol 30 A total inorganic bromine (Br+BrO+HOBr+BrONO2+HBr+BrCl)
BURDEN1 kg/m2 1 A Aerosol burden mode 1
BURDEN2 kg/m2 1 A Aerosol burden mode 2
BURDEN3 kg/m2 1 A Aerosol burden mode 3
CAPE J/kg 1 A Convectively available potential energy
CBMF kg/m2/s 1 A Cloud base mass flux
CCN1 #/cm3 30 A CCN concentration at S=0.02%
CCN2 #/cm3 30 A CCN concentration at S=0.05%
CCN3 #/cm3 30 A CCN concentration at S=0.1%
CCN4 #/cm3 30 A CCN concentration at S=0.2%
CCN5 #/cm3 30 A CCN concentration at S=0.5%
CCN6 #/cm3 30 A CCN concentration at S=1.0%
CDNUMC #/m2 1 A Vertically-integrated droplet concentration
CGS s/m2 31 A Counter-gradient coeff on surface kinematic fluxes
CIN J/kg 1 A Convective inhibition
CLDBOT 1 1 I Vertical index of cloud base
CLDHGH fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated high cloud
CLDICE kg/kg 30 A Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDICE&IC kg/kg 30 I Grid box averaged cloud ice amount
CLDICEADJ kg/kg/s 30 A CLDICE adjustment tendency - Revised macrophysics
CLDICEAP kg/kg 30 A CLDICE after physics
CLDICEBP kg/kg 30 A CLDICE before physics
CLDICECON kg/kg 30 A Convective CLDICE
CLDICEDET kg/kg/s 30 A Detrainment of conv cld ice into envrionment - Revised macrophysics
CLDICELIM kg/kg/s 30 A CLDICE limiting tendency - Revised macrophysics
CLDICESTR kg/kg 30 A Stratiform CLDICE
CLDLIQ kg/kg 30 A Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLDLIQ&IC kg/kg 30 I Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount
CLDLIQADJ kg/kg/s 30 A CLDLIQ adjustment tendency - Revised macrophysics
CLDLIQAP kg/kg 30 A CLDLIQ after physics
CLDLIQBP kg/kg 30 A CLDLIQ before physics
CLDLIQCON kg/kg 30 A Convective CLDLIQ
CLDLIQDET kg/kg/s 30 A Detrainment of conv cld liq into envrionment - Revised macrophysics
CLDLIQLIM kg/kg/s 30 A CLDLIQ limiting tendency - Revised macrophysics
CLDLIQSTR kg/kg 30 A Stratiform CLDLIQ
CLDLOW fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated low cloud
CLDMED fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud
CLDST fraction 30 A Stratus cloud fraction
CLDTOP 1 1 I Vertical index of cloud top
CLDTOT fraction 1 A Vertically-integrated total cloud
CLDVAPADJ kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency associated with liq/ice adjustment - Revised macrophysics
CLOUD fraction 30 A Cloud fraction
CLOUD&IC fraction 30 I Cloud fraction
CLOX mol/mol 30 A clox volume mixing ratio
CLOY mol/mol 30 A total inorganic chlorine (Cl+ClO+2Cl2+2Cl2O2+OClO+HOCl+ClONO2+HCl+BrCl)
CME kg/kg/s 30 A Rate of cond-evap within the cloud
CMEICE kg/kg/s 30 A Rate of cond-evap of ice within the cloud
CMEIOUT kg/kg/s 30 A Rate of deposition/sublimation of cloud ice
CMELIQ kg/kg/s 30 A Rate of cond-evap of liq within the cloud
CMFDICE kg/kg/s 30 A Cloud ice tendency - shallow convection
CMFDLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A Cloud liq tendency - shallow convection
CMFDQ kg/kg/s 30 A QV tendency - shallow convection
CMFDQR kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency - shallow convection rainout
CMFDT K/s 30 A T tendency - shallow convection
CMFLQ W/m2 31 A Moist shallow convection total water flux
CMFMC kg/m2/s 31 A Moist shallow convection mass flux
CMFMCDZM kg/m2/s 31 A Convection mass flux from ZM deep
CMFSL W/m2 31 A Moist shallow convection liquid water static energy flux
CNVCLD fraction 1 A Vertically integrated convective cloud amount
CONCLD fraction 30 A Convective cloud cover
CONCLD&IC fraction 30 I Convective cloud fraction
CO_Aircraft molec/cm3/s 30 A aircraft CO source
CPAIR J/K/kg 30 I specific heat cap air
CPH1 K/s 30 I O + O3 -> 2*O2 + 93.46 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH10 K/s 30 I HO2 + HO2 -> H2O2 + O2 + 39.08 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH11 K/s 30 I OH + O3 -> HO2 + O2 + 39.49 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH12 K/s 30 I NO + O3 -> NO2 + O2 + 47.55 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH13 K/s 30 I NO2 + O -> NO + O2 + 45.91 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH14 K/s 30 I OH + HO2 -> H2O + O2 + 69.99 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH15 K/s 30 I H + HO2 -> H2 + O2 + 55.4 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH16 K/s 30 I O1D + O2 -> O + O2_1S + 7.63 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH17 K/s 30 I O1D + N2 -> O + N2 + 45.14 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH18 K/s 30 I O2_1S + O -> O2_1D + O + 14.97 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH19 K/s 30 I O2_1S + O2 -> O2_1D + O2 + 14.97 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH2 K/s 30 I O + O + M -> O2 + M + 119.12 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH20 K/s 30 I O2_1S + N2 -> O2_1D + N2 + 14.97 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH21 K/s 30 I O2_1S + O3 -> O2_1D + O3 + 14.97 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH22 K/s 30 I O2_1D + O -> O2 + O + 22.54 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH23 K/s 30 I O2_1D + O2 -> 2*O2 + 22.54 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH24 K/s 30 I O2_1D + N2 -> O2 + N2 + 22.54 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH25 K/s 30 I N2D + O2 -> NO + O1D + 42.43 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH26 K/s 30 I N2D + O -> N + O + 54.88 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH27 K/s 30 I N + O2 -> NO + O + 32.28 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH28 K/s 30 I N + NO -> N2 + O + 61.8 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH29 K/s 30 I O1D + O2 -> O + O2 + 45.14 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH3 K/s 30 I O + OH -> H + O2 + 16.35 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH30 K/s 30 I Op + O2 -> O2p + O + 35.878 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH31 K/s 30 I Op + N2 -> NOp + N + 25.105 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH32 K/s 30 I N2p + O -> NOp + N2D + 16.140 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH33 K/s 30 I O2p + N -> NOp + O + 97.073 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH34 K/s 30 I O2p + NO -> NOp + O2 + 64.862 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH35 K/s 30 I Np + O2 -> O2p + N + 57.322 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH36 K/s 30 I Np + O2 -> NOp + O + 154.46 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH37 K/s 30 I Np + O -> Op + N + 22.597 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH38 K/s 30 I N2p + O2 -> O2p + N2 + 81.164 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH39 K/s 30 I NOp + e -> 19.691 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH4 K/s 30 I O + HO2 -> OH + O2 + 53.97 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH40 K/s 30 I O2p + e -> 121.65 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH41 K/s 30 I N2p + e -> 84.807 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH5 K/s 30 I H + O2 + M -> HO2 + M + 48.8 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH6 K/s 30 I O + O2 + M -> O3 + M + 25.66 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH7 K/s 30 I H + O3 -> OH + O2 + 46.27 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH8 K/s 30 I HO2 + NO -> NO2 + OH + 8.06 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CPH9 K/s 30 I HO2 + O3 -> 2*O2 + OH + 28.31 kcal/mol chem pot heating rate
CSRFL DBz 30 A 94 GHz radar reflectivity (CloudSat thresholds)
CT_DMS kg/kg/s 30 A DMS source/sink
CT_H2O2 kg/kg/s 30 A H2O2 source/sink
CT_H2O_GHG kg/kg/s 30 A ghg-chem h2o source/sink
CT_H2SO4 kg/kg/s 30 A H2SO4 source/sink
CT_SO2 kg/kg/s 30 A SO2 source/sink
CT_SOAG kg/kg/s 30 A SOAG source/sink
CT_bc_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A bc_a1 source/sink
CT_dst_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a1 source/sink
CT_dst_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a3 source/sink
CT_ncl_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a1 source/sink
CT_ncl_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a2 source/sink
CT_ncl_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a3 source/sink
CT_num_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A num_a1 source/sink
CT_num_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A num_a2 source/sink
CT_num_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A num_a3 source/sink
CT_pom_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A pom_a1 source/sink
CT_so4_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a1 source/sink
CT_so4_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a2 source/sink
CT_so4_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a3 source/sink
CT_soa_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a1 source/sink
CT_soa_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a2 source/sink
CUSH&IC m 1 I Convective Scale Height
CV_REFFICE micron 30 A convective cloud ice effective radius
CV_REFFLIQ micron 30 A convective cloud liq effective radius
DCQ kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency due to moist processes
DDMSCHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
DF_DMS kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_H2O2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_H2SO4 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_NHX kg/m2/s 1 I NHx dry deposition flux
DF_NOY kg/m2/s 1 I NOy dry deposition flux
DF_SO2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_SOAG kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_SOX kg/m2/s 1 I SOx dry deposition flux
DF_bc_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_dst_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_dst_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_ncl_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_ncl_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_ncl_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_num_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_num_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_num_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_pom_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_so4_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_so4_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_so4_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_soa_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DF_soa_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A dry deposition flux
DH2O2CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
DH2SO4CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
DMECLDICE kg/kg/s 30 A CLDICE dme adjustment tendency (FV)
DMECLDLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A CLDLIQ dme adjustment tendency (FV)
DMEQ kg/kg/s 30 A Q dme adjustment tendency (FV)
DMS kg/kg 30 A DMS
DMS&IC kg/kg 30 I DMS
DMS_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
DMS_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
DMS_SRF kg/kg 1 A DMS in bottom layer
DPDLFICE kg/kg/s 30 A Detrained ice from deep convection
DPDLFLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A Detrained liquid water from deep convection
DPDLFT K/s 30 A T-tendency due to deep convective detrainment
DP_CLD fraction 30 A Deep convective cloud cover
DQP kg/kg/s 30 A Specific humidity tendency due to precipitation
DSNOW m 30 A Diagnostic grid-mean snow diameter
DSO2CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
DSOAGCHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
DSTODXC Tau 1 A Optical depth for diagnostics
DSTSFDRY kg/m2/s 1 A Dry deposition flux at surface
DSTSFMBL kg/m2/s 1 A Mobilization flux at surface
DSTSFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
DTANT 1 I photolysis diagnostic NH4SO4 OD
DTCBS 1 I photolysis diagnostic black carbon OD
DTCOND K/s 30 A T tendency - moist processes
DTCOND_12_COS K/s 30 A T tendency - moist processes 12hr. cos coeff.
DTCOND_12_SIN K/s 30 A T tendency - moist processes 12hr. sin coeff.
DTCOND_24_COS K/s 30 A T tendency - moist processes 24hr. cos coeff.
DTCOND_24_SIN K/s 30 A T tendency - moist processes 24hr. sin coeff.
DTCORE K/s 30 I T tendency due to dynamical core
DTDUST 1 I photolysis diagnostic dust OD
DTOCS 1 I photolysis diagnostic organic carbon OD
DTSAL 1 I photolysis diagnostic salt OD
DTSO4 1 I photolysis diagnostic SO4 OD
DTSOA 1 I photolysis diagnostic SOA OD
DTTOTAL 1 I photolysis diagnostic total aerosol OD
DTV K/s 30 A T vertical diffusion
DTVKE K/s 30 A dT/dt vertical diffusion KE dissipation
DUH K/s 30 A U horizontal diffusive heating
DUST4 m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
DUST4 m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
DUV m/s2 30 A U vertical diffusion
DVH K/s 30 A V horizontal diffusive heating
DVV m/s2 30 A V vertical diffusion
DV_DMS cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_H2O2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_H2SO4 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_SO2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_SOAG cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_bc_a1 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_dst_a1 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_dst_a3 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_ncl_a1 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_ncl_a2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_ncl_a3 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_num_a1 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_num_a2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_num_a3 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_pom_a1 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_so4_a1 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_so4_a2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_so4_a3 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_soa_a1 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
DV_soa_a2 cm/s 1 A deposition velocity
Dbc_a1CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Ddst_a1CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Ddst_a3CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dncl_a1CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dncl_a2CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dncl_a3CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dnum_a1CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dnum_a2CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dnum_a3CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dpom_a1CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dso4_a1CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dso4_a2CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dso4_a3CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dsoa_a1CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
Dsoa_a2CHM kg/s 30 A net tendency from chem
EFFICE Micron 30 A Prognostic ice effective radius
EFFLIQ Micron 30 A Prognostic droplet effective radius
EFFLIQ_IND Micron 30 A Prognostic droplet effective radius (indirect effect)
EMIS 1 1 I Cloud longwave emissivity
ENGYCORR W/m2 30 A Energy correction for over-all conservation
EVAPPREC kg/kg/s 30 A Rate of evaporation of falling precip
EVAPQCM kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency - Evaporation from Hack convection
EVAPQZM kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency - Evaporation from Zhang-McFarlane moist convection
EVAPSNOW kg/kg/s 30 A Rate of evaporation of falling snow
EVAPTCM K/s 30 A T tendency - Evaporation/snow prod from Hack convection
EVAPTZM K/s 30 A T tendency - Evaporation/snow prod from Zhang convection
EVSNTCM K/s 30 A T tendency - Snow to rain prod from Hack convection
EVSNTZM K/s 30 A T tendency - Snow to rain prod from Zhang convection
EXTINCT /m 30 A Aerosol extinction
FCSRFL fraction 30 A Fractional occurance of radar reflectivity (CloudSat thresholds)
FCTI fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of cloud top ice
FCTL fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of cloud top liquid
FDL W/m2 31 I Longwave downward flux
FDLC W/m2 31 I Longwave clear-sky downward flux
FDS W/m2 31 I Shortwave downward flux
FDSC W/m2 31 I Shortwave clear-sky downward flux
FICE fraction 30 A Fractional ice content within cloud
FLDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky Downwelling longwave flux at surface
FLN200 W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at 200 mb
FLN200C W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at 200 mb
FLNS W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at surface
FLNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at surface
FLNT W/m2 1 A Net longwave flux at top of model
FLNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model
FLUT W/m2 1 A Upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FLUTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model
FRACDAY 1 I photolysis diagnostic fraction of day
FREFL fraction 30 A Fractional occurance of radar reflectivity
FREQI fraction 30 A Fractional occurance of ice
FREQL fraction 30 A Fractional occurance of liquid
FREQR fraction 30 A Fractional occurance of rain
FREQS fraction 30 A Fractional occurance of snow
FREQSH fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of shallow convection
FREQZM fraction 1 A Fractional occurance of ZM convection
FRZRDT W/kg 30 A Latent heating rate due to homogeneous freezing of rain
FSDS W/m2 1 A Downwelling solar flux at surface
FSDSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface
FSN200 W/m2 1 A Net shortwave flux at 200 mb
FSN200C W/m2 1 A Clearsky net shortwave flux at 200 mb
FSNIRTOA W/m2 1 A Net near-infrared flux (Nimbus-7 WFOV) at top of atmosphere
FSNRTOAC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net near-infrared flux (Nimbus-7 WFOV) at top of atmosphere
FSNRTOAS W/m2 1 A Net near-infrared flux (>= 0.7 microns) at top of atmosphere
FSNS W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at surface
FSNSC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at surface
FSNT W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of model
FSNTC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of model
FSNTOA W/m2 1 A Net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSNTOAC W/m2 1 A Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere
FSUTOA W/m2 1 A Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere
FU m/s2 30 A Zonal wind forcing term
FUL W/m2 31 I Longwave upward flux
FULC W/m2 31 I Longwave clear-sky upward flux
FUS W/m2 31 I Shortwave upward flux
FUSC W/m2 31 I Shortwave clear-sky upward flux
FU_S m/s2 30 A Zonal wind forcing term on staggered grid
FV m/s2 30 A Meridional wind forcing term
FV_S m/s2 30 A Meridional wind forcing term on staggered grid
FZSNTCM K/s 30 A T tendency - Rain to snow conversion from Hack convection
FZSNTZM K/s 30 A T tendency - Rain to snow conversion from Zhang convection
GCLDLWP kg/m2 30 A Grid-box cloud water path
GS_DMS kg/m2/s 1 A DMS gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_H2O2 kg/m2/s 1 A H2O2 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_H2SO4 kg/m2/s 1 A H2SO4 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_SO2 kg/m2/s 1 A SO2 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_SOAG kg/m2/s 1 A SOAG gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_bc_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A bc_a1 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_dst_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a1 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_dst_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a3 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_ncl_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_ncl_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_ncl_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a3 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_num_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A num_a1 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_num_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A num_a2 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_num_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A num_a3 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_pom_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A pom_a1 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_so4_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_so4_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_so4_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a3 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_soa_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
GS_soa_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 gas chemistry/wet removal (for gas species)
H2O2 kg/kg 30 A H2O2
H2O2&IC kg/kg 30 I H2O2
H2O2_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
H2O2_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
H2O2_SRF kg/kg 1 A H2O2 in bottom layer
H2O_GAS mol/mol 30 I gas-phase h2o
H2O_dens molecules/cm3 30 A invariant density
H2O_vmr mole/mole 30 A invariant density
H2SO4 kg/kg 30 A H2SO4
H2SO4&IC kg/kg 30 I H2SO4
H2SO4MMR kg/kg 30 I radiative sulfate aerosol mmr
H2SO4M_C ug/m3 30 I chemical sulfate aerosol mass
H2SO4M_R ug/m3 30 I radiative sulfate aerosol mass
H2SO4_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
H2SO4_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
H2SO4_SRF kg/kg 1 A H2SO4 in bottom layer
H2SO4_sfgaex1 kg/m2/s 1 A H2SO4 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency
H2SO4_sfnnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A H2SO4 modal_aero new particle nucleation column tendency
HEIGHT m 31 A geopotential height above surface at interfaces (m)
HKEIHEAT W/kg 30 A Heating by ice and evaporation in HK convection
HKFLXPRC kg/m2/s 31 A Flux of precipitation from HK convection
HKFLXSNW kg/m2/s 31 A Flux of snow from HK convection
HKNTPRPD kg/kg/s 30 A Net precipitation production from HK convection
HKNTSNPD kg/kg/s 30 A Net snow production from HK convection
HNO3_GAS mol/mol 30 I gas-phase hno3
HNO3_NAT mol/mol 30 I NAT condensed HNO3
HNO3_STS mol/mol 30 I STS condensed HNO3
HO2 mol/mol 30 I prescribed tracer constituent
HO2_dens molecules/cm3 30 A invariant density
HO2_vmr mole/mole 30 A invariant density
HOMOO kg/kg/s 30 A Homogeneous freezing of cloud water
HPROGCLD W/kg 30 A Heating from prognostic clouds
HR K/s 30 A Heating rate needed for d(theta)/dt computation
ICECLDF fraction 30 A Stratus ICE cloud fraction
ICEFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
ICEFRAC&IC fraction 1 I Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice
ICE_ICLD_VISTAU 1 30 A Ice in-cloud extinction visible sw optical depth
ICIMR kg/kg 30 A Prognostic in-cloud ice mixing ratio
ICIMRCU kg/kg 30 A Convection in-cloud ice mixing ratio
ICIMRST kg/kg 30 A Prognostic in-stratus ice mixing ratio
ICIMRTOT kg/kg 30 A Total in-cloud ice mixing ratio
ICINC m-3 30 A Prognostic in-cloud ice number conc
ICLDIWP kg/m2 30 A In-cloud ice water path
ICLDTWP kg/m2 30 A In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice)
ICLMRCU kg/kg 30 A Convection in-cloud liquid mixing ratio
ICLMRTOT kg/kg 30 A Total in-cloud liquid mixing ratio
ICWMR kg/kg 30 A Prognostic in-cloud water mixing ratio
ICWMRDP kg/kg 30 A Deep Convection in-cloud water mixing ratio
ICWMRSH kg/kg 30 A Shallow Convection in-cloud water mixing ratio
ICWMRST kg/kg 30 A Prognostic in-stratus water mixing ratio
ICWNC m-3 30 A Prognostic in-cloud water number conc
IWC kg/m3 30 A Grid box average ice water content
JO2_EUV /s 30 I total jo2 euv photolysis rate
J_001 /s 30 I photolysis rate
KTOOP K/s 30 A (Kappa*T)*(omega/P)
KVH m2/s 31 A Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture)
KVH&IC m2/s 31 I Vertical diffusion diffusivities (heat/moisture)
KVM m2/s 31 A Vertical diffusion diffusivities (momentum)
KVM&IC m2/s 31 I Vertical diffusion diffusivities (momentum)
LANDFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by land
LCLOUD 30 A Liquid cloud fraction
LCWAT&IC kg/kg 30 I Cloud water (ice + liq
LHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface latent heat flux
LIQCLDF fraction 30 A Stratus Liquid cloud fraction
LIQ_ICLD_VISTAU 1 30 A Liquid in-cloud extinction visible sw optical depth
LND_MBL frac 1 A Soil erodibility factor
LPSTEN Pa/s 1 A Surface pressure tendency
LS_FLXPRC kg/m2/s 31 A ls stratiform gbm interface rain+snow flux
LS_FLXSNW kg/m2/s 31 A ls stratiform gbm interface snow flux
LS_REFFRAIN micron 30 A ls stratiform rain effective radius
LS_REFFSNOW micron 30 A ls stratiform snow effective radius
LWC kg/m3 30 A Grid box average liquid water content
LWCF W/m2 1 A Longwave cloud forcing
LWSH m 1 A Liquid water scale height
MACPDICE kg/kg/s 30 A CLDICE tendency - Revised macrophysics
MACPDLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A CLDLIQ tendency - Revised macrophysics
MACPDQ kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency - Revised macrophysics
MACPDT W/kg 30 A Heating tendency - Revised macrophysics
MASS kg 30 A mass of grid box
MELTO kg/kg/s 30 A Melting of cloud ice
MELTSDT W/kg 30 A Latent heating rate due to melting of snow
MNUCCCO kg/kg/s 30 A Immersion freezing of cloud water
MNUCCDO kg/kg/s 30 A Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation from vapor
MNUCCDOhet kg/kg/s 30 A Heterogeneous nucleation from vapor
MNUCCRO kg/kg/s 30 A Heterogeneous freezing of rain to snow
MNUCCTO kg/kg/s 30 A Contact freezing of cloud water
MPDI2P kg/kg/s 30 A Ice <--> Precip tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDI2V kg/kg/s 30 A Ice <--> Vapor tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDI2W kg/kg/s 30 A Ice <--> Water tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDICE kg/kg/s 30 A CLDICE tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A CLDLIQ tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDQ kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDT W/kg 30 A Heating tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDW2I kg/kg/s 30 A Water <--> Ice tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDW2P kg/kg/s 30 A Water <--> Precip tendency - Morrison microphysics
MPDW2V kg/kg/s 30 A Water <--> Vapor tendency - Morrison microphysics
MQ kg/m2 30 A Water vapor mass in layer
MSACWIO kg/kg/s 30 A Conversion of cloud water from rime-splintering
M_dens molecules/cm3 30 A invariant density
M_vmr mole/mole 30 A invariant density
N2D_SPE molec/cm3/s 30 I solar proton event N(2S) source
N2_dens molecules/cm3 30 A invariant density
N2_vmr mole/mole 30 A invariant density
N4S_SPE molec/cm3/s 30 I solar proton event N(4S) source
NCAI #/m3 30 A Number Concentation Activated for Ice
NCAL #/m3 30 A Number Concentation Activated for Liquid
NDROPCOL #/m2 1 A Column droplet number
NDROPMIX #/kg/s 30 A Droplet number mixing
NDROPSNK #/kg/s 30 A Droplet number loss by microphysics
NDROPSRC #/kg/s 30 A Droplet number source
NHX_mmr kg/kg 30 A NHx mass mixing ratio
NIDEP #/m3 30 A Activated Ice Number Concentation due to deposition nucleation
NIHF #/m3 30 A Activated Ice Number Concentation due to homogenous freezing
NIIMM #/m3 30 A Activated Ice Number Concentation due to immersion freezing
NIMEY #/m3 30 A Activated Ice Number Concentation due to meyers deposition
NO3 mol/mol 30 I prescribed tracer constituent
NO3_dens molecules/cm3 30 A invariant density
NO3_vmr mole/mole 30 A invariant density
NOX mol/mol 30 A nox volume mixing ratio
NOY mol/mol 30 A noy volume mixing ratio
NOY_mmr kg/kg 30 A NOy mass mixing ratio
NO_Aircraft molec/cm3/s 30 A aircraft NO source
NO_Lightning molec/cm3/s 30 A lightning NO source
NRAIN m-3 30 A Diagnostic grid-mean rain number conc
NSNOW m-3 30 A Diagnostic grid-mean snow number conc
NSTEP timestep 1 A Model timestep
NUMICE kg/kg 30 A Grid box averaged cloud ice number
NUMICE&IC kg/kg 30 I Grid box averaged cloud ice number
NUMLIQ kg/kg 30 A Grid box averaged cloud liquid number
NUMLIQ&IC kg/kg 30 I Grid box averaged cloud liquid number
O2_dens molecules/cm3 30 A invariant density
O2_vmr mole/mole 30 A invariant density
O3 mol/mol 30 I prescribed tracer constituent
O3_dens molecules/cm3 30 A invariant density
O3_vmr mole/mole 30 A invariant density
OCNFRAC fraction 1 A Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean
OCPHI m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
OCPHI m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
OCPHO m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
ODV_bc_a1 1 1 A bc_a1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dst_a1 1 1 A dst_a1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_dst_a3 1 1 A dst_a3 optical depth in visible band
ODV_ncl_a1 1 1 A ncl_a1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_ncl_a2 1 1 A ncl_a2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_ncl_a3 1 1 A ncl_a3 optical depth in visible band
ODV_pom_a1 1 1 A pom_a1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_so4_a1 1 1 A so4_a1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_so4_a2 1 1 A so4_a2 optical depth in visible band
ODV_so4_a3 1 1 A so4_a3 optical depth in visible band
ODV_soa_a1 1 1 A soa_a1 optical depth in visible band
ODV_soa_a2 1 1 A soa_a2 optical depth in visible band
OH mol/mol 30 I prescribed tracer constituent
OH_SPE molec/cm3/s 30 I solar proton event HOx source
OH_dens molecules/cm3 30 A invariant density
OH_vmr mole/mole 30 A invariant density
OMEGA Pa/s 30 A Vertical velocity (pressure)
OMEGA500 Pa/s 1 A Vertical velocity at 500 mbar pressure surface
OMEGA850 Pa/s 1 A Vertical velocity at 850 mbar pressure surface
OMEGAQ kgPa/kgs 30 A Vertical water transport
OMEGAT K Pa/s 30 A Vertical heat flux
OMEGAU m Pa/s2 30 A Vertical flux of zonal momentum
OMEGAV m Pa/s2 30 A Vertical flux of meridional momentum
OMGAOMGA Pa2/s2 30 A Vertical flux of vertical momentum
ORO frac 1 A ORO
PBLH m 1 A PBL height
PBLH&IC m 1 I PBL height
PCLDBOT 1 1 A Pressure of cloud base
PCLDTOP 1 1 A Pressure of cloud top
PCONVB Pa 1 A convection base pressure
PCONVT Pa 1 A convection top pressure
PDELDRY Pa 30 A Dry pressure difference between levels
PHIS m2/s2 1 I Surface geopotential
PRACSO kg/kg/s 30 A Accretion of rain by snow
PRAIO kg/kg/s 30 A Accretion of cloud ice by rain
PRAO kg/kg/s 30 A Accretion of cloud water by rain
PRCIO kg/kg/s 30 A Autoconversion of cloud ice
PRCO kg/kg/s 30 A Autoconversion of cloud water
PRECC m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECCDZM m/s 1 A Convective precipitation rate from ZM deep
PRECCav m/s 1 A Average large-scale precipitation (liq + ice)
PRECL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECLav m/s 1 A Average convective precipitation (liq + ice)
PRECSC m/s 1 A Convective snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECSH m/s 1 A Shallow Convection precipitation rate
PRECSL m/s 1 A Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent)
PRECT m/s 1 A Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice)
PRECTMX m/s 1 X Maximum (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq+ice)
PRECZ m/s 1 A total precipitation from ZM convection
PRODPREC kg/kg/s 30 A Rate of conversion of condensate to precip
PS Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PS&IC Pa 1 I Surface pressure
PSACWSO kg/kg/s 30 A Accretion of cloud water by snow
PSDRY Pa 1 A Surface pressure
PSL Pa 1 A Sea level pressure
PTECLDICE kg/kg/s 30 A CLDICE total physics tendency
PTECLDLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A CLDLIQ total physics tendency
PTEQ kg/kg/s 30 A Q total physics tendency
PTTEND K/s 30 A T total physics tendency
PTTEND_RESID K/s 30 A T-tendency due to BAB kluge at end of tphysac (diagnostic not part of T-budget)
Q kg/kg 30 A Specific humidity
Q&IC kg/kg 30 I Specific humidity
Q1000 kg/kg 1 A Specific Humidity at 1000 mbar pressure surface
Q200 kg/kg 1 A Specific Humidity at 700 mbar pressure surface
Q850 kg/kg 1 A Specific Humidity at 850 mbar pressure surface
Q925 kg/kg 1 A Specific Humidity at 925 mbar pressure surface
QAP kg/kg 30 A Specific humidity (after physics)
QBOT kg/kg 1 A Lowest model level water vapor mixing ratio
QBP kg/kg 30 A Specific humidity (before physics)
QC kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency - shallow convection LW export
QCP K/s 30 I chem pot heating rate
QCRESO kg/kg/s 30 A Residual condensation term for cloud water
QCSEDTEN kg/kg/s 30 A Cloud water mixing ratio tendency from sedimentation
QCSEVAP kg/kg/s 30 A Rate of evaporation of falling cloud water
QCWAT&IC kg/kg 30 I q associated with cloud water
QDCHEM /s 30 I water vapor chemistry delta
QDSAD /s 30 I water vapor sad delta
QDSETT /s 30 I water vapor settling delta
QFLX kg/m2/s 1 A Surface water flux
QIRESO kg/kg/s 30 A Residual deposition term for cloud ice
QISEDTEN kg/kg/s 30 A Cloud ice mixing ratio tendency from sedimentation
QISEVAP kg/kg/s 30 A Rate of sublimation of falling cloud ice
QPERT kg/kg 1 A Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL)
QPERT&IC kg/kg 1 I Perturbation specific humidity (eddies in PBL)
QQ kg2/kg2 30 A Eddy moisture variance
QRAIN kg/kg 30 A Diagnostic grid-mean rain mixing ratio
QREFHT kg/kg 1 A Reference height humidity
QRL K/s 30 A Longwave heating rate
QRLC K/s 30 A Clearsky longwave heating rate
QRS K/s 30 A Solar heating rate
QRSC K/s 30 A Clearsky solar heating rate
QRS_AUR K/s 30 I total auroral heating rate
QRS_CO2NIR K/s 30 I co2 nir heating rate
QRS_EUV K/s 30 I total euv heating rate
QRS_LO2B K/s 30 I O2 + hv -> 2*O3P solar heating rate > 200nm
QRS_LO3 K/s 30 I Total O3 solar heating > 200nm
QRS_LO3A K/s 30 I O3 + hv -> O1D + O2_1S solar heating rate > 200nm
QRS_LO3B K/s 30 I O3 + hv -> O3P + O2 solar heating rate > 200nm
QRS_SO2A K/s 30 I O2 + hv -> O1D + O3P solar heating rate < 200nm
QRS_SO2B K/s 30 I O2 + hv -> O3P + O3P solar heating rate < 200nm
QRS_SO3A K/s 30 I O3 + hv -> O1D + O2_1S solar heating rate < 200nm
QRS_SO3B K/s 30 I O3 + hv -> O3P + O2 solar heating rate < 200nm
QSNOW kg/kg 30 A Diagnostic grid-mean snow mixing ratio
QT kg/kg 30 A Total water mixing ratio
QTFLX W/m2 31 A Total water flux
QTHERMAL K/s 30 I non-euv photolysis heating rate
QVRES kg/kg/s 30 A Rate of residual condensation term
RAD_ICE cm 30 I sad ice
RAD_LNAT cm 30 I large nat radius
RAD_SULFC cm 30 I chemical sad sulfate
RAD_SULFR cm 30 I radiative sad sulfate
RAM1 frac 1 A RAM1
REFL DBz 30 A 94 GHz radar reflectivity
REI micron 30 A MG REI stratiform cloud effective radius ice
REL micron 30 A MG REL stratiform cloud effective radius liquid
RELHUM percent 30 A Relative humidity
RERCLD m 30 A Diagnostic effective radius of Liquid Cloud and Rain
RHCFMIP percent 30 A Relative humidity with respect to water above 273 K, ice below 273 K
RHI percent 30 A Relative humidity with respect to ice
RHREFHT fraction 1 A Reference height relative humidity
RHW percent 30 A Relative humidity with respect to liquid
R_001 /cm3/s 30 I reaction rate
R_002 /cm3/s 30 I reaction rate
R_003 /cm3/s 30 I reaction rate
R_004 /cm3/s 30 I reaction rate
R_005 /cm3/s 30 I reaction rate
R_006 /cm3/s 30 I reaction rate
SAD cm2/cm3 30 I sulfate aerosol SAD
SAD_ICE cm2/cm3 30 I water-ice aerosol SAD
SAD_LNAT cm2/cm3 30 I large-mode NAT aerosol SAD
SAD_SULFC cm2/cm3 30 I chemical sulfate aerosol SAD
SAD_SULFR cm2/cm3 30 I radiative sulfate aerosol SAD
SETLWP gram/m2 30 A Prescribed liquid water path
SFCLDICE kg/m2/s 1 A CLDICE surface flux
SFCLDLIQ kg/m2/s 1 A CLDLIQ surface flux
SFDMS kg/m2/s 1 A DMS surface flux
SFH2O2 kg/m2/s 1 A H2O2 surface flux
SFH2SO4 kg/m2/s 1 A H2SO4 surface flux
SFI FRACTION 31 A Interface-layer sat frac
SFNUMICE kg/m2/s 1 A NUMICE surface flux
SFNUMLIQ kg/m2/s 1 A NUMLIQ surface flux
SFSO2 kg/m2/s 1 A SO2 surface flux
SFSOAG kg/m2/s 1 A SOAG surface flux
SFbc_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A bc_a1 surface flux
SFdst_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a1 surface flux
SFdst_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a3 surface flux
SFncl_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 surface flux
SFncl_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 surface flux
SFncl_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a3 surface flux
SFnum_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A num_a1 surface flux
SFnum_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A num_a2 surface flux
SFnum_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A num_a3 surface flux
SFpom_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A pom_a1 surface flux
SFso4_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 surface flux
SFso4_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 surface flux
SFso4_a3 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a3 surface flux
SFsoa_a1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 surface flux
SFsoa_a2 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 surface flux
SGH m 1 I Standard deviation of orography
SGH30 m 1 I Standard deviation of 30s orography
SHDLFICE kg/kg/s 30 A Detrained ice from shallow convection
SHDLFLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A Detrained liquid water from shallow convection
SHDLFT K/s 30 A T-tendency due to shallow convective detrainment
SHFLX W/m2 1 A Surface sensible heat flux
SH_CLD fraction 30 A Shallow convective cloud cover
SICTHK m 1 A Sea ice thickness
SICTHK&IC m 1 I Sea ice thickness
SL J/kg 30 A Liquid water static energy
SLFLX W/m2 31 A Liquid static energy flux
SLV J/kg 30 A Liq wat virtual static energy
SNOWHICE m 1 A Water equivalent snow depth
SNOWHICE&IC m 1 I Water equivalent snow depth
SNOWHLND m 1 A Water equivalent snow depth
SNOW_ICLD_VISTAU 1 30 A Snow in-cloud extinction visible sw optical depth
SO2 kg/kg 30 A SO2
SO2&IC kg/kg 30 I SO2
SO2_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
SO2_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
SO2_CLXF molec/cm2/s 1 A vertically intergrated external forcing for SO2
SO2_SRF kg/kg 1 A SO2 in bottom layer
SO2_XFRC molec/cm3/s 30 A external forcing for SO2
SOAG kg/kg 30 A SOAG
SOAG&IC kg/kg 30 I SOAG
SOAG_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
SOAG_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
SOAG_SRF kg/kg 1 A SOAG in bottom layer
SOAG_sfgaex1 kg/m2/s 1 A SOAG gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency
SOLIN W/m2 1 A Solar insolation
SOLL W/m2 1 A Solar downward near infrared direct to surface
SOLLD W/m2 1 A Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface
SOLS W/m2 1 A Solar downward visible direct to surface
SOLSD W/m2 1 A Solar downward visible diffuse to surface
SOX_mmr kg/kg 30 A SOx mass mixing ratio
SPROD M2/S3 31 A Shear Production
SRFRAD W/m2 1 A Net radiative flux at surface
SSAM m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
SSAM m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
SSAM m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
SSAVIS 1 A Aerosol singel-scatter albedo
SST K 1 A sea surface temperature
SSTODXC Tau 1 A Optical depth for diagnostics
SSTSFDRY kg/m2/s 1 A Dry deposition flux at surface
SSTSFMBL kg/m2/s 1 A Mobilization flux at surface
SSTSFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
SULFATE m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
SULFATE m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
SULFATE m-3 30 A aerosol number concentration
SWCF W/m2 1 A Shortwave cloud forcing
SZA degrees 1 I solar zenith angle
T K 30 A Temperature
T&IC K 30 I Temperature
T1000 K 1 A Temperature at 1000 mbar pressure surface
T200 K 1 A Temperature at 200 mbar pressure surface
T300 K 1 A Temperature at 300 mbar pressure surface
T500 K 1 A Temperature at 500 mbar pressure surface
T700 K 1 A Temperature at 700 mbar pressure surface
T7001000 K 1 A Temperature difference 700 mb - 1000 mb
T850 K 1 A Temperature at 850 mbar pressure surface
T8501000 K 1 A Temperature difference 850 mb - 1000 mb
T925 K 1 A Temperature at 925 mbar pressure surface
T9251000 K 1 A Temperature difference 925 mb - 1000 mb
TACLDICE kg/kg/s 30 A CLDICE horz + vert + fixer tendency
TACLDLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A CLDLIQ horz + vert + fixer tendency
TADMS kg/kg/s 30 A DMS horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAH2O2 kg/kg/s 30 A H2O2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAH2SO4 kg/kg/s 30 A H2SO4 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TANUMICE kg/kg/s 30 A NUMICE horz + vert + fixer tendency
TANUMLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A NUMLIQ horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAP K 30 A Temperature (after physics)
TAQ kg/kg/s 30 A Q horz + vert + fixer tendency
TASO2 kg/kg/s 30 A SO2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TASOAG kg/kg/s 30 A SOAG horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAUGWX N/m2 1 A Zonal gravity wave surface stress
TAUGWY N/m2 1 A Meridional gravity wave surface stress
TAUTMSX N/m2 1 A Zonal turbulent mountain surface stress
TAUTMSY N/m2 1 A Meridional turbulent mountain surface stress
TAUX N/m2 1 A Zonal surface stress
TAUY N/m2 1 A Meridional surface stress
TAbc_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A bc_a1 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAdst_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a1 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAdst_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a3 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAncl_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a1 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAncl_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAncl_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a3 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAnum_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A num_a1 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAnum_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A num_a2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAnum_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A num_a3 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TApom_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A pom_a1 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAso4_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a1 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAso4_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAso4_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a3 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAsoa_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a1 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TAsoa_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a2 horz + vert + fixer tendency
TBOT K 1 A Lowest model level temperature
TBOT&IC K 1 I Lowest model level temperature
TBP K 30 A Temperature (before physics)
TCLY mol/mol 30 A total Cl volume mixing ratio
TCWAT&IC kg/kg 30 I T associated with cloud water
TEFIX W/m2 1 A Total energy after fixer
TEINP W/m2 1 A Total energy of physics input
TEOUT W/m2 1 A Total energy of physics output
TFIX K/s 1 A T fixer (T equivalent of Energy correction)
TGCLDCWP kg/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud water path (liquid and ice)
TGCLDIWP kg/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud ice water path
TGCLDLWP kg/m2 1 A Total grid-box cloud liquid water path
TH7001000 K 1 A Theta difference 700 mb - 1000 mb
TH8501000 K 1 A Theta difference 850 mb - 1000 mb
TH9251000 K 1 A Theta difference 925 mb - 1000 mb
THE7001000 K 1 A ThetaE difference 700 mb - 1000 mb
THE8501000 K 1 A ThetaE difference 850 mb - 1000 mb
THE9251000 K 1 A ThetaE difference 925 mb - 1000 mb
TKE m2/s2 31 A Turbulent Kinetic Energy
TKE&IC m2/s2 31 I Turbulent Kinetic Energy
TMCLDICE kg/m2 1 A CLDICE column burden
TMCLDLIQ kg/m2 1 A CLDLIQ column burden
TMDMS kg/m2 1 A DMS column burden
TMH2O2 kg/m2 1 A H2O2 column burden
TMH2SO4 kg/m2 1 A H2SO4 column burden
TMNUMICE kg/m2 1 A NUMICE column burden
TMNUMLIQ kg/m2 1 A NUMLIQ column burden
TMQ kg/m2 1 A Total (vertically integrated) precipitatable water
TMSO2 kg/m2 1 A SO2 column burden
TMSOAG kg/m2 1 A SOAG column burden
TMbc_a1 kg/m2 1 A bc_a1 column burden
TMdst_a1 kg/m2 1 A dst_a1 column burden
TMdst_a3 kg/m2 1 A dst_a3 column burden
TMncl_a1 kg/m2 1 A ncl_a1 column burden
TMncl_a2 kg/m2 1 A ncl_a2 column burden
TMncl_a3 kg/m2 1 A ncl_a3 column burden
TMnum_a1 kg/m2 1 A num_a1 column burden
TMnum_a2 kg/m2 1 A num_a2 column burden
TMnum_a3 kg/m2 1 A num_a3 column burden
TMpom_a1 kg/m2 1 A pom_a1 column burden
TMso4_a1 kg/m2 1 A so4_a1 column burden
TMso4_a2 kg/m2 1 A so4_a2 column burden
TMso4_a3 kg/m2 1 A so4_a3 column burden
TMsoa_a1 kg/m2 1 A soa_a1 column burden
TMsoa_a2 kg/m2 1 A soa_a2 column burden
TOTH mol/mol 30 A total H2 volume mixing ratio
TOT_CLD_VISTAU 1 30 A Total gbx cloud extinction visible sw optical depth
TOT_ICLD_VISTAU 1 30 A Total in-cloud extinction visible sw optical depth
TPERT K 1 A Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL)
TPERT&IC K 1 I Perturbation temperature (eddies in PBL)
TREFHT K 1 A Reference height temperature
TREFHTMN K 1 M Minimum reference height temperature over output period
TREFHTMX K 1 X Maximum reference height temperature over output period
TREFMNAV K 1 A Average of TREFHT daily minimum
TREFMXAV K 1 A Average of TREFHT daily maximum
TROPP_FD probability 1 A Tropopause Found (primary)
TROPP_P Pa 1 A Tropopause Pressure (primary)
TROPP_PD probability 30 A Tropopause Distribution (primary)
TROPP_T K 1 A Tropopause Temperature (primary)
TROPP_Z m 1 A Tropopause Height (primary)
TROP_FD probability 1 A Tropopause Found
TROP_P Pa 1 A Tropopause Pressure
TROP_PD probability 30 A Tropopause Probabilty
TROP_T K 1 A Tropopause Temperature
TROP_Z m 1 A Tropopause Height
TS K 1 A Surface temperature (radiative)
TS1 K 1 A TS1 subsoil temperature
TS1&IC K 1 I TS1 subsoil temperature
TS2 K 1 A TS2 subsoil temperature
TS2&IC K 1 I TS2 subsoil temperature
TS3 K 1 A TS3 subsoil temperature
TS3&IC K 1 I TS3 subsoil temperature
TS4 K 1 A TS4 subsoil temperature
TS4&IC K 1 I TS4 subsoil temperature
TSICE K 1 A Ice temperature
TSICE&IC K 1 I Ice temperature
TSICERAD&IC K 1 I Radiatively equivalent ice temperature
TSMN K 1 M Minimum surface temperature over output period
TSMX K 1 X Maximum surface temperature over output period
TT K2 30 A Eddy temperature variance
TTEND K/s 30 A Total T tendency (all processes)
TTEND_TOT K/s 30 A Total temperature tendency
TTGWORO K/s 30 A T tendency - orographic gravity wave drag
U m/s 30 A Zonal wind
U10 m/s 1 A 10m wind speed
U200 m/s 1 A Zonal wind at 200 mbar pressure surface
U250 m/s 1 A Zonal wind at 250 mbar pressure surface
U850 m/s 1 A Zonal wind at 850 mbar pressure surface
UAP m/s 30 A Zonal wind (after physics)
UBOT m/s 1 A Lowest model level zonal wind
UFLX W/m2 31 A Zonal momentum flux
US m/s 30 A Zonal wind, staggered
US&IC m/s 30 I Zonal wind, staggered
USTAR m/s 1 A Surface friction velocity
UTEND m/s2 30 A U tendency
UTGWORO m/s2 30 A U tendency - orographic gravity wave drag
UU m2/s2 30 A Zonal velocity squared
UWFLXPRC kg/m2/s 31 A Flux of precipitation from UW shallow convection
UWFLXSNW kg/m2/s 31 A Flux of snow from UW shallow convection
UW_bprod m2/s3 31 A Buoyancy production, I
UW_chs g*kg/J 31 A Buoyancy Coefficient, chs, I
UW_chu g*kg/J 31 A Buoyancy Coefficient, chu, I
UW_cldn no 30 A Cloud Fraction, L
UW_cms g/kg/kg 31 A Buoyancy Coefficient, cms, I
UW_cmu g/kg/kg 31 A Buoyancy Coefficient, cmu, I
UW_ebrk m2/s2 30 A CL-averaged TKE, CL
UW_errorPBL m2/s 1 A Error function of UW PBL
UW_evhc no 30 A Evaporative enhancement factor, CL
UW_gh no 31 A gh at all interfaces, I
UW_ghcl no 30 A CL-averaged gh, CL
UW_jbbu m/s2 30 A Buoyancy jump across CL base, CL
UW_jt2slv J/kg 30 A slv jump for evhc, CL
UW_jtbu m/s2 30 A Buoyancy jump across CL top, CL
UW_kbase_f no 30 A Final kbase with SRCL, CL
UW_kbase_mg no 30 A kbase after merging, CL
UW_kbase_o no 30 A Initial CL Base Exterbal Interface Index, CL
UW_ktop_f no 30 A Final ktop with SRCL, CL
UW_ktop_mg no 30 A ktop after merging, CL
UW_ktop_o no 30 A Initial Top Exterbal Interface Index, CL
UW_kvh m2/s 31 A Eddy diffusivity of heat, I
UW_kvm m2/s 31 A Eddy diffusivity of uv, I
UW_lbrk m 30 A CL internal thickness, CL
UW_leng m/s 31 A Turbulence length scale, I
UW_lwp kg/m2 30 A LWP in the CL top layer, CL
UW_minpblh m 1 A Minimum PBLH, 1
UW_n2 s-2 30 A Buoyancy Frequency, LI
UW_n2hb s-2 30 A n2 at just above CL base interface
UW_n2ht s-2 30 A n2 at just below CL top interface, CL
UW_ncvfin_f # 1 A Final ncvfin with SRCL, CL
UW_ncvfin_mg # 1 A ncvfin after merging, CL
UW_ncvfin_o # 1 A Initial Total Number of CL regimes, CL
UW_optdepth no 30 A Optical depth of the CL top layer, CL
UW_pblh m 1 A PBLH, 1
UW_pblhp Pa 1 A PBLH pressure, 1
UW_ql kg/kg 30 A ql(LWC), L
UW_qpert kg/kg 1 A Convective qt excess, I
UW_qrl g*W/m2 30 A LW cooling rate, L
UW_radf m2/s3 30 A Buoyancy production at the CL top by radf, I
UW_radfrac no 30 A Fraction of radiative cooling confined in the CL top
UW_ri no 30 A Interface Richardson Number, I
UW_ria no 31 A ri at all interfaces, I
UW_ricl no 30 A CL-averaged Ri, CL
UW_s2 s-2 30 A Shear Frequency, LI
UW_sfi no 31 A Interface Saturation Fraction, I
UW_sflh no 30 A Lower-Half Saturation Fraction, L
UW_sfuh no 30 A Upper-Half Saturation Fraction, L
UW_sh no 31 A sh at all interfaces, I
UW_shcl no 30 A CL-averaged sh, CL
UW_sm no 31 A sm at all interfaces, I
UW_smcl no 30 A CL-averaged sm, CL
UW_sprod m2/s3 31 A Shear production, I
UW_tke m2/s2 31 A TKE, I
UW_tkes m2/s2 1 A Surface TKE, 1
UW_tpert K 1 A Convective T excess, 1
UW_turbtype no 31 A Interface Turbulence Type, I
UW_ustar m/s 1 A Surface Frictional Velocity, 1
UW_wbrk m2/s2 30 A CL-averaged W, CL
UW_wcap m2/s2 31 A Wcap, I
UW_web m/s 30 A Entrainment rate at CL base, CL
UW_wet m/s 30 A Entrainment rate at CL top, CL
UW_wpert m/s 1 A Convective W excess, I
UW_wstar m/s 30 A Convective velocity, Wstar, CL
UW_wstar3fact no 30 A Enhancement of wstar3 due to entrainment, CL
V m/s 30 A Meridional wind
V200 m/s 1 A Meridional wind at 200 mbar pressure surface
V250 m/s 1 A Meridional wind at 250 mbar pressure surface
V850 m/s 1 A Meridional wind at 850 mbar pressure surface
VAP m/s 30 A Meridional wind (after physics)
VAT K/s 30 A Vertical advective tendency of T
VBOT m/s 1 A Lowest model level meridional wind
VD01 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of Q
VDCLDICE kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of CLDICE
VDCLDLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of CLDLIQ
VDDMS kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of DMS
VDH2O2 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of H2O2
VDH2SO4 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of H2SO4
VDNUMICE kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of NUMICE
VDNUMLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of NUMLIQ
VDSO2 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of SO2
VDSOAG kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of SOAG
VDbc_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of bc_a1
VDdst_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of dst_a1
VDdst_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of dst_a3
VDncl_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of ncl_a1
VDncl_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of ncl_a2
VDncl_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of ncl_a3
VDnum_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of num_a1
VDnum_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of num_a2
VDnum_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of num_a3
VDpom_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of pom_a1
VDso4_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of so4_a1
VDso4_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of so4_a2
VDso4_a3 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of so4_a3
VDsoa_a1 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of soa_a1
VDsoa_a2 kg/kg/s 30 A Vertical diffusion of soa_a2
VFLX W/m2 31 A Meridional momentm flux
VQ m/skg/kg 30 A Meridional water transport
VS m/s 30 A Meridional wind, staggered
VS&IC m/s 30 I Meridional wind, staggered
VT K m/s 30 A Meridional heat transport
VTEND m/s2 30 A V tendency
VTGWORO m/s2 30 A V tendency - orographic gravity wave drag
VTRMC m/s 30 A Mass-weighted cloud water fallspeed
VTRMI m/s 30 A Mass-weighted cloud ice fallspeed
VU m2/s2 30 A Meridional flux of zonal momentum
VV m2/s2 30 A Meridional velocity squared
VZ m2/s 30 A Meridional transport of geopotential energy
WDR_DMS /s 30 A DMS wet deposition rate
WDR_H2O2 /s 30 A H2O2 wet deposition rate
WDR_H2SO4 /s 30 A H2SO4 wet deposition rate
WDR_SO2 /s 30 A SO2 wet deposition rate
WDR_SOAG /s 30 A SOAG wet deposition rate
WDR_bc_a1 /s 30 A bc_a1 wet deposition rate
WDR_dst_a1 /s 30 A dst_a1 wet deposition rate
WDR_dst_a3 /s 30 A dst_a3 wet deposition rate
WDR_ncl_a1 /s 30 A ncl_a1 wet deposition rate
WDR_ncl_a2 /s 30 A ncl_a2 wet deposition rate
WDR_ncl_a3 /s 30 A ncl_a3 wet deposition rate
WDR_num_a1 /s 30 A num_a1 wet deposition rate
WDR_num_a2 /s 30 A num_a2 wet deposition rate
WDR_num_a3 /s 30 A num_a3 wet deposition rate
WDR_pom_a1 /s 30 A pom_a1 wet deposition rate
WDR_so4_a1 /s 30 A so4_a1 wet deposition rate
WDR_so4_a2 /s 30 A so4_a2 wet deposition rate
WDR_so4_a3 /s 30 A so4_a3 wet deposition rate
WDR_soa_a1 /s 30 A soa_a1 wet deposition rate
WDR_soa_a2 /s 30 A soa_a2 wet deposition rate
WD_DMS kg/s 1 A DMS wet deposition
WD_H2O2 kg/s 1 A H2O2 wet deposition
WD_H2SO4 kg/s 1 A H2SO4 wet deposition
WD_NHX kg/s 1 A NHx wet deposition
WD_NOY kg/s 1 A NOy wet deposition
WD_SO2 kg/s 1 A SO2 wet deposition
WD_SOAG kg/s 1 A SOAG wet deposition
WD_SOX kg/s 1 A SOx wet deposition
WD_bc_a1 kg/s 1 A bc_a1 wet deposition
WD_dst_a1 kg/s 1 A dst_a1 wet deposition
WD_dst_a3 kg/s 1 A dst_a3 wet deposition
WD_ncl_a1 kg/s 1 A ncl_a1 wet deposition
WD_ncl_a2 kg/s 1 A ncl_a2 wet deposition
WD_ncl_a3 kg/s 1 A ncl_a3 wet deposition
WD_num_a1 kg/s 1 A num_a1 wet deposition
WD_num_a2 kg/s 1 A num_a2 wet deposition
WD_num_a3 kg/s 1 A num_a3 wet deposition
WD_pom_a1 kg/s 1 A pom_a1 wet deposition
WD_so4_a1 kg/s 1 A so4_a1 wet deposition
WD_so4_a2 kg/s 1 A so4_a2 wet deposition
WD_so4_a3 kg/s 1 A so4_a3 wet deposition
WD_soa_a1 kg/s 1 A soa_a1 wet deposition
WD_soa_a2 kg/s 1 A soa_a2 wet deposition
WGUSTD m/s 1 A wind gusts from turbulence
WSPEED m/s 30 X Horizontal total wind speed
WSUB m/s 30 A Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity
WSUBI m/s 30 A Diagnostic sub-grid vertical velocity for ice
WTKE m/s 30 A Standard deviation of updraft velocity
XPH_LWC kg/kg 30 A pH value multiplied by lwc
Z050 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 50 mbar pressure surface
Z100 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 100 mbar pressure surface
Z200 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 200 mbar pressure surface
Z3 m 30 A Geopotential Height (above sea level)
Z300 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 300 mbar pressure surface
Z500 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 500 mbar pressure surface
Z700 m 1 A Geopotential Z at 700 mbar pressure surface
ZBOT m 1 A Lowest model level height
ZMDICE kg/kg/s 30 A Cloud ice tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection
ZMDLF kg/kg/s 30 A Detrained liquid water from ZM convection
ZMDLIQ kg/kg/s 30 A Cloud liq tendency - Zhang-McFarlane convection
ZMDQ kg/kg/s 30 A Q tendency - Zhang-McFarlane moist convection
ZMDT K/s 30 A T tendency - Zhang-McFarlane moist convection
ZMEIHEAT W/kg 30 A Heating by ice and evaporation in ZM convection
ZMFLXPRC kg/m2/s 31 A Flux of precipitation from ZM convection
ZMFLXSNW kg/m2/s 31 A Flux of snow from ZM convection
ZMICUD m/s 30 A ZM in-cloud U downdrafts
ZMICUU m/s 30 A ZM in-cloud U updrafts
ZMICVD m/s 30 A ZM in-cloud V downdrafts
ZMICVU m/s 30 A ZM in-cloud V updrafts
ZMMD kg/m2/s 30 A ZM convection downdraft mass flux
ZMMTT K/s 30 A T tendency - ZM convective momentum transport
ZMMTU m/s2 30 A U tendency - ZM convective momentum transport
ZMMTV m/s2 30 A V tendency - ZM convective momentum transport
ZMMU kg/m2/s 30 A ZM convection updraft mass flux
ZMNTPRPD kg/kg/s 30 A Net precipitation production from ZM convection
ZMNTSNPD kg/kg/s 30 A Net snow production from ZM convection
ZMUPGD m/s2 30 A zonal force from ZM downdraft pressure gradient term
ZMUPGU m/s2 30 A zonal force from ZM updraft pressure gradient term
ZMVPGD m/s2 30 A merdional force from ZM downdraft pressure gradient term
ZMVPGU m/s2 30 A meridional force from ZM updraft pressure gradient term
ZZ m2 30 A Eddy height variance
a2x_BCPHIDRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophilic black carbon
a2x_BCPHIWET kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of hydrophilic black carbon
a2x_BCPHODRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophobic black carbon
a2x_DSTDRY1 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin1)
a2x_DSTDRY2 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin2)
a2x_DSTDRY3 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin3)
a2x_DSTDRY4 kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of dust (bin4)
a2x_DSTWET1 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin1)
a2x_DSTWET2 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin2)
a2x_DSTWET3 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin3)
a2x_DSTWET4 kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of dust (bin4)
a2x_OCPHIDRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophilic organic carbon
a2x_OCPHIWET kg/m2/s 1 A wetdep of hydrophilic organic carbon
a2x_OCPHODRY kg/m2/s 1 A drydep of hydrophobic organic carbon
airFV frac 1 A FV
aquad_Cu no 30 A aquad
bc_a1 kg/kg 30 A bc_a1
bc_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I bc_a1
bc_a1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A bc_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
bc_a1DDV m/s 30 A bc_a1 deposition velocity
bc_a1DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A bc_a1 dry deposition
bc_a1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A bc_a1 gravitational dry deposition flux
bc_a1SBC kg/kg/s 30 A bc_a1 bc wet deposition
bc_a1SBS kg/kg/s 30 A bc_a1 bs wet deposition
bc_a1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
bc_a1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
bc_a1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
bc_a1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
bc_a1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
bc_a1SIC kg/kg/s 30 A bc_a1 ic wet deposition
bc_a1SIS kg/kg/s 30 A bc_a1 is wet deposition
bc_a1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A bc_a1 turbulent dry deposition flux
bc_a1WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
bc_a1_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
bc_a1_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
bc_a1_CLXF molec/cm2/s 1 A vertically intergrated external forcing for bc_a1
bc_a1_SRF kg/kg 1 A bc_a1 in bottom layer
bc_a1_XFRC molec/cm3/s 30 A external forcing for bc_a1
bc_a1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A bc_a1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
bc_c1 kg/kg 30 A bc_c1 in cloud water
bc_c1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A bc_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
bc_c1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A bc_c1 gravitational dry deposition flux
bc_c1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A bc_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
bc_c1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A bc_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
bc_c1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A bc_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
bc_c1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A bc_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
bc_c1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A bc_c1 wet deposition flux at surface
bc_c1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A bc_c1 turbulent dry deposition flux
bc_c1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A bc_c1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
bogbot_Cu no 30 A Cloud buoyancy at the bottom interface
bogtop_Cu no 30 A Cloud buoyancy at the top interface
bquad_Cu no 30 A bquad
cb_CFC11_c kg/m^2 1 A CFC11 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_CFC12_c kg/m^2 1 A CFC12 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_CH4_c kg/m^2 1 A CH4 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_CO2_c kg/m^2 1 A CO2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_N2O_c kg/m^2 1 A N2O column burden used in climate calculation
cb_O2_c kg/m^2 1 A O2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_Q_c kg/m^2 1 A Q column burden used in climate calculation
cb_bc_a1_c kg/m^2 1 A bc_a1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_dst_a1_c kg/m^2 1 A dst_a1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_dst_a3_c kg/m^2 1 A dst_a3 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_ncl_a1_c kg/m^2 1 A ncl_a1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_ncl_a2_c kg/m^2 1 A ncl_a2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_ncl_a3_c kg/m^2 1 A ncl_a3 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_ozone_c kg/m^2 1 A ozone column burden used in climate calculation
cb_pom_a1_c kg/m^2 1 A pom_a1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_so4_a1_c kg/m^2 1 A so4_a1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_so4_a2_c kg/m^2 1 A so4_a2 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_so4_a3_c kg/m^2 1 A so4_a3 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_soa_a1_c kg/m^2 1 A soa_a1 column burden used in climate calculation
cb_soa_a2_c kg/m^2 1 A soa_a2 column burden used in climate calculation
cbmf_Cu kg/m2/s 1 A Cumulus base mass flux
cbmflimit_Cu kg/m2/s 1 A cbmflimiter
cin_Cu J/kg 1 A CIN upto LFC
cinlcl_Cu J/kg 1 A CIN upto LCL
cquad_Cu no 30 A cquad
cufrc_Cu fraction 30 A Cumulus cloud fraction
dei_cloud micrometers 30 I ice radiative effective diameter in cloud
dgnd_a01 m 30 A dry dgnum, interstitial, mode 01
dgnd_a02 m 30 A dry dgnum, interstitial, mode 02
dgnd_a03 m 30 A dry dgnum, interstitial, mode 03
dgnw_a01 m 30 A wet dgnum, interstitial, mode 01
dgnw_a02 m 30 A wet dgnum, interstitial, mode 02
dgnw_a03 m 30 A wet dgnum, interstitial, mode 03
diten_Cu kg/kg/s 30 A Expellsion rate of cumulus ice water to env.
dst_a1 kg/kg 30 A dst_a1
dst_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I dst_a1
dst_a1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
dst_a1DDV m/s 30 A dst_a1 deposition velocity
dst_a1DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a1 dry deposition
dst_a1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a1 gravitational dry deposition flux
dst_a1SBC kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a1 bc wet deposition
dst_a1SBS kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a1 bs wet deposition
dst_a1SF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a1 dust surface emission
dst_a1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
dst_a1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
dst_a1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
dst_a1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
dst_a1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
dst_a1SIC kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a1 ic wet deposition
dst_a1SIS kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a1 is wet deposition
dst_a1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a1 turbulent dry deposition flux
dst_a1WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
dst_a1_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
dst_a1_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
dst_a1_SRF kg/kg 1 A dst_a1 in bottom layer
dst_a1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
dst_a3 kg/kg 30 A dst_a3
dst_a3&IC kg/kg 30 I dst_a3
dst_a3DDF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
dst_a3DDV m/s 30 A dst_a3 deposition velocity
dst_a3DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a3 dry deposition
dst_a3GVF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a3 gravitational dry deposition flux
dst_a3SBC kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a3 bc wet deposition
dst_a3SBS kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a3 bs wet deposition
dst_a3SF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a3 dust surface emission
dst_a3SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
dst_a3SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
dst_a3SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
dst_a3SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
dst_a3SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
dst_a3SIC kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a3 ic wet deposition
dst_a3SIS kg/kg/s 30 A dst_a3 is wet deposition
dst_a3TBF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a3 turbulent dry deposition flux
dst_a3WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
dst_a3_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
dst_a3_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
dst_a3_SRF kg/kg 1 A dst_a3 in bottom layer
dst_a3_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A dst_a3 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
dst_c1 kg/kg 30 A dst_c1 in cloud water
dst_c1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
dst_c1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c1 gravitational dry deposition flux
dst_c1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
dst_c1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
dst_c1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
dst_c1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
dst_c1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c1 wet deposition flux at surface
dst_c1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c1 turbulent dry deposition flux
dst_c1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
dst_c3 kg/kg 30 A dst_c3 in cloud water
dst_c3DDF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
dst_c3GVF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c3 gravitational dry deposition flux
dst_c3SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c3 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
dst_c3SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c3 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
dst_c3SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c3 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
dst_c3SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c3 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
dst_c3SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c3 wet deposition flux at surface
dst_c3TBF kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c3 turbulent dry deposition flux
dst_c3_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A dst_c3 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
dwten_Cu kg/kg/s 30 A Expellsion rate of cumulus cloud water to env.
emfkbup_Cu kg/m2/s 1 A Penetrative mass flux at kbup
excess0_Cu no 30 A Environmental saturation excess
excessu_Cu no 30 A Updraft saturation excess
exit_UWCu_Cu no 1 A exit_UWCu
exit_conden_Cu no 1 A exit_conden
exit_cufilter_Cu no 1 A exit_cufilter
exit_drycore_Cu no 1 A exit_drycore
exit_kinv1_Cu no 1 A exit_kinv1
exit_klclmkx_Cu no 1 A exit_klclmkx
exit_klfcmkx_Cu no 1 A exit_klfcmkx
exit_rei_Cu no 1 A exit_rei
exit_ufrc_Cu no 1 A exit_ufrc
exit_wtw_Cu no 1 A exit_wtw
exit_wu_Cu no 1 A exit_wu
extfrc_01 30 I ext frcing
extfrc_02 30 I ext frcing
extfrc_03 30 I ext frcing
extfrc_04 30 I ext frcing
extfrc_05 30 I ext frcing
extfrc_06 30 I ext frcing
extfrc_07 30 I ext frcing
fdr_Cu 1/m 30 A Cumulus lateral fractional detrainment Rate
fer_Cu 1/m 30 A Cumulus lateral fractional entrainment rate
flxrain_Cu kg/m2/s 31 A Rain flux induced by Cumulus
flxsnow_Cu kg/m2/s 31 A Snow flux induced by Cumulus
hstobie_linoz fraction of mode 30 I Lowest possible Linoz level
hstobie_trop fraction of mode 30 I Lowest level with stratospheric chemsitry
hstobie_tropop fraction of mode 30 I Troposphere boundary calculated in chemistry
ind_delcin_Cu no 1 A ind_delcin
jh2o2 /s 30 I photolysis rate
lambda_cloud 1/meter 30 I lambda in cloud
limit_cbmf_Cu no 1 A limit_cbmf
limit_cin_Cu no 1 A limit_cin
limit_cinlcl_Cu no 1 A limit_cinlcl
limit_emf_Cu no 1 A limit_emf
limit_negcon_Cu no 1 A limit_negcon
limit_ppen_Cu no 1 A limit_ppen
limit_rei_Cu no 1 A limit_rei
limit_shcu_Cu no 1 A limit_shcu
limit_ufrc_Cu no 1 A limit_ufrc
m_CFC11_c kg/m^2 30 A CFC11 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_CFC12_c kg/m^2 30 A CFC12 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_CH4_c kg/m^2 30 A CH4 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_CO2_c kg/m^2 30 A CO2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_N2O_c kg/m^2 30 A N2O mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_O2_c kg/m^2 30 A O2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_Q_c kg/m^2 30 A Q mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_bc_a1_c kg/m^2 30 A bc_a1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_dst_a1_c kg/m^2 30 A dst_a1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_dst_a3_c kg/m^2 30 A dst_a3 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_ncl_a1_c kg/m^2 30 A ncl_a1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_ncl_a2_c kg/m^2 30 A ncl_a2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_ncl_a3_c kg/m^2 30 A ncl_a3 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_ozone_c kg/m^2 30 A ozone mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_pom_a1_c kg/m^2 30 A pom_a1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_so4_a1_c kg/m^2 30 A so4_a1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_so4_a2_c kg/m^2 30 A so4_a2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_so4_a3_c kg/m^2 30 A so4_a3 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_soa_a1_c kg/m^2 30 A soa_a1 mass per layer used in climate calculation
m_soa_a2_c kg/m^2 30 A soa_a2 mass per layer used in climate calculation
mu_cloud 1 30 I mu in cloud
ncl_a1 kg/kg 30 A ncl_a1
ncl_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I ncl_a1
ncl_a1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
ncl_a1DDV m/s 30 A ncl_a1 deposition velocity
ncl_a1DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a1 dry deposition
ncl_a1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 gravitational dry deposition flux
ncl_a1SBC kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a1 bc wet deposition
ncl_a1SBS kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a1 bs wet deposition
ncl_a1SF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 progseasalts surface emission
ncl_a1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
ncl_a1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_a1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
ncl_a1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_a1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
ncl_a1SIC kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a1 ic wet deposition
ncl_a1SIS kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a1 is wet deposition
ncl_a1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 turbulent dry deposition flux
ncl_a1WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
ncl_a1_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
ncl_a1_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
ncl_a1_SRF kg/kg 1 A ncl_a1 in bottom layer
ncl_a1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
ncl_a1_sfcoag1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 modal_aero coagulation column tendency
ncl_a1_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
ncl_a1_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
ncl_a1_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a1 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
ncl_a2 kg/kg 30 A ncl_a2
ncl_a2&IC kg/kg 30 I ncl_a2
ncl_a2DDF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
ncl_a2DDV m/s 30 A ncl_a2 deposition velocity
ncl_a2DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a2 dry deposition
ncl_a2GVF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 gravitational dry deposition flux
ncl_a2SBC kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a2 bc wet deposition
ncl_a2SBS kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a2 bs wet deposition
ncl_a2SF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 progseasalts surface emission
ncl_a2SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
ncl_a2SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_a2SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
ncl_a2SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_a2SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
ncl_a2SIC kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a2 ic wet deposition
ncl_a2SIS kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a2 is wet deposition
ncl_a2TBF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 turbulent dry deposition flux
ncl_a2WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
ncl_a2_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
ncl_a2_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
ncl_a2_SRF kg/kg 1 A ncl_a2 in bottom layer
ncl_a2_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
ncl_a2_sfcoag1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 modal_aero coagulation column tendency
ncl_a2_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
ncl_a2_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
ncl_a2_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a2 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
ncl_a3 kg/kg 30 A ncl_a3
ncl_a3&IC kg/kg 30 I ncl_a3
ncl_a3DDF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
ncl_a3DDV m/s 30 A ncl_a3 deposition velocity
ncl_a3DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a3 dry deposition
ncl_a3GVF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a3 gravitational dry deposition flux
ncl_a3SBC kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a3 bc wet deposition
ncl_a3SBS kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a3 bs wet deposition
ncl_a3SF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a3 progseasalts surface emission
ncl_a3SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
ncl_a3SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_a3SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
ncl_a3SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_a3SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
ncl_a3SIC kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a3 ic wet deposition
ncl_a3SIS kg/kg/s 30 A ncl_a3 is wet deposition
ncl_a3TBF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a3 turbulent dry deposition flux
ncl_a3WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
ncl_a3_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
ncl_a3_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
ncl_a3_SRF kg/kg 1 A ncl_a3 in bottom layer
ncl_a3_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_a3 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
ncl_c1 kg/kg 30 A ncl_c1 in cloud water
ncl_c1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
ncl_c1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 gravitational dry deposition flux
ncl_c1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
ncl_c1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_c1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
ncl_c1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_c1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 wet deposition flux at surface
ncl_c1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 turbulent dry deposition flux
ncl_c1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
ncl_c1_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
ncl_c1_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
ncl_c1_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c1 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
ncl_c2 kg/kg 30 A ncl_c2 in cloud water
ncl_c2DDF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
ncl_c2GVF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 gravitational dry deposition flux
ncl_c2SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
ncl_c2SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_c2SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
ncl_c2SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_c2SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 wet deposition flux at surface
ncl_c2TBF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 turbulent dry deposition flux
ncl_c2_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
ncl_c2_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
ncl_c2_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
ncl_c2_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c2 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
ncl_c3 kg/kg 30 A ncl_c3 in cloud water
ncl_c3DDF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
ncl_c3GVF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c3 gravitational dry deposition flux
ncl_c3SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c3 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
ncl_c3SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c3 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_c3SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c3 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
ncl_c3SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c3 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
ncl_c3SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c3 wet deposition flux at surface
ncl_c3TBF kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c3 turbulent dry deposition flux
ncl_c3_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A ncl_c3 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
ntraprd_Cu kg/kg/s 30 A Net production rate of rain by Cumulus
ntsnprd_Cu kg/kg/s 30 A Net production rate of snow by Cumulus
num_a1 kg/kg 30 A num_a1
num_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I num_a1
num_a1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A num_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
num_a1DDV m/s 30 A num_a1 deposition velocity
num_a1DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A num_a1 dry deposition
num_a1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A num_a1 gravitational dry deposition flux
num_a1SBC kg/kg/s 30 A num_a1 bc wet deposition
num_a1SBS kg/kg/s 30 A num_a1 bs wet deposition
num_a1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
num_a1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
num_a1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
num_a1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
num_a1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
num_a1SIC kg/kg/s 30 A num_a1 ic wet deposition
num_a1SIS kg/kg/s 30 A num_a1 is wet deposition
num_a1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A num_a1 turbulent dry deposition flux
num_a1WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
num_a1_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
num_a1_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
num_a1_CLXF molec/cm2/s 1 A vertically intergrated external forcing for num_a1
num_a1_SRF kg/kg 1 A num_a1 in bottom layer
num_a1_XFRC molec/cm3/s 30 A external forcing for num_a1
num_a1_mixnuc1 #/m2/s 1 A num_a1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
num_a1_sfcoag1 #/m2/s 1 A num_a1 modal_aero coagulation column tendency
num_a1_sfcsiz1 #/m2/s 1 A num_a1 calcsize number-adjust column source
num_a1_sfcsiz2 #/m2/s 1 A num_a1 calcsize number-adjust column sink
num_a1_sfcsiz3 #/m2/s 1 A num_a1 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
num_a1_sfcsiz4 #/m2/s 1 A num_a1 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
num_a1_sfgaex2 #/m2/s 1 A num_a1 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
num_a2 kg/kg 30 A num_a2
num_a2&IC kg/kg 30 I num_a2
num_a2DDF kg/m2/s 1 A num_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
num_a2DDV m/s 30 A num_a2 deposition velocity
num_a2DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A num_a2 dry deposition
num_a2GVF kg/m2/s 1 A num_a2 gravitational dry deposition flux
num_a2SBC kg/kg/s 30 A num_a2 bc wet deposition
num_a2SBS kg/kg/s 30 A num_a2 bs wet deposition
num_a2SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
num_a2SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
num_a2SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
num_a2SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
num_a2SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
num_a2SIC kg/kg/s 30 A num_a2 ic wet deposition
num_a2SIS kg/kg/s 30 A num_a2 is wet deposition
num_a2TBF kg/m2/s 1 A num_a2 turbulent dry deposition flux
num_a2WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
num_a2_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
num_a2_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
num_a2_CLXF molec/cm2/s 1 A vertically intergrated external forcing for num_a2
num_a2_SRF kg/kg 1 A num_a2 in bottom layer
num_a2_XFRC molec/cm3/s 30 A external forcing for num_a2
num_a2_mixnuc1 #/m2/s 1 A num_a2 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
num_a2_sfcoag1 #/m2/s 1 A num_a2 modal_aero coagulation column tendency
num_a2_sfcsiz1 #/m2/s 1 A num_a2 calcsize number-adjust column source
num_a2_sfcsiz2 #/m2/s 1 A num_a2 calcsize number-adjust column sink
num_a2_sfcsiz3 #/m2/s 1 A num_a2 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
num_a2_sfcsiz4 #/m2/s 1 A num_a2 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
num_a2_sfgaex2 #/m2/s 1 A num_a2 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
num_a2_sfnnuc1 #/m2/s 1 A num_a2 modal_aero new particle nucleation column tendency
num_a3 kg/kg 30 A num_a3
num_a3&IC kg/kg 30 I num_a3
num_a3DDF kg/m2/s 1 A num_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
num_a3DDV m/s 30 A num_a3 deposition velocity
num_a3DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A num_a3 dry deposition
num_a3GVF kg/m2/s 1 A num_a3 gravitational dry deposition flux
num_a3SBC kg/kg/s 30 A num_a3 bc wet deposition
num_a3SBS kg/kg/s 30 A num_a3 bs wet deposition
num_a3SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
num_a3SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
num_a3SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
num_a3SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
num_a3SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
num_a3SIC kg/kg/s 30 A num_a3 ic wet deposition
num_a3SIS kg/kg/s 30 A num_a3 is wet deposition
num_a3TBF kg/m2/s 1 A num_a3 turbulent dry deposition flux
num_a3WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
num_a3_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
num_a3_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
num_a3_SRF kg/kg 1 A num_a3 in bottom layer
num_a3_mixnuc1 #/m2/s 1 A num_a3 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
num_a3_sfcsiz1 #/m2/s 1 A num_a3 calcsize number-adjust column source
num_a3_sfcsiz2 #/m2/s 1 A num_a3 calcsize number-adjust column sink
num_c1 kg/kg 30 A num_c1 in cloud water
num_c1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A num_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
num_c1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A num_c1 gravitational dry deposition flux
num_c1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A num_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
num_c1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A num_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
num_c1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A num_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
num_c1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A num_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
num_c1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A num_c1 wet deposition flux at surface
num_c1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A num_c1 turbulent dry deposition flux
num_c1_mixnuc1 #/m2/s 1 A num_c1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
num_c1_sfcsiz1 #/m2/s 1 A num_c1 calcsize number-adjust column source
num_c1_sfcsiz2 #/m2/s 1 A num_c1 calcsize number-adjust column sink
num_c1_sfcsiz3 #/m2/s 1 A num_c1 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
num_c1_sfcsiz4 #/m2/s 1 A num_c1 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
num_c1_sfgaex2 #/m2/s 1 A num_c1 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
num_c2 kg/kg 30 A num_c2 in cloud water
num_c2DDF kg/m2/s 1 A num_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
num_c2GVF kg/m2/s 1 A num_c2 gravitational dry deposition flux
num_c2SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A num_c2 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
num_c2SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A num_c2 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
num_c2SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A num_c2 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
num_c2SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A num_c2 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
num_c2SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A num_c2 wet deposition flux at surface
num_c2TBF kg/m2/s 1 A num_c2 turbulent dry deposition flux
num_c2_mixnuc1 #/m2/s 1 A num_c2 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
num_c2_sfcsiz1 #/m2/s 1 A num_c2 calcsize number-adjust column source
num_c2_sfcsiz2 #/m2/s 1 A num_c2 calcsize number-adjust column sink
num_c2_sfcsiz3 #/m2/s 1 A num_c2 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
num_c2_sfcsiz4 #/m2/s 1 A num_c2 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
num_c2_sfgaex2 #/m2/s 1 A num_c2 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
num_c3 kg/kg 30 A num_c3 in cloud water
num_c3DDF kg/m2/s 1 A num_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
num_c3GVF kg/m2/s 1 A num_c3 gravitational dry deposition flux
num_c3SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A num_c3 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
num_c3SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A num_c3 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
num_c3SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A num_c3 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
num_c3SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A num_c3 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
num_c3SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A num_c3 wet deposition flux at surface
num_c3TBF kg/m2/s 1 A num_c3 turbulent dry deposition flux
num_c3_mixnuc1 #/m2/s 1 A num_c3 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
num_c3_sfcsiz1 #/m2/s 1 A num_c3 calcsize number-adjust column source
num_c3_sfcsiz2 #/m2/s 1 A num_c3 calcsize number-adjust column sink
ozone mol/mol 30 I prescribed ozone
pbup_Cu Pa 1 A Highest interface level of positive cumulus buoyancy
pinv_Cu Pa 1 A PBL top pressure
plcl_Cu Pa 1 A LCL of source air
plfc_Cu Pa 1 A LFC of source air
pom_a1 kg/kg 30 A pom_a1
pom_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I pom_a1
pom_a1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A pom_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
pom_a1DDV m/s 30 A pom_a1 deposition velocity
pom_a1DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A pom_a1 dry deposition
pom_a1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A pom_a1 gravitational dry deposition flux
pom_a1SBC kg/kg/s 30 A pom_a1 bc wet deposition
pom_a1SBS kg/kg/s 30 A pom_a1 bs wet deposition
pom_a1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
pom_a1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
pom_a1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
pom_a1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
pom_a1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
pom_a1SIC kg/kg/s 30 A pom_a1 ic wet deposition
pom_a1SIS kg/kg/s 30 A pom_a1 is wet deposition
pom_a1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A pom_a1 turbulent dry deposition flux
pom_a1WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
pom_a1_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
pom_a1_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
pom_a1_CLXF molec/cm2/s 1 A vertically intergrated external forcing for pom_a1
pom_a1_SRF kg/kg 1 A pom_a1 in bottom layer
pom_a1_XFRC molec/cm3/s 30 A external forcing for pom_a1
pom_a1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A pom_a1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
pom_c1 kg/kg 30 A pom_c1 in cloud water
pom_c1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A pom_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
pom_c1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A pom_c1 gravitational dry deposition flux
pom_c1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A pom_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
pom_c1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A pom_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
pom_c1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A pom_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
pom_c1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A pom_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
pom_c1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A pom_c1 wet deposition flux at surface
pom_c1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A pom_c1 turbulent dry deposition flux
pom_c1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A pom_c1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
ppen_Cu Pa 1 A Highest level where cumulus w is 0
qcu_Cu kg/kg 30 A Cumulus updraft LWC+IWC
qi_aft_Cu kg/kg 30 I qi_afterCU
qi_aft_PBL kg/kg 30 A qi_afterPBL
qi_pre_Cu kg/kg 30 I qi_preCU
qi_pre_PBL kg/kg 30 A qi_prePBL
qiten_Cu kg/kg/s 30 A qi tendency by convection
qiten_PBL kg/kg/s 30 A qi tendency by PBL
qiu_Cu kg/kg 30 A Cumulus updraft IWC
ql_aft_Cu kg/kg 30 I ql_afterCU
ql_aft_PBL kg/kg 30 A ql_afterPBL
ql_pre_Cu kg/kg 30 I ql_preCU
ql_pre_PBL kg/kg 30 A ql_prePBL
qlten_Cu kg/kg/s 30 A ql tendency by convection
qlten_PBL kg/kg/s 30 A ql tendency by PBL
qlu_Cu kg/kg 30 A Cumulus updraft LWC
qrten_Cu kg/kg/s 30 A Production rate of rain by cumulus
qsten_Cu kg/kg/s 30 A Production rate of snow by cumulus
qt_aft_Cu kg/kg 30 I qt_afterCU
qt_aft_PBL kg/kg 30 A qt_afterPBL
qt_pre_Cu kg/kg 30 I qt_preCU
qt_pre_PBL kg/kg 30 A qt_prePBL
qtflx_Cu kg/m2/s 31 A Convective qt flux
qtflx_PBL kg/m2/s 31 A qt flux by PBL
qtflx_cg_PBL kg/m2/s 31 A qt_cg flux by PBL
qtsrc_Cu kg/kg 1 A Cumulus source air qt
qtten_Cu kg/kg/s 30 A qt tendency by convection
qtten_PBL kg/kg/s 30 A qt tendency by PBL
qtu_Cu kg/kg 31 A Cumulus updraft qt
qtu_emf_Cu kg/kg 31 A qt of penatratively entrained air
qv_aft_Cu kg/kg 30 I qv_afterCU
qv_aft_PBL kg/kg 30 A qv_afterPBL
qv_pre_Cu kg/kg 30 I qv_preCU
qv_pre_PBL kg/kg 30 A qv_prePBL
qvten_Cu kg/kg/s 30 A qv tendency by convection
qvten_PBL kg/kg/s 30 A qv tendency by PBL
rcwp_Cu kg/m2 1 A Cumulus LWP+IWP
rh_aft_Cu % 30 I rh_afterCU
rh_aft_PBL % 30 A rh_afterPBL
rh_pre_Cu % 30 I rh_preCU
rh_pre_PBL % 30 A rh_prePBL
rhten_Cu %/s 30 I RH tendency by cumumus convection
rhten_PBL %/s 30 A RH tendency by PBL
riwp_Cu kg/m2 1 A Cumulus IWP
rlwp_Cu kg/m2 1 A Cumulus LWP
sl_aft_Cu J/kg 30 I sl_afterCU
sl_aft_PBL J/kg 30 A sl_afterPBL
sl_pre_Cu J/kg 30 I sl_preCU
sl_pre_PBL J/kg 30 A sl_prePBL
slflx_Cu J/m2/s 31 A Convective sl flux
slflx_PBL J/m2/s 31 A sl flux by PBL
slflx_cg_PBL J/m2/s 31 A sl_cg flux by PBL
slten_Cu J/kg/s 30 A sl tendency by convection
slten_PBL J/kg/s 30 A sl tendency by PBL
slv_aft_Cu J/kg 30 I slv_afterCU
slv_aft_PBL J/kg 30 A slv_afterPBL
slv_pre_Cu J/kg 30 I slv_preCU
slv_pre_PBL J/kg 30 A slv_prePBL
so4_a1 kg/kg 30 A so4_a1
so4_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I so4_a1
so4_a1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
so4_a1DDV m/s 30 A so4_a1 deposition velocity
so4_a1DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a1 dry deposition
so4_a1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 gravitational dry deposition flux
so4_a1SBC kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a1 bc wet deposition
so4_a1SBS kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a1 bs wet deposition
so4_a1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
so4_a1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_a1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
so4_a1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_a1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
so4_a1SIC kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a1 ic wet deposition
so4_a1SIS kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a1 is wet deposition
so4_a1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 turbulent dry deposition flux
so4_a1WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
so4_a1_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
so4_a1_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
so4_a1_CLXF molec/cm2/s 1 A vertically intergrated external forcing for so4_a1
so4_a1_SRF kg/kg 1 A so4_a1 in bottom layer
so4_a1_XFRC molec/cm3/s 30 A external forcing for so4_a1
so4_a1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
so4_a1_sfcoag1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 modal_aero coagulation column tendency
so4_a1_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
so4_a1_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
so4_a1_sfgaex1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency
so4_a1_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a1 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
so4_a2 kg/kg 30 A so4_a2
so4_a2&IC kg/kg 30 I so4_a2
so4_a2DDF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
so4_a2DDV m/s 30 A so4_a2 deposition velocity
so4_a2DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a2 dry deposition
so4_a2GVF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 gravitational dry deposition flux
so4_a2SBC kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a2 bc wet deposition
so4_a2SBS kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a2 bs wet deposition
so4_a2SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
so4_a2SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_a2SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
so4_a2SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_a2SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
so4_a2SIC kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a2 ic wet deposition
so4_a2SIS kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a2 is wet deposition
so4_a2TBF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 turbulent dry deposition flux
so4_a2WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
so4_a2_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
so4_a2_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
so4_a2_CLXF molec/cm2/s 1 A vertically intergrated external forcing for so4_a2
so4_a2_SRF kg/kg 1 A so4_a2 in bottom layer
so4_a2_XFRC molec/cm3/s 30 A external forcing for so4_a2
so4_a2_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
so4_a2_sfcoag1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 modal_aero coagulation column tendency
so4_a2_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
so4_a2_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
so4_a2_sfgaex1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency
so4_a2_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
so4_a2_sfnnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a2 modal_aero new particle nucleation column tendency
so4_a3 kg/kg 30 A so4_a3
so4_a3&IC kg/kg 30 I so4_a3
so4_a3DDF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
so4_a3DDV m/s 30 A so4_a3 deposition velocity
so4_a3DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a3 dry deposition
so4_a3GVF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a3 gravitational dry deposition flux
so4_a3SBC kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a3 bc wet deposition
so4_a3SBS kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a3 bs wet deposition
so4_a3SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
so4_a3SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_a3SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
so4_a3SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_a3SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
so4_a3SIC kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a3 ic wet deposition
so4_a3SIS kg/kg/s 30 A so4_a3 is wet deposition
so4_a3TBF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a3 turbulent dry deposition flux
so4_a3WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
so4_a3_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
so4_a3_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
so4_a3_SRF kg/kg 1 A so4_a3 in bottom layer
so4_a3_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a3 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
so4_a3_sfgaex1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_a3 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency
so4_c1 kg/kg 30 A so4_c1 in cloud water
so4_c1AQH2SO4 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 aqueous phase chemistry
so4_c1AQSO4 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 aqueous phase chemistry
so4_c1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
so4_c1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 gravitational dry deposition flux
so4_c1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
so4_c1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_c1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
so4_c1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_c1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 wet deposition flux at surface
so4_c1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 turbulent dry deposition flux
so4_c1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
so4_c1_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
so4_c1_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
so4_c1_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c1 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
so4_c2 kg/kg 30 A so4_c2 in cloud water
so4_c2AQH2SO4 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 aqueous phase chemistry
so4_c2AQSO4 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 aqueous phase chemistry
so4_c2DDF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
so4_c2GVF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 gravitational dry deposition flux
so4_c2SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
so4_c2SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_c2SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
so4_c2SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_c2SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 wet deposition flux at surface
so4_c2TBF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 turbulent dry deposition flux
so4_c2_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
so4_c2_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
so4_c2_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
so4_c2_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c2 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
so4_c3 kg/kg 30 A so4_c3 in cloud water
so4_c3AQH2SO4 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 aqueous phase chemistry
so4_c3AQSO4 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 aqueous phase chemistry
so4_c3DDF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
so4_c3GVF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 gravitational dry deposition flux
so4_c3SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
so4_c3SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_c3SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
so4_c3SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
so4_c3SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 wet deposition flux at surface
so4_c3TBF kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 turbulent dry deposition flux
so4_c3_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A so4_c3 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
soa_a1 kg/kg 30 A soa_a1
soa_a1&IC kg/kg 30 I soa_a1
soa_a1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
soa_a1DDV m/s 30 A soa_a1 deposition velocity
soa_a1DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a1 dry deposition
soa_a1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 gravitational dry deposition flux
soa_a1SBC kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a1 bc wet deposition
soa_a1SBS kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a1 bs wet deposition
soa_a1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
soa_a1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
soa_a1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
soa_a1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
soa_a1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
soa_a1SIC kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a1 ic wet deposition
soa_a1SIS kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a1 is wet deposition
soa_a1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 turbulent dry deposition flux
soa_a1WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
soa_a1_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
soa_a1_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
soa_a1_SRF kg/kg 1 A soa_a1 in bottom layer
soa_a1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
soa_a1_sfcoag1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 modal_aero coagulation column tendency
soa_a1_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
soa_a1_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
soa_a1_sfgaex1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency
soa_a1_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a1 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
soa_a2 kg/kg 30 A soa_a2
soa_a2&IC kg/kg 30 I soa_a2
soa_a2DDF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
soa_a2DDV m/s 30 A soa_a2 deposition velocity
soa_a2DTQ kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a2 dry deposition
soa_a2GVF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 gravitational dry deposition flux
soa_a2SBC kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a2 bc wet deposition
soa_a2SBS kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a2 bs wet deposition
soa_a2SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
soa_a2SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
soa_a2SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
soa_a2SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
soa_a2SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A Wet deposition flux at surface
soa_a2SIC kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a2 ic wet deposition
soa_a2SIS kg/kg/s 30 A soa_a2 is wet deposition
soa_a2TBF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 turbulent dry deposition flux
soa_a2WET kg/kg/s 30 A wet deposition tendency
soa_a2_CHML /cm3/s 30 I chemical loss rate
soa_a2_CHMP /cm3/s 30 I chemical production rate
soa_a2_SRF kg/kg 1 A soa_a2 in bottom layer
soa_a2_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
soa_a2_sfcoag1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 modal_aero coagulation column tendency
soa_a2_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
soa_a2_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
soa_a2_sfgaex1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 gas-aerosol-exchange primary column tendency
soa_a2_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_a2 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
soa_c1 kg/kg 30 A soa_c1 in cloud water
soa_c1DDF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
soa_c1GVF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 gravitational dry deposition flux
soa_c1SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
soa_c1SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
soa_c1SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
soa_c1SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
soa_c1SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 wet deposition flux at surface
soa_c1TBF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 turbulent dry deposition flux
soa_c1_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
soa_c1_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
soa_c1_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
soa_c1_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c1 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
soa_c2 kg/kg 30 A soa_c2 in cloud water
soa_c2DDF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 dry deposition flux at bottom (grav + turb)
soa_c2GVF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 gravitational dry deposition flux
soa_c2SFSBC kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, convective) at surface
soa_c2SFSBS kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 wet deposition flux (belowcloud, stratiform) at surface
soa_c2SFSIC kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 wet deposition flux (incloud, convective) at surface
soa_c2SFSIS kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 wet deposition flux (incloud, stratiform) at surface
soa_c2SFWET kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 wet deposition flux at surface
soa_c2TBF kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 turbulent dry deposition flux
soa_c2_mixnuc1 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 dropmixnuc mixnuc column tendency
soa_c2_sfcsiz3 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 calcsize aitken-to-accum adjust column tendency
soa_c2_sfcsiz4 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 calcsize accum-to-aitken adjust column tendency
soa_c2_sfgaex2 kg/m2/s 1 A soa_c2 gas-aerosol-exchange renaming column tendency
t_aft_Cu K 30 I t_afterCU
t_aft_PBL K 30 A t_afterPBL
t_pre_Cu K 30 I t_preCU
t_pre_PBL K 30 A t_prePBL
thlsrc_Cu K 1 A Cumulus source air thl
thlu_Cu K 31 A Cumulus updraft thl
thlu_emf_Cu K 31 A thl of penatratively entrained air
thvlsrc_Cu K 1 A Cumulus source air thvl
thvu_Cu K 31 A Cumulus updraft thv
tkeavg_Cu m2/s2 1 A Average tke within PBL for convection scheme
tophgt_Cu m 1 A Cumulus top height
tten_Cu K/s 30 I Temprtaure tendency by cumulus convection
tten_PBL K/s 30 A T tendency by PBL
u_aft_Cu m/s 30 I u_afterCU
u_aft_PBL m/s 30 A u_afterPBL
u_pre_Cu m/s 30 I u_preCU
u_pre_PBL m/s 30 A u_prePBL
uemf_Cu kg/m2/s 31 A Cumulus net ( updraft + entrainment ) mass flux
uflx_Cu kg/m/s2 31 A Convective u flux
uflx_PBL kg/m/s2 31 A u flux by PBL
uflx_cg_PBL kg/m/s2 31 A u_cg flux by PBL
ufrc_Cu fraction 31 A Convective updraft fractional area
ufrcinvbase_Cu fraction 1 A Cumulus fraction at PBL top
ufrclcl_Cu fraction 1 A Cumulus fraction at LCL
umf_Cu kg/m2/s 31 A Cumulus updraft mass flux
usr_DMS_OH /cm3/s 30 I reaction rate
usr_HO2_HO2 /cm3/s 30 I reaction rate
usr_SO2_OH /cm3/s 30 I reaction rate
uten_Cu m/s2 30 A u tendency by convection
uten_PBL m/s2 30 A u tendency by PBL
uu_Cu m/s 31 A Cumulus updraft uwnd
uu_emf_Cu m/s 31 A uwnd of penatratively entrained air
v_aft_Cu m/s 30 I v_afterCU
v_aft_PBL m/s 30 A v_afterPBL
v_pre_Cu m/s 30 I v_preCU
v_pre_PBL m/s 30 A v_prePBL
vflx_Cu kg/m/s2 31 A Convective v flux
vflx_PBL kg/m/s2 31 A v flux by PBL
vflx_cg_PBL kg/m/s2 31 A v_cg flux by PBL
vten_Cu m/s2 30 A v tendency by convection
vten_PBL m/s2 30 A v tendency by PBL
vu_Cu m/s 31 A Cumulus updraft vwnd
vu_emf_Cu m/s 31 A vwnd of penatratively entrained air
wat_a1 m 30 A aerosol water, interstitial, mode 01
wat_a2 m 30 A aerosol water, interstitial, mode 02
wat_a3 m 30 A aerosol water, interstitial, mode 03
winvbase_Cu m/s 1 A Cumulus vertical velocity at PBL top
wlcl_Cu m/s 1 A Cumulus vertical velocity at LCL
wu_Cu m/s 31 A Convective updraft vertical velocity
xc_Cu no 30 A Critical mixing ratio
zinv_Cu m 1 A PBL top height