Appendix H. env_run.xml variables

The following table lists all the xml variables set in the env_run.xml file.

Table H-1. env_run.xml variables

NameTypeDefaultDescription [Valid Values]
AOFLUX_GRIDcharocngrid for atm ocn flux calc [ocn,atm,exch]
ATM_PIO_NUMTASKSinteger-1atm pio number of io tasks
ATM_PIO_ROOTinteger-99pio root processor
ATM_PIO_STRIDEinteger-99pio stride
ATM_PIO_TYPENAMEcharnothingpio io type
AVGHIST_DATEinteger-999yyyymmdd format, sets coupler time-average history date (like REST_DATE)
AVGHIST_Nchar-999sets coupler time-average history file frequency (like REST_N)
AVGHIST_OPTIONcharneversets coupler time-average history file frequency (like REST_OPTION)
BATCHQUERYcharUNSETcommand used to query batch system
BATCHSUBMITcharUNSETcommand used to submit to batch system
BFBFLAGlogicalFALSEturns on bit-for-bit reproducibility with varying pe counts in the driver and coupler, performance will likely be reduced [TRUE,FALSE]
BUDGETSlogicalFALSElogical that turns on diagnostic budgets FALSE means budgets will never be written [TRUE,FALSE]
BUDGET_ANNUALinteger1output level for annual average budget diagnostics, written only if BUDGETS variable is TRUE, 0=none, 1=net summary, 2=+detailed surface, 3=+detailed atm [0,1,2,3]
BUDGET_DAILYinteger0output level for daily average budget diagnostics, written only if BUDGETS variable is TRUE, 0=none, 1=net summary, 2=+detailed surface, 3=+detailed atm [0,1,2,3]
BUDGET_INSTinteger0output level for instantaneous budget diagnostics, written only if BUDGETS variable is TRUE, 0=none, 1=net summary, 2=+detailed surface, 3=+detailed atm [0,1,2,3]
BUDGET_LONGTERM_EOYinteger1output level for longterm average budget diagnostics written at end of year, written only if BUDGETS variable is TRUE, 0=none, 1=net summary, 2=+detailed surface, 3=+detailed atm [0,1,2,3]
BUDGET_LONGTERM_STOPinteger0output level for longterm average budget diagnostics written at end of run, written only if BUDGETS variable is TRUE, 0=none, 1=net summary, 2=+detailed surface, 3=+detailed atm [0,1,2,3]
BUDGET_MONTHLYinteger1output level for monthly average budget diagnostics, written only if BUDGETS variable is TRUE, 0=none, 1=net summary, 2=+detailed surface, 3=+detailed atm [0,1,2,3]
CASESTRcharUNSETcase description
CCSM_BASELINEchar/UNSETstandard ccsm baselines directory for testing
CCSM_CPRNCchar/UNSETstandard location of the cprnc tool
CHECK_TIMINGlogicalTRUElogical to diagnose model timing at the end of the run [TRUE,FALSE]
COMP_RUN_BARRIERSlogicalFALSEif TRUE, turns on component run barrier calls in the driver [TRUE,FALSE]
CONTINUE_RUNlogicalFALSEA continue run extends an existing CCSM run exactly. A setting of TRUE implies a continuation run [TRUE,FALSE]
CPL_PIO_NUMTASKSinteger-1pio number of io tasks
CPL_PIO_ROOTinteger-99pio root processor
CPL_PIO_STRIDEinteger-99pio stride
CPL_PIO_TYPENAMEcharnothingpio io type
DIN_LOC_ROOTchar$DIN_LOC_ROOT_CSMDATAlocal inputdata directory for CCSM prestaged data
DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMQIANcharUNSETgeneral ccsm inputdata directory for CLM QIAN datm forcing files
DIN_LOC_ROOT_CSMDATAcharUNSETgeneral ccsm inputdata directory
DOUT_L_HPSS_ACCNTchar00000000account number charged for long term archival on hpss
DOUT_L_HTARlogicalFALSElogical to tar up long term archiver history files [TRUE,FALSE]
DOUT_L_MSlogicalFALSElogical to turn on long term archiving (if DOUT_S is also TRUE) [TRUE,FALSE]
DOUT_L_MSROOTcharUNSETlocal long term archiving root directory
DOUT_SlogicalTRUElogical to turn on short term archiving [TRUE,FALSE]
DOUT_S_ROOTcharUNSETlocal short term archiving root directory
DOUT_S_SAVE_INT_REST_FILESlogicalFALSElogical to archive all interim restart files, not just those at end of run [TRUE,FALSE]
DRV_THREADINGlogicalFALSETurns on component varying thread control in the driver [TRUE,FALSE]
EPS_AAREAreal9.0e-07error tolerance for differences in atm/land areas in domain checking
EPS_AGRIDreal1.0e-12error tolerance for differences in atm/land lon/lat in domain checking
EPS_AMASKreal1.0e-13error tolerance for differences in atm/land masks in domain checking
EPS_FRACreal1.0e-02error tolerance for differences in fractions in domain checking
EPS_OAREAreal1.0e-01error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice areas in domain checking
EPS_OGRIDreal1.0e-02error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice lon/lat in domain checking
EPS_OMASKreal1.0e-06error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice masks in domain checking
GLC_PIO_NUMTASKSinteger-1pio number of io tasks
GLC_PIO_ROOTinteger-99pio root processor
GLC_PIO_STRIDEinteger-99pio stride
GLC_PIO_TYPENAMEcharnothingpio io type
HISTINITlogicalFALSElogical to write an extra initial coupler history file [TRUE,FALSE]
HIST_DATEinteger-999yyyymmdd format, sets coupler snapshot history date (like REST_DATE)
HIST_Nchar-999sets coupler snapshot history file frequency (like REST_N)
HIST_OPTIONcharneversets coupler snapshot history file frequency (like REST_OPTION)
ICE_PIO_NUMTASKSinteger-1pio number of io tasks
ICE_PIO_ROOTinteger-99pio root processor
ICE_PIO_STRIDEinteger-99pio stride
ICE_PIO_TYPENAMEcharnothingpio io type
INFO_DBUGinteger1level of debug output, 0=minimum, 1=normal, 2=more, 3=too much [0,1,2,3]
LND_PIO_NUMTASKSinteger-1pio number of io tasks
LND_PIO_ROOTinteger-99pio root processor
LND_PIO_STRIDEinteger-99pio stride
LND_PIO_TYPENAMEcharnothingpio io type
LOGDIRchar$CASEROOT/logsdirectory where log files should be copied in addition to archiving
OCN_PIO_NUMTASKSinteger-1pio number of io tasks: uses pio_numtasks value if set to -99
OCN_PIO_ROOTinteger-99pio root processor: uses pio_root value if set to -99
OCN_PIO_STRIDEinteger-99pio stride: uses pio_stride value if set to -99
OCN_PIO_TYPENAMEcharnothingpio io type: uses pio_typename value if set to \
OCN_TAVG_HIFREQcharFALSEtavg output control for high-frequency output [TRUE,FALSE]
OCN_TAVG_TRACER_BUDGETcharFALSEtavg output control for tracer-budget terms [TRUE,FALSE]
OCN_TIGHT_COUPLINGlogicalFALSEif TRUE, treats ocean model like lnd/ice in coupling and removes 1 coupling period lag at the cost of concurrency [TRUE,FALSE]
ORBITAL_MODEcharfixed_yearorbital mode setting [fixed_year,variable_year,fixed_parameters]
ORBITAL_YEARinteger1990orbital year
ORBITAL_YEAR_ALIGNinteger1990model year associated with orbital year for varying orbital years
PIO_ASYNC_INTERFACElogicalFALSETRUE implies perform asynchronous i/o [TRUE,FALSE]
PIO_DEBUG_LEVELinteger0pio debug level [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
PIO_NUMTASKSinteger-1pio number of io tasks
PIO_ROOTinteger1pio root processor
PIO_STRIDEinteger4mpi task stride between io tasks
PIO_TYPENAMEcharnetcdfpio io type: netcdf, pnetcdf, netcdf4p, netcdf4c
PTS_LATreal(1)-999.99Points mode nearest latitudes
PTS_LONreal(1)-999.99Points mode nearest longitudes
REST_DATEchar$STOP_DATEdate in yyyymmdd format, sets model restart write date with REST_OPTION and REST_N
REST_Nchar$STOP_Nsets model restart writes with REST_OPTION and REST_DATE (same options as STOP_N)
REST_OPTIONchar$STOP_OPTIONsets frequency of model restart writes (same options as STOP_OPTION) with REST_N and REST_DATE
RESUBMITinteger0if RESUBMIT is greater than 0, then case will automatically resubmit if that feature is supported in the run script
SAVE_TIMINGlogicalFALSElogical to save timing files in rundir [TRUE,FALSE]
SHR_MAP_DOPOLElogicalTRUEinvoke pole averaging corrections in shr_map_mod weights generation [TRUE,FALSE]
START_TODinteger0start time-of-day in universal time (seconds), should be between zero and 86400
STOP_DATEinteger-999date in yyyymmdd format, sets the run length with STOP_OPTION and STOP_N, can be in addition to STOP_OPTION and STOP_N, negative value implies off
STOP_Ninteger5sets the run length with STOP_OPTION and STOP_DATE
STOP_OPTIONcharndayssets the run length with STOP_N and STOP_DATE STOP_OPTION alarms are: [none/never], turns option off [nstep/s] , stops every STOP_N nsteps , relative to current run start time [nsecond/s] , stops every STOP_N nseconds, relative to current run start time [nminute/s] , stops every STOP_N nminutes, relative to current run start time [nhour/s] , stops every STOP_N nhours , relative to current run start time [nday/s] , stops every STOP_N ndays , relative to current run start time [nmonth/s] , stops every STOP_N nmonths , relative to current run start time [nyear/s] , stops every STOP_N nyears , relative to current run start time [date] , stops at STOP_DATE value [ifdays0] , stops at STOP_N calendar day value and seconds equal 0 [end] , stops at end [none,never,nsteps,nstep,nseconds,nsecond,nminutes,nminute,nhours,nhour,ndays,nday,nmonths,nmonth,nyears,nyear,date,ifdays0,end]
TIMER_LEVELinteger4timer output depth [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
TIMING_BARRIERlogicalFALSEif TRUE, turns on the timing barrier calls in the model [TRUE,FALSE]
TPROF_DATEinteger-999yyyymmdd format, sets timing output file date (like REST_DATE)
TPROF_Nchar-999sets timing output file frequency (like REST_N)
TPROF_OPTIONcharneversets timing output file frequency (like REST_OPTION but relative to run start date)
VECT_MAPcharnpfixinvoke vector mapping option [none,npfix,cart3d,cart3d_diag,cart3d_uvw,cart3d_uvw_diag]