
The create_test tool is located in the scripts directory and can be used to setup a standalone test case. The test cases are fixed and defined within the CESM scripts. To see the list of test cases or for additional help, type "create_test -help" from the scripts directory. To use create_test, do something like

> cd $CCSMROOT/scripts
> ./create_test -testname ERS.f19_g16.X.yellowstone -testid t01
> cd ERS.f19_g16.X.yellowstone.t01
submit ERS.f19_g16.X.yellowstone.t01.test
Check your test results. A successful test produces "PASS" as
  the first word in the file TestStatus

The above sets up an exact restart test (ERS) at the 1.9x2.5_gx1v6 resolution using a dead model compset (X) for the machine yellowstone. The testid provides a unique tag for the test in case it needs to be rerun (i.e. using -testid t02). Some things to note about CESM tests

The test status results have the following meaning

Test ResultDescription
BFAIL compare test couldn't find base result
CHECK manual review of data is required
ERROR test checker failed, test may or may not have passed
FAIL test failed
GEN test has been generated
PASS test passed
PEND test has been submitted
RUN test is currently running OR it hung, timed out, or died ungracefully
SFAIL generation of test failed in scripts
TFAIL test setup error
UNDEF undefined result

The following tests are available at the time of writing

SMS 5 day smoke test
ERS 10 day exact restart from startup
ERP 2 month exact restart from startup
ERB branch/exact restart test
ERH hybrid/exact restart test
ERI hybrid/branch/exact restart test
ERT 2 month exact restart from startup, history file test
ERU 2 month exact restart from initial conditions, history file test
SEQ sequencing bit-for-bit test
PEA single processor testing
PEM pe counts mpi bit-for-bit test
PET pe counts mpi/openmp bit-for-bit test
CME compare mct and esmf interfaces test