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pftdyn_wbal (Source File: pftdynMod.F90)


   subroutine pftdyn_wbal( begg, endg, begc, endc, begp, endp )

modify pft-level state and flux variables to maintain water balance with dynamic pft-weights. Canopy water balance does not need to consider harvest fluxes, since pft weights are not affected by harvest.


     use clm_varcon  , only : istsoil
     use clm_varcon  , only : istcrop
     use clm_time_manager, only : get_step_size
     implicit none
     integer, intent(IN)  :: begg     ! beg indices for land gridcells
     integer, intent(IN)  :: endg     ! end indices for land gridcells
     integer, intent(IN)  :: begc     ! beg indices for land columns
     integer, intent(IN)  :: endc     ! end indices for land columns
     integer, intent(IN)  :: begp     ! beg indices for land plant function types
     integer, intent(IN)  :: endp     ! end indices for land plant function types

Erik Kluzek 2011-06-15