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   subroutine SnowAge_grain(lbc, ubc, num_snowc, filter_snowc, num_nosnowc, filter_nosnowc)

! Updates the snow effective grain size (radius). ! Contributions to grain size evolution are from: ! 1. vapor redistribution (dry snow) ! 2. liquid water redistribution (wet snow) ! 3. re-freezing of liquid water ! ! Vapor redistribution: Method is to retrieve 3 best-bit parameters that ! depend on snow temperature, temperature gradient, and density, ! that are derived from the microphysical model described in: ! Flanner and Zender (2006), Linking snowpack microphysics and albedo ! evolution, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D12208, doi:10.1029/2005JD006834. ! The parametric equation has the form: ! dr/dt = drdt_0*(tau/(dr_fresh+tau))^(1/kappa), where: ! r is the effective radius, ! tau and kappa are best-fit parameters, ! drdt_0 is the initial rate of change of effective radius, and ! dr_fresh is the difference between the current and fresh snow states ! (r_current - r_fresh). ! ! Liquid water redistribution: Apply the grain growth function from: ! Brun, E. (1989), Investigation of wet-snow metamorphism in respect of ! liquid-water content, Annals of Glaciology, 13, 22-26. ! There are two parameters that describe the grain growth rate as ! a function of snow liquid water content (LWC). The "LWC=0" parameter ! is zeroed here because we are accounting for dry snowing with a ! different representation ! ! Re-freezing of liquid water: Assume that re-frozen liquid water clumps ! into an arbitrarily large effective grain size (snw_rds_refrz). ! The phenomenon is observed (Grenfell), but so far unquantified, as far as ! I am aware. ! !


     use clmtype
     use clm_time_manager , only : get_step_size, get_nstep
     use clm_varpar       , only : nlevsno
     use clm_varcon       , only : spval
     use abortutils       , only : endrun
     use shr_const_mod    , only : SHR_CONST_RHOICE, SHR_CONST_PI
     implicit none
     integer, intent(in) :: lbc, ubc                  ! column bounds
     integer, intent(in) :: num_snowc                 ! number of column snow points in column filter
     integer, intent(in) :: filter_snowc(ubc-lbc+1)   ! column filter for snow points
     integer, intent(in) :: num_nosnowc               ! number of column non-snow points in column filter
     integer, intent(in) :: filter_nosnowc(ubc-lbc+1) ! column filter for non-snow points
     ! local pointers to implicit arguments
     real(r8), pointer :: t_soisno(:,:)         ! soil and snow temperature (col,lyr) [K]
     integer,  pointer :: snl(:)                ! negative number of snow layers (col) [nbr]
     real(r8), pointer :: t_grnd(:)             ! ground temperature (col) [K]
     real(r8), pointer :: dz(:,:)               ! layer thickness (col,lyr) [m]
     real(r8), pointer :: h2osno(:)             ! snow water (col) [mm H2O]
     real(r8), pointer :: snw_rds(:,:)          ! effective grain radius (col,lyr) [microns, m-6]
     real(r8), pointer :: snw_rds_top(:)        ! effective grain radius, top layer (col) [microns, m-6]
     real(r8), pointer :: sno_liq_top(:)        ! liquid water fraction (mass) in top snow layer (col) [frc]
     real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_liq(:,:)       ! liquid water content (col,lyr) [kg m-2]
     real(r8), pointer :: h2osoi_ice(:,:)       ! ice content (col,lyr) [kg m-2]
     real(r8), pointer :: snot_top(:)           ! snow temperature in top layer (col) [K]
     real(r8), pointer :: dTdz_top(:)           ! temperature gradient in top layer (col) [K m-1]
     real(r8), pointer :: qflx_snow_grnd_col(:) ! snow on ground after interception (col) [kg m-2 s-1]
     real(r8), pointer :: qflx_snwcp_ice(:)     ! excess precipitation due to snow capping [kg m-2 s-1]
     real(r8), pointer :: qflx_snofrz_lyr(:,:)  ! snow freezing rate (col,lyr) [kg m-2 s-1]
     logical , pointer :: do_capsnow(:)         ! true => do snow capping
     integer :: snl_top                      ! top snow layer index [idx]
     integer :: snl_btm                      ! bottom snow layer index [idx]
     integer :: i                            ! layer index [idx]
     integer :: c_idx                        ! column index [idx]
     integer :: fc                           ! snow column filter index [idx]
     integer :: T_idx                        ! snow aging lookup table temperature index [idx]
     integer :: Tgrd_idx                     ! snow aging lookup table temperature gradient index [idx]
     integer :: rhos_idx                     ! snow aging lookup table snow density index [idx]
     real(r8) :: t_snotop                    ! temperature at upper layer boundary [K]
     real(r8) :: t_snobtm                    ! temperature at lower layer boundary [K]
     real(r8) :: dTdz(lbc:ubc,-nlevsno:0)    ! snow temperature gradient (col,lyr) [K m-1]
     real(r8) :: bst_tau                     ! snow aging parameter retrieved from lookup table [hour]
     real(r8) :: bst_kappa                   ! snow aging parameter retrieved from lookup table [unitless]
     real(r8) :: bst_drdt0                   ! snow aging parameter retrieved from lookup table [um hr-1]
     real(r8) :: dr                          ! incremental change in snow effective radius [um]
     real(r8) :: dr_wet                      ! incremental change in snow effective radius from wet growth [um]
     real(r8) :: dr_fresh                    ! difference between fresh snow r_e and current r_e [um]
     real(r8) :: newsnow                     ! fresh snowfall [kg m-2]
     real(r8) :: refrzsnow                   ! re-frozen snow [kg m-2]
     real(r8) :: frc_newsnow                 ! fraction of layer mass that is new snow [frc]
     real(r8) :: frc_oldsnow                 ! fraction of layer mass that is old snow [frc]
     real(r8) :: frc_refrz                   ! fraction of layer mass that is re-frozen snow [frc]
     real(r8) :: frc_liq                     ! fraction of layer mass that is liquid water[frc]    
     real(r8) :: dtime                       ! land model time step [sec]
     real(r8) :: rhos                        ! snow density [kg m-3]
     real(r8) :: h2osno_lyr                  ! liquid + solid H2O in snow layer [kg m-2]
     ! Assign local pointers to derived subtypes components (column-level)
     t_soisno           => clm3%g%l%c%ces%t_soisno
     snl                => clm3%g%l%c%cps%snl
     t_grnd             => clm3%g%l%c%ces%t_grnd
     dz                 => clm3%g%l%c%cps%dz
     h2osno             => clm3%g%l%c%cws%h2osno
     snw_rds            => clm3%g%l%c%cps%snw_rds
     h2osoi_liq         => clm3%g%l%c%cws%h2osoi_liq
     h2osoi_ice         => clm3%g%l%c%cws%h2osoi_ice
     snot_top           => clm3%g%l%c%cps%snot_top
     dTdz_top           => clm3%g%l%c%cps%dTdz_top
     snw_rds_top        => clm3%g%l%c%cps%snw_rds_top
     sno_liq_top        => clm3%g%l%c%cps%sno_liq_top
     qflx_snow_grnd_col => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_snow_grnd
     qflx_snwcp_ice     => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%pwf_a%qflx_snwcp_ice
     qflx_snofrz_lyr    => clm3%g%l%c%cwf%qflx_snofrz_lyr
     do_capsnow         => clm3%g%l%c%cps%do_capsnow
     ! set timestep and step interval
     dtime = get_step_size()
     ! loop over columns that have at least one snow layer
     do fc = 1, num_snowc
        c_idx = filter_snowc(fc)
        snl_btm = 0
        snl_top = snl(c_idx) + 1
        ! loop over snow layers
        do i=snl_top,snl_btm,1
           !**********  1. DRY SNOW AGING  ***********
           h2osno_lyr = h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i) + h2osoi_ice(c_idx,i)
           ! temperature gradient
           if (i == snl_top) then 
              ! top layer
              t_snotop = t_grnd(c_idx)
              t_snobtm = (t_soisno(c_idx,i+1)*dz(c_idx,i) + t_soisno(c_idx,i)*dz(c_idx,i+1)) / (dz(c_idx,i)+dz(c_idx,i+1))
              t_snotop = (t_soisno(c_idx,i-1)*dz(c_idx,i) + t_soisno(c_idx,i)*dz(c_idx,i-1)) / (dz(c_idx,i)+dz(c_idx,i-1))
              t_snobtm = (t_soisno(c_idx,i+1)*dz(c_idx,i) + t_soisno(c_idx,i)*dz(c_idx,i+1)) / (dz(c_idx,i)+dz(c_idx,i+1))
           dTdz(c_idx,i) = abs((t_snotop - t_snobtm) / dz(c_idx,i))
           ! snow density
           rhos = (h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i)+h2osoi_ice(c_idx,i)) / dz(c_idx,i)
           ! best-fit table indecies
           T_idx    = nint((t_soisno(c_idx,i)-223) / 5) + 1
           Tgrd_idx = nint(dTdz(c_idx,i) / 10) + 1
           rhos_idx = nint((rhos-50) / 50) + 1
           ! boundary check:
           if (T_idx < idx_T_min) then 
              T_idx = idx_T_min
           if (T_idx > idx_T_max) then 
              T_idx = idx_T_max
           if (Tgrd_idx < idx_Tgrd_min) then 
              Tgrd_idx = idx_Tgrd_min
           if (Tgrd_idx > idx_Tgrd_max) then 
              Tgrd_idx = idx_Tgrd_max
           if (rhos_idx < idx_rhos_min) then 
              rhos_idx = idx_rhos_min
           if (rhos_idx > idx_rhos_max) then 
              rhos_idx = idx_rhos_max
           ! best-fit parameters
           bst_tau   = snowage_tau(rhos_idx,Tgrd_idx,T_idx)
           bst_kappa = snowage_kappa(rhos_idx,Tgrd_idx,T_idx)     
           bst_drdt0 = snowage_drdt0(rhos_idx,Tgrd_idx,T_idx)
           ! change in snow effective radius, using best-fit parameters
           dr_fresh = snw_rds(c_idx,i)-snw_rds_min
           dr = (bst_drdt0*(bst_tau/(dr_fresh+bst_tau))**(1/bst_kappa)) * (dtime/3600)
           !**********  2. WET SNOW AGING  ***********
           ! We are assuming wet and dry evolution occur simultaneously, and 
           ! the contributions from both can be summed. 
           ! This is justified by setting the linear offset constant C1_liq_Brun89 to zero [Brun, 1989]
           ! liquid water faction
           frc_liq = min(0.1_r8, (h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i) / (h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i)+h2osoi_ice(c_idx,i))))
           !dr_wet = 1E6_r8*(dtime*(C1_liq_Brun89 + C2_liq_Brun89*(frc_liq**(3))) / (4*SHR_CONST_PI*(snw_rds(c_idx,i)/1E6)**(2)))
           !simplified, units of microns:
           dr_wet = 1E18_r8*(dtime*(C2_liq_Brun89*(frc_liq**(3))) / (4*SHR_CONST_PI*snw_rds(c_idx,i)**(2)))
           dr = dr + dr_wet
           !**********  3. SNOWAGE SCALING (TURNED OFF BY DEFAULT)  *************
           ! Multiply rate of change of effective radius by some constant, xdrdt
           if (flg_snoage_scl) then
              dr = dr*xdrdt
           !**********  4. INCREMENT EFFECTIVE RADIUS, ACCOUNTING FOR:  ***********
           !               DRY AGING
           !               WET AGING
           !               FRESH SNOW
           !               RE-FREEZING
           ! new snowfall [kg/m2]
           if (do_capsnow(c_idx)) then
              newsnow = max(0._r8, (qflx_snwcp_ice(c_idx)*dtime))
              newsnow = max(0._r8, (qflx_snow_grnd_col(c_idx)*dtime))
           ! snow that has re-frozen [kg/m2]
           refrzsnow = max(0._r8, (qflx_snofrz_lyr(c_idx,i)*dtime))
           ! fraction of layer mass that is re-frozen
           frc_refrz = refrzsnow / h2osno_lyr
           ! fraction of layer mass that is new snow
           if (i == snl_top) then
              frc_newsnow = newsnow / h2osno_lyr
              frc_newsnow = 0._r8
           if ((frc_refrz + frc_newsnow) > 1._r8) then
              frc_refrz = frc_refrz / (frc_refrz + frc_newsnow)
              frc_newsnow = 1._r8 - frc_refrz
              frc_oldsnow = 0._r8
              frc_oldsnow = 1._r8 - frc_refrz - frc_newsnow
           ! mass-weighted mean of fresh snow, old snow, and re-frozen snow effective radius
           snw_rds(c_idx,i) = (snw_rds(c_idx,i)+dr)*frc_oldsnow + snw_rds_min*frc_newsnow + snw_rds_refrz*frc_refrz
           !**********  5. CHECK BOUNDARIES   ***********
           ! boundary check
           if (snw_rds(c_idx,i) < snw_rds_min) then
              snw_rds(c_idx,i) = snw_rds_min
           if (snw_rds(c_idx,i) > snw_rds_max) then
              snw_rds(c_idx,i) = snw_rds_max
           end if
           ! set top layer variables for history files
           if (i == snl_top) then
              snot_top(c_idx)    = t_soisno(c_idx,i)
              dTdz_top(c_idx)    = dTdz(c_idx,i)
              snw_rds_top(c_idx) = snw_rds(c_idx,i)
              sno_liq_top(c_idx) = h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i) / (h2osoi_liq(c_idx,i)+h2osoi_ice(c_idx,i))
     ! Special case: snow on ground, but not enough to have defined a snow layer:
     !   set snw_rds to fresh snow grain size:
     do fc = 1, num_nosnowc
        c_idx = filter_nosnowc(fc)
        if (h2osno(c_idx) > 0._r8) then
           snw_rds(c_idx,0) = snw_rds_min
   end subroutine SnowAge_grain
   subroutine SnowOptics_init( )
     use fileutils       , only : getfil
     use CLM_varctl      , only : fsnowoptics
     use spmdMod         , only : masterproc
     use ncdio_pio       , only : file_desc_t, ncd_io, ncd_pio_openfile, ncd_pio_closefile
     type(file_desc_t)  :: ncid                        ! netCDF file id
     character(len=256) :: locfn                       ! local filename
     character(len= 32) :: subname = 'SnowOptics_init' ! subroutine name
     integer            :: ier                         ! error status
     ! Open optics file:
     if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read snow optical properties .....'
     call getfil (fsnowoptics, locfn, 0)
     call ncd_pio_openfile(ncid, locfn, 0)
     if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname,trim(fsnowoptics)
     ! direct-beam snow Mie parameters:
     call ncd_io('ss_alb_ice_drc', ss_alb_snw_drc,            'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'asm_prm_ice_drc',asm_prm_snw_drc,          'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'ext_cff_mss_ice_drc', ext_cff_mss_snw_drc, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     ! diffuse snow Mie parameters
     call ncd_io( 'ss_alb_ice_dfs', ss_alb_snw_dfs,           'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'asm_prm_ice_dfs', asm_prm_snw_dfs,         'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'ext_cff_mss_ice_dfs', ext_cff_mss_snw_dfs, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     ! BC species 1 Mie parameters
     call ncd_io( 'ss_alb_bcphil', ss_alb_bc1,           'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'asm_prm_bcphil', asm_prm_bc1,         'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'ext_cff_mss_bcphil', ext_cff_mss_bc1, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     ! BC species 2 Mie parameters
     call ncd_io( 'ss_alb_bcphob', ss_alb_bc2,           'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'asm_prm_bcphob', asm_prm_bc2,         'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'ext_cff_mss_bcphob', ext_cff_mss_bc2, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     ! OC species 1 Mie parameters
     call ncd_io( 'ss_alb_ocphil', ss_alb_oc1,           'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'asm_prm_ocphil', asm_prm_oc1,         'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'ext_cff_mss_ocphil', ext_cff_mss_oc1, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     ! OC species 2 Mie parameters
     call ncd_io( 'ss_alb_ocphob', ss_alb_oc2,           'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'asm_prm_ocphob', asm_prm_oc2,         'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'ext_cff_mss_ocphob', ext_cff_mss_oc2, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     ! dust species 1 Mie parameters
     call ncd_io( 'ss_alb_dust01', ss_alb_dst1,           'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'asm_prm_dust01', asm_prm_dst1,         'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'ext_cff_mss_dust01', ext_cff_mss_dst1, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     ! dust species 2 Mie parameters
     call ncd_io( 'ss_alb_dust02', ss_alb_dst2,           'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'asm_prm_dust02', asm_prm_dst2,         'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'ext_cff_mss_dust02', ext_cff_mss_dst2, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     ! dust species 3 Mie parameters
     call ncd_io( 'ss_alb_dust03', ss_alb_dst3,           'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'asm_prm_dust03', asm_prm_dst3,         'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'ext_cff_mss_dust03', ext_cff_mss_dst3, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     ! dust species 4 Mie parameters
     call ncd_io( 'ss_alb_dust04', ss_alb_dst4,           'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'asm_prm_dust04', asm_prm_dst4,         'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_io( 'ext_cff_mss_dust04', ext_cff_mss_dst4, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
     call ncd_pio_closefile(ncid)
     if (masterproc) then
        write(iulog,*) 'Successfully read snow optical properties'
        ! print some diagnostics:
        write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for direct-beam ice, rds=100um: ', &
             ss_alb_snw_drc(71,1), ss_alb_snw_drc(71,2), ss_alb_snw_drc(71,3),     &
             ss_alb_snw_drc(71,4), ss_alb_snw_drc(71,5)
        write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for diffuse ice, rds=100um: ',     &
             ss_alb_snw_dfs(71,1), ss_alb_snw_dfs(71,2), ss_alb_snw_dfs(71,3),     &
             ss_alb_snw_dfs(71,4), ss_alb_snw_dfs(71,5)
        if (DO_SNO_OC) then
           write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Including OC aerosols from snow radiative transfer calculations'
           write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Excluding OC aerosols from snow radiative transfer calculations'
        write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for hydrophillic BC: ', &
             ss_alb_bc1(1), ss_alb_bc1(2), ss_alb_bc1(3), ss_alb_bc1(4), ss_alb_bc1(5)
        write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for hydrophobic BC: ', &
             ss_alb_bc2(1), ss_alb_bc2(2), ss_alb_bc2(3), ss_alb_bc2(4), ss_alb_bc2(5)
        if (DO_SNO_OC) then
           write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for hydrophillic OC: ', &
                ss_alb_oc1(1), ss_alb_oc1(2), ss_alb_oc1(3), ss_alb_oc1(4), ss_alb_oc1(5)
           write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for hydrophobic OC: ', &
                ss_alb_oc2(1), ss_alb_oc2(2), ss_alb_oc2(3), ss_alb_oc2(4), ss_alb_oc2(5)
        write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for dust species 1: ', &
             ss_alb_dst1(1), ss_alb_dst1(2), ss_alb_dst1(3), ss_alb_dst1(4), ss_alb_dst1(5)
        write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for dust species 2: ', &
             ss_alb_dst2(1), ss_alb_dst2(2), ss_alb_dst2(3), ss_alb_dst2(4), ss_alb_dst2(5)
        write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for dust species 3: ', &
             ss_alb_dst3(1), ss_alb_dst3(2), ss_alb_dst3(3), ss_alb_dst3(4), ss_alb_dst3(5)
        write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: Mie single scatter albedos for dust species 4: ', &
             ss_alb_dst4(1), ss_alb_dst4(2), ss_alb_dst4(3), ss_alb_dst4(4), ss_alb_dst4(5)
     end if
   end subroutine SnowOptics_init
   subroutine SnowAge_init( )
    use CLM_varctl      , only : fsnowaging
    use fileutils       , only : getfil
    use spmdMod         , only : masterproc
    use ncdio_pio       , only : file_desc_t, ncd_io, ncd_pio_openfile, ncd_pio_closefile
    type(file_desc_t)  :: ncid                        ! netCDF file id
    character(len=256) :: locfn                       ! local filename
    character(len= 32) :: subname = 'SnowOptics_init' ! subroutine name
    integer            :: varid                       ! netCDF id's
    integer            :: ier                         ! error status
    ! Open snow aging (effective radius evolution) file:
    if(masterproc)  write(iulog,*) 'Attempting to read snow aging parameters .....'
    call getfil (fsnowaging, locfn, 0)
    call ncd_pio_openfile(ncid, locfn, 0)
    if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname,trim(fsnowaging)
     ! snow aging parameters
    call ncd_io('tau', snowage_tau,       'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
    call ncd_io('kappa', snowage_kappa,   'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
    call ncd_io('drdsdt0', snowage_drdt0, 'read', ncid, posNOTonfile=.true.)
    call ncd_pio_closefile(ncid)
    if (masterproc) then
       write(iulog,*) 'Successfully read snow aging properties'
       ! print some diagnostics:
       write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: snowage tau for T=263K, dTdz = 100 K/m, rhos = 150 kg/m3: ', snowage_tau(3,11,9)
       write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: snowage kappa for T=263K, dTdz = 100 K/m, rhos = 150 kg/m3: ', snowage_kappa(3,11,9)
       write (iulog,*) 'SNICAR: snowage dr/dt_0 for T=263K, dTdz = 100 K/m, rhos = 150 kg/m3: ', snowage_drdt0(3,11,9)
   end subroutine SnowAge_init
 end module SNICARMod
\markboth{Left}{Source File: SnowHydrologyMod.F90,  Date: Wed Jun 15 14:32:23 MDT 2011

 module SnowHydrologyMod

  \subsection{Fortran:  Module Interface SnowHydrologyMod (Source File: SnowHydrologyMod.F90)}

   Calculate snow hydrology.
\bigskip{\em USES:}
\begin{verbatim}   use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
   use clm_varpar  , only : nlevsno
   implicit none
   public :: SnowWater         ! Change of snow mass and the snow water onto soil
   public :: SnowCompaction    ! Change in snow layer thickness due to compaction
   public :: CombineSnowLayers ! Combine snow layers less than a min thickness
   public :: DivideSnowLayers  ! Subdivide snow layers if they exceed maximum thickness
   public :: BuildSnowFilter   ! Construct snow/no-snow filters
   private :: Combo            ! Returns the combined variables: dz, t, wliq, wice.
   Created by Mariana Vertenstein

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Erik Kluzek 2011-06-15