Examples using PTCLM

Now let's give a few more complex examples using some of the options we have discussed above.

In this first example, we'll demonstrate using a supported single point dataset, which then requires using the "nopointdata" and "ndepgrid" options. We'll also demonstrate the compset option, "stdurbpt" and "caseidprefix" options.

Example 6-2. Example of running PTCLM for the Mexicocity supported single point dataset

> cd scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM
> ./PTCLM.py -m bluefire -s 1x1_mexicocityMEX -d $CSMDATA --nopointdata --ndepgrid \
--stdurbpt -c I --caseidprefix `pwd`/myPTCLMcases/site
> cd myPTCLMcases/site_1x1_mexicocityMEX_I
> ./configure -case
# Now build and run normally
> ./site_1x1_mexicocityMEX_I.bluefire.build
# Here we show running interactively
> ./site_1x1_mexicocityMEX_I.bluefire.run

Now, let's demonstrate using a different group list, doing a spinup, running with Qian global forcing data, but using tower years to set the years to run over. This uses the options: sitegroupname, ad_spinup, useQIAN, and QIANtower_years.

Example 6-3. Example of running PTCLM for a spinup simulation with Qian data for tower years.

> cd scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM
> ./PTCLM.py -m bluefire -s US-Ha1 -d $CSMDATA --sitegroupname AmeriFlux \
--ad_spinup --useQIAN --QIAN_tower_yrs
> cd ../../../../../US-Ha1_ICN_QIAN_ad_spinup
> ./configure -case
# Now build and run normally
> ./US-Ha1_ICN_QIAN_ad_spinup.bluefire.build
# Here we show running interactively
> ./US-Ha1_ICN_QIAN_ad_spinup.bluefire.run

Finally, let's demonstrate using a generic machine (which then requires the scratchroot option), using the global grid for PFT and soil types, and setting the run length to two months.

Example 6-4. Example of running PTCLM on a generic machine with global PFT and soil types dataset

> cd scripts/ccsm_utils/Tools/lnd/clm/PTCLM
# Note, see the the Section called Converting AmeriFlux Data for use by PTCLM with permission information
# to use the US-UMB data.
> ./PTCLM.py -m generic_darwin_intel -s US-UMB -d $CSMDATA --pftgrid --soilgrid \
--scratchroot $HOME --run_n 2 --run_units nmonths
> cd ../../../../../US-UMB_ICN
> ./configure -case
# Now build
> ./US-UMB_ICN.generic_darwin_intel.build
# To get the files from the svn server...
# First list the files from the streams text file
> ../ccsm_utils/Tools/listfilesin_streams \
-t $HOME/US-UMB_ICN/run/clm1PT.1x1pt_US-UMB.stream.txt -l \
> Buildconf/datm.input_data_list
# And now run the script to export data to your machine
> ../ccsm_utils/Tools/check_input_data -export
# Here we show running interactively
> ./US-UMB_ICN.generic_darwin_intel.run


Because of Bug 1364, when running this case as above we get a floating point error after reaching time-step 124 for the example exactly as above. Other machines or compilers probably won't have this problem. See the models/lnd/clm/doc/KnownBugs file for more information on this problem.


As documented in Bug 1368, spinning up the US-UMB site for a I2000CN compset gives zero Gross Primary Production (GPP). If the user wishes to use this site for CLMCN, they'll need to address this issue. See the models/lnd/clm/doc/KnownBugs file for more information on this problem.